選択できるのは25トピックまでです。 トピックは、先頭が英数字で、英数字とダッシュ('-')を使用した35文字以内のものにしてください。

275 行
8.0 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2011 The LevelDB Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file. See the AUTHORS file for names of contributors.
#include "leveldb/table.h"
#include "leveldb/cache.h"
#include "leveldb/comparator.h"
#include "leveldb/env.h"
#include "leveldb/filter_policy.h"
#include "leveldb/options.h"
#include "table/block.h"
#include "table/filter_block.h"
#include "table/format.h"
#include "table/two_level_iterator.h"
#include "util/coding.h"
namespace leveldb {
struct Table::Rep {
~Rep() {
delete filter;
delete [] filter_data;
delete index_block;
Options options;
Status status;
RandomAccessFile* file;
uint64_t cache_id;
FilterBlockReader* filter;
const char* filter_data;
BlockHandle metaindex_handle; // Handle to metaindex_block: saved from footer
Block* index_block;
Status Table::Open(const Options& options,
RandomAccessFile* file,
uint64_t size,
Table** table) {
*table = NULL;
if (size < Footer::kEncodedLength) {
return Status::InvalidArgument("file is too short to be an sstable");
char footer_space[Footer::kEncodedLength];
Slice footer_input;
Status s = file->Read(size - Footer::kEncodedLength, Footer::kEncodedLength,
&footer_input, footer_space);
if (!s.ok()) return s;
Footer footer;
s = footer.DecodeFrom(&footer_input);
if (!s.ok()) return s;
// Read the index block
BlockContents contents;
Block* index_block = NULL;
if (s.ok()) {
s = ReadBlock(file, ReadOptions(), footer.index_handle(), &contents);
if (s.ok()) {
index_block = new Block(contents);
if (s.ok()) {
// We've successfully read the footer and the index block: we're
// ready to serve requests.
Rep* rep = new Table::Rep;
rep->options = options;
rep->file = file;
rep->metaindex_handle = footer.metaindex_handle();
rep->index_block = index_block;
rep->cache_id = (options.block_cache ? options.block_cache->NewId() : 0);
rep->filter_data = NULL;
rep->filter = NULL;
*table = new Table(rep);
} else {
if (index_block) delete index_block;
return s;
void Table::ReadMeta(const Footer& footer) {
if (rep_->options.filter_policy == NULL) {
return; // Do not need any metadata
// TODO(sanjay): Skip this if footer.metaindex_handle() size indicates
// it is an empty block.
ReadOptions opt;
BlockContents contents;
if (!ReadBlock(rep_->file, opt, footer.metaindex_handle(), &contents).ok()) {
// Do not propagate errors since meta info is not needed for operation
Block* meta = new Block(contents);
Iterator* iter = meta->NewIterator(BytewiseComparator());
std::string key = "filter.";
if (iter->Valid() && iter->key() == Slice(key)) {
delete iter;
delete meta;
void Table::ReadFilter(const Slice& filter_handle_value) {
Slice v = filter_handle_value;
BlockHandle filter_handle;
if (!filter_handle.DecodeFrom(&v).ok()) {
// We might want to unify with ReadBlock() if we start
// requiring checksum verification in Table::Open.
ReadOptions opt;
BlockContents block;
if (!ReadBlock(rep_->file, opt, filter_handle, &block).ok()) {
if (block.heap_allocated) {
rep_->filter_data = block.data.data(); // Will need to delete later
rep_->filter = new FilterBlockReader(rep_->options.filter_policy, block.data);
Table::~Table() {
delete rep_;
static void DeleteBlock(void* arg, void* ignored) {
delete reinterpret_cast<Block*>(arg);
static void DeleteCachedBlock(const Slice& key, void* value) {
Block* block = reinterpret_cast<Block*>(value);
delete block;
static void ReleaseBlock(void* arg, void* h) {
Cache* cache = reinterpret_cast<Cache*>(arg);
Cache::Handle* handle = reinterpret_cast<Cache::Handle*>(h);
// Convert an index iterator value (i.e., an encoded BlockHandle)
// into an iterator over the contents of the corresponding block.
Iterator* Table::BlockReader(void* arg,
const ReadOptions& options,
const Slice& index_value) {
Table* table = reinterpret_cast<Table*>(arg);
Cache* block_cache = table->rep_->options.block_cache;
Block* block = NULL;
Cache::Handle* cache_handle = NULL;
BlockHandle handle;
Slice input = index_value;
Status s = handle.DecodeFrom(&input);
// We intentionally allow extra stuff in index_value so that we
// can add more features in the future.
if (s.ok()) {
BlockContents contents;
if (block_cache != NULL) {
char cache_key_buffer[16];
EncodeFixed64(cache_key_buffer, table->rep_->cache_id);
EncodeFixed64(cache_key_buffer+8, handle.offset());
Slice key(cache_key_buffer, sizeof(cache_key_buffer));
cache_handle = block_cache->Lookup(key);
if (cache_handle != NULL) {
block = reinterpret_cast<Block*>(block_cache->Value(cache_handle));
} else {
s = ReadBlock(table->rep_->file, options, handle, &contents);
if (s.ok()) {
block = new Block(contents);
if (contents.cachable && options.fill_cache) {
cache_handle = block_cache->Insert(
key, block, block->size(), &DeleteCachedBlock);
} else {
s = ReadBlock(table->rep_->file, options, handle, &contents);
if (s.ok()) {
block = new Block(contents);
Iterator* iter;
if (block != NULL) {
iter = block->NewIterator(table->rep_->options.comparator);
if (cache_handle == NULL) {
iter->RegisterCleanup(&DeleteBlock, block, NULL);
} else {
iter->RegisterCleanup(&ReleaseBlock, block_cache, cache_handle);
} else {
iter = NewErrorIterator(s);
return iter;
Iterator* Table::NewIterator(const ReadOptions& options) const {
return NewTwoLevelIterator(
&Table::BlockReader, const_cast<Table*>(this), options);
Status Table::InternalGet(const ReadOptions& options, const Slice& k,
void* arg,
void (*saver)(void*, const Slice&, const Slice&)) {
Status s;
Iterator* iiter = rep_->index_block->NewIterator(rep_->options.comparator);
if (iiter->Valid()) {
Slice handle_value = iiter->value();
FilterBlockReader* filter = rep_->filter;
BlockHandle handle;
if (filter != NULL &&
handle.DecodeFrom(&handle_value).ok() &&
!filter->KeyMayMatch(handle.offset(), k)) {
// Not found
} else {
Iterator* block_iter = BlockReader(this, options, iiter->value());
if (block_iter->Valid()) {
(*saver)(arg, block_iter->key(), block_iter->value());
s = block_iter->status();
delete block_iter;
if (s.ok()) {
s = iiter->status();
delete iiter;
return s;
uint64_t Table::ApproximateOffsetOf(const Slice& key) const {
Iterator* index_iter =
uint64_t result;
if (index_iter->Valid()) {
BlockHandle handle;
Slice input = index_iter->value();
Status s = handle.DecodeFrom(&input);
if (s.ok()) {
result = handle.offset();
} else {
// Strange: we can't decode the block handle in the index block.
// We'll just return the offset of the metaindex block, which is
// close to the whole file size for this case.
result = rep_->metaindex_handle.offset();
} else {
// key is past the last key in the file. Approximate the offset
// by returning the offset of the metaindex block (which is
// right near the end of the file).
result = rep_->metaindex_handle.offset();
delete index_iter;
return result;
} // namespace leveldb