You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

428 B

touch text1.txt

for i in seq 50000;do echo $RANDOM | md5sum | cut -c 1-9 ;done >> text1.txt

export LC_ALL=C

sort text1.txt | uniq

sort -n text1.txt | uniq

sort text1.txt | uniq > letter.txt

sort -n text1.txt | uniq >> number.txt

echo -e "computer\ndata\nscience\nengineering\nscience\nengineeringc\ncomputer\ncomputer\necnu\ndata" > text2.txt

grep computer text2.txt

grep -c computer text2.txt