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635 lines
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#include <defs.h>
#include <list.h>
#include <memlayout.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <kmalloc.h>
#include <sync.h>
#include <pmm.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <rb_tree.h>
/* The slab allocator used in ucore is based on an algorithm first introduced by
Jeff Bonwick for the SunOS operating system. The paper can be download from
An implementation of the Slab Allocator as described in outline in;
UNIX Internals: The New Frontiers by Uresh Vahalia
Pub: Prentice Hall ISBN 0-13-101908-2
Within a kernel, a considerable amount of memory is allocated for a finite set
of objects such as file descriptors and other common structures. Jeff found that
the amount of time required to initialize a regular object in the kernel exceeded
the amount of time required to allocate and deallocate it. His conclusion was
that instead of freeing the memory back to a global pool, he would have the memory
remain initialized for its intended purpose.
In our simple slab implementation, the the high-level organization of the slab
structures is simplied. At the highest level is an array slab_cache[SLAB_CACHE_NUM],
and each array element is a slab_cache which has slab chains. Each slab_cache has
two list, one list chains the full allocated slab, and another list chains the notfull
allocated(maybe empty) slab. And each slab has fixed number(2^n) of pages. In each
slab, there are a lot of objects (such as ) with same fixed size(32B ~ 128KB).
| slab_cache[0] for 0~32B obj |
| slab_cache[1] for 33B~64B obj |-->lists for slabs
+----------------------------------+ |
| slab_cache[2] for 65B~128B obj | |
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
+----------------------------------+ |
| slab_cache[12]for 64KB~128KB obj | |
+----------------------------------+ |
slabs_full/slabs_not +---------------------+
| | |
slab1 slab2 slab3...
pages1 pages2 pages3...
slab_t+n*bufctl_t+obj1-obj2-obj3...objn (the size of obj is small)
obj1-obj2-obj3...objn WITH slab_t+n*bufctl_t in another slab (the size of obj is BIG)
The important functions are:
kmem_cache_grow(kmem_cache_t *cachep)
kmem_slab_destroy(kmem_cache_t *cachep, slab_t *slabp)
kmalloc(size_t size): used by outside functions need dynamicly get memory
kfree(void *objp): used by outside functions need dynamicly release memory
#define BUFCTL_END 0xFFFFFFFFL // the signature of the last bufctl
#define SLAB_LIMIT 0xFFFFFFFEL // the max value of obj number
typedef size_t kmem_bufctl_t; //the index of obj in slab
typedef struct slab_s {
list_entry_t slab_link; // the list entry linked to kmem_cache list
void *s_mem; // the kernel virtual address of the first obj in slab
size_t inuse; // the number of allocated objs
size_t offset; // the first obj's offset value in slab
kmem_bufctl_t free; // the first free obj's index in slab
} slab_t;
// get the slab address according to the link element (see list.h)
#define le2slab(le, member) \
to_struct((le), slab_t, member)
typedef struct kmem_cache_s kmem_cache_t;
struct kmem_cache_s {
list_entry_t slabs_full; // list for fully allocated slabs
list_entry_t slabs_notfull; // list for not-fully allocated slabs
size_t objsize; // the fixed size of obj
size_t num; // number of objs per slab
size_t offset; // this first obj's offset in slab
bool off_slab; // the control part of slab in slab or not.
/* order of pages per slab (2^n) */
size_t page_order;
kmem_cache_t *slab_cachep;
#define MIN_SIZE_ORDER 5 // 32
#define MAX_SIZE_ORDER 17 // 128k
static kmem_cache_t slab_cache[SLAB_CACHE_NUM];
static void init_kmem_cache(kmem_cache_t *cachep, size_t objsize, size_t align);
static void check_slab(void);
//slab_init - call init_kmem_cache function to reset the slab_cache array
static void
slab_init(void) {
size_t i;
//the align bit for obj in slab. 2^n could be better for performance
size_t align = 16;
for (i = 0; i < SLAB_CACHE_NUM; i ++) {
init_kmem_cache(slab_cache + i, 1 << (i + MIN_SIZE_ORDER), align);
inline void
kmalloc_init(void) {
cprintf("kmalloc_init() succeeded!\n");
//slab_allocated - summary the total size of allocated objs
static size_t
slab_allocated(void) {
size_t total = 0;
int i;
bool intr_flag;
for (i = 0; i < SLAB_CACHE_NUM; i ++) {
kmem_cache_t *cachep = slab_cache + i;
list_entry_t *list, *le;
list = le = &(cachep->slabs_full);
while ((le = list_next(le)) != list) {
total += cachep->num * cachep->objsize;
list = le = &(cachep->slabs_notfull);
while ((le = list_next(le)) != list) {
slab_t *slabp = le2slab(le, slab_link);
total += slabp->inuse * cachep->objsize;
return total;
// slab_mgmt_size - get the size of slab control area (slab_t+num*kmem_bufctl_t)
static size_t
slab_mgmt_size(size_t num, size_t align) {
return ROUNDUP(sizeof(slab_t) + num * sizeof(kmem_bufctl_t), align);
// cacahe_estimate - estimate the number of objs in a slab
static void
cache_estimate(size_t order, size_t objsize, size_t align, bool off_slab, size_t *remainder, size_t *num) {
size_t nr_objs, mgmt_size;
size_t slab_size = (PGSIZE << order);
if (off_slab) {
mgmt_size = 0;
nr_objs = slab_size / objsize;
if (nr_objs > SLAB_LIMIT) {
nr_objs = SLAB_LIMIT;
else {
nr_objs = (slab_size - sizeof(slab_t)) / (objsize + sizeof(kmem_bufctl_t));
while (slab_mgmt_size(nr_objs, align) + nr_objs * objsize > slab_size) {
nr_objs --;
if (nr_objs > SLAB_LIMIT) {
nr_objs = SLAB_LIMIT;
mgmt_size = slab_mgmt_size(nr_objs, align);
*num = nr_objs;
*remainder = slab_size - nr_objs * objsize - mgmt_size;
// calculate_slab_order - estimate the size(4K~4M) of slab
// paramemters:
// cachep: the slab_cache
// objsize: the size of obj
// align: align bit for objs
// off_slab: the control part of slab in slab or not
// left_over: the size of can not be used area in slab
static void
calculate_slab_order(kmem_cache_t *cachep, size_t objsize, size_t align, bool off_slab, size_t *left_over) {
size_t order;
for (order = 0; order <= KMALLOC_MAX_ORDER; order ++) {
size_t num, remainder;
cache_estimate(order, objsize, align, off_slab, &remainder, &num);
if (num != 0) {
if (off_slab) {
size_t off_slab_limit = objsize - sizeof(slab_t);
off_slab_limit /= sizeof(kmem_bufctl_t);
if (num > off_slab_limit) {
panic("off_slab: objsize = %d, num = %d.", objsize, num);
if (remainder * 8 <= (PGSIZE << order)) {
cachep->num = num;
cachep->page_order = order;
if (left_over != NULL) {
*left_over = remainder;
return ;
panic("calculate_slab_over: failed.");
// getorder - find order, should satisfy n <= minest 2^order
static inline size_t
getorder(size_t n) {
size_t order = MIN_SIZE_ORDER, order_size = (1 << order);
for (; order <= MAX_SIZE_ORDER; order ++, order_size <<= 1) {
if (n <= order_size) {
return order;
panic("getorder failed. %d\n", n);
// init_kmem_cache - initial a slab_cache cachep according to the obj with the size = objsize
static void
init_kmem_cache(kmem_cache_t *cachep, size_t objsize, size_t align) {
objsize = ROUNDUP(objsize, align);
cachep->objsize = objsize;
cachep->off_slab = (objsize >= (PGSIZE >> 3));
size_t left_over;
calculate_slab_order(cachep, objsize, align, cachep->off_slab, &left_over);
assert(cachep->num > 0);
size_t mgmt_size = slab_mgmt_size(cachep->num, align);
if (cachep->off_slab && left_over >= mgmt_size) {
cachep->off_slab = 0;
if (cachep->off_slab) {
cachep->offset = 0;
cachep->slab_cachep = slab_cache + (getorder(mgmt_size) - MIN_SIZE_ORDER);
else {
cachep->offset = mgmt_size;
static void *kmem_cache_alloc(kmem_cache_t *cachep);
#define slab_bufctl(slabp) \
((kmem_bufctl_t*)(((slab_t *)(slabp)) + 1))
// kmem_cache_slabmgmt - get the address of a slab according to page
// - and initialize the slab according to cachep
static slab_t *
kmem_cache_slabmgmt(kmem_cache_t *cachep, struct Page *page) {
void *objp = page2kva(page);
slab_t *slabp;
if (cachep->off_slab) {
if ((slabp = kmem_cache_alloc(cachep->slab_cachep)) == NULL) {
return NULL;
else {
slabp = page2kva(page);
slabp->inuse = 0;
slabp->offset = cachep->offset;
slabp->s_mem = objp + cachep->offset;
return slabp;
#define SET_PAGE_CACHE(page, cachep) \
do { \
struct Page *__page = (struct Page *)(page); \
kmem_cache_t **__cachepp = (kmem_cache_t **)&(__page->page_link.next); \
*__cachepp = (kmem_cache_t *)(cachep); \
} while (0)
#define SET_PAGE_SLAB(page, slabp) \
do { \
struct Page *__page = (struct Page *)(page); \
slab_t **__cachepp = (slab_t **)&(__page->page_link.prev); \
*__cachepp = (slab_t *)(slabp); \
} while (0)
// kmem_cache_grow - allocate a new slab by calling alloc_pages
// - set control area in the new slab
static bool
kmem_cache_grow(kmem_cache_t *cachep) {
struct Page *page = alloc_pages(1 << cachep->page_order);
if (page == NULL) {
goto failed;
slab_t *slabp;
if ((slabp = kmem_cache_slabmgmt(cachep, page)) == NULL) {
goto oops;
size_t order_size = (1 << cachep->page_order);
do {
//setup this page in the free list (see memlayout.h: struct page)???
SET_PAGE_CACHE(page, cachep);
SET_PAGE_SLAB(page, slabp);
//this page is used for slab
page ++;
} while (-- order_size);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < cachep->num; i ++) {
slab_bufctl(slabp)[i] = i + 1;
slab_bufctl(slabp)[cachep->num - 1] = BUFCTL_END;
slabp->free = 0;
bool intr_flag;
list_add(&(cachep->slabs_notfull), &(slabp->slab_link));
return 1;
free_pages(page, 1 << cachep->page_order);
return 0;
// kmem_cache_alloc_one - allocate a obj in a slab
static void *
kmem_cache_alloc_one(kmem_cache_t *cachep, slab_t *slabp) {
slabp->inuse ++;
void *objp = slabp->s_mem + slabp->free * cachep->objsize;
slabp->free = slab_bufctl(slabp)[slabp->free];
if (slabp->free == BUFCTL_END) {
list_add(&(cachep->slabs_full), &(slabp->slab_link));
return objp;
// kmem_cache_alloc - call kmem_cache_alloc_one function to allocate a obj
// - if no free obj, try to allocate a slab
static void *
kmem_cache_alloc(kmem_cache_t *cachep) {
void *objp;
bool intr_flag;
if (list_empty(&(cachep->slabs_notfull))) {
goto alloc_new_slab;
slab_t *slabp = le2slab(list_next(&(cachep->slabs_notfull)), slab_link);
objp = kmem_cache_alloc_one(cachep, slabp);
return objp;
if (kmem_cache_grow(cachep)) {
goto try_again;
return NULL;
// kmalloc - simple interface used by outside functions
// - to allocate a free memory using kmem_cache_alloc function
void *
kmalloc(size_t size) {
assert(size > 0);
size_t order = getorder(size);
if (order > MAX_SIZE_ORDER) {
return NULL;
return kmem_cache_alloc(slab_cache + (order - MIN_SIZE_ORDER));
static void kmem_cache_free(kmem_cache_t *cachep, void *obj);
// kmem_slab_destroy - call free_pages & kmem_cache_free to free a slab
static void
kmem_slab_destroy(kmem_cache_t *cachep, slab_t *slabp) {
struct Page *page = kva2page(slabp->s_mem - slabp->offset);
struct Page *p = page;
size_t order_size = (1 << cachep->page_order);
do {
p ++;
} while (-- order_size);
free_pages(page, 1 << cachep->page_order);
if (cachep->off_slab) {
kmem_cache_free(cachep->slab_cachep, slabp);
// kmem_cache_free_one - free an obj in a slab
// - if slab->inuse==0, then free the slab
static void
kmem_cache_free_one(kmem_cache_t *cachep, slab_t *slabp, void *objp) {
//should not use divide operator ???
size_t objnr = (objp - slabp->s_mem) / cachep->objsize;
slab_bufctl(slabp)[objnr] = slabp->free;
slabp->free = objnr;
slabp->inuse --;
if (slabp->inuse == 0) {
kmem_slab_destroy(cachep, slabp);
else if (slabp->inuse == cachep->num -1 ) {
list_add(&(cachep->slabs_notfull), &(slabp->slab_link));
#define GET_PAGE_CACHE(page) \
(kmem_cache_t *)((page)->page_link.next)
#define GET_PAGE_SLAB(page) \
(slab_t *)((page)->page_link.prev)
// kmem_cache_free - call kmem_cache_free_one function to free an obj
static void
kmem_cache_free(kmem_cache_t *cachep, void *objp) {
bool intr_flag;
struct Page *page = kva2page(objp);
if (!PageSlab(page)) {
panic("not a slab page %08x\n", objp);
kmem_cache_free_one(cachep, GET_PAGE_SLAB(page), objp);
// kfree - simple interface used by ooutside functions to free an obj
kfree(void *objp) {
kmem_cache_free(GET_PAGE_CACHE(kva2page(objp)), objp);
static inline void
check_slab_empty(void) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < SLAB_CACHE_NUM; i ++) {
kmem_cache_t *cachep = slab_cache + i;
check_slab(void) {
int i;
void *v0, *v1;
size_t nr_free_pages_store = nr_free_pages();
size_t kernel_allocated_store = slab_allocated();
/* slab must be empty now */
assert(slab_allocated() == 0);
kmem_cache_t *cachep0, *cachep1;
cachep0 = slab_cache;
assert(cachep0->objsize == 32 && cachep0->num > 1 && !cachep0->off_slab);
assert((v0 = kmalloc(16)) != NULL);
slab_t *slabp0, *slabp1;
slabp0 = le2slab(list_next(&(cachep0->slabs_notfull)), slab_link);
assert(slabp0->inuse == 1 && list_next(&(slabp0->slab_link)) == &(cachep0->slabs_notfull));
struct Page *p0, *p1;
size_t order_size;
p0 = kva2page(slabp0->s_mem - slabp0->offset), p1 = p0;
order_size = (1 << cachep0->page_order);
for (i = 0; i < cachep0->page_order; i ++, p1 ++) {
assert(GET_PAGE_CACHE(p1) == cachep0 && GET_PAGE_SLAB(p1) == slabp0);
assert(v0 == slabp0->s_mem);
assert((v1 = kmalloc(16)) != NULL && v1 == v0 + 32);
assert(slabp0->free == 0);
for (i = 0; i < cachep0->page_order; i ++, p0 ++) {
v0 = kmalloc(16);
slabp0 = le2slab(list_next(&(cachep0->slabs_notfull)), slab_link);
for (i = 0; i < cachep0->num - 1; i ++) {
assert(slabp0->inuse == cachep0->num);
assert(list_next(&(cachep0->slabs_full)) == &(slabp0->slab_link));
v1 = kmalloc(16);
slabp1 = le2slab(list_next(&(cachep0->slabs_notfull)), slab_link);
assert(list_next(&(slabp0->slab_link)) == &(slabp1->slab_link)
|| list_next(&(slabp1->slab_link)) == &(slabp0->slab_link));
assert(list_next(&(cachep0->slabs_notfull)) == &(slabp0->slab_link));
assert(list_next(&(slabp0->slab_link)) == &(cachep0->slabs_notfull));
v1 = kmalloc(16);
assert(v1 == v0);
assert(list_next(&(cachep0->slabs_full)) == &(slabp0->slab_link));
for (i = 0; i < cachep0->num; i ++) {
kfree(v1 + i * cachep0->objsize);
cachep0 = slab_cache;
bool has_off_slab = 0;
for (i = 0; i < SLAB_CACHE_NUM; i ++, cachep0 ++) {
if (cachep0->off_slab) {
has_off_slab = 1;
cachep1 = cachep0->slab_cachep;
if (!cachep1->off_slab) {
if (!has_off_slab) {
goto check_pass;
assert(cachep0->off_slab && !cachep1->off_slab);
assert(cachep1 < cachep0);
v0 = kmalloc(cachep0->objsize);
p0 = kva2page(v0);
assert(page2kva(p0) == v0);
if (cachep0->num == 1) {
slabp0 = le2slab(list_next(&(cachep0->slabs_full)), slab_link);
else {
slabp0 = le2slab(list_next(&(cachep0->slabs_notfull)), slab_link);
assert(slabp0 != NULL);
if (cachep1->num == 1) {
slabp1 = le2slab(list_next(&(cachep1->slabs_full)), slab_link);
else {
slabp1 = le2slab(list_next(&(cachep1->slabs_notfull)), slab_link);
assert(slabp1 != NULL);
order_size = (1 << cachep0->page_order);
for (i = 0; i < order_size; i ++, p0 ++) {
assert(GET_PAGE_CACHE(p0) == cachep0 && GET_PAGE_SLAB(p0) == slabp0);
assert(slab_allocated() == 0);
assert(nr_free_pages_store == nr_free_pages());
assert(kernel_allocated_store == slab_allocated());
cprintf("check_slab() succeeded!\n");