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#include <defs.h>
#include <x86.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <mmu.h>
#include <memlayout.h>
#include <pmm.h>
#include <default_pmm.h>
#include <sync.h>
#include <error.h>
#include <swap.h>
#include <vmm.h>
#include <kmalloc.h>
/* *
* Task State Segment:
* The TSS may reside anywhere in memory. A special segment register called
* the Task Register (TR) holds a segment selector that points a valid TSS
* segment descriptor which resides in the GDT. Therefore, to use a TSS
* the following must be done in function gdt_init:
* - create a TSS descriptor entry in GDT
* - add enough information to the TSS in memory as needed
* - load the TR register with a segment selector for that segment
* There are several fileds in TSS for specifying the new stack pointer when a
* privilege level change happens. But only the fields SS0 and ESP0 are useful
* in our os kernel.
* The field SS0 contains the stack segment selector for CPL = 0, and the ESP0
* contains the new ESP value for CPL = 0. When an interrupt happens in protected
* mode, the x86 CPU will look in the TSS for SS0 and ESP0 and load their value
* into SS and ESP respectively.
* */
static struct taskstate ts = {0};
// virtual address of physicall page array
struct Page *pages;
// amount of physical memory (in pages)
size_t npage = 0;
// virtual address of boot-time page directory
pde_t *boot_pgdir = NULL;
// physical address of boot-time page directory
uintptr_t boot_cr3;
// physical memory management
const struct pmm_manager *pmm_manager;
/* *
* The page directory entry corresponding to the virtual address range
* [VPT, VPT + PTSIZE) points to the page directory itself. Thus, the page
* directory is treated as a page table as well as a page directory.
* One result of treating the page directory as a page table is that all PTEs
* can be accessed though a "virtual page table" at virtual address VPT. And the
* PTE for number n is stored in vpt[n].
* A second consequence is that the contents of the current page directory will
* always available at virtual address PGADDR(PDX(VPT), PDX(VPT), 0), to which
* vpd is set bellow.
* */
pte_t * const vpt = (pte_t *)VPT;
pde_t * const vpd = (pde_t *)PGADDR(PDX(VPT), PDX(VPT), 0);
/* *
* Global Descriptor Table:
* The kernel and user segments are identical (except for the DPL). To load
* the %ss register, the CPL must equal the DPL. Thus, we must duplicate the
* segments for the user and the kernel. Defined as follows:
* - 0x0 : unused (always faults -- for trapping NULL far pointers)
* - 0x8 : kernel code segment
* - 0x10: kernel data segment
* - 0x18: user code segment
* - 0x20: user data segment
* - 0x28: defined for tss, initialized in gdt_init
* */
static struct segdesc gdt[] = {
static struct pseudodesc gdt_pd = {
sizeof(gdt) - 1, (uintptr_t)gdt
static void check_alloc_page(void);
static void check_pgdir(void);
static void check_boot_pgdir(void);
/* *
* lgdt - load the global descriptor table register and reset the
* data/code segement registers for kernel.
* */
static inline void
lgdt(struct pseudodesc *pd) {
asm volatile ("lgdt (%0)" :: "r" (pd));
asm volatile ("movw %%ax, %%gs" :: "a" (USER_DS));
asm volatile ("movw %%ax, %%fs" :: "a" (USER_DS));
asm volatile ("movw %%ax, %%es" :: "a" (KERNEL_DS));
asm volatile ("movw %%ax, %%ds" :: "a" (KERNEL_DS));
asm volatile ("movw %%ax, %%ss" :: "a" (KERNEL_DS));
// reload cs
asm volatile ("ljmp %0, $1f\n 1:\n" :: "i" (KERNEL_CS));
/* *
* load_esp0 - change the ESP0 in default task state segment,
* so that we can use different kernel stack when we trap frame
* user to kernel.
* */
load_esp0(uintptr_t esp0) {
ts.ts_esp0 = esp0;
/* gdt_init - initialize the default GDT and TSS */
static void
gdt_init(void) {
// set boot kernel stack and default SS0
ts.ts_ss0 = KERNEL_DS;
// initialize the TSS filed of the gdt
gdt[SEG_TSS] = SEGTSS(STS_T32A, (uintptr_t)&ts, sizeof(ts), DPL_KERNEL);
// reload all segment registers
// load the TSS
//init_pmm_manager - initialize a pmm_manager instance
static void
init_pmm_manager(void) {
pmm_manager = &default_pmm_manager;
cprintf("memory management: %s\n", pmm_manager->name);
//init_memmap - call pmm->init_memmap to build Page struct for free memory
static void
init_memmap(struct Page *base, size_t n) {
pmm_manager->init_memmap(base, n);
//alloc_pages - call pmm->alloc_pages to allocate a continuous n*PAGESIZE memory
struct Page *
alloc_pages(size_t n) {
struct Page *page=NULL;
bool intr_flag;
while (1)
page = pmm_manager->alloc_pages(n);
if (page != NULL || n > 1 || swap_init_ok == 0) break;
extern struct mm_struct *check_mm_struct;
//cprintf("page %x, call swap_out in alloc_pages %d\n",page, n);
swap_out(check_mm_struct, n, 0);
//cprintf("n %d,get page %x, No %d in alloc_pages\n",n,page,(page-pages));
return page;
//free_pages - call pmm->free_pages to free a continuous n*PAGESIZE memory
free_pages(struct Page *base, size_t n) {
bool intr_flag;
pmm_manager->free_pages(base, n);
//nr_free_pages - call pmm->nr_free_pages to get the size (nr*PAGESIZE)
//of current free memory
nr_free_pages(void) {
size_t ret;
bool intr_flag;
ret = pmm_manager->nr_free_pages();
return ret;
/* pmm_init - initialize the physical memory management */
static void
page_init(void) {
struct e820map *memmap = (struct e820map *)(0x8000 + KERNBASE);
uint64_t maxpa = 0;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < memmap->nr_map; i ++) {
uint64_t begin = memmap->map[i].addr, end = begin + memmap->map[i].size;
cprintf(" memory: %08llx, [%08llx, %08llx], type = %d.\n",
memmap->map[i].size, begin, end - 1, memmap->map[i].type);
if (memmap->map[i].type == E820_ARM) {
if (maxpa < end && begin < KMEMSIZE) {
maxpa = end;
if (maxpa > KMEMSIZE) {
maxpa = KMEMSIZE;
extern char end[];
npage = maxpa / PGSIZE;
pages = (struct Page *)ROUNDUP((void *)end, PGSIZE);
for (i = 0; i < npage; i ++) {
SetPageReserved(pages + i);
uintptr_t freemem = PADDR((uintptr_t)pages + sizeof(struct Page) * npage);
for (i = 0; i < memmap->nr_map; i ++) {
uint64_t begin = memmap->map[i].addr, end = begin + memmap->map[i].size;
if (memmap->map[i].type == E820_ARM) {
if (begin < freemem) {
begin = freemem;
if (end > KMEMSIZE) {
if (begin < end) {
begin = ROUNDUP(begin, PGSIZE);
if (begin < end) {
init_memmap(pa2page(begin), (end - begin) / PGSIZE);
static void
enable_paging(void) {
// turn on paging
uint32_t cr0 = rcr0();
cr0 |= CR0_PE | CR0_PG | CR0_AM | CR0_WP | CR0_NE | CR0_TS | CR0_EM | CR0_MP;
cr0 &= ~(CR0_TS | CR0_EM);
//boot_map_segment - setup&enable the paging mechanism
// parameters
// la: linear address of this memory need to map (after x86 segment map)
// size: memory size
// pa: physical address of this memory
// perm: permission of this memory
static void
boot_map_segment(pde_t *pgdir, uintptr_t la, size_t size, uintptr_t pa, uint32_t perm) {
assert(PGOFF(la) == PGOFF(pa));
size_t n = ROUNDUP(size + PGOFF(la), PGSIZE) / PGSIZE;
for (; n > 0; n --, la += PGSIZE, pa += PGSIZE) {
pte_t *ptep = get_pte(pgdir, la, 1);
assert(ptep != NULL);
*ptep = pa | PTE_P | perm;
//boot_alloc_page - allocate one page using pmm->alloc_pages(1)
// return value: the kernel virtual address of this allocated page
//note: this function is used to get the memory for PDT(Page Directory Table)&PT(Page Table)
static void *
boot_alloc_page(void) {
struct Page *p = alloc_page();
if (p == NULL) {
panic("boot_alloc_page failed.\n");
return page2kva(p);
//pmm_init - setup a pmm to manage physical memory, build PDT&PT to setup paging mechanism
// - check the correctness of pmm & paging mechanism, print PDT&PT
pmm_init(void) {
//We need to alloc/free the physical memory (granularity is 4KB or other size).
//So a framework of physical memory manager (struct pmm_manager)is defined in pmm.h
//First we should init a physical memory manager(pmm) based on the framework.
//Then pmm can alloc/free the physical memory.
//Now the first_fit/best_fit/worst_fit/buddy_system pmm are available.
// detect physical memory space, reserve already used memory,
// then use pmm->init_memmap to create free page list
//use pmm->check to verify the correctness of the alloc/free function in a pmm
// create boot_pgdir, an initial page directory(Page Directory Table, PDT)
boot_pgdir = boot_alloc_page();
memset(boot_pgdir, 0, PGSIZE);
boot_cr3 = PADDR(boot_pgdir);
static_assert(KERNBASE % PTSIZE == 0 && KERNTOP % PTSIZE == 0);
// recursively insert boot_pgdir in itself
// to form a virtual page table at virtual address VPT
boot_pgdir[PDX(VPT)] = PADDR(boot_pgdir) | PTE_P | PTE_W;
// map all physical memory to linear memory with base linear addr KERNBASE
//But shouldn't use this map until enable_paging() & gdt_init() finished.
boot_map_segment(boot_pgdir, KERNBASE, KMEMSIZE, 0, PTE_W);
//temporary map:
//virtual_addr 3G~3G+4M = linear_addr 0~4M = linear_addr 3G~3G+4M = phy_addr 0~4M
boot_pgdir[0] = boot_pgdir[PDX(KERNBASE)];
//reload gdt(third time,the last time) to map all physical memory
//virtual_addr 0~4G=liear_addr 0~4G
//then set kernel stack(ss:esp) in TSS, setup TSS in gdt, load TSS
//disable the map of virtual_addr 0~4M
boot_pgdir[0] = 0;
//now the basic virtual memory map(see memalyout.h) is established.
//check the correctness of the basic virtual memory map.
//get_pte - get pte and return the kernel virtual address of this pte for la
// - if the PT contians this pte didn't exist, alloc a page for PT
// parameter:
// pgdir: the kernel virtual base address of PDT
// la: the linear address need to map
// create: a logical value to decide if alloc a page for PT
// return vaule: the kernel virtual address of this pte
pte_t *
get_pte(pde_t *pgdir, uintptr_t la, bool create) {
* If you need to visit a physical address, please use KADDR()
* please read pmm.h for useful macros
* Maybe you want help comment, BELOW comments can help you finish the code
* Some Useful MACROs and DEFINEs, you can use them in below implementation.
* MACROs or Functions:
* PDX(la) = the index of page directory entry of VIRTUAL ADDRESS la.
* KADDR(pa) : takes a physical address and returns the corresponding kernel virtual address.
* set_page_ref(page,1) : means the page be referenced by one time
* page2pa(page): get the physical address of memory which this (struct Page *) page manages
* struct Page * alloc_page() : allocation a page
* memset(void *s, char c, size_t n) : sets the first n bytes of the memory area pointed by s
* to the specified value c.
* PTE_P 0x001 // page table/directory entry flags bit : Present
* PTE_W 0x002 // page table/directory entry flags bit : Writeable
* PTE_U 0x004 // page table/directory entry flags bit : User can access
#if 0
pde_t *pdep = NULL; // (1) find page directory entry
if (0) { // (2) check if entry is not present
// (3) check if creating is needed, then alloc page for page table
// CAUTION: this page is used for page table, not for common data page
// (4) set page reference
uintptr_t pa = 0; // (5) get linear address of page
// (6) clear page content using memset
// (7) set page directory entry's permission
return NULL; // (8) return page table entry
//get_page - get related Page struct for linear address la using PDT pgdir
struct Page *
get_page(pde_t *pgdir, uintptr_t la, pte_t **ptep_store) {
pte_t *ptep = get_pte(pgdir, la, 0);
if (ptep_store != NULL) {
*ptep_store = ptep;
if (ptep != NULL && *ptep & PTE_P) {
return pa2page(*ptep);
return NULL;
//page_remove_pte - free an Page sturct which is related linear address la
// - and clean(invalidate) pte which is related linear address la
//note: PT is changed, so the TLB need to be invalidate
static inline void
page_remove_pte(pde_t *pgdir, uintptr_t la, pte_t *ptep) {
* Please check if ptep is valid, and tlb must be manually updated if mapping is updated
* Maybe you want help comment, BELOW comments can help you finish the code
* Some Useful MACROs and DEFINEs, you can use them in below implementation.
* MACROs or Functions:
* struct Page *page pte2page(*ptep): get the according page from the value of a ptep
* free_page : free a page
* page_ref_dec(page) : decrease page->ref. NOTICE: ff page->ref == 0 , then this page should be free.
* tlb_invalidate(pde_t *pgdir, uintptr_t la) : Invalidate a TLB entry, but only if the page tables being
* edited are the ones currently in use by the processor.
* PTE_P 0x001 // page table/directory entry flags bit : Present
#if 0
if (0) { //(1) check if page directory is present
struct Page *page = NULL; //(2) find corresponding page to pte
//(3) decrease page reference
//(4) and free this page when page reference reachs 0
//(5) clear second page table entry
//(6) flush tlb
unmap_range(pde_t *pgdir, uintptr_t start, uintptr_t end) {
assert(start % PGSIZE == 0 && end % PGSIZE == 0);
assert(USER_ACCESS(start, end));
do {
pte_t *ptep = get_pte(pgdir, start, 0);
if (ptep == NULL) {
start = ROUNDDOWN(start + PTSIZE, PTSIZE);
continue ;
if (*ptep != 0) {
page_remove_pte(pgdir, start, ptep);
start += PGSIZE;
} while (start != 0 && start < end);
exit_range(pde_t *pgdir, uintptr_t start, uintptr_t end) {
assert(start % PGSIZE == 0 && end % PGSIZE == 0);
assert(USER_ACCESS(start, end));
start = ROUNDDOWN(start, PTSIZE);
do {
int pde_idx = PDX(start);
if (pgdir[pde_idx] & PTE_P) {
pgdir[pde_idx] = 0;
start += PTSIZE;
} while (start != 0 && start < end);
/* copy_range - copy content of memory (start, end) of one process A to another process B
* @to: the addr of process B's Page Directory
* @from: the addr of process A's Page Directory
* @share: flags to indicate to dup OR share. We just use dup method, so it didn't be used.
* CALL GRAPH: copy_mm-->dup_mmap-->copy_range
copy_range(pde_t *to, pde_t *from, uintptr_t start, uintptr_t end, bool share) {
assert(start % PGSIZE == 0 && end % PGSIZE == 0);
assert(USER_ACCESS(start, end));
// copy content by page unit.
do {
//call get_pte to find process A's pte according to the addr start
pte_t *ptep = get_pte(from, start, 0), *nptep;
if (ptep == NULL) {
start = ROUNDDOWN(start + PTSIZE, PTSIZE);
continue ;
//call get_pte to find process B's pte according to the addr start. If pte is NULL, just alloc a PT
if (*ptep & PTE_P) {
if ((nptep = get_pte(to, start, 1)) == NULL) {
return -E_NO_MEM;
uint32_t perm = (*ptep & PTE_USER);
//get page from ptep
struct Page *page = pte2page(*ptep);
// alloc a page for process B
struct Page *npage=alloc_page();
int ret=0;
* replicate content of page to npage, build the map of phy addr of nage with the linear addr start
* Some Useful MACROs and DEFINEs, you can use them in below implementation.
* MACROs or Functions:
* page2kva(struct Page *page): return the kernel vritual addr of memory which page managed (SEE pmm.h)
* page_insert: build the map of phy addr of an Page with the linear addr la
* memcpy: typical memory copy function
* (1) find src_kvaddr: the kernel virtual address of page
* (2) find dst_kvaddr: the kernel virtual address of npage
* (3) memory copy from src_kvaddr to dst_kvaddr, size is PGSIZE
* (4) build the map of phy addr of nage with the linear addr start
assert(ret == 0);
start += PGSIZE;
} while (start != 0 && start < end);
return 0;
//page_remove - free an Page which is related linear address la and has an validated pte
page_remove(pde_t *pgdir, uintptr_t la) {
pte_t *ptep = get_pte(pgdir, la, 0);
if (ptep != NULL) {
page_remove_pte(pgdir, la, ptep);
//page_insert - build the map of phy addr of an Page with the linear addr la
// paramemters:
// pgdir: the kernel virtual base address of PDT
// page: the Page which need to map
// la: the linear address need to map
// perm: the permission of this Page which is setted in related pte
// return value: always 0
//note: PT is changed, so the TLB need to be invalidate
page_insert(pde_t *pgdir, struct Page *page, uintptr_t la, uint32_t perm) {
pte_t *ptep = get_pte(pgdir, la, 1);
if (ptep == NULL) {
return -E_NO_MEM;
if (*ptep & PTE_P) {
struct Page *p = pte2page(*ptep);
if (p == page) {
else {
page_remove_pte(pgdir, la, ptep);
*ptep = page2pa(page) | PTE_P | perm;
tlb_invalidate(pgdir, la);
return 0;
// invalidate a TLB entry, but only if the page tables being
// edited are the ones currently in use by the processor.
tlb_invalidate(pde_t *pgdir, uintptr_t la) {
if (rcr3() == PADDR(pgdir)) {
invlpg((void *)la);
// pgdir_alloc_page - call alloc_page & page_insert functions to
// - allocate a page size memory & setup an addr map
// - pa<->la with linear address la and the PDT pgdir
struct Page *
pgdir_alloc_page(pde_t *pgdir, uintptr_t la, uint32_t perm) {
struct Page *page = alloc_page();
if (page != NULL) {
if (page_insert(pgdir, page, la, perm) != 0) {
return NULL;
if (swap_init_ok){
if(check_mm_struct!=NULL) {
swap_map_swappable(check_mm_struct, la, page, 0);
assert(page_ref(page) == 1);
//cprintf("get No. %d page: pra_vaddr %x, pra_link.prev %x, pra_link_next %x in pgdir_alloc_page\n", (page-pages), page->pra_vaddr,page->pra_page_link.prev, page->pra_page_link.next);
else { //now current is existed, should fix it in the future
//swap_map_swappable(current->mm, la, page, 0);
//assert(page_ref(page) == 1);
//panic("pgdir_alloc_page: no pages. now current is existed, should fix it in the future\n");
return page;
static void
check_alloc_page(void) {
cprintf("check_alloc_page() succeeded!\n");
static void
check_pgdir(void) {
assert(npage <= KMEMSIZE / PGSIZE);
assert(boot_pgdir != NULL && (uint32_t)PGOFF(boot_pgdir) == 0);
assert(get_page(boot_pgdir, 0x0, NULL) == NULL);
struct Page *p1, *p2;
p1 = alloc_page();
assert(page_insert(boot_pgdir, p1, 0x0, 0) == 0);
pte_t *ptep;
assert((ptep = get_pte(boot_pgdir, 0x0, 0)) != NULL);
assert(pa2page(*ptep) == p1);
assert(page_ref(p1) == 1);
ptep = &((pte_t *)KADDR(PDE_ADDR(boot_pgdir[0])))[1];
assert(get_pte(boot_pgdir, PGSIZE, 0) == ptep);
p2 = alloc_page();
assert(page_insert(boot_pgdir, p2, PGSIZE, PTE_U | PTE_W) == 0);
assert((ptep = get_pte(boot_pgdir, PGSIZE, 0)) != NULL);
assert(*ptep & PTE_U);
assert(*ptep & PTE_W);
assert(boot_pgdir[0] & PTE_U);
assert(page_ref(p2) == 1);
assert(page_insert(boot_pgdir, p1, PGSIZE, 0) == 0);
assert(page_ref(p1) == 2);
assert(page_ref(p2) == 0);
assert((ptep = get_pte(boot_pgdir, PGSIZE, 0)) != NULL);
assert(pa2page(*ptep) == p1);
assert((*ptep & PTE_U) == 0);
page_remove(boot_pgdir, 0x0);
assert(page_ref(p1) == 1);
assert(page_ref(p2) == 0);
page_remove(boot_pgdir, PGSIZE);
assert(page_ref(p1) == 0);
assert(page_ref(p2) == 0);
assert(page_ref(pa2page(boot_pgdir[0])) == 1);
boot_pgdir[0] = 0;
cprintf("check_pgdir() succeeded!\n");
static void
check_boot_pgdir(void) {
pte_t *ptep;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < npage; i += PGSIZE) {
assert((ptep = get_pte(boot_pgdir, (uintptr_t)KADDR(i), 0)) != NULL);
assert(PTE_ADDR(*ptep) == i);
assert(PDE_ADDR(boot_pgdir[PDX(VPT)]) == PADDR(boot_pgdir));
assert(boot_pgdir[0] == 0);
struct Page *p;
p = alloc_page();
assert(page_insert(boot_pgdir, p, 0x100, PTE_W) == 0);
assert(page_ref(p) == 1);
assert(page_insert(boot_pgdir, p, 0x100 + PGSIZE, PTE_W) == 0);
assert(page_ref(p) == 2);
const char *str = "ucore: Hello world!!";
strcpy((void *)0x100, str);
assert(strcmp((void *)0x100, (void *)(0x100 + PGSIZE)) == 0);
*(char *)(page2kva(p) + 0x100) = '\0';
assert(strlen((const char *)0x100) == 0);
boot_pgdir[0] = 0;
cprintf("check_boot_pgdir() succeeded!\n");
//perm2str - use string 'u,r,w,-' to present the permission
static const char *
perm2str(int perm) {
static char str[4];
str[0] = (perm & PTE_U) ? 'u' : '-';
str[1] = 'r';
str[2] = (perm & PTE_W) ? 'w' : '-';
str[3] = '\0';
return str;
//get_pgtable_items - In [left, right] range of PDT or PT, find a continuous linear addr space
// - (left_store*X_SIZE~right_store*X_SIZE) for PDT or PT
// paramemters:
// left: no use ???
// right: the high side of table's range
// start: the low side of table's range
// table: the beginning addr of table
// left_store: the pointer of the high side of table's next range
// right_store: the pointer of the low side of table's next range
// return value: 0 - not a invalid item range, perm - a valid item range with perm permission
static int
get_pgtable_items(size_t left, size_t right, size_t start, uintptr_t *table, size_t *left_store, size_t *right_store) {
if (start >= right) {
return 0;
while (start < right && !(table[start] & PTE_P)) {
start ++;
if (start < right) {
if (left_store != NULL) {
*left_store = start;
int perm = (table[start ++] & PTE_USER);
while (start < right && (table[start] & PTE_USER) == perm) {
start ++;
if (right_store != NULL) {
*right_store = start;
return perm;
return 0;
//print_pgdir - print the PDT&PT
print_pgdir(void) {
cprintf("-------------------- BEGIN --------------------\n");
size_t left, right = 0, perm;
while ((perm = get_pgtable_items(0, NPDEENTRY, right, vpd, &left, &right)) != 0) {
cprintf("PDE(%03x) %08x-%08x %08x %s\n", right - left,
left * PTSIZE, right * PTSIZE, (right - left) * PTSIZE, perm2str(perm));
size_t l, r = left * NPTEENTRY;
while ((perm = get_pgtable_items(left * NPTEENTRY, right * NPTEENTRY, r, vpt, &l, &r)) != 0) {
cprintf(" |-- PTE(%05x) %08x-%08x %08x %s\n", r - l,
l * PGSIZE, r * PGSIZE, (r - l) * PGSIZE, perm2str(perm));
cprintf("--------------------- END ---------------------\n");