#! /usr/bin/env python import sys from optparse import OptionParser import random # process switch behavior SCHED_SWITCH_ON_IO = 'SWITCH_ON_IO' SCHED_SWITCH_ON_END = 'SWITCH_ON_END' # io finished behavior IO_RUN_LATER = 'IO_RUN_LATER' IO_RUN_IMMEDIATE = 'IO_RUN_IMMEDIATE' # process states STATE_RUNNING = 'RUNNING' STATE_READY = 'READY' STATE_DONE = 'DONE' STATE_WAIT = 'WAITING' # members of process structure PROC_CODE = 'code_' PROC_PC = 'pc_' PROC_ID = 'pid_' PROC_STATE = 'proc_state_' # things a process can do DO_COMPUTE = 'cpu' DO_IO = 'io' class scheduler: def __init__(self, process_switch_behavior, io_done_behavior, io_length): # keep set of instructions for each of the processes self.proc_info = {} self.process_switch_behavior = process_switch_behavior self.io_done_behavior = io_done_behavior self.io_length = io_length return def new_process(self): proc_id = len(self.proc_info) self.proc_info[proc_id] = {} self.proc_info[proc_id][PROC_PC] = 0 self.proc_info[proc_id][PROC_ID] = proc_id self.proc_info[proc_id][PROC_CODE] = [] self.proc_info[proc_id][PROC_STATE] = STATE_READY return proc_id def load_file(self, progfile): fd = open(progfile) proc_id = self.new_process() for line in fd: tmp = line.split() if len(tmp) == 0: continue opcode = tmp[0] if opcode == 'compute': assert(len(tmp) == 2) for i in range(int(tmp[1])): self.proc_info[proc_id][PROC_CODE].append(DO_COMPUTE) elif opcode == 'io': assert(len(tmp) == 1) self.proc_info[proc_id][PROC_CODE].append(DO_IO) fd.close() return def load(self, program_description): proc_id = self.new_process() tmp = program_description.split(':') if len(tmp) != 2: print 'Bad description (%s): Must be number ' print ' where X is the number of instructions' print ' and Y is the percent change that an instruction is CPU not IO' exit(1) num_instructions, chance_cpu = int(tmp[0]), float(tmp[1])/100.0 for i in range(num_instructions): if random.random() < chance_cpu: self.proc_info[proc_id][PROC_CODE].append(DO_COMPUTE) else: self.proc_info[proc_id][PROC_CODE].append(DO_IO) return def move_to_ready(self, expected, pid=-1): if pid == -1: pid = self.curr_proc assert(self.proc_info[pid][PROC_STATE] == expected) self.proc_info[pid][PROC_STATE] = STATE_READY return def move_to_wait(self, expected): assert(self.proc_info[self.curr_proc][PROC_STATE] == expected) self.proc_info[self.curr_proc][PROC_STATE] = STATE_WAIT return def move_to_running(self, expected): assert(self.proc_info[self.curr_proc][PROC_STATE] == expected) self.proc_info[self.curr_proc][PROC_STATE] = STATE_RUNNING return def move_to_done(self, expected): assert(self.proc_info[self.curr_proc][PROC_STATE] == expected) self.proc_info[self.curr_proc][PROC_STATE] = STATE_DONE return def next_proc(self, pid=-1): if pid != -1: self.curr_proc = pid self.move_to_running(STATE_READY) return for pid in range(self.curr_proc + 1, len(self.proc_info)): if self.proc_info[pid][PROC_STATE] == STATE_READY: self.curr_proc = pid self.move_to_running(STATE_READY) return for pid in range(0, self.curr_proc + 1): if self.proc_info[pid][PROC_STATE] == STATE_READY: self.curr_proc = pid self.move_to_running(STATE_READY) return return def get_num_processes(self): return len(self.proc_info) def get_num_instructions(self, pid): return len(self.proc_info[pid][PROC_CODE]) def get_instruction(self, pid, index): return self.proc_info[pid][PROC_CODE][index] def get_num_active(self): num_active = 0 for pid in range(len(self.proc_info)): if self.proc_info[pid][PROC_STATE] != STATE_DONE: num_active += 1 return num_active def get_num_runnable(self): num_active = 0 for pid in range(len(self.proc_info)): if self.proc_info[pid][PROC_STATE] == STATE_READY or \ self.proc_info[pid][PROC_STATE] == STATE_RUNNING: num_active += 1 return num_active def get_ios_in_flight(self, current_time): num_in_flight = 0 for pid in range(len(self.proc_info)): for t in self.io_finish_times[pid]: if t > current_time: num_in_flight += 1 return num_in_flight def check_for_switch(self): return def space(self, num_columns): for i in range(num_columns): print '%10s' % ' ', def check_if_done(self): if len(self.proc_info[self.curr_proc][PROC_CODE]) == 0: if self.proc_info[self.curr_proc][PROC_STATE] == STATE_RUNNING: self.move_to_done(STATE_RUNNING) self.next_proc() return def run(self): clock_tick = 0 if len(self.proc_info) == 0: return # track outstanding IOs, per process self.io_finish_times = {} for pid in range(len(self.proc_info)): self.io_finish_times[pid] = [] # make first one active self.curr_proc = 0 self.move_to_running(STATE_READY) # OUTPUT: headers for each column print '%s' % 'Time', for pid in range(len(self.proc_info)): print '%10s' % ('PID:%2d' % (pid)), print '%10s' % 'CPU', print '%10s' % 'IOs', print '' # init statistics io_busy = 0 cpu_busy = 0 while self.get_num_active() > 0: clock_tick += 1 # check for io finish io_done = False for pid in range(len(self.proc_info)): if clock_tick in self.io_finish_times[pid]: io_done = True self.move_to_ready(STATE_WAIT, pid) if self.io_done_behavior == IO_RUN_IMMEDIATE: # IO_RUN_IMMEDIATE if self.curr_proc != pid: if self.proc_info[self.curr_proc][PROC_STATE] == STATE_RUNNING: self.move_to_ready(STATE_RUNNING) self.next_proc(pid) else: # IO_RUN_LATER if self.process_switch_behavior == SCHED_SWITCH_ON_END: # this means the process that issued the io should be run self.next_proc(pid) if self.get_num_runnable() == 1: # this is the only thing to run: so run it self.next_proc(pid) self.check_if_done() # if current proc is RUNNING and has an instruction, execute it instruction_to_execute = '' if self.proc_info[self.curr_proc][PROC_STATE] == STATE_RUNNING and \ len(self.proc_info[self.curr_proc][PROC_CODE]) > 0: instruction_to_execute = self.proc_info[self.curr_proc][PROC_CODE].pop(0) cpu_busy += 1 # OUTPUT: print what everyone is up to if io_done: print '%3d*' % clock_tick, else: print '%3d ' % clock_tick, for pid in range(len(self.proc_info)): if pid == self.curr_proc and instruction_to_execute != '': print '%10s' % ('RUN:'+instruction_to_execute), else: print '%10s' % (self.proc_info[pid][PROC_STATE]), if instruction_to_execute == '': print '%10s' % ' ', else: print '%10s' % 1, num_outstanding = self.get_ios_in_flight(clock_tick) if num_outstanding > 0: print '%10s' % str(num_outstanding), io_busy += 1 else: print '%10s' % ' ', print '' # if this is an IO instruction, switch to waiting state # and add an io completion in the future if instruction_to_execute == DO_IO: self.move_to_wait(STATE_RUNNING) self.io_finish_times[self.curr_proc].append(clock_tick + self.io_length) if self.process_switch_behavior == SCHED_SWITCH_ON_IO: self.next_proc() # ENDCASE: check if currently running thing is out of instructions self.check_if_done() return (cpu_busy, io_busy, clock_tick) # # PARSE ARGUMENTS # parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option('-s', '--seed', default=0, help='the random seed', action='store', type='int', dest='seed') parser.add_option('-l', '--processlist', default='', help='a comma-separated list of processes to run, in the form X1:Y1,X2:Y2,... where X is the number of instructions that process should run, and Y the chances (from 0 to 100) that an instruction will use the CPU or issue an IO', action='store', type='string', dest='process_list') parser.add_option('-L', '--iolength', default=5, help='how long an IO takes', action='store', type='int', dest='io_length') parser.add_option('-S', '--switch', default='SWITCH_ON_IO', help='when to switch between processes: SWITCH_ON_IO, SWITCH_ON_END', action='store', type='string', dest='process_switch_behavior') parser.add_option('-I', '--iodone', default='IO_RUN_LATER', help='type of behavior when IO ends: IO_RUN_LATER, IO_RUN_IMMEDIATE', action='store', type='string', dest='io_done_behavior') parser.add_option('-c', help='compute answers for me', action='store_true', default=False, dest='solve') parser.add_option('-p', '--printstats', help='print statistics at end; only useful with -c flag (otherwise stats are not printed)', action='store_true', default=False, dest='print_stats') (options, args) = parser.parse_args() random.seed(options.seed) assert(options.process_switch_behavior == SCHED_SWITCH_ON_IO or \ options.process_switch_behavior == SCHED_SWITCH_ON_END) assert(options.io_done_behavior == IO_RUN_IMMEDIATE or \ options.io_done_behavior == IO_RUN_LATER) s = scheduler(options.process_switch_behavior, options.io_done_behavior, options.io_length) # example process description (10:100,10:100) for p in options.process_list.split(','): s.load(p) if options.solve == False: print 'Produce a trace of what would happen when you run these processes:' for pid in range(s.get_num_processes()): print 'Process %d' % pid for inst in range(s.get_num_instructions(pid)): print ' %s' % s.get_instruction(pid, inst) print '' print 'Important behaviors:' print ' System will switch when', if options.process_switch_behavior == SCHED_SWITCH_ON_IO: print 'the current process is FINISHED or ISSUES AN IO' else: print 'the current process is FINISHED' print ' After IOs, the process issuing the IO will', if options.io_done_behavior == IO_RUN_IMMEDIATE: print 'run IMMEDIATELY' else: print 'run LATER (when it is its turn)' print '' exit(0) (cpu_busy, io_busy, clock_tick) = s.run() if options.print_stats: print '' print 'Stats: Total Time %d' % clock_tick print 'Stats: CPU Busy %d (%.2f%%)' % (cpu_busy, 100.0 * float(cpu_busy)/clock_tick) print 'Stats: IO Busy %d (%.2f%%)' % (io_busy, 100.0 * float(io_busy)/clock_tick) print ''