#include <defs.h> #include <string.h> #include <vfs.h> #include <proc.h> #include <file.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <iobuf.h> #include <inode.h> #include <stat.h> #include <dirent.h> #include <error.h> #include <assert.h> #define testfd(fd) ((fd) >= 0 && (fd) < FILES_STRUCT_NENTRY) // get_fd_array - get current process's open files table static struct file * get_fd_array(void) { struct files_struct *filesp = current->filesp; assert(filesp != NULL && files_count(filesp) > 0); return filesp->fd_array; } // fd_array_init - initialize the open files table void fd_array_init(struct file *fd_array) { int fd; struct file *file = fd_array; for (fd = 0; fd < FILES_STRUCT_NENTRY; fd ++, file ++) { file->open_count = 0; file->status = FD_NONE, file->fd = fd; } } // fs_array_alloc - allocate a free file item (with FD_NONE status) in open files table static int fd_array_alloc(int fd, struct file **file_store) { // panic("debug"); struct file *file = get_fd_array(); if (fd == NO_FD) { for (fd = 0; fd < FILES_STRUCT_NENTRY; fd ++, file ++) { if (file->status == FD_NONE) { goto found; } } return -E_MAX_OPEN; } else { if (testfd(fd)) { file += fd; if (file->status == FD_NONE) { goto found; } return -E_BUSY; } return -E_INVAL; } found: assert(fopen_count(file) == 0); file->status = FD_INIT, file->node = NULL; *file_store = file; return 0; } // fd_array_free - free a file item in open files table static void fd_array_free(struct file *file) { assert(file->status == FD_INIT || file->status == FD_CLOSED); assert(fopen_count(file) == 0); if (file->status == FD_CLOSED) { vfs_close(file->node); } file->status = FD_NONE; } static void fd_array_acquire(struct file *file) { assert(file->status == FD_OPENED); fopen_count_inc(file); } // fd_array_release - file's open_count--; if file's open_count-- == 0 , then call fd_array_free to free this file item static void fd_array_release(struct file *file) { assert(file->status == FD_OPENED || file->status == FD_CLOSED); assert(fopen_count(file) > 0); if (fopen_count_dec(file) == 0) { fd_array_free(file); } } // fd_array_open - file's open_count++, set status to FD_OPENED void fd_array_open(struct file *file) { assert(file->status == FD_INIT && file->node != NULL); file->status = FD_OPENED; fopen_count_inc(file); } // fd_array_close - file's open_count--; if file's open_count-- == 0 , then call fd_array_free to free this file item void fd_array_close(struct file *file) { assert(file->status == FD_OPENED); assert(fopen_count(file) > 0); file->status = FD_CLOSED; if (fopen_count_dec(file) == 0) { fd_array_free(file); } } //fs_array_dup - duplicate file 'from' to file 'to' void fd_array_dup(struct file *to, struct file *from) { //cprintf("[fd_array_dup]from fd=%d, to fd=%d\n",from->fd, to->fd); assert(to->status == FD_INIT && from->status == FD_OPENED); to->pos = from->pos; to->readable = from->readable; to->writable = from->writable; struct inode *node = from->node; vop_ref_inc(node), vop_open_inc(node); to->node = node; fd_array_open(to); } // fd2file - use fd as index of fd_array, return the array item (file) static inline int fd2file(int fd, struct file **file_store) { if (testfd(fd)) { struct file *file = get_fd_array() + fd; if (file->status == FD_OPENED && file->fd == fd) { *file_store = file; return 0; } } return -E_INVAL; } // file_testfd - test file is readble or writable? bool file_testfd(int fd, bool readable, bool writable) { int ret; struct file *file; if ((ret = fd2file(fd, &file)) != 0) { return 0; } if (readable && !file->readable) { return 0; } if (writable && !file->writable) { return 0; } return 1; } // open file int file_open(char *path, uint32_t open_flags) { bool readable = 0, writable = 0; switch (open_flags & O_ACCMODE) { case O_RDONLY: readable = 1; break; case O_WRONLY: writable = 1; break; case O_RDWR: readable = writable = 1; break; default: return -E_INVAL; } int ret; struct file *file; if ((ret = fd_array_alloc(NO_FD, &file)) != 0) { return ret; } struct inode *node; if ((ret = vfs_open(path, open_flags, &node)) != 0) { fd_array_free(file); return ret; } file->pos = 0; if (open_flags & O_APPEND) { struct stat __stat, *stat = &__stat; if ((ret = vop_fstat(node, stat)) != 0) { vfs_close(node); fd_array_free(file); return ret; } file->pos = stat->st_size; } file->node = node; file->readable = readable; file->writable = writable; fd_array_open(file); return file->fd; } // close file int file_close(int fd) { int ret; struct file *file; if ((ret = fd2file(fd, &file)) != 0) { return ret; } fd_array_close(file); return 0; } // read file int file_read(int fd, void *base, size_t len, size_t *copied_store) { int ret; struct file *file; *copied_store = 0; if ((ret = fd2file(fd, &file)) != 0) { return ret; } if (!file->readable) { return -E_INVAL; } fd_array_acquire(file); struct iobuf __iob, *iob = iobuf_init(&__iob, base, len, file->pos); ret = vop_read(file->node, iob); size_t copied = iobuf_used(iob); if (file->status == FD_OPENED) { file->pos += copied; } *copied_store = copied; fd_array_release(file); return ret; } // write file int file_write(int fd, void *base, size_t len, size_t *copied_store) { int ret; struct file *file; *copied_store = 0; if ((ret = fd2file(fd, &file)) != 0) { return ret; } if (!file->writable) { return -E_INVAL; } fd_array_acquire(file); struct iobuf __iob, *iob = iobuf_init(&__iob, base, len, file->pos); ret = vop_write(file->node, iob); size_t copied = iobuf_used(iob); if (file->status == FD_OPENED) { file->pos += copied; } *copied_store = copied; fd_array_release(file); return ret; } // seek file int file_seek(int fd, off_t pos, int whence) { struct stat __stat, *stat = &__stat; int ret; struct file *file; if ((ret = fd2file(fd, &file)) != 0) { return ret; } fd_array_acquire(file); switch (whence) { case LSEEK_SET: break; case LSEEK_CUR: pos += file->pos; break; case LSEEK_END: if ((ret = vop_fstat(file->node, stat)) == 0) { pos += stat->st_size; } break; default: ret = -E_INVAL; } if (ret == 0) { if ((ret = vop_tryseek(file->node, pos)) == 0) { file->pos = pos; } // cprintf("file_seek, pos=%d, whence=%d, ret=%d\n", pos, whence, ret); } fd_array_release(file); return ret; } // stat file int file_fstat(int fd, struct stat *stat) { int ret; struct file *file; if ((ret = fd2file(fd, &file)) != 0) { return ret; } fd_array_acquire(file); ret = vop_fstat(file->node, stat); fd_array_release(file); return ret; } // sync file int file_fsync(int fd) { int ret; struct file *file; if ((ret = fd2file(fd, &file)) != 0) { return ret; } fd_array_acquire(file); ret = vop_fsync(file->node); fd_array_release(file); return ret; } // get file entry in DIR int file_getdirentry(int fd, struct dirent *direntp) { int ret; struct file *file; if ((ret = fd2file(fd, &file)) != 0) { return ret; } fd_array_acquire(file); struct iobuf __iob, *iob = iobuf_init(&__iob, direntp->name, sizeof(direntp->name), direntp->offset); if ((ret = vop_getdirentry(file->node, iob)) == 0) { direntp->offset += iobuf_used(iob); } fd_array_release(file); return ret; } // duplicate file int file_dup(int fd1, int fd2) { int ret; struct file *file1, *file2; if ((ret = fd2file(fd1, &file1)) != 0) { return ret; } if ((ret = fd_array_alloc(fd2, &file2)) != 0) { return ret; } fd_array_dup(file2, file1); return file2->fd; }