- #! /usr/bin/env python
- import random
- from optparse import OptionParser
- import string
- def tprint(str):
- print str
- def dprint(str):
- return
- def dospace(howmuch):
- for i in range(howmuch + 1):
- print '%28s' % ' ',
- # given list, pick random element and return it
- def pickrand(tlist):
- n = int(random.random() * len(tlist))
- p = tlist[n]
- return p
- # given number, conclude if nth bit is set
- def isset(num, index):
- mask = 1 << index
- return (num & mask) > 0
- # useful instead of assert
- def zassert(cond, str):
- if cond == False:
- print 'ABORT::', str
- exit(1)
- #
- # Which files are used in the simulation
- #
- # Not representing a realistic piece of anything
- # but rather just for convenience when generating
- # random traces ...
- #
- # Files are named 'a', 'b', etc. for ease of use
- # Could probably add a numeric aspect to allow
- # for more than 26 files but who cares
- #
- class files:
- def __init__(self, numfiles):
- self.numfiles = numfiles
- self.value = 0
- self.filelist = list(string.ascii_lowercase)[0:numfiles]
- def getfiles(self):
- return self.filelist
- def getvalue(self):
- rc = self.value
- self.value += 1
- return rc
- #
- # Models the actions of the AFS server
- #
- # The only real interactions are get/put
- # get() causes the server to track which files cache what;
- # put() may cause callbacks to invalidate client caches
- #
- class server:
- def __init__(self, files, solve, detail):
- self.files = files
- self.solve = solve
- self.detail = detail
- flist = self.files.getfiles()
- self.contents = {}
- for f in flist:
- v = self.files.getvalue()
- self.contents[f] = v
- self.getcnt, self.putcnt = 0, 0
- def stats(self):
- print 'Server -- Gets:%d Puts:%d' % (self.getcnt, self.putcnt)
- def filestats(self, printcontents):
- for fname in self.contents:
- if printcontents:
- print('file:%s contains:%d' % (fname, self.contents[fname]))
- else:
- print('file:%s contains:?' % fname)
- def setclients(self, clients):
- # need list of clients
- self.clients = clients
- # per client callback list
- self.cache = {}
- for c in self.clients:
- self.cache[c.getname()] = []
- def get(self, client, fname):
- zassert(fname in self.contents, 'server:get() -- file:%s not found on server' % fname)
- self.getcnt += 1
- if self.solve and isset(self.detail, 0):
- print('getfile:%s c:%s [%d]' % (fname, client, self.contents[fname]))
- if fname not in self.cache[client]:
- self.cache[client].append(fname)
- # dprint(' -> List for client %s' % client, ' is ', self.cache[client])
- return self.contents[fname]
- def put(self, client, fname, value):
- zassert(fname in self.contents, 'server:put() -- file:%s not found on server' % fname)
- self.putcnt += 1
- self.contents[fname] = value
- if self.solve and isset(self.detail, 0):
- print('putfile:%s c:%s [%s]' % (fname, client, self.contents[fname]))
- # scan others for callback
- for c in self.clients:
- cname = c.getname()
- if fname in self.cache[cname] and cname != client:
- if self.solve and isset(self.detail, 1):
- print 'callback: c:%s file:%s' % (cname, fname)
- c.invalidate(fname)
- self.cache[cname].remove(fname)
- #
- # Per-client file descriptors
- #
- # Would be useful if the simulation allowed more
- # than one active file open() at a time; it kind
- # of does but this isn't really utilized
- #
- class filedesc:
- def __init__(self, max=1024):
- self.max = max
- self.fd = {}
- for i in range(self.max):
- self.fd[i] = ''
- def alloc(self, fname, sfd=-1):
- if sfd != -1:
- zassert(self.fd[sfd] == '', 'filedesc:alloc() -- fd:%d already in use, cannot allocate' % sfd)
- self.fd[sfd] = fname
- return sfd
- else:
- for i in range(self.max):
- if self.fd[i] == '':
- self.fd[i] = fname
- return i
- return -1
- def lookup(self, sfd):
- zassert(i >= 0 and i < self.max, 'filedesc:lookup() -- file descriptor out of valid range (%d not between 0 and %d)' % (sfd, self.max))
- zassert(self.fd[sfd] != '', 'filedesc:lookup() -- fd:%d not in use, cannot lookup' % sfd)
- return self.fd[sfd]
- def free(self, i):
- zassert(i >= 0 and i < self.max, 'filedesc:free() -- file descriptor out of valid range (%d not between 0 and %d)' % (sfd, self.max))
- zassert(self.fd[sfd] != '', 'filedesc:free() -- fd:%d not in use, cannot free' % sfd)
- self.fd[i] = ''
- #
- # The client cache
- #
- # Just models what files are cached.
- # When a file is opened, its contents are fetched
- # from the server and put in the cache. At that point,
- # the cache contents are VALID, DIRTY/NOT (depending
- # on whether this is for reading or writing), and the
- # REFERENCE COUNT is set to 1. If multiple open's take
- # place on this file, REFERENCE COUNT will be updated
- # accordingly. VALID gets set to 0 if the cache is
- # invalidated by a callback; however, the contents
- # still might be used by a given client if the file
- # is already open. Note that a callback does NOT
- # prevent a client from overwriting an already opened file.
- #
- class cache:
- def __init__(self, name, num, solve, detail):
- self.name = name
- self.num = num
- self.solve = solve
- self.detail = detail
- self.cache = {}
- self.hitcnt = 0
- self.misscnt = 0
- self.invalidcnt = 0
- def stats(self):
- print ' Cache -- Hits:%d Misses:%d Invalidates:%d' % (self.hitcnt, self.misscnt, self.invalidcnt)
- def put(self, fname, data, dirty, refcnt):
- self.cache[fname] = dict(data=data, dirty=dirty, refcnt=refcnt, valid=True)
- def update(self, fname, data):
- self.cache[fname] = dict(data=data, dirty=True, refcnt=self.cache[fname]['refcnt'], valid=self.cache[fname]['valid'])
- def invalidate(self, fname):
- zassert(fname in self.cache, 'cache:invalidate() -- cannot invalidate file not in cache (%s)' % fname)
- self.invalidcnt += 1
- self.cache[fname] = dict(data=self.cache[fname]['data'], dirty=self.cache[fname]['dirty'],
- refcnt=self.cache[fname]['refcnt'], valid=False)
- if self.solve and isset(self.detail, 1):
- dospace(self.num)
- if isset(self.detail,3):
- print '%2s invalidate %s' % (self.name, fname)
- else:
- print 'invalidate %s' % (fname)
- self.printstate(self.num)
- def checkvalid(self, fname):
- zassert(fname in self.cache, 'cache:checkvalid() -- cannot checkvalid on file not in cache (%s)' % fname)
- if self.cache[fname]['valid'] == False and self.cache[fname]['refcnt'] == 0:
- del self.cache[fname]
- def printstate(self, fname):
- for fname in self.cache:
- data = self.cache[fname]['data']
- dirty = self.cache[fname]['dirty']
- refcnt = self.cache[fname]['refcnt']
- valid = self.cache[fname]['valid']
- if valid == True:
- validPrint = 1
- else:
- validPrint = 0
- if dirty == True:
- dirtyPrint = 1
- else:
- dirtyPrint = 0
- if self.solve and isset(self.detail, 2):
- dospace(self.num)
- if isset(self.detail, 3):
- print '%s [%s:%2d (v=%d,d=%d,r=%d)]' % (self.name, fname, data, validPrint, dirtyPrint, refcnt)
- else:
- print '[%s:%2d (v=%d,d=%d,r=%d)]' % (fname, data, validPrint, dirtyPrint, refcnt)
- def checkget(self, fname):
- if fname in self.cache:
- self.cache[fname] = dict(data=self.cache[fname]['data'], dirty=self.cache[fname]['dirty'],
- refcnt=self.cache[fname]['refcnt'], valid=self.cache[fname]['valid'])
- self.hitcnt += 1
- return (True, self.cache[fname])
- self.misscnt += 1
- return (False, -1)
- def get(self, fname):
- assert(fname in self.cache)
- return (True, self.cache[fname])
- def incref(self, fname):
- assert(fname in self.cache)
- self.cache[fname] = dict(data=self.cache[fname]['data'], dirty=self.cache[fname]['dirty'],
- refcnt=self.cache[fname]['refcnt'] + 1, valid=self.cache[fname]['valid'])
- def decref(self, fname):
- assert(fname in self.cache)
- self.cache[fname] = dict(data=self.cache[fname]['data'], dirty=self.cache[fname]['dirty'],
- refcnt=self.cache[fname]['refcnt'] - 1, valid=self.cache[fname]['valid'])
- def setdirty(self, fname, dirty):
- assert(fname in self.cache)
- self.cache[fname] = dict(data=self.cache[fname]['data'], dirty=dirty,
- refcnt=self.cache[fname]['refcnt'], valid=self.cache[fname]['valid'])
- def setclean(self, fname):
- assert(fname in self.cache)
- self.cache[fname] = dict(data=self.cache[fname]['data'], dirty=False,
- refcnt=self.cache[fname]['refcnt'], valid=self.cache[fname]['valid'])
- def isdirty(self, fname):
- assert(fname in self.cache)
- return (self.cache[fname]['dirty'] == True)
- def setvalid(self, fname):
- assert(fname in self.cache)
- self.cache[fname] = dict(data=self.cache[fname]['data'], dirty=self.cache[fname]['dirty'],
- refcnt=self.cache[fname]['refcnt'], valid=True)
- # actions
- def op2name(op):
- if op == MICRO_OPEN:
- return 'MICRO_OPEN'
- elif op == MICRO_READ:
- return 'MICRO_READ'
- elif op == MICRO_WRITE:
- return 'MICRO_WRITE'
- elif op == MICRO_CLOSE:
- return 'MICRO_CLOSE'
- else:
- abort('error: bad op -> ' + op)
- #
- # Client class
- #
- # Models the behavior of each client in the system.
- #
- #
- #
- class client:
- def __init__(self, name, cid, server, files, bias, numsteps, actions, solve, detail):
- self.name = name # readable name of client
- self.cid = cid # client ID
- self.server = server # server object
- self.files = files # files object
- self.bias = bias # bias
- self.actions = actions # schedule exactly?
- self.solve = solve # show answers?
- self.detail = detail # how much of an answer to show
- # cache
- self.cache = cache(self.name, self.cid, self.solve, self.detail)
- # file desc
- self.fd = filedesc()
- # stats
- self.readcnt = 0
- self.writecnt = 0
- # init actions
- self.done = False # track state
- self.acnt = 0 # this is used when running
- self.acts = [] # this just tracks the opcodes
- if self.actions == '':
- # in case with no specific actions, generate one...
- for i in range(numsteps):
- fname = pickrand(self.files.getfiles())
- r = random.random()
- fd = self.fd.alloc(fname)
- zassert(fd >= 0, 'client:init() -- ran out of file descriptors, sorry!')
- if r < self.bias[0]:
- self.acts.append((MICRO_OPEN, fname, fd))
- self.acts.append((MICRO_READ, fd))
- self.acts.append((MICRO_CLOSE, fd))
- else:
- self.acts.append((MICRO_OPEN, fname, fd))
- self.acts.append((MICRO_WRITE, fd))
- self.acts.append((MICRO_CLOSE, fd))
- else:
- # in this case, unpack actions and make it happen
- # should look like this: "oa1:ra1:ca1" (open 'a' for reading with file desc 1, read from file a (fd:1), etc.)
- # yes the file descriptor and file name are redundant for read/write and close
- for a in self.actions.split(':'):
- act = a[0]
- if act == 'o':
- zassert(len(a) == 3, 'client:init() -- malformed open action (%s) should be oa1 or something like that' % a)
- fname, fd = a[1], int(a[2])
- self.fd.alloc(fname, fd)
- assert(fd >= 0)
- self.acts.append((MICRO_OPEN, fname, fd))
- elif act == 'r':
- zassert(len(a) == 2, 'client:init() -- malformed read action (%s) should be r1 or something like that' % a)
- fd = int(a[1])
- self.acts.append((MICRO_READ, fd))
- elif act == 'w':
- zassert(len(a) == 2, 'client:init() -- malformed write action (%s) should be w1 or something like that' % a)
- fd = int(a[1])
- self.acts.append((MICRO_WRITE, fd))
- elif act == 'c':
- zassert(len(a) == 2, 'client:init() -- malformed close action (%s) should be c1 or something like that' % a)
- fd = int(a[1])
- self.acts.append((MICRO_CLOSE, fd))
- else:
- print 'Unrecognized command: %s (from %s)' % (act, a)
- exit(1)
- # debug ACTS
- # print self.acts
- def getname(self):
- return self.name
- def stats(self):
- print '%s -- Reads:%d Writes:%d' % (self.name, self.readcnt, self.writecnt)
- self.cache.stats()
- def getfile(self, fname, dirty):
- (incache, item) = self.cache.checkget(fname)
- if incache == True and item['valid'] == 1:
- dprint(' -> CLIENT %s:: HAS LOCAL COPY of %s' % (self.name, fname))
- self.cache.setdirty(fname, dirty)
- else:
- data = self.server.get(self.name, fname)
- self.cache.put(fname, data, dirty, 0)
- self.cache.incref(fname)
- def putfile(self, fname, value):
- self.server.put(self.name, fname, value)
- self.cache.setclean(fname)
- self.cache.setvalid(fname)
- def invalidate(self, fname):
- self.cache.invalidate(fname)
- def step(self, space):
- if self.done == True:
- return -1
- if self.acnt == len(self.acts):
- self.done = True
- return 0
- # now figure out what to do and do it
- # action, fname, fd = self.acts[self.acnt]
- action = self.acts[self.acnt][0]
- # print ''
- # print '*************************'
- # print '%s ACTION -> %s' % (self.name, op2name(action))
- # print '*************************'
- # first, do spacing for command (below)
- dospace(space)
- if isset(self.detail, 3) == True:
- print self.name,
- # now handle the action
- if action == MICRO_OPEN:
- fname, fd = self.acts[self.acnt][1], self.acts[self.acnt][2]
- tprint('open:%s [fd:%d]' % (fname, fd))
- self.getfile(fname, dirty=False)
- elif action == MICRO_READ:
- fd = self.acts[self.acnt][1]
- fname = self.fd.lookup(fd)
- self.readcnt += 1
- incache, contents = self.cache.get(fname)
- assert(incache == True)
- if self.solve:
- tprint('read:%d -> %d' % (fd, contents['data']))
- else:
- tprint('read:%d -> value?' % (fd))
- elif action == MICRO_WRITE:
- fd = self.acts[self.acnt][1]
- fname = self.fd.lookup(fd)
- self.writecnt += 1
- incache, contents = self.cache.get(fname)
- assert(incache == True)
- v = self.files.getvalue()
- self.cache.update(fname, v)
- if self.solve:
- tprint('write:%d %d -> %d' % (fd, contents['data'], v))
- else:
- tprint('write:%d value? -> %d' % (fd, v))
- elif action == MICRO_CLOSE:
- fd = self.acts[self.acnt][1]
- fname = self.fd.lookup(fd)
- incache, contents = self.cache.get(fname)
- assert(incache == True)
- tprint('close:%d' % (fd))
- if self.cache.isdirty(fname):
- self.putfile(fname, contents['data'])
- self.cache.decref(fname)
- self.cache.checkvalid(fname)
- # useful to see
- self.cache.printstate(self.name)
- if self.solve and self.detail > 0:
- print ''
- # return that there is more left to do
- self.acnt += 1
- return 1
- #
- # main program
- #
- parser = OptionParser()
- parser.add_option('-s', '--seed', default=0, help='the random seed', action='store', type='int', dest='seed')
- parser.add_option('-C', '--clients', default=2, help='number of clients', action='store', type='int', dest='numclients')
- parser.add_option('-n', '--numsteps', default=2, help='ops each client will do', action='store', type='int', dest='numsteps')
- parser.add_option('-f', '--numfiles', default=1, help='number of files in server', action='store', type='int', dest='numfiles')
- parser.add_option('-r', '--readratio', default=0.5, help='ratio of reads/writes', action='store', type='float', dest='readratio')
- parser.add_option('-A', '--actions', default='', help='client actions exactly specified, e.g., oa1:r1:c1,oa1:w1:c1 specifies two clients; each opens the file a, client 0 reads it whereas client 1 writes it, and then each closes it',
- action='store', type='string', dest='actions')
- parser.add_option('-S', '--schedule', default='', help='exact schedule to run; 01 alternates round robin between clients 0 and 1. Left unspecified leads to random scheduling',
- action='store', type='string', dest='schedule')
- parser.add_option('-p', '--printstats', default=False, help='print extra stats', action='store_true', dest='printstats')
- parser.add_option('-c', '--compute', default=False, help='compute answers for me', action='store_true', dest='solve')
- parser.add_option('-d', '--detail', default=0, help='detail level when giving answers (1:server actions,2:invalidations,4:client cache,8:extra labels); OR together for multiple', action='store', type='int', dest='detail')
- (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
- print 'ARG seed', options.seed
- print 'ARG numclients', options.numclients
- print 'ARG numsteps', options.numsteps
- print 'ARG numfiles', options.numfiles
- print 'ARG readratio', options.readratio
- print 'ARG actions', options.actions
- print 'ARG schedule', options.schedule
- print 'ARG detail', options.detail
- print ''
- seed = int(options.seed)
- numclients = int(options.numclients)
- numsteps = int(options.numsteps)
- numfiles = int(options.numfiles)
- readratio = float(options.readratio)
- actions = options.actions
- schedule = options.schedule
- printstats = options.printstats
- solve = options.solve
- detail = options.detail
- # with specific schedule, files are all specified by a single letter in specific actions list
- # but we ignore this for now...
- zassert(numfiles > 0 and numfiles <= 26, 'main: can only simulate 26 or fewer files, sorry')
- zassert(readratio >= 0.0 and readratio <= 1.0, 'main: read ratio must be between 0 and 1 inclusive')
- # start it
- random.seed(seed)
- # files in server to begin with
- f = files(numfiles)
- # make server
- s = server(f, solve, detail)
- clients = []
- if actions != '':
- # if specific actions are specified, figure some stuff out now
- # e.g., oa1:ra1:ca1,oa1:ra1:ca1 which is list of 0's actions, then 1's, then...
- cactions = actions.split(',')
- if numclients != len(cactions):
- numclients = len(cactions)
- i = 0
- for clist in cactions:
- clients.append(client('c%d' % i, i, s, f, [], len(clist), clist, solve, detail))
- i += 1
- else:
- # else, make random clients
- for i in range(numclients):
- clients.append(client('c%d' % i, i, s, f, [readratio, 1.0], numsteps, '', solve, detail))
- # tell server about these clients
- s.setclients(clients)
- # init print out for clients
- print '%12s' % 'Server', '%12s' % ' ',
- for c in clients:
- print '%13s' % c.getname(), '%13s' % ' ',
- print ''
- # main loop
- #
- # over time, pick a random client
- # have it do one thing, show what happens
- # move on to next and so forth
- s.filestats(True)
- # for use with specific schedule
- schedcurr = 0
- # check for legal schedule (must include all clients)
- if schedule != '':
- for i in range(len(clients)):
- cnt = 0
- for j in range(len(schedule)):
- curr = schedule[j]
- if int(curr) == i:
- cnt += 1
- zassert(cnt != 0, 'main: client %d not in schedule:%s, which would never terminate' % (i, schedule))
- # RUN the schedule (either random or specified by user)
- numrunning = len(clients)
- while numrunning > 0:
- if schedule == '':
- c = pickrand(clients)
- else:
- idx = int(schedule[schedcurr])
- # print 'SCHEDULE DEBUG:: schedule:', schedule, 'schedcurr', schedcurr, 'index', idx
- c = clients[idx]
- schedcurr += 1
- if schedcurr == len(schedule):
- schedcurr = 0
- rc = c.step(clients.index(c))
- if rc == 0:
- numrunning -= 1
- s.filestats(solve)
- if printstats:
- s.stats()
- for c in clients:
- c.stats()