- import os
- import random
- import numpy as np
- import itertools
- class Bankers(object):
- def __init__(self, totalResource):
- #initiating
- self.RESOURCE = totalResource
- def SignProcesses(self, max_, allocated_):
- self.max = max_
- self.allocated = allocated_
- self.need = self.CalcNeed()
- self.avaliable = self.CalcAvaliable()
- self.finished = [False]*len(self.allocated)
- def Difference(self,a,b):
- #return matrix subtracted from a by b
- res = []
- for i in range(len(a)):
- tmp = []
- for j in range(len(a[i])):
- tmp.append(a[i][j]-b[i][j])
- res.append(tmp)
- return res
- def CalcNeed(self):
- #calc request by subtracting signed matrix from max matrix
- return self.Difference(self.max,self.allocated)
- def CalcAvaliable(self):
- """Calc Avaliable Resource"""
- a = self.allocated
- res = []
- for j in range(len(a[0])):
- tmp = 0
- for i in range(len(a)):
- tmp += a[i][j]
- res.append(self.RESOURCE[j] - tmp)
- return res
- def ExecuteProcess(self,index):
- #check if less avaliable than Request
- #check END here
- #allocating what they need.
- #allocating END here
- pass
- def TempSafeCheckAfterRelease(self):
- #check if at least one request can be done after previous process done. not check whole sequances.
- #if every element of Requests can't accepted after previous process done, this mean it is not safe state
- #check END here
- pass
- def print_matrixes(self):
- print "_____________________________________________"
- print "MAX\t\tAllocated\tNeed"
- for idx in range(len(self.max)):
- print "%s\t%s\t%s" % (self.max[idx],self.allocated[idx], self.need[idx])
- print "_____________________________________________"
- print "Resources:"
- print "Total: %s\tAvailable: %s\n" % (self.RESOURCE, self.avaliable)
- def ReleasingProcess(self,index):
- for i in range(0,len(self.RESOURCE)):
- self.finished[index] = True
- self.allocated[index][i] = 0
- self.avaliable = self.CalcAvaliable()
- def Execute(self):
- i = 0
- # get all permutation of processes
- perm = itertools.permutations(range(procnum), procnum)
- permArray = np.asarray(list(perm))
- for arr in permArray:
- for i in arr:
- if self.finished[i] == False:
- print "Executing..."
- print "Request: "
- print self.need[i]
- #check if less avaliable than Request
- if self.ExecuteProcess(i):
- print "Dispatching Done..."
- self.print_matrixes()
- print "-----Releasing Process------"
- self.ReleasingProcess(i)
- self.print_matrixes()
- #check if at least one request can be done after previous process done. not check whole sequances.
- #if every element of Requests can't accepted after previous process done, this mean it is not safe state
- if not (self.TempSafeCheckAfterRelease()):
- print "SAFE STATE: NOT SAFE - There are no sequances can avoid Deadlock"
- return False
- processes.append(i)
- else:
- print "HOLD: not enough Resource"
- if i == len(self.allocated)-1:
- i = 0
- else:
- i += 1
- check = True
- for k in range(0,len(self.allocated)):
- if self.finished[k] == False:
- check = False
- break
- if check == True:
- return True
- break
- #every permutation of processes is false
- return False
- def getmax():
- res = []
- for j in range(procnum):
- tmp = []
- for i in range(len(total_resources)):
- randnum=random.random()
- remain_max=0
- if j >0:
- remain_max=total_resources[i]
- for k in range(j):
- remain_max=remain_max-res[k][i]
- if remain_max < 0:
- remain_max=0
- else:
- remain_max=total_resources[i]
- tmp.append((int)(randnum*remain_max*0.8))
- res.append(tmp)
- return res
- def getallocated():
- res = []
- for j in range(procnum):
- tmp = []
- for i in range(len(total_resources)):
- randnum=random.random()
- remain=0
- if j >0:
- remain=max[j][i]
- for k in range(j):
- remain=remain-res[k][i]
- if remain < 0:
- remain=0
- else:
- remain=max[j][i]
- tmp.append((int)(randnum*remain))
- res.append(tmp)
- return res
- print "start here"
- # random seed
- seed = 2
- random.seed(seed)
- # the number of process list
- procnum = 3
- # the number of type of resource
- resnum = 4
- # the max total value of resource
- restotalval = 30
- # the total resources list
- total_resources=[]
- # the total processes
- processes=[]
- # set the real total value of resource in total_resources
- for i in range(resnum):
- total_resources.append((int)(restotalval*random.random()))
- # init the Banker
- b = Bankers(total_resources)
- # get the max request values of resources from process
- max=getmax()
- # get the already gotted values of resources from process
- allocated=getallocated()
- # init need matrix, available vector
- b.SignProcesses(max, allocated)
- # print all theses matrixes
- b.print_matrixes()
- # executing Banker algorithm
- result=b.Execute()
- # show results
- if result:
- print "SUCCESS proc lists ",processes
- else:
- print "Failed"
- # total_resources = [6, 5, 7, 6]
- # processes=[]
- # b = Bankers(total_resources)
- #
- # max = [
- # [3, 3, 2, 2],
- # [1, 2, 3, 4],
- # [1, 3, 5, 0],
- # ]
- # allocated = [
- # [1, 2, 2, 1],
- # [1, 0, 3, 3],
- # [1, 2, 1, 0],
- # ]
- #
- # b.SignProcesses(max, allocated)
- # b.print_matrixes()
- # result=b.Execute()
- # if result:
- # print "SUCCESS proc lists ",processes
- # else:
- # print "Failed"
- #
- #
- # total_resources = [10, 10, 8, 5]
- # processes=[]
- # b = Bankers(total_resources)
- # max = [
- # [10, 8, 2,5],
- # [6, 1, 3,1],
- # [3, 1, 4,2],
- # [5, 4, 2,1]
- # ]
- # allocated = [
- # [3, 0, 0,3],
- # [1, 1, 2,0],
- # [2, 1, 2,1],
- # [0, 0, 2,0]
- # ]
- # b.SignProcesses(max, allocated)
- # b.print_matrixes()
- # result=b.Execute()
- # if result:
- # print "SUCCESS proc lists ",processes
- # else:
- # print "Failed"