- PROJ := 5
- EMPTY :=
- SLASH := /
- V := @
- # try to infer the correct GCCPREFX
- ifndef GCCPREFIX
- GCCPREFIX := $(shell if i386-ucore-elf-objdump -i 2>&1 | grep '^elf32-i386$$' >/dev/null 2>&1; \
- then echo 'i386-ucore-elf-'; \
- elif objdump -i 2>&1 | grep 'elf32-i386' >/dev/null 2>&1; \
- then echo ''; \
- else echo "***" 1>&2; \
- echo "*** Error: Couldn't find an i386-ucore-elf version of GCC/binutils." 1>&2; \
- echo "*** Is the directory with i386-ucore-elf-gcc in your PATH?" 1>&2; \
- echo "*** If your i386-ucore-elf toolchain is installed with a command" 1>&2; \
- echo "*** prefix other than 'i386-ucore-elf-', set your GCCPREFIX" 1>&2; \
- echo "*** environment variable to that prefix and run 'make' again." 1>&2; \
- echo "*** To turn off this error, run 'gmake GCCPREFIX= ...'." 1>&2; \
- echo "***" 1>&2; exit 1; fi)
- endif
- # try to infer the correct QEMU
- ifndef QEMU
- QEMU := $(shell if which qemu > /dev/null; \
- then echo 'qemu'; exit; \
- elif which i386-ucore-elf-qemu > /dev/null; \
- then echo 'i386-ucore-elf-qemu'; exit; \
- else \
- echo "***" 1>&2; \
- echo "*** Error: Couldn't find a working QEMU executable." 1>&2; \
- echo "*** Is the directory containing the qemu binary in your PATH" 1>&2; \
- echo "***" 1>&2; exit 1; fi)
- endif
- # eliminate default suffix rules
- .SUFFIXES: .c .S .h
- # delete target files if there is an error (or make is interrupted)
- # define compiler and flags
- HOSTCC := gcc
- HOSTCFLAGS := -g -Wall -O2
- GDB := $(GCCPREFIX)gdb
- CC := $(GCCPREFIX)gcc
- CFLAGS := -fno-builtin -Wall -ggdb -m32 -gstabs -nostdinc $(DEFS)
- CFLAGS += $(shell $(CC) -fno-stack-protector -E -x c /dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo -fno-stack-protector)
- CTYPE := c S
- LD := $(GCCPREFIX)ld
- LDFLAGS := -m $(shell $(LD) -V | grep elf_i386 2>/dev/null)
- LDFLAGS += -nostdlib
- OBJCOPY := $(GCCPREFIX)objcopy
- OBJDUMP := $(GCCPREFIX)objdump
- COPY := cp
- MKDIR := mkdir -p
- MV := mv
- RM := rm -f
- AWK := awk
- SED := sed
- SH := sh
- TR := tr
- TOUCH := touch -c
- TAR := tar
- ZIP := gzip
- OBJDIR := obj
- BINDIR := bin
- include tools/function.mk
- listf_cc = $(call listf,$(1),$(CTYPE))
- # for cc
- add_files_cc = $(call add_files,$(1),$(CC),$(CFLAGS) $(3),$(2),$(4))
- create_target_cc = $(call create_target,$(1),$(2),$(3),$(CC),$(CFLAGS))
- # for hostcc
- add_files_host = $(call add_files,$(1),$(HOSTCC),$(HOSTCFLAGS),$(2),$(3))
- create_target_host = $(call create_target,$(1),$(2),$(3),$(HOSTCC),$(HOSTCFLAGS))
- cgtype = $(patsubst %.$(2),%.$(3),$(1))
- objfile = $(call toobj,$(1))
- asmfile = $(call cgtype,$(call toobj,$(1)),o,asm)
- outfile = $(call cgtype,$(call toobj,$(1)),o,out)
- symfile = $(call cgtype,$(call toobj,$(1)),o,sym)
- # for match pattern
- match = $(shell echo $(2) | $(AWK) '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++){if(match("$(1)","^"$$(i)"$$")){exit 1;}}}'; echo $$?)
- # >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
- # include kernel/user
- INCLUDE += libs/
- CFLAGS += $(addprefix -I,$(INCLUDE))
- LIBDIR += libs
- $(call add_files_cc,$(call listf_cc,$(LIBDIR)),libs,)
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------
- # kernel
- KINCLUDE += kern/debug/ \
- kern/driver/ \
- kern/trap/ \
- kern/mm/ \
- kern/libs/ \
- kern/sync/
- KSRCDIR += kern/init \
- kern/libs \
- kern/debug \
- kern/driver \
- kern/trap \
- kern/mm \
- kern/sync
- KCFLAGS += $(addprefix -I,$(KINCLUDE))
- $(call add_files_cc,$(call listf_cc,$(KSRCDIR)),kernel,$(KCFLAGS))
- KOBJS = $(call read_packet,kernel libs)
- # create kernel target
- kernel = $(call totarget,kernel)
- $(kernel): tools/kernel.ld
- $(kernel): $(KOBJS)
- @echo + ld $@
- $(V)$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -T tools/kernel.ld -o $@ $(KOBJS)
- @$(OBJDUMP) -S $@ > $(call asmfile,kernel)
- @$(OBJDUMP) -t $@ | $(SED) '1,/SYMBOL TABLE/d; s/ .* / /; /^$$/d' > $(call symfile,kernel)
- $(call create_target,kernel)
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------
- # create bootblock
- bootfiles = $(call listf_cc,boot)
- $(foreach f,$(bootfiles),$(call cc_compile,$(f),$(CC),$(CFLAGS) -Os -nostdinc))
- bootblock = $(call totarget,bootblock)
- $(bootblock): $(call toobj,boot/bootasm.S) $(call toobj,$(bootfiles)) | $(call totarget,sign)
- @echo + ld $@
- $(V)$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -N -T tools/boot.ld $^ -o $(call toobj,bootblock)
- @$(OBJDUMP) -S $(call objfile,bootblock) > $(call asmfile,bootblock)
- @$(OBJCOPY) -S -O binary $(call objfile,bootblock) $(call outfile,bootblock)
- @$(call totarget,sign) $(call outfile,bootblock) $(bootblock)
- $(call create_target,bootblock)
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------
- # create 'sign' tools
- $(call add_files_host,tools/sign.c,sign,sign)
- $(call create_target_host,sign,sign)
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------
- # create ucore.img
- UCOREIMG := $(call totarget,ucore.img)
- $(UCOREIMG): $(kernel) $(bootblock)
- $(V)dd if=/dev/zero of=$@ count=10000
- $(V)dd if=$(bootblock) of=$@ conv=notrunc
- $(V)dd if=$(kernel) of=$@ seek=1 conv=notrunc
- $(call create_target,ucore.img)
- # >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
- $(call finish_all)
- clean \
- distclean \
- grade \
- touch \
- print-.+ \
- handin
- ifeq ($(call match,$(MAKECMDGOALS),$(IGNORE_ALLDEPS)),0)
- -include $(ALLDEPS)
- endif
- # files for grade script
- targets: $(TARGETS)
- .DEFAULT_GOAL := targets
- .PHONY: qemu qemu-nox gdb debug debug-mon debug-nox
- qemu: targets
- $(V)$(QEMU) -parallel stdio $(QEMUOPTS) -serial null
- qemu-nox: targets
- $(V)$(QEMU) -serial mon:stdio $(QEMUOPTS) -nographic
- gdb:
- $(V)$(GDB) -q -x tools/gdbinit
- debug: targets
- $(V)$(QEMU) -S -s -parallel stdio $(QEMUOPTS) -serial null
- debug-mon: targets
- $(V)$(QEMU) -S -s -monitor stdio $(QEMUOPTS) -parallel null -serial null
- debug-nox: targets
- $(V)$(QEMU) -S -s -serial mon:stdio $(QEMUOPTS) -nographic
- .PHONY: grade touch
- GRADE_GDB_IN := .gdb.in
- GRADE_QEMU_OUT := .qemu.out
- HANDIN := lab2-handin.tar.gz
- TOUCH_FILES := kern/trap/trap.c
- MAKEOPTS := --quiet --no-print-directory
- grade:
- $(V)$(MAKE) $(MAKEOPTS) clean
- $(V)$(SH) tools/grade.sh
- touch:
- $(V)$(foreach f,$(TOUCH_FILES),$(TOUCH) $(f))
- print-%:
- @echo $($(shell echo $(patsubst print-%,%,$@) | $(TR) [a-z] [A-Z]))
- .PHONY: clean distclean handin
- clean:
- $(V)$(RM) -r $(OBJDIR) $(BINDIR)
- distclean: clean
- $(V)$(RM) $(HANDIN)
- handin: distclean
- $(V)$(TAR) -cf - `find . -type f -o -type d | grep -v '^\.$$' | grep -v '/CVS/' \
- | grep -v '/\.git/' | grep -v '/\.svn/' | grep -v "$(HANDIN)"` \
- | $(ZIP) > $(HANDIN)