- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <monitor.h>
- #include <kmalloc.h>
- #include <assert.h>
- // Initialize monitor.
- void
- monitor_init (monitor_t * mtp, size_t num_cv) {
- int i;
- assert(num_cv>0);
- mtp->next_count = 0;
- mtp->cv = NULL;
- sem_init(&(mtp->mutex), 1); //unlocked
- sem_init(&(mtp->next), 0);
- mtp->cv =(condvar_t *) kmalloc(sizeof(condvar_t)*num_cv);
- assert(mtp->cv!=NULL);
- for(i=0; i<num_cv; i++){
- mtp->cv[i].count=0;
- sem_init(&(mtp->cv[i].sem),0);
- mtp->cv[i].owner=mtp;
- }
- }
- // Unlock one of threads waiting on the condition variable.
- void
- cond_signal (condvar_t *cvp) {
- cprintf("cond_signal begin: cvp %x, cvp->count %d, cvp->owner->next_count %d\n", cvp, cvp->count, cvp->owner->next_count);
- /*
- * cond_signal(cv) {
- * if(cv.count>0) {
- * mt.next_count ++;
- * signal(cv.sem);
- * wait(mt.next);
- * mt.next_count--;
- * }
- * }
- */
- cprintf("cond_signal end: cvp %x, cvp->count %d, cvp->owner->next_count %d\n", cvp, cvp->count, cvp->owner->next_count);
- }
- // Suspend calling thread on a condition variable waiting for condition Atomically unlocks
- // mutex and suspends calling thread on conditional variable after waking up locks mutex. Notice: mp is mutex semaphore for monitor's procedures
- void
- cond_wait (condvar_t *cvp) {
- cprintf("cond_wait begin: cvp %x, cvp->count %d, cvp->owner->next_count %d\n", cvp, cvp->count, cvp->owner->next_count);
- /*
- * cv.count ++;
- * if(mt.next_count>0)
- * signal(mt.next)
- * else
- * signal(mt.mutex);
- * wait(cv.sem);
- * cv.count --;
- */
- cprintf("cond_wait end: cvp %x, cvp->count %d, cvp->owner->next_count %d\n", cvp, cvp->count, cvp->owner->next_count);
- }