- #! /usr/bin/env python
- import sys
- from optparse import OptionParser
- import random
- import math
- def mustbepowerof2(bits, size, msg):
- if math.pow(2,bits) != size:
- print 'Error in argument: %s' % msg
- sys.exit(1)
- def mustbemultipleof(bignum, num, msg):
- if (int(float(bignum)/float(num)) != (int(bignum) / int(num))):
- print 'Error in argument: %s' % msg
- sys.exit(1)
- def convert(size):
- length = len(size)
- lastchar = size[length-1]
- if (lastchar == 'k') or (lastchar == 'K'):
- m = 1024
- nsize = int(size[0:length-1]) * m
- elif (lastchar == 'm') or (lastchar == 'M'):
- m = 1024*1024
- nsize = int(size[0:length-1]) * m
- elif (lastchar == 'g') or (lastchar == 'G'):
- m = 1024*1024*1024
- nsize = int(size[0:length-1]) * m
- else:
- nsize = int(size)
- return nsize
- #
- # main program
- #
- parser = OptionParser()
- parser.add_option('-A', '--addresses', default='-1',
- help='a set of comma-separated pages to access; -1 means randomly generate',
- action='store', type='string', dest='addresses')
- parser.add_option('-s', '--seed', default=0, help='the random seed', action='store', type='int', dest='seed')
- parser.add_option('-a', '--asize', default='16k', help='address space size (e.g., 16, 64k, 32m, 1g)', action='store', type='string', dest='asize')
- parser.add_option('-p', '--physmem', default='64k', help='physical memory size (e.g., 16, 64k, 32m, 1g)', action='store', type='string', dest='psize')
- parser.add_option('-P', '--pagesize', default='4k', help='page size (e.g., 4k, 8k, whatever)', action='store', type='string', dest='pagesize')
- parser.add_option('-n', '--numaddrs', default=5, help='number of virtual addresses to generate', action='store', type='int', dest='num')
- parser.add_option('-u', '--used', default=50, help='percent of virtual address space that is used', action='store', type='int', dest='used')
- parser.add_option('-v', help='verbose mode', action='store_true', default=False, dest='verbose')
- parser.add_option('-c', help='compute answers for me', action='store_true', default=False, dest='solve')
- (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
- print 'ARG seed', options.seed
- print 'ARG address space size', options.asize
- print 'ARG phys mem size', options.psize
- print 'ARG page size', options.pagesize
- print 'ARG verbose', options.verbose
- print 'ARG addresses', options.addresses
- print ''
- random.seed(options.seed)
- asize = convert(options.asize)
- psize = convert(options.psize)
- pagesize = convert(options.pagesize)
- addresses = str(options.addresses)
- if psize <= 1:
- print 'Error: must specify a non-zero physical memory size.'
- exit(1)
- if asize < 1:
- print 'Error: must specify a non-zero address-space size.'
- exit(1)
- if psize <= asize:
- print 'Error: physical memory size must be GREATER than address space size (for this simulation)'
- exit(1)
- if psize >= convert('1g') or asize >= convert('1g'):
- print 'Error: must use smaller sizes (less than 1 GB) for this simulation.'
- exit(1)
- mustbemultipleof(asize, pagesize, 'address space must be a multiple of the pagesize')
- mustbemultipleof(psize, pagesize, 'physical memory must be a multiple of the pagesize')
- # print some useful info, like the darn page table
- pages = psize / pagesize;
- import array
- used = array.array('i')
- pt = array.array('i')
- for i in range(0,pages):
- used.insert(i,0)
- vpages = asize / pagesize
- # now, assign some pages of the VA
- vabits = int(math.log(float(asize))/math.log(2.0))
- mustbepowerof2(vabits, asize, 'address space must be a power of 2')
- pagebits = int(math.log(float(pagesize))/math.log(2.0))
- mustbepowerof2(pagebits, pagesize, 'page size must be a power of 2')
- vpnbits = vabits - pagebits
- pagemask = (1 << pagebits) - 1
- # import ctypes
- # vpnmask = ctypes.c_uint32(~pagemask).value
- vpnmask = 0xFFFFFFFF & ~pagemask
- #if vpnmask2 != vpnmask:
- # print 'ERROR'
- # exit(1)
- # print 'va:%d page:%d vpn:%d -- %08x %08x' % (vabits, pagebits, vpnbits, vpnmask, pagemask)
- print ''
- print 'The format of the page table is simple:'
- print 'The high-order (left-most) bit is the VALID bit.'
- print ' If the bit is 1, the rest of the entry is the PFN.'
- print ' If the bit is 0, the page is not valid.'
- print 'Use verbose mode (-v) if you want to print the VPN # by'
- print 'each entry of the page table.'
- print ''
- print 'Page Table (from entry 0 down to the max size)'
- for v in range(0,vpages):
- done = 0
- while done == 0:
- if ((random.random() * 100.0) > (100.0 - float(options.used))):
- u = int(pages * random.random())
- if used[u] == 0:
- done = 1
- # print '%8d - %d' % (v, u)
- if options.verbose == True:
- print ' [%8d] ' % v,
- else:
- print ' ',
- print '0x%08x' % (0x80000000 | u)
- pt.insert(v,u)
- else:
- # print '%8d - not valid' % v
- if options.verbose == True:
- print ' [%8d] ' % v,
- else:
- print ' ',
- print '0x%08x' % 0
- pt.insert(v,-1)
- done = 1
- print ''
- #
- # now, need to generate virtual address trace
- #
- addrList = []
- if addresses == '-1':
- # need to generate addresses
- for i in range(0, options.num):
- n = int(asize * random.random())
- addrList.append(n)
- else:
- addrList = addresses.split(',')
- print 'Virtual Address Trace'
- for vStr in addrList:
- # vaddr = int(asize * random.random())
- vaddr = int(vStr)
- if options.solve == False:
- print ' VA 0x%08x (decimal: %8d) --> PA or invalid address?' % (vaddr, vaddr)
- else:
- paddr = 0
- # split vaddr into VPN | offset
- vpn = (vaddr & vpnmask) >> pagebits
- if pt[vpn] < 0:
- print ' VA 0x%08x (decimal: %8d) --> Invalid (VPN %d not valid)' % (vaddr, vaddr, vpn)
- else:
- pfn = pt[vpn]
- offset = vaddr & pagemask
- paddr = (pfn << pagebits) | offset
- print ' VA 0x%08x (decimal: %8d) --> %08x (decimal %8d) [VPN %d]' % (vaddr, vaddr, paddr, paddr, vpn)
- print ''
- if options.solve == False:
- print 'For each virtual address, write down the physical address it translates to'
- print 'OR write down that it is an out-of-bounds address (e.g., segfault).'
- print ''