- #! /usr/bin/env python
- import sys
- from optparse import OptionParser
- import random
- parser = OptionParser()
- parser.add_option('-s', '--seed', default=0, help='the random seed', action='store', type='int', dest='seed')
- parser.add_option('-j', '--jobs', default=3, help='number of jobs in the system', action='store', type='int', dest='jobs')
- parser.add_option('-l', '--jlist', default='', help='instead of random jobs, provide a comma-separated list of run times and ticket values (e.g., 10:100,20:100 would have two jobs with run-times of 10 and 20, each with 100 tickets)', action='store', type='string', dest='jlist')
- parser.add_option('-m', '--maxlen', default=10, help='max length of job', action='store', type='int', dest='maxlen')
- parser.add_option('-T', '--maxticket', default=100, help='maximum ticket value, if randomly assigned', action='store', type='int', dest='maxticket')
- parser.add_option('-q', '--quantum', default=1, help='length of time slice', action='store', type='int', dest='quantum')
- parser.add_option('-c', '--compute', help='compute answers for me', action='store_true', default=False, dest='solve')
- (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
- random.seed(options.seed)
- print 'ARG jlist', options.jlist
- print 'ARG jobs', options.jobs
- print 'ARG maxlen', options.maxlen
- print 'ARG maxticket', options.maxticket
- print 'ARG quantum', options.quantum
- print 'ARG seed', options.seed
- print ''
- print 'Here is the job list, with the run time of each job: '
- import operator
- tickTotal = 0
- runTotal = 0
- joblist = []
- if options.jlist == '':
- for jobnum in range(0,options.jobs):
- runtime = int(options.maxlen * random.random())
- tickets = int(options.maxticket * random.random())
- runTotal += runtime
- tickTotal += tickets
- joblist.append([jobnum, runtime, tickets])
- print ' Job %d ( length = %d, tickets = %d )' % (jobnum, runtime, tickets)
- else:
- jobnum = 0
- for entry in options.jlist.split(','):
- (runtime, tickets) = entry.split(':')
- joblist.append([jobnum, int(runtime), int(tickets)])
- runTotal += int(runtime)
- tickTotal += int(tickets)
- jobnum += 1
- for job in joblist:
- print ' Job %d ( length = %d, tickets = %d )' % (job[0], job[1], job[2])
- print '\n'
- if options.solve == False:
- print 'Here is the set of random numbers you will need (at most):'
- for i in range(runTotal):
- r = int(random.random() * 1000001)
- print 'Random', r
- if options.solve == True:
- print '** Solutions **\n'
- jobs = len(joblist)
- clock = 0
- for i in range(runTotal):
- r = int(random.random() * 1000001)
- winner = int(r % tickTotal)
- current = 0
- for (job, runtime, tickets) in joblist:
- current += tickets
- if current > winner:
- (wjob, wrun, wtix) = (job, runtime, tickets)
- break
- print 'Random', r, '-> Winning ticket %d (of %d) -> Run %d' % (winner, tickTotal, wjob)
- # print 'Winning ticket %d (of %d) -> Run %d' % (winner, tickTotal, wjob)
- print ' Jobs:',
- for (job, runtime, tickets) in joblist:
- if wjob == job:
- wstr = '*'
- else:
- wstr = ' '
- if runtime > 0:
- tstr = tickets
- else:
- tstr = '---'
- print ' (%s job:%d timeleft:%d tix:%s ) ' % (wstr, job, runtime, tstr),
- print ''
- # now do the accounting
- if wrun >= options.quantum:
- wrun -= options.quantum
- else:
- wrun = 0
- clock += options.quantum
- # job completed!
- if wrun == 0:
- print '--> JOB %d DONE at time %d' % (wjob, clock)
- tickTotal -= wtix
- wtix = 0
- jobs -= 1
- # update job list
- joblist[wjob] = (wjob, wrun, wtix)
- if jobs == 0:
- print ''
- break