- #include <proc.h>
- #include <kmalloc.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <sync.h>
- #include <pmm.h>
- #include <error.h>
- #include <sched.h>
- #include <elf.h>
- #include <vmm.h>
- #include <trap.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <assert.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
- #include <fs.h>
- #include <vfs.h>
- #include <sysfile.h>
- /* ------------- process/thread mechanism design&implementation -------------
- (an simplified Linux process/thread mechanism )
- introduction:
- ucore implements a simple process/thread mechanism. process contains the independent memory sapce, at least one threads
- for execution, the kernel data(for management), processor state (for context switch), files(in lab6), etc. ucore needs to
- manage all these details efficiently. In ucore, a thread is just a special kind of process(share process's memory).
- ------------------------------
- process state : meaning -- reason
- PROC_UNINIT : uninitialized -- alloc_proc
- PROC_SLEEPING : sleeping -- try_free_pages, do_wait, do_sleep
- PROC_RUNNABLE : runnable(maybe running) -- proc_init, wakeup_proc,
- PROC_ZOMBIE : almost dead -- do_exit
- -----------------------------
- process state changing:
- alloc_proc RUNNING
- + +--<----<--+
- + + proc_run +
- V +-->---->--+
- PROC_UNINIT -- proc_init/wakeup_proc --> PROC_RUNNABLE -- try_free_pages/do_wait/do_sleep --> PROC_SLEEPING --
- A + +
- | +--- do_exit --> PROC_ZOMBIE +
- + +
- -----------------------wakeup_proc----------------------------------
- -----------------------------
- process relations
- parent: proc->parent (proc is children)
- children: proc->cptr (proc is parent)
- older sibling: proc->optr (proc is younger sibling)
- younger sibling: proc->yptr (proc is older sibling)
- -----------------------------
- related syscall for process:
- SYS_exit : process exit, -->do_exit
- SYS_fork : create child process, dup mm -->do_fork-->wakeup_proc
- SYS_wait : wait process -->do_wait
- SYS_exec : after fork, process execute a program -->load a program and refresh the mm
- SYS_clone : create child thread -->do_fork-->wakeup_proc
- SYS_yield : process flag itself need resecheduling, -- proc->need_sched=1, then scheduler will rescheule this process
- SYS_sleep : process sleep -->do_sleep
- SYS_kill : kill process -->do_kill-->proc->flags |= PF_EXITING
- -->wakeup_proc-->do_wait-->do_exit
- SYS_getpid : get the process's pid
- */
- // the process set's list
- list_entry_t proc_list;
- #define HASH_SHIFT 10
- #define HASH_LIST_SIZE (1 << HASH_SHIFT)
- #define pid_hashfn(x) (hash32(x, HASH_SHIFT))
- // has list for process set based on pid
- static list_entry_t hash_list[HASH_LIST_SIZE];
- // idle proc
- struct proc_struct *idleproc = NULL;
- // init proc
- struct proc_struct *initproc = NULL;
- // current proc
- struct proc_struct *current = NULL;
- static int nr_process = 0;
- void kernel_thread_entry(void);
- void forkrets(struct trapframe *tf);
- void switch_to(struct context *from, struct context *to);
- // alloc_proc - alloc a proc_struct and init all fields of proc_struct
- static struct proc_struct *
- alloc_proc(void) {
- struct proc_struct *proc = kmalloc(sizeof(struct proc_struct));
- if (proc != NULL) {
- /*
- * below fields in proc_struct need to be initialized
- * enum proc_state state; // Process state
- * int pid; // Process ID
- * int runs; // the running times of Proces
- * uintptr_t kstack; // Process kernel stack
- * volatile bool need_resched; // bool value: need to be rescheduled to release CPU?
- * struct proc_struct *parent; // the parent process
- * struct mm_struct *mm; // Process's memory management field
- * struct context context; // Switch here to run process
- * struct trapframe *tf; // Trap frame for current interrupt
- * uintptr_t cr3; // CR3 register: the base addr of Page Directroy Table(PDT)
- * uint32_t flags; // Process flag
- * char name[PROC_NAME_LEN + 1]; // Process name
- */
- //LAB5 YOUR CODE : (update LAB4 steps)
- /*
- * below fields(add in LAB5) in proc_struct need to be initialized
- * uint32_t wait_state; // waiting state
- * struct proc_struct *cptr, *yptr, *optr; // relations between processes
- */
- //LAB8:EXERCISE2 YOUR CODE HINT:need add some code to init fs in proc_struct, ...
- proc->state = PROC_UNINIT;
- proc->pid = -1;
- proc->runs = 0;
- proc->kstack = 0;
- proc->need_resched = 0;
- proc->parent = NULL;
- proc->mm = NULL;
- memset(&(proc->context), 0, sizeof(struct context));
- proc->tf = NULL;
- proc->cr3 = boot_cr3;
- proc->flags = 0;
- memset(proc->name, 0, PROC_NAME_LEN);
- proc->wait_state = 0;
- proc->cptr = proc->optr = proc->yptr = NULL;
- proc->rq = NULL;
- list_init(&(proc->run_link));
- proc->time_slice = 0;
- proc->lab6_run_pool.left = proc->lab6_run_pool.right = proc->lab6_run_pool.parent = NULL;
- proc->lab6_stride = 0;
- proc->lab6_priority = 0;
- proc->filesp = NULL;
- }
- return proc;
- }
- // set_proc_name - set the name of proc
- char *
- set_proc_name(struct proc_struct *proc, const char *name) {
- memset(proc->name, 0, sizeof(proc->name));
- return memcpy(proc->name, name, PROC_NAME_LEN);
- }
- // get_proc_name - get the name of proc
- char *
- get_proc_name(struct proc_struct *proc) {
- static char name[PROC_NAME_LEN + 1];
- memset(name, 0, sizeof(name));
- return memcpy(name, proc->name, PROC_NAME_LEN);
- }
- // set_links - set the relation links of process
- static void
- set_links(struct proc_struct *proc) {
- list_add(&proc_list, &(proc->list_link));
- proc->yptr = NULL;
- if ((proc->optr = proc->parent->cptr) != NULL) {
- proc->optr->yptr = proc;
- }
- proc->parent->cptr = proc;
- nr_process ++;
- }
- // remove_links - clean the relation links of process
- static void
- remove_links(struct proc_struct *proc) {
- list_del(&(proc->list_link));
- if (proc->optr != NULL) {
- proc->optr->yptr = proc->yptr;
- }
- if (proc->yptr != NULL) {
- proc->yptr->optr = proc->optr;
- }
- else {
- proc->parent->cptr = proc->optr;
- }
- nr_process --;
- }
- // get_pid - alloc a unique pid for process
- static int
- get_pid(void) {
- static_assert(MAX_PID > MAX_PROCESS);
- struct proc_struct *proc;
- list_entry_t *list = &proc_list, *le;
- static int next_safe = MAX_PID, last_pid = MAX_PID;
- if (++ last_pid >= MAX_PID) {
- last_pid = 1;
- goto inside;
- }
- if (last_pid >= next_safe) {
- inside:
- next_safe = MAX_PID;
- repeat:
- le = list;
- while ((le = list_next(le)) != list) {
- proc = le2proc(le, list_link);
- if (proc->pid == last_pid) {
- if (++ last_pid >= next_safe) {
- if (last_pid >= MAX_PID) {
- last_pid = 1;
- }
- next_safe = MAX_PID;
- goto repeat;
- }
- }
- else if (proc->pid > last_pid && next_safe > proc->pid) {
- next_safe = proc->pid;
- }
- }
- }
- return last_pid;
- }
- // proc_run - make process "proc" running on cpu
- // NOTE: before call switch_to, should load base addr of "proc"'s new PDT
- void
- proc_run(struct proc_struct *proc) {
- if (proc != current) {
- bool intr_flag;
- struct proc_struct *prev = current, *next = proc;
- local_intr_save(intr_flag);
- {
- current = proc;
- load_esp0(next->kstack + KSTACKSIZE);
- lcr3(next->cr3);
- switch_to(&(prev->context), &(next->context));
- }
- local_intr_restore(intr_flag);
- }
- }
- // forkret -- the first kernel entry point of a new thread/process
- // NOTE: the addr of forkret is setted in copy_thread function
- // after switch_to, the current proc will execute here.
- static void
- forkret(void) {
- forkrets(current->tf);
- }
- // hash_proc - add proc into proc hash_list
- static void
- hash_proc(struct proc_struct *proc) {
- list_add(hash_list + pid_hashfn(proc->pid), &(proc->hash_link));
- }
- // unhash_proc - delete proc from proc hash_list
- static void
- unhash_proc(struct proc_struct *proc) {
- list_del(&(proc->hash_link));
- }
- // find_proc - find proc frome proc hash_list according to pid
- struct proc_struct *
- find_proc(int pid) {
- if (0 < pid && pid < MAX_PID) {
- list_entry_t *list = hash_list + pid_hashfn(pid), *le = list;
- while ((le = list_next(le)) != list) {
- struct proc_struct *proc = le2proc(le, hash_link);
- if (proc->pid == pid) {
- return proc;
- }
- }
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- // kernel_thread - create a kernel thread using "fn" function
- // NOTE: the contents of temp trapframe tf will be copied to
- // proc->tf in do_fork-->copy_thread function
- int
- kernel_thread(int (*fn)(void *), void *arg, uint32_t clone_flags) {
- struct trapframe tf;
- memset(&tf, 0, sizeof(struct trapframe));
- tf.tf_cs = KERNEL_CS;
- tf.tf_ds = tf.tf_es = tf.tf_ss = KERNEL_DS;
- tf.tf_regs.reg_ebx = (uint32_t)fn;
- tf.tf_regs.reg_edx = (uint32_t)arg;
- tf.tf_eip = (uint32_t)kernel_thread_entry;
- return do_fork(clone_flags | CLONE_VM, 0, &tf);
- }
- // setup_kstack - alloc pages with size KSTACKPAGE as process kernel stack
- static int
- setup_kstack(struct proc_struct *proc) {
- struct Page *page = alloc_pages(KSTACKPAGE);
- if (page != NULL) {
- proc->kstack = (uintptr_t)page2kva(page);
- return 0;
- }
- return -E_NO_MEM;
- }
- // put_kstack - free the memory space of process kernel stack
- static void
- put_kstack(struct proc_struct *proc) {
- free_pages(kva2page((void *)(proc->kstack)), KSTACKPAGE);
- }
- // setup_pgdir - alloc one page as PDT
- static int
- setup_pgdir(struct mm_struct *mm) {
- struct Page *page;
- if ((page = alloc_page()) == NULL) {
- return -E_NO_MEM;
- }
- pde_t *pgdir = page2kva(page);
- memcpy(pgdir, boot_pgdir, PGSIZE);
- pgdir[PDX(VPT)] = PADDR(pgdir) | PTE_P | PTE_W;
- mm->pgdir = pgdir;
- return 0;
- }
- // put_pgdir - free the memory space of PDT
- static void
- put_pgdir(struct mm_struct *mm) {
- free_page(kva2page(mm->pgdir));
- }
- // copy_mm - process "proc" duplicate OR share process "current"'s mm according clone_flags
- // - if clone_flags & CLONE_VM, then "share" ; else "duplicate"
- static int
- copy_mm(uint32_t clone_flags, struct proc_struct *proc) {
- struct mm_struct *mm, *oldmm = current->mm;
- /* current is a kernel thread */
- if (oldmm == NULL) {
- return 0;
- }
- if (clone_flags & CLONE_VM) {
- mm = oldmm;
- goto good_mm;
- }
- int ret = -E_NO_MEM;
- if ((mm = mm_create()) == NULL) {
- goto bad_mm;
- }
- if (setup_pgdir(mm) != 0) {
- goto bad_pgdir_cleanup_mm;
- }
- lock_mm(oldmm);
- {
- ret = dup_mmap(mm, oldmm);
- }
- unlock_mm(oldmm);
- if (ret != 0) {
- goto bad_dup_cleanup_mmap;
- }
- good_mm:
- mm_count_inc(mm);
- proc->mm = mm;
- proc->cr3 = PADDR(mm->pgdir);
- return 0;
- bad_dup_cleanup_mmap:
- exit_mmap(mm);
- put_pgdir(mm);
- bad_pgdir_cleanup_mm:
- mm_destroy(mm);
- bad_mm:
- return ret;
- }
- // copy_thread - setup the trapframe on the process's kernel stack top and
- // - setup the kernel entry point and stack of process
- static void
- copy_thread(struct proc_struct *proc, uintptr_t esp, struct trapframe *tf) {
- proc->tf = (struct trapframe *)(proc->kstack + KSTACKSIZE) - 1;
- *(proc->tf) = *tf;
- proc->tf->tf_regs.reg_eax = 0;
- proc->tf->tf_esp = esp;
- proc->tf->tf_eflags |= FL_IF;
- proc->context.eip = (uintptr_t)forkret;
- proc->context.esp = (uintptr_t)(proc->tf);
- }
- //copy_fs&put_fs function used by do_fork in LAB8
- static int
- copy_fs(uint32_t clone_flags, struct proc_struct *proc) {
- struct files_struct *filesp, *old_filesp = current->filesp;
- assert(old_filesp != NULL);
- if (clone_flags & CLONE_FS) {
- filesp = old_filesp;
- goto good_files_struct;
- }
- int ret = -E_NO_MEM;
- if ((filesp = files_create()) == NULL) {
- goto bad_files_struct;
- }
- if ((ret = dup_fs(filesp, old_filesp)) != 0) {
- goto bad_dup_cleanup_fs;
- }
- good_files_struct:
- files_count_inc(filesp);
- proc->filesp = filesp;
- return 0;
- bad_dup_cleanup_fs:
- files_destroy(filesp);
- bad_files_struct:
- return ret;
- }
- static void
- put_fs(struct proc_struct *proc) {
- struct files_struct *filesp = proc->filesp;
- if (filesp != NULL) {
- if (files_count_dec(filesp) == 0) {
- files_destroy(filesp);
- }
- }
- }
- /* do_fork - parent process for a new child process
- * @clone_flags: used to guide how to clone the child process
- * @stack: the parent's user stack pointer. if stack==0, It means to fork a kernel thread.
- * @tf: the trapframe info, which will be copied to child process's proc->tf
- */
- int
- do_fork(uint32_t clone_flags, uintptr_t stack, struct trapframe *tf) {
- int ret = -E_NO_FREE_PROC;
- struct proc_struct *proc;
- if (nr_process >= MAX_PROCESS) {
- goto fork_out;
- }
- ret = -E_NO_MEM;
- //LAB8:EXERCISE2 YOUR CODE HINT:how to copy the fs in parent's proc_struct?
- /*
- * Some Useful MACROs, Functions and DEFINEs, you can use them in below implementation.
- * MACROs or Functions:
- * alloc_proc: create a proc struct and init fields (lab4:exercise1)
- * setup_kstack: alloc pages with size KSTACKPAGE as process kernel stack
- * copy_mm: process "proc" duplicate OR share process "current"'s mm according clone_flags
- * if clone_flags & CLONE_VM, then "share" ; else "duplicate"
- * copy_thread: setup the trapframe on the process's kernel stack top and
- * setup the kernel entry point and stack of process
- * hash_proc: add proc into proc hash_list
- * get_pid: alloc a unique pid for process
- * wakeup_proc: set proc->state = PROC_RUNNABLE
- * proc_list: the process set's list
- * nr_process: the number of process set
- */
- // 1. call alloc_proc to allocate a proc_struct
- // 2. call setup_kstack to allocate a kernel stack for child process
- // 3. call copy_mm to dup OR share mm according clone_flag
- // 4. call copy_thread to setup tf & context in proc_struct
- // 5. insert proc_struct into hash_list && proc_list
- // 6. call wakeup_proc to make the new child process RUNNABLE
- // 7. set ret vaule using child proc's pid
- //LAB5 YOUR CODE : (update LAB4 steps)
- /* Some Functions
- * set_links: set the relation links of process. ALSO SEE: remove_links: lean the relation links of process
- * -------------------
- * update step 1: set child proc's parent to current process, make sure current process's wait_state is 0
- * update step 5: insert proc_struct into hash_list && proc_list, set the relation links of process
- */
- if ((proc = alloc_proc()) == NULL) {
- goto fork_out;
- }
- proc->parent = current;
- assert(current->wait_state == 0);
- if (setup_kstack(proc) != 0) {
- goto bad_fork_cleanup_proc;
- }
- if (copy_fs(clone_flags, proc) != 0) { //for LAB8
- goto bad_fork_cleanup_kstack;
- }
- if (copy_mm(clone_flags, proc) != 0) {
- goto bad_fork_cleanup_fs;
- }
- copy_thread(proc, stack, tf);
- bool intr_flag;
- local_intr_save(intr_flag);
- {
- proc->pid = get_pid();
- hash_proc(proc);
- set_links(proc);
- }
- local_intr_restore(intr_flag);
- wakeup_proc(proc);
- ret = proc->pid;
- fork_out:
- return ret;
- bad_fork_cleanup_fs: //for LAB8
- put_fs(proc);
- bad_fork_cleanup_kstack:
- put_kstack(proc);
- bad_fork_cleanup_proc:
- kfree(proc);
- goto fork_out;
- }
- // do_exit - called by sys_exit
- // 1. call exit_mmap & put_pgdir & mm_destroy to free the almost all memory space of process
- // 2. set process' state as PROC_ZOMBIE, then call wakeup_proc(parent) to ask parent reclaim itself.
- // 3. call scheduler to switch to other process
- int
- do_exit(int error_code) {
- if (current == idleproc) {
- panic("idleproc exit.\n");
- }
- if (current == initproc) {
- panic("initproc exit.\n");
- }
- struct mm_struct *mm = current->mm;
- if (mm != NULL) {
- lcr3(boot_cr3);
- if (mm_count_dec(mm) == 0) {
- exit_mmap(mm);
- put_pgdir(mm);
- mm_destroy(mm);
- }
- current->mm = NULL;
- }
- put_fs(current); //for LAB8
- current->state = PROC_ZOMBIE;
- current->exit_code = error_code;
- bool intr_flag;
- struct proc_struct *proc;
- local_intr_save(intr_flag);
- {
- proc = current->parent;
- if (proc->wait_state == WT_CHILD) {
- wakeup_proc(proc);
- }
- while (current->cptr != NULL) {
- proc = current->cptr;
- current->cptr = proc->optr;
- proc->yptr = NULL;
- if ((proc->optr = initproc->cptr) != NULL) {
- initproc->cptr->yptr = proc;
- }
- proc->parent = initproc;
- initproc->cptr = proc;
- if (proc->state == PROC_ZOMBIE) {
- if (initproc->wait_state == WT_CHILD) {
- wakeup_proc(initproc);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- local_intr_restore(intr_flag);
- schedule();
- panic("do_exit will not return!! %d.\n", current->pid);
- }
- //load_icode_read is used by load_icode in LAB8
- static int
- load_icode_read(int fd, void *buf, size_t len, off_t offset) {
- int ret;
- if ((ret = sysfile_seek(fd, offset, LSEEK_SET)) != 0) {
- return ret;
- }
- if ((ret = sysfile_read(fd, buf, len)) != len) {
- return (ret < 0) ? ret : -1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- // load_icode - called by sys_exec-->do_execve
- static int
- load_icode(int fd, int argc, char **kargv) {
- /* LAB8:EXERCISE2 YOUR CODE HINT:how to load the file with handler fd in to process's memory? how to setup argc/argv?
- * MACROs or Functions:
- * mm_create - create a mm
- * setup_pgdir - setup pgdir in mm
- * load_icode_read - read raw data content of program file
- * mm_map - build new vma
- * pgdir_alloc_page - allocate new memory for TEXT/DATA/BSS/stack parts
- * lcr3 - update Page Directory Addr Register -- CR3
- */
- /* (1) create a new mm for current process
- * (2) create a new PDT, and mm->pgdir= kernel virtual addr of PDT
- * (3) copy TEXT/DATA/BSS parts in binary to memory space of process
- * (3.1) read raw data content in file and resolve elfhdr
- * (3.2) read raw data content in file and resolve proghdr based on info in elfhdr
- * (3.3) call mm_map to build vma related to TEXT/DATA
- * (3.4) callpgdir_alloc_page to allocate page for TEXT/DATA, read contents in file
- * and copy them into the new allocated pages
- * (3.5) callpgdir_alloc_page to allocate pages for BSS, memset zero in these pages
- * (4) call mm_map to setup user stack, and put parameters into user stack
- * (5) setup current process's mm, cr3, reset pgidr (using lcr3 MARCO)
- * (6) setup uargc and uargv in user stacks
- * (7) setup trapframe for user environment
- * (8) if up steps failed, you should cleanup the env.
- */
- assert(argc >= 0 && argc <= EXEC_MAX_ARG_NUM);
- if (current->mm != NULL) {
- panic("load_icode: current->mm must be empty.\n");
- }
- int ret = -E_NO_MEM;
- struct mm_struct *mm;
- if ((mm = mm_create()) == NULL) {
- goto bad_mm;
- }
- if (setup_pgdir(mm) != 0) {
- goto bad_pgdir_cleanup_mm;
- }
- struct Page *page;
- struct elfhdr __elf, *elf = &__elf;
- if ((ret = load_icode_read(fd, elf, sizeof(struct elfhdr), 0)) != 0) {
- goto bad_elf_cleanup_pgdir;
- }
- if (elf->e_magic != ELF_MAGIC) {
- ret = -E_INVAL_ELF;
- goto bad_elf_cleanup_pgdir;
- }
- struct proghdr __ph, *ph = &__ph;
- uint32_t vm_flags, perm, phnum;
- for (phnum = 0; phnum < elf->e_phnum; phnum ++) {
- off_t phoff = elf->e_phoff + sizeof(struct proghdr) * phnum;
- if ((ret = load_icode_read(fd, ph, sizeof(struct proghdr), phoff)) != 0) {
- goto bad_cleanup_mmap;
- }
- if (ph->p_type != ELF_PT_LOAD) {
- continue ;
- }
- if (ph->p_filesz > ph->p_memsz) {
- ret = -E_INVAL_ELF;
- goto bad_cleanup_mmap;
- }
- if (ph->p_filesz == 0) {
- continue ;
- }
- vm_flags = 0, perm = PTE_U;
- if (ph->p_flags & ELF_PF_X) vm_flags |= VM_EXEC;
- if (ph->p_flags & ELF_PF_W) vm_flags |= VM_WRITE;
- if (ph->p_flags & ELF_PF_R) vm_flags |= VM_READ;
- if (vm_flags & VM_WRITE) perm |= PTE_W;
- if ((ret = mm_map(mm, ph->p_va, ph->p_memsz, vm_flags, NULL)) != 0) {
- goto bad_cleanup_mmap;
- }
- off_t offset = ph->p_offset;
- size_t off, size;
- uintptr_t start = ph->p_va, end, la = ROUNDDOWN(start, PGSIZE);
- ret = -E_NO_MEM;
- end = ph->p_va + ph->p_filesz;
- while (start < end) {
- if ((page = pgdir_alloc_page(mm->pgdir, la, perm)) == NULL) {
- ret = -E_NO_MEM;
- goto bad_cleanup_mmap;
- }
- off = start - la, size = PGSIZE - off, la += PGSIZE;
- if (end < la) {
- size -= la - end;
- }
- if ((ret = load_icode_read(fd, page2kva(page) + off, size, offset)) != 0) {
- goto bad_cleanup_mmap;
- }
- start += size, offset += size;
- }
- end = ph->p_va + ph->p_memsz;
- if (start < la) {
- /* ph->p_memsz == ph->p_filesz */
- if (start == end) {
- continue ;
- }
- off = start + PGSIZE - la, size = PGSIZE - off;
- if (end < la) {
- size -= la - end;
- }
- memset(page2kva(page) + off, 0, size);
- start += size;
- assert((end < la && start == end) || (end >= la && start == la));
- }
- while (start < end) {
- if ((page = pgdir_alloc_page(mm->pgdir, la, perm)) == NULL) {
- ret = -E_NO_MEM;
- goto bad_cleanup_mmap;
- }
- off = start - la, size = PGSIZE - off, la += PGSIZE;
- if (end < la) {
- size -= la - end;
- }
- memset(page2kva(page) + off, 0, size);
- start += size;
- }
- }
- sysfile_close(fd);
- vm_flags = VM_READ | VM_WRITE | VM_STACK;
- if ((ret = mm_map(mm, USTACKTOP - USTACKSIZE, USTACKSIZE, vm_flags, NULL)) != 0) {
- goto bad_cleanup_mmap;
- }
- assert(pgdir_alloc_page(mm->pgdir, USTACKTOP-PGSIZE , PTE_USER) != NULL);
- assert(pgdir_alloc_page(mm->pgdir, USTACKTOP-2*PGSIZE , PTE_USER) != NULL);
- assert(pgdir_alloc_page(mm->pgdir, USTACKTOP-3*PGSIZE , PTE_USER) != NULL);
- assert(pgdir_alloc_page(mm->pgdir, USTACKTOP-4*PGSIZE , PTE_USER) != NULL);
- mm_count_inc(mm);
- current->mm = mm;
- current->cr3 = PADDR(mm->pgdir);
- lcr3(PADDR(mm->pgdir));
- //setup argc, argv
- uint32_t argv_size=0, i;
- for (i = 0; i < argc; i ++) {
- argv_size += strnlen(kargv[i],EXEC_MAX_ARG_LEN + 1)+1;
- }
- uintptr_t stacktop = USTACKTOP - (argv_size/sizeof(long)+1)*sizeof(long);
- char** uargv=(char **)(stacktop - argc * sizeof(char *));
- argv_size = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < argc; i ++) {
- uargv[i] = strcpy((char *)(stacktop + argv_size ), kargv[i]);
- argv_size += strnlen(kargv[i],EXEC_MAX_ARG_LEN + 1)+1;
- }
- stacktop = (uintptr_t)uargv - sizeof(int);
- *(int *)stacktop = argc;
- struct trapframe *tf = current->tf;
- memset(tf, 0, sizeof(struct trapframe));
- tf->tf_cs = USER_CS;
- tf->tf_ds = tf->tf_es = tf->tf_ss = USER_DS;
- tf->tf_esp = stacktop;
- tf->tf_eip = elf->e_entry;
- tf->tf_eflags = FL_IF;
- ret = 0;
- out:
- return ret;
- bad_cleanup_mmap:
- exit_mmap(mm);
- bad_elf_cleanup_pgdir:
- put_pgdir(mm);
- bad_pgdir_cleanup_mm:
- mm_destroy(mm);
- bad_mm:
- goto out;
- }
- // this function isn't very correct in LAB8
- static void
- put_kargv(int argc, char **kargv) {
- while (argc > 0) {
- kfree(kargv[-- argc]);
- }
- }
- static int
- copy_kargv(struct mm_struct *mm, int argc, char **kargv, const char **argv) {
- int i, ret = -E_INVAL;
- if (!user_mem_check(mm, (uintptr_t)argv, sizeof(const char *) * argc, 0)) {
- return ret;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < argc; i ++) {
- char *buffer;
- if ((buffer = kmalloc(EXEC_MAX_ARG_LEN + 1)) == NULL) {
- goto failed_nomem;
- }
- if (!copy_string(mm, buffer, argv[i], EXEC_MAX_ARG_LEN + 1)) {
- kfree(buffer);
- goto failed_cleanup;
- }
- kargv[i] = buffer;
- }
- return 0;
- failed_nomem:
- ret = -E_NO_MEM;
- failed_cleanup:
- put_kargv(i, kargv);
- return ret;
- }
- // do_execve - call exit_mmap(mm)&put_pgdir(mm) to reclaim memory space of current process
- // - call load_icode to setup new memory space accroding binary prog.
- int
- do_execve(const char *name, int argc, const char **argv) {
- static_assert(EXEC_MAX_ARG_LEN >= FS_MAX_FPATH_LEN);
- struct mm_struct *mm = current->mm;
- if (!(argc >= 1 && argc <= EXEC_MAX_ARG_NUM)) {
- return -E_INVAL;
- }
- char local_name[PROC_NAME_LEN + 1];
- memset(local_name, 0, sizeof(local_name));
- char *kargv[EXEC_MAX_ARG_NUM];
- const char *path;
- int ret = -E_INVAL;
- lock_mm(mm);
- if (name == NULL) {
- snprintf(local_name, sizeof(local_name), "<null> %d", current->pid);
- }
- else {
- if (!copy_string(mm, local_name, name, sizeof(local_name))) {
- unlock_mm(mm);
- return ret;
- }
- }
- if ((ret = copy_kargv(mm, argc, kargv, argv)) != 0) {
- unlock_mm(mm);
- return ret;
- }
- path = argv[0];
- unlock_mm(mm);
- files_closeall(current->filesp);
- /* sysfile_open will check the first argument path, thus we have to use a user-space pointer, and argv[0] may be incorrect */
- int fd;
- if ((ret = fd = sysfile_open(path, O_RDONLY)) < 0) {
- goto execve_exit;
- }
- if (mm != NULL) {
- lcr3(boot_cr3);
- if (mm_count_dec(mm) == 0) {
- exit_mmap(mm);
- put_pgdir(mm);
- mm_destroy(mm);
- }
- current->mm = NULL;
- }
- ret= -E_NO_MEM;;
- if ((ret = load_icode(fd, argc, kargv)) != 0) {
- goto execve_exit;
- }
- put_kargv(argc, kargv);
- set_proc_name(current, local_name);
- return 0;
- execve_exit:
- put_kargv(argc, kargv);
- do_exit(ret);
- panic("already exit: %e.\n", ret);
- }
- // do_yield - ask the scheduler to reschedule
- int
- do_yield(void) {
- current->need_resched = 1;
- return 0;
- }
- // do_wait - wait one OR any children with PROC_ZOMBIE state, and free memory space of kernel stack
- // - proc struct of this child.
- // NOTE: only after do_wait function, all resources of the child proces are free.
- int
- do_wait(int pid, int *code_store) {
- struct mm_struct *mm = current->mm;
- if (code_store != NULL) {
- if (!user_mem_check(mm, (uintptr_t)code_store, sizeof(int), 1)) {
- return -E_INVAL;
- }
- }
- struct proc_struct *proc;
- bool intr_flag, haskid;
- repeat:
- haskid = 0;
- if (pid != 0) {
- proc = find_proc(pid);
- if (proc != NULL && proc->parent == current) {
- haskid = 1;
- if (proc->state == PROC_ZOMBIE) {
- goto found;
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- proc = current->cptr;
- for (; proc != NULL; proc = proc->optr) {
- haskid = 1;
- if (proc->state == PROC_ZOMBIE) {
- goto found;
- }
- }
- }
- if (haskid) {
- current->state = PROC_SLEEPING;
- current->wait_state = WT_CHILD;
- schedule();
- if (current->flags & PF_EXITING) {
- do_exit(-E_KILLED);
- }
- goto repeat;
- }
- return -E_BAD_PROC;
- found:
- if (proc == idleproc || proc == initproc) {
- panic("wait idleproc or initproc.\n");
- }
- if (code_store != NULL) {
- *code_store = proc->exit_code;
- }
- local_intr_save(intr_flag);
- {
- unhash_proc(proc);
- remove_links(proc);
- }
- local_intr_restore(intr_flag);
- put_kstack(proc);
- kfree(proc);
- return 0;
- }
- // do_kill - kill process with pid by set this process's flags with PF_EXITING
- int
- do_kill(int pid) {
- struct proc_struct *proc;
- if ((proc = find_proc(pid)) != NULL) {
- if (!(proc->flags & PF_EXITING)) {
- proc->flags |= PF_EXITING;
- if (proc->wait_state & WT_INTERRUPTED) {
- wakeup_proc(proc);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- return -E_KILLED;
- }
- return -E_INVAL;
- }
- // kernel_execve - do SYS_exec syscall to exec a user program called by user_main kernel_thread
- static int
- kernel_execve(const char *name, const char **argv) {
- int argc = 0, ret;
- while (argv[argc] != NULL) {
- argc ++;
- }
- asm volatile (
- "int %1;"
- : "=a" (ret)
- : "i" (T_SYSCALL), "0" (SYS_exec), "d" (name), "c" (argc), "b" (argv)
- : "memory");
- return ret;
- }
- #define __KERNEL_EXECVE(name, path, ...) ({ \
- const char *argv[] = {path, ##__VA_ARGS__, NULL}; \
- cprintf("kernel_execve: pid = %d, name = \"%s\".\n", \
- current->pid, name); \
- kernel_execve(name, argv); \
- })
- #define KERNEL_EXECVE(x, ...) __KERNEL_EXECVE(#x, #x, ##__VA_ARGS__)
- #define KERNEL_EXECVE2(x, ...) KERNEL_EXECVE(x, ##__VA_ARGS__)
- #define __KERNEL_EXECVE3(x, s, ...) KERNEL_EXECVE(x, #s, ##__VA_ARGS__)
- #define KERNEL_EXECVE3(x, s, ...) __KERNEL_EXECVE3(x, s, ##__VA_ARGS__)
- // user_main - kernel thread used to exec a user program
- static int
- user_main(void *arg) {
- #ifdef TEST
- #else
- #endif
- #else
- #endif
- panic("user_main execve failed.\n");
- }
- // init_main - the second kernel thread used to create user_main kernel threads
- static int
- init_main(void *arg) {
- int ret;
- if ((ret = vfs_set_bootfs("disk0:")) != 0) {
- panic("set boot fs failed: %e.\n", ret);
- }
- size_t nr_free_pages_store = nr_free_pages();
- size_t kernel_allocated_store = kallocated();
- int pid = kernel_thread(user_main, NULL, 0);
- if (pid <= 0) {
- panic("create user_main failed.\n");
- }
- extern void check_sync(void);
- check_sync(); // check philosopher sync problem
- while (do_wait(0, NULL) == 0) {
- schedule();
- }
- fs_cleanup();
- cprintf("all user-mode processes have quit.\n");
- assert(initproc->cptr == NULL && initproc->yptr == NULL && initproc->optr == NULL);
- assert(nr_process == 2);
- assert(list_next(&proc_list) == &(initproc->list_link));
- assert(list_prev(&proc_list) == &(initproc->list_link));
- assert(nr_free_pages_store == nr_free_pages());
- assert(kernel_allocated_store == kallocated());
- cprintf("init check memory pass.\n");
- return 0;
- }
- // proc_init - set up the first kernel thread idleproc "idle" by itself and
- // - create the second kernel thread init_main
- void
- proc_init(void) {
- int i;
- list_init(&proc_list);
- for (i = 0; i < HASH_LIST_SIZE; i ++) {
- list_init(hash_list + i);
- }
- if ((idleproc = alloc_proc()) == NULL) {
- panic("cannot alloc idleproc.\n");
- }
- idleproc->pid = 0;
- idleproc->state = PROC_RUNNABLE;
- idleproc->kstack = (uintptr_t)bootstack;
- idleproc->need_resched = 1;
- if ((idleproc->filesp = files_create()) == NULL) {
- panic("create filesp (idleproc) failed.\n");
- }
- files_count_inc(idleproc->filesp);
- set_proc_name(idleproc, "idle");
- nr_process ++;
- current = idleproc;
- int pid = kernel_thread(init_main, NULL, 0);
- if (pid <= 0) {
- panic("create init_main failed.\n");
- }
- initproc = find_proc(pid);
- set_proc_name(initproc, "init");
- assert(idleproc != NULL && idleproc->pid == 0);
- assert(initproc != NULL && initproc->pid == 1);
- }
- // cpu_idle - at the end of kern_init, the first kernel thread idleproc will do below works
- void
- cpu_idle(void) {
- while (1) {
- if (current->need_resched) {
- schedule();
- }
- }
- }
- //FOR LAB6, set the process's priority (bigger value will get more CPU time)
- void
- lab6_set_priority(uint32_t priority)
- {
- if (priority == 0)
- current->lab6_priority = 1;
- else current->lab6_priority = priority;
- }
- // do_sleep - set current process state to sleep and add timer with "time"
- // - then call scheduler. if process run again, delete timer first.
- int
- do_sleep(unsigned int time) {
- if (time == 0) {
- return 0;
- }
- bool intr_flag;
- local_intr_save(intr_flag);
- timer_t __timer, *timer = timer_init(&__timer, current, time);
- current->state = PROC_SLEEPING;
- current->wait_state = WT_TIMER;
- add_timer(timer);
- local_intr_restore(intr_flag);
- schedule();
- del_timer(timer);
- return 0;
- }