- #include <defs.h>
- #include <mmu.h>
- #include <memlayout.h>
- #include <clock.h>
- #include <trap.h>
- #include <x86.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <assert.h>
- #include <console.h>
- #include <kdebug.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #define TICK_NUM 1
- static void print_ticks() {
- cprintf("%d ticks\n",TICK_NUM);
- #ifdef DEBUG_GRADE
- cprintf("End of Test.\n");
- panic("EOT: kernel seems ok.");
- #endif
- }
- /* *
- * Interrupt descriptor table:
- *
- * Must be built at run time because shifted function addresses can't
- * be represented in relocation records.
- * */
- static struct gatedesc idt[256] = {{0}};
- static struct pseudodesc idt_pd = {
- sizeof(idt) - 1, (uintptr_t)idt
- };
- /* idt_init - initialize IDT to each of the entry points in kern/trap/vectors.S */
- void
- idt_init(void) {
- /* LAB1 YOUR CODE : STEP 2 */
- /* (1) Where are the entry addrs of each Interrupt Service Routine (ISR)?
- * All ISR's entry addrs are stored in __vectors. where is uintptr_t __vectors[] ?
- * __vectors[] is in kern/trap/vector.S which is produced by tools/vector.c
- * (try "make" command in lab1, then you will find vector.S in kern/trap DIR)
- * You can use "extern uintptr_t __vectors[];" to define this extern variable which will be used later.
- * (2) Now you should setup the entries of ISR in Interrupt Description Table (IDT).
- * Can you see idt[256] in this file? Yes, it's IDT! you can use SETGATE macro to setup each item of IDT
- * (3) After setup the contents of IDT, you will let CPU know where is the IDT by using 'lidt' instruction.
- * You don't know the meaning of this instruction? just google it! and check the libs/x86.h to know more.
- * Notice: the argument of lidt is idt_pd. try to find it!
- */
- extern uintptr_t __vectors[];
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < sizeof(idt) / sizeof(struct gatedesc); i ++) {
- SETGATE(idt[i], 0, GD_KTEXT, __vectors[i], DPL_KERNEL);
- }
- // set for switch from user to kernel
- // load the IDT
- lidt(&idt_pd);
- }
- static const char *
- trapname(int trapno) {
- static const char * const excnames[] = {
- "Divide error",
- "Debug",
- "Non-Maskable Interrupt",
- "Breakpoint",
- "Overflow",
- "BOUND Range Exceeded",
- "Invalid Opcode",
- "Device Not Available",
- "Double Fault",
- "Coprocessor Segment Overrun",
- "Invalid TSS",
- "Segment Not Present",
- "Stack Fault",
- "General Protection",
- "Page Fault",
- "(unknown trap)",
- "x87 FPU Floating-Point Error",
- "Alignment Check",
- "Machine-Check",
- "SIMD Floating-Point Exception"
- };
- if (trapno < sizeof(excnames)/sizeof(const char * const)) {
- return excnames[trapno];
- }
- if (trapno >= IRQ_OFFSET && trapno < IRQ_OFFSET + 16) {
- return "Hardware Interrupt";
- }
- return "(unknown trap)";
- }
- /* trap_in_kernel - test if trap happened in kernel */
- bool
- trap_in_kernel(struct trapframe *tf) {
- return (tf->tf_cs == (uint16_t)KERNEL_CS);
- }
- static const char *IA32flags[] = {
- "CF", NULL, "PF", NULL, "AF", NULL, "ZF", "SF",
- "TF", "IF", "DF", "OF", NULL, NULL, "NT", NULL,
- "RF", "VM", "AC", "VIF", "VIP", "ID", NULL, NULL,
- };
- void
- print_trapframe(struct trapframe *tf) {
- cprintf("trapframe at %p\n", tf);
- print_regs(&tf->tf_regs);
- cprintf(" ds 0x----%04x\n", tf->tf_ds);
- cprintf(" es 0x----%04x\n", tf->tf_es);
- cprintf(" fs 0x----%04x\n", tf->tf_fs);
- cprintf(" gs 0x----%04x\n", tf->tf_gs);
- cprintf(" trap 0x%08x %s\n", tf->tf_trapno, trapname(tf->tf_trapno));
- cprintf(" err 0x%08x\n", tf->tf_err);
- cprintf(" eip 0x%08x\n", tf->tf_eip);
- cprintf(" cs 0x----%04x\n", tf->tf_cs);
- cprintf(" flag 0x%08x ", tf->tf_eflags);
- int i, j;
- for (i = 0, j = 1; i < sizeof(IA32flags) / sizeof(IA32flags[0]); i ++, j <<= 1) {
- if ((tf->tf_eflags & j) && IA32flags[i] != NULL) {
- cprintf("%s,", IA32flags[i]);
- }
- }
- cprintf("IOPL=%d\n", (tf->tf_eflags & FL_IOPL_MASK) >> 12);
- if (!trap_in_kernel(tf)) {
- cprintf(" esp 0x%08x\n", tf->tf_esp);
- cprintf(" ss 0x----%04x\n", tf->tf_ss);
- }
- }
- void
- print_regs(struct pushregs *regs) {
- cprintf(" edi 0x%08x\n", regs->reg_edi);
- cprintf(" esi 0x%08x\n", regs->reg_esi);
- cprintf(" ebp 0x%08x\n", regs->reg_ebp);
- cprintf(" oesp 0x%08x\n", regs->reg_oesp);
- cprintf(" ebx 0x%08x\n", regs->reg_ebx);
- cprintf(" edx 0x%08x\n", regs->reg_edx);
- cprintf(" ecx 0x%08x\n", regs->reg_ecx);
- cprintf(" eax 0x%08x\n", regs->reg_eax);
- }
- /* temporary trapframe or pointer to trapframe */
- struct trapframe switchk2u, *switchu2k;
- /* trap_dispatch - dispatch based on what type of trap occurred */
- static void
- trap_dispatch(struct trapframe *tf) {
- volatile char c;
- // 有限状态机?
- // 唉不能long long,看来很有可能会溢出啊
- static long milliseconds = 0;
- static enum {COUNTDOWN=-1, COUNTUP=1} mode = COUNTUP;
- switch (tf->tf_trapno) {
- /* LAB1 YOUR CODE : STEP 3 */
- /* handle the timer interrupt */
- /* (1) After a timer interrupt, you should record this event using a global variable (increase it), such as ticks in kern/driver/clock.c
- * (2) Every TICK_NUM cycle, you can print some info using a funciton, such as print_ticks().
- * (3) Too Simple? Yes, I think so!
- */
- switch (state) {
- case STARTED:
- if (ticks % TICK_NUM == 0) {
- // 10毫秒触发一次时钟中断,TICK_NUM次中断触发一次更新,所以毫秒数应该乘TICK_NUM * 10
- milliseconds += mode * TICK_NUM * 10;
- // 当时间倒计时到0时转成停止状态
- // 而正计时加了mode之后至少为1所以不会转换状态
- // 使用小于等于0而不是等于0是为了防止万一出现异常导致小于0的情况
- state = READY_TO_OUTPUT * (milliseconds <= 0); // 为了减少分支才写成这样
- // print_ticks();
- cprintf("\r%d.%03d\t", milliseconds / 1000, milliseconds % 1000);
- }
- break;
- state = STOPPED;
- mode = COUNTUP;
- if (milliseconds < 0) milliseconds = 0; // 防止出现异常小于0
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- ticks ++;
- break;
- c = cons_getc();
- cprintf("serial [%03d] %c\n", c, c);
- break;
- c = cons_getc();
- if (state == WAITING_FOR_INPUT) {
- long seconds = milliseconds / 1000;
- // if (c != '\0') cprintf("%c", c);
- // 如果是正在输入状态,此时不能键入字母或其他各种字符
- // 在这里不能直接break不然就直接跳出中断处理程序了
- // 所以用c=0来防止执行后面的转换状态
- if (c == '\b' || c == '\n' || ('0' <= c && c <= '9')) {
- cprintf("%c", c);
- } else {
- c = '\0';
- }
- if (c == '\b') {
- seconds /= 10;
- }
- if ('0' <= c && c <= '9') {
- seconds *= 10;
- seconds += c - '0';
- }
- milliseconds = seconds * 1000;
- if (c == '\n') {
- state = STARTED;
- }
- c = '\0'; // 如果是正在输入状态,此时不能根据字母转换状态
- }
- switch (c) {
- case 'a':
- mode = COUNTUP;
- break;
- case 'b':
- mode = COUNTDOWN;
- milliseconds = 0;
- break;
- case 's':
- case 'c':
- state = STARTED;
- cprintf(MSG_START);
- break;
- case 'p':
- state = STOPPED;
- cprintf(MSG_PAUSE, milliseconds / 1000, milliseconds % 1000);
- break;
- case 'e':
- state = STOPPED;
- mode = COUNTUP;
- cprintf(MSG_STOP, milliseconds / 1000, milliseconds % 1000);
- milliseconds = 0;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- // cprintf("kbd [%03d] %c\n", c, c);
- break;
- //LAB1 CHALLENGE 1 : YOUR CODE you should modify below codes.
- case T_SWITCH_TOU:
- if (tf->tf_cs != USER_CS) {
- switchk2u = *tf;
- switchk2u.tf_cs = USER_CS;
- switchk2u.tf_ds = switchk2u.tf_es = switchk2u.tf_ss = USER_DS;
- switchk2u.tf_esp = (uint32_t)tf + sizeof(struct trapframe) - 8;
- // set eflags, make sure ucore can use io under user mode.
- // if CPL > IOPL, then cpu will generate a general protection.
- switchk2u.tf_eflags |= FL_IOPL_MASK;
- // set temporary stack
- // then iret will jump to the right stack
- *((uint32_t *)tf - 1) = (uint32_t)&switchk2u;
- }
- break;
- case T_SWITCH_TOK:
- if (tf->tf_cs != KERNEL_CS) {
- tf->tf_cs = KERNEL_CS;
- tf->tf_ds = tf->tf_es = KERNEL_DS;
- tf->tf_eflags &= ~FL_IOPL_MASK;
- switchu2k = (struct trapframe *)(tf->tf_esp - (sizeof(struct trapframe) - 8));
- memmove(switchu2k, tf, sizeof(struct trapframe) - 8);
- *((uint32_t *)tf - 1) = (uint32_t)switchu2k;
- }
- break;
- /* do nothing */
- break;
- default:
- // in kernel, it must be a mistake
- if ((tf->tf_cs & 3) == 0) {
- print_trapframe(tf);
- panic("unexpected trap in kernel.\n");
- }
- }
- }
- /* *
- * trap - handles or dispatches an exception/interrupt. if and when trap() returns,
- * the code in kern/trap/trapentry.S restores the old CPU state saved in the
- * trapframe and then uses the iret instruction to return from the exception.
- * */
- void
- trap(struct trapframe *tf) {
- // dispatch based on what type of trap occurred
- trap_dispatch(tf);
- }