- #include <defs.h>
- #include <mmu.h>
- #include <sem.h>
- #include <ide.h>
- #include <inode.h>
- #include <kmalloc.h>
- #include <dev.h>
- #include <vfs.h>
- #include <iobuf.h>
- #include <error.h>
- #include <assert.h>
- static char *disk0_buffer;
- static semaphore_t disk0_sem;
- static void
- lock_disk0(void) {
- down(&(disk0_sem));
- }
- static void
- unlock_disk0(void) {
- up(&(disk0_sem));
- }
- static int
- disk0_open(struct device *dev, uint32_t open_flags) {
- return 0;
- }
- static int
- disk0_close(struct device *dev) {
- return 0;
- }
- static void
- disk0_read_blks_nolock(uint32_t blkno, uint32_t nblks) {
- int ret;
- uint32_t sectno = blkno * DISK0_BLK_NSECT, nsecs = nblks * DISK0_BLK_NSECT;
- if ((ret = ide_read_secs(DISK0_DEV_NO, sectno, disk0_buffer, nsecs)) != 0) {
- panic("disk0: read blkno = %d (sectno = %d), nblks = %d (nsecs = %d): 0x%08x.\n",
- blkno, sectno, nblks, nsecs, ret);
- }
- }
- static void
- disk0_write_blks_nolock(uint32_t blkno, uint32_t nblks) {
- int ret;
- uint32_t sectno = blkno * DISK0_BLK_NSECT, nsecs = nblks * DISK0_BLK_NSECT;
- if ((ret = ide_write_secs(DISK0_DEV_NO, sectno, disk0_buffer, nsecs)) != 0) {
- panic("disk0: write blkno = %d (sectno = %d), nblks = %d (nsecs = %d): 0x%08x.\n",
- blkno, sectno, nblks, nsecs, ret);
- }
- }
- static int
- disk0_io(struct device *dev, struct iobuf *iob, bool write) {
- off_t offset = iob->io_offset;
- size_t resid = iob->io_resid;
- uint32_t blkno = offset / DISK0_BLKSIZE;
- uint32_t nblks = resid / DISK0_BLKSIZE;
- /* don't allow I/O that isn't block-aligned */
- if ((offset % DISK0_BLKSIZE) != 0 || (resid % DISK0_BLKSIZE) != 0) {
- return -E_INVAL;
- }
- /* don't allow I/O past the end of disk0 */
- if (blkno + nblks > dev->d_blocks) {
- return -E_INVAL;
- }
- /* read/write nothing ? */
- if (nblks == 0) {
- return 0;
- }
- lock_disk0();
- while (resid != 0) {
- size_t copied, alen = DISK0_BUFSIZE;
- if (write) {
- iobuf_move(iob, disk0_buffer, alen, 0, &copied);
- assert(copied != 0 && copied <= resid && copied % DISK0_BLKSIZE == 0);
- nblks = copied / DISK0_BLKSIZE;
- disk0_write_blks_nolock(blkno, nblks);
- }
- else {
- if (alen > resid) {
- alen = resid;
- }
- nblks = alen / DISK0_BLKSIZE;
- disk0_read_blks_nolock(blkno, nblks);
- iobuf_move(iob, disk0_buffer, alen, 1, &copied);
- assert(copied == alen && copied % DISK0_BLKSIZE == 0);
- }
- resid -= copied, blkno += nblks;
- }
- unlock_disk0();
- return 0;
- }
- static int
- disk0_ioctl(struct device *dev, int op, void *data) {
- return -E_UNIMP;
- }
- static void
- disk0_device_init(struct device *dev) {
- static_assert(DISK0_BLKSIZE % SECTSIZE == 0);
- if (!ide_device_valid(DISK0_DEV_NO)) {
- panic("disk0 device isn't available.\n");
- }
- dev->d_blocks = ide_device_size(DISK0_DEV_NO) / DISK0_BLK_NSECT;
- dev->d_blocksize = DISK0_BLKSIZE;
- dev->d_open = disk0_open;
- dev->d_close = disk0_close;
- dev->d_io = disk0_io;
- dev->d_ioctl = disk0_ioctl;
- sem_init(&(disk0_sem), 1);
- static_assert(DISK0_BUFSIZE % DISK0_BLKSIZE == 0);
- if ((disk0_buffer = kmalloc(DISK0_BUFSIZE)) == NULL) {
- panic("disk0 alloc buffer failed.\n");
- }
- }
- void
- dev_init_disk0(void) {
- struct inode *node;
- if ((node = dev_create_inode()) == NULL) {
- panic("disk0: dev_create_node.\n");
- }
- disk0_device_init(vop_info(node, device));
- int ret;
- if ((ret = vfs_add_dev("disk0", node, 1)) != 0) {
- panic("disk0: vfs_add_dev: %e.\n", ret);
- }
- }