- ============
- ucore labs was used as OS Experiments in OS Course Of Dept. of Computer Science & Technology, Tsinghua University.
- ===========
- OS course for Dept. CS. in Tsinghua Univ., and MOOC OS course
- -----------------------------------
- - Chen, Yu: http://soft.cs.tsinghua.edu.cn/~chen
- - Yong, Xiang: xyong@tsinghua.edu.cn
- - Mao, Junjie: eternal.n08@gmail.com
- - Zhang, Wei: zhangwei15@mails.tsinghua.edu.cn
- ========
- labs info
- ----------------
- ```
- lab0: preparing
- lab1: boot/protect mode/stack/interrupt
- lab2: physical memory management
- lab3: virtual memory management
- lab4: kernel thread management
- lab5: user process management
- lab6: scheduling
- lab7: mutex/sync
- lab8: filesystem
- ```
- ==================
- ```
- UBUNTU 14.04+: GCC-4.8.2+ CLANG-3.5+
- FEDORA 20+: GCC-4.8.2+
- ```
- ==============
- ```
- 0 Get the newest os lab src codes/docs.(Insure you can connect to github in ubuntu running on VrtualBox)
- 0.1 If you try to get all codes
- $rm -rf ucore_lab
- $git clone git://github.com/chyyuu/ucore_os_lab.git
- $cd ucore_lab
- 0.2 If you gloned ucore_lab and only try to get the updated codes
- $cd ucore_os_lab
- $git pull
- 1 $cd labX
- 2 read codes (specially the modified or added files)
- 3 add your code
- 4 compile your code
- $make
- 5 check your code
- $make qemu
- OR
- $make grade
- 6 debug your code
- $make debug
- 7 handin your code
- $make handin
- ```
- ==============
- Now, ucore suuport LLVM/Clang-3.5 +
- in step4:
- $ USELLVM=1 make
- then you will use clang to compile ucore
- ==========
- ```
- Superman: Finish all OS labs in one month by yourself
- Master: Finish all OS labs in two month by yourself
- Veteran: Finish all OS labs in three month by yourself
- Apprentice: Finish all OS labs in one semester with other guy's help
- ```
- ===================
- ```
- Basic OS labs (for students who learn OS course)
- The newest lab codes and docs is in https://github.com/chyyuu/ucore_os_lab
- Advanced OS labs (for OS geeks or hackers or guys with Superman/Master Rank)
- The newest lab codes and docs is in https://github.com/chyyuu/ucore_plus
- ```
- UCORERS (Contributors)
- ======================
- Junjie Mao, Yuheng Chen, Cong Liu, Yang Yang, Zhun Qu, Shengwei Ren, Wenlei Zhu, Cao Zhang, Tong Sen, Xu Chen,
- Cang Nan, Yujian Fang, Wentao Han, Kaichen Zhang, Xiaolin Guo, Tianfan Xue, Gang Hu, Cao Liu, Yu Su,Xinhao Yuan, Wei Zhang, Kaixiang Lei...
- ==========
- ucore is a teaching OS which is derived from xv6&jos in MIT, OS161 in Harvard and Linux.
- ucore was developed and used in Department of Computer Science & Technology, Institute for Interdisciplinary Information Sciences, Tsinghua University.
- The codes in the files that constitute xv6&jos are Copyright (2006-Current) Frans Kaashoek, Robert Morris, and Russ Cox and uses MIT License.
- The codes in the files that constitute OS/161 are written by David A. Holland.
- The codes in the files that constitute ucore are Copyright (2010-Current) Yu Chen, Naizheng Wang, Yong Xiang and uses GPL License.
- The documents in the files that constitute ucore are Copyright (2010-Current) Yu Chen, Yong Xiang and uses Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike (CC-BY-SA) License.