security.client.protocol.acl * ACL for ClientProtocol, which is used by user code via the DistributedFileSystem. The ACL is a comma-separated list of user and group names. The user and group list is separated by a blank. For e.g. "alice,bob users,wheel". A special value of "*" means all users are allowed. security.client.datanode.protocol.acl * ACL for ClientDatanodeProtocol, the client-to-datanode protocol for block recovery. The ACL is a comma-separated list of user and group names. The user and group list is separated by a blank. For e.g. "alice,bob users,wheel". A special value of "*" means all users are allowed. security.datanode.protocol.acl * ACL for DatanodeProtocol, which is used by datanodes to communicate with the namenode. The ACL is a comma-separated list of user and group names. The user and group list is separated by a blank. For e.g. "alice,bob users,wheel". A special value of "*" means all users are allowed. security.inter.datanode.protocol.acl * ACL for InterDatanodeProtocol, the inter-datanode protocol for updating generation timestamp. The ACL is a comma-separated list of user and group names. The user and group list is separated by a blank. For e.g. "alice,bob users,wheel". A special value of "*" means all users are allowed. security.namenode.protocol.acl * ACL for NamenodeProtocol, the protocol used by the secondary namenode to communicate with the namenode. The ACL is a comma-separated list of user and group names. The user and group list is separated by a blank. For e.g. "alice,bob users,wheel". A special value of "*" means all users are allowed. security.admin.operations.protocol.acl * ACL for AdminOperationsProtocol. Used for admin commands. The ACL is a comma-separated list of user and group names. The user and group list is separated by a blank. For e.g. "alice,bob users,wheel". A special value of "*" means all users are allowed. security.refresh.user.mappings.protocol.acl * ACL for RefreshUserMappingsProtocol. Used to refresh users mappings. The ACL is a comma-separated list of user and group names. The user and group list is separated by a blank. For e.g. "alice,bob users,wheel". A special value of "*" means all users are allowed. security.refresh.policy.protocol.acl * ACL for RefreshAuthorizationPolicyProtocol, used by the dfsadmin and mradmin commands to refresh the security policy in-effect. The ACL is a comma-separated list of user and group names. The user and group list is separated by a blank. For e.g. "alice,bob users,wheel". A special value of "*" means all users are allowed. security.ha.service.protocol.acl * ACL for HAService protocol used by HAAdmin to manage the active and stand-by states of namenode. security.zkfc.protocol.acl * ACL for access to the ZK Failover Controller security.qjournal.service.protocol.acl * ACL for QJournalProtocol, used by the NN to communicate with JNs when using the QuorumJournalManager for edit logs. security.mrhs.client.protocol.acl * ACL for HSClientProtocol, used by job clients to communciate with the MR History Server job status etc. The ACL is a comma-separated list of user and group names. The user and group list is separated by a blank. For e.g. "alice,bob users,wheel". A special value of "*" means all users are allowed. security.resourcetracker.protocol.acl * ACL for ResourceTrackerProtocol, used by the ResourceManager and NodeManager to communicate with each other. The ACL is a comma-separated list of user and group names. The user and group list is separated by a blank. For e.g. "alice,bob users,wheel". A special value of "*" means all users are allowed. security.resourcemanager-administration.protocol.acl * ACL for ResourceManagerAdministrationProtocol, for admin commands. The ACL is a comma-separated list of user and group names. The user and group list is separated by a blank. For e.g. "alice,bob users,wheel". A special value of "*" means all users are allowed. security.applicationclient.protocol.acl * ACL for ApplicationClientProtocol, used by the ResourceManager and applications submission clients to communicate with each other. The ACL is a comma-separated list of user and group names. The user and group list is separated by a blank. For e.g. "alice,bob users,wheel". A special value of "*" means all users are allowed. security.applicationmaster.protocol.acl * ACL for ApplicationMasterProtocol, used by the ResourceManager and ApplicationMasters to communicate with each other. The ACL is a comma-separated list of user and group names. The user and group list is separated by a blank. For e.g. "alice,bob users,wheel". A special value of "*" means all users are allowed. security.containermanagement.protocol.acl * ACL for ContainerManagementProtocol protocol, used by the NodeManager and ApplicationMasters to communicate with each other. The ACL is a comma-separated list of user and group names. The user and group list is separated by a blank. For e.g. "alice,bob users,wheel". A special value of "*" means all users are allowed. security.resourcelocalizer.protocol.acl * ACL for ResourceLocalizer protocol, used by the NodeManager and ResourceLocalizer to communicate with each other. The ACL is a comma-separated list of user and group names. The user and group list is separated by a blank. For e.g. "alice,bob users,wheel". A special value of "*" means all users are allowed. security.job.task.protocol.acl * ACL for TaskUmbilicalProtocol, used by the map and reduce tasks to communicate with the parent tasktracker. The ACL is a comma-separated list of user and group names. The user and group list is separated by a blank. For e.g. "alice,bob users,wheel". A special value of "*" means all users are allowed. security.job.client.protocol.acl * ACL for MRClientProtocol, used by job clients to communciate with the MR ApplicationMaster to query job status etc. The ACL is a comma-separated list of user and group names. The user and group list is separated by a blank. For e.g. "alice,bob users,wheel". A special value of "*" means all users are allowed. security.applicationhistory.protocol.acl * ACL for ApplicationHistoryProtocol, used by the timeline server and the generic history service client to communicate with each other. The ACL is a comma-separated list of user and group names. The user and group list is separated by a blank. For e.g. "alice,bob users,wheel". A special value of "*" means all users are allowed.