using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Data; using System.Data.SQLite; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Drawing; using System.Drawing.Imaging; using System.Globalization; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using static AppTime.Recorder; namespace AppTime { class Controller { public WebServer Server =>Program.server; public Recorder Recorder=>Program.recorder; #region basic int getColor(string str) { return str.GetHashCode(); } static Dictionary appColors = new Dictionary(); int getAppColor(long appId) { if(!appColors.TryGetValue(appId, out var color)) { var text = db.ExecuteValue($"select text from app where id={appId}"); lock (appColors) { color = appColors[appId] = getColor(text); } } return color; } static Dictionary tagColors = new Dictionary(); int getTagColor(long tagId) { if (!tagColors.TryGetValue(tagId, out var color)) { if (tagId == -1) { color = tagColors[tagId] = BitConverter.ToInt32(new byte[] { 0xFF, 0x99, 0x99, 0x99 }, 0); } else { var text = db.ExecuteValue($"select text from tag where id={tagId}"); color = tagColors[tagId] = getColor(text); } } return color; } public unsafe byte[] getPeriodBar(DateTime timefrom, DateTime timeto, string view, int width) { if (width <= 0 || width > 8000) { return null; } var totalsecs = (timeto - timefrom).TotalSeconds; IEnumerable data; if (view == "app") { data = db.ExecuteDynamic(@" select appId, p.timeStart, p.timeEnd from app join win on win.appid = join period p on p.winid = where timeStart between @v0 and @v1 or timeEnd between @v0 and @v1 or @v0 between timeStart and timeEnd order by p.timeStart ", timefrom, timeto ); } else { data = db.ExecuteDynamic(@" select ifnull(,-1) tagId, p.timeStart, p.timeEnd from app join win on win.appid = join period p on p.winid = left join tag on = win.tagId or (win.tagId = 0 and = app.tagId) where timeStart between @v0 and @v1 or timeEnd between @v0 and @v1 or @v0 between timeStart and timeEnd order by p.timeStart ", timefrom, timeto ); } //绘制PeriodBar,直接写内存比gdi+快 var imgdata = new int[width]; foreach (var period in data) { var from = Math.Max(0, (int)Math.Round((period.timeStart - timefrom).TotalSeconds / totalsecs * width)); var to = Math.Min(width - 1, (int)Math.Round((period.timeEnd - timefrom).TotalSeconds / totalsecs * width)); for (var x = from; x <= Math.Min(width - 1, to); x++) { imgdata[x] = view == "app" ? (int)getAppColor(period.appId) : (int)getTagColor(period.tagId); } } fixed (int* p = &imgdata[0]) { var ptr = new IntPtr(p); using var bmp = new Bitmap(width, 1, width * 4, PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb, ptr); using var mem = new MemoryStream(); bmp.Save(mem, ImageFormat.Png); return mem.ToArray(); } } public object getTree(DateTime timefrom, DateTime timeto, string view, long parentKey) { var result = new List(); var totalSeconds = (timeto - timefrom).TotalSeconds; IEnumerable data; if (view == "app") { if (parentKey == 0) { data = db.ExecuteDynamic(@" select appId, app.text appText, tag.text tagText, sum(julianday(case when timeEnd > @v1 then @v1 else timeEnd end) - julianday(case when timeStart < @v0 then @v0 else timeStart end)) days from app join win on win.appid = join period p on p.winid = left join tag on = app.tagId where timeStart between @v0 and @v1 or timeEnd between @v0 and @v1 or @v0 between timeStart and timeEnd group by order by days desc ", timefrom, timeto ); foreach (var i in data) { var time = new TimeSpan((long)(i.days * TimeSpan.TicksPerDay)); result.Add( new { i.appId, i.tagText, text = i.appText, time = time.ToString(@"hh\:mm\:ss"), percent = Math.Round(time.TotalSeconds * 100 / totalSeconds, 2) + "%", children = new object[0] } ); } return result; } data = db.ExecuteDynamic(@" select winId, win.text winText, tag.text tagText, sum(julianday(case when timeEnd > @v1 then @v1 else timeEnd end) - julianday(case when timeStart < @v0 then @v0 else timeStart end)) days from win join period p on p.winid = left join tag on = win.tagId where win.appId = @v2 and ( timeStart between @v0 and @v1 or timeEnd between @v0 and @v1 or @v0 between timeStart and timeEnd ) group by order by days desc ", timefrom, timeto, parentKey ); foreach (var i in data) { var time = new TimeSpan((long)(i.days * TimeSpan.TicksPerDay)); result.Add( new { i.winId, i.tagText, text = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(i.winText) ? "(无标题)" : i.winText, time = time.ToString(@"hh\:mm\:ss"), percent = Math.Round(time.TotalSeconds * 100 / totalSeconds, 2) + "%" } ); } return result; } if (parentKey == 0) { data = db.ExecuteDynamic(@" select ifnull(,-1) tagId, ifnull(tag.text, '(无标签)') tagText, sum(julianday(case when timeEnd > @v1 then @v1 else timeEnd end) - julianday(case when timeStart < @v0 then @v0 else timeStart end)) days from win join app on = win.appid join period p on p.winid = left join tag on = win.tagId or (win.tagId = 0 and = app.tagId) where timeStart between @v0 and @v1 or timeEnd between @v0 and @v1 or @v0 between timeStart and timeEnd group by order by days desc ", timefrom, timeto ); foreach (var i in data) { var time = new TimeSpan((long)(i.days * TimeSpan.TicksPerDay)); result.Add( new { i.tagId, i.tagText, time = time.ToString(@"hh\:mm\:ss"), percent = Math.Round(time.TotalSeconds * 100 / totalSeconds, 2) + "%" } ); } return result; } data = db.ExecuteDynamic(@" select winId, win.text winText, sum(julianday(case when timeEnd > @v1 then @v1 else timeEnd end) - julianday(case when timeStart < @v0 then @v0 else timeStart end)) days from win join period p on p.winid = join app on = win.appid left join tag on = win.tagId or (win.tagId = 0 and = app.tagId) where ifnull(, -1) = @v2 and ( timeStart between @v0 and @v1 or timeEnd between @v0 and @v1 or @v0 between timeStart and timeEnd ) group by order by days desc ", timefrom, timeto, parentKey ); foreach (var i in data) { var time = new TimeSpan((long)(i.days * TimeSpan.TicksPerDay)); result.Add( new { i.winId, text = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(i.winText) ? "(无标题)" : i.winText, time = time.ToString(@"hh\:mm\:ss"), percent = Math.Round(time.TotalSeconds * 100 / totalSeconds, 2) + "%" } ); } return result; } /// /// 时间 /// public class TimeInfo { /// /// 原始时间 /// public DateTime timeSrc; /// /// 切换到应用的时间 /// public DateTime timeStart; /// /// 应用名 /// public string app; /// /// 应用id /// public long appId; /// /// 窗口标题 /// public string title; } /// /// 获取指定时间的记录信息 /// /// /// public TimeInfo getTimeInfo(DateTime time) { var data = db.ExecuteDynamic(@" SELECT timeStart, app.text appText, win.text winText, appId from period join win on = period.winid join app on = win.appid where @v0 between timeStart and timeEnd limit 1", time ).FirstOrDefault(); if (data == null) { return null; } return new TimeInfo { timeSrc = time, timeStart = data.timeStart, app = data.appText, title = data.winText, appId = data.appId }; } static byte[] defaultIcon; public byte[] getIcon(int appId, bool large) { var path = Recorder.GetIconPath(appId, large); if (File.Exists(path)) { return File.ReadAllBytes(path); } if (defaultIcon == null) { defaultIcon = File.ReadAllBytes("./webui/img/icon.png"); } return defaultIcon; } static byte[] imageNone = null; TimeSpan getTime(string file) { return TimeSpan.ParseExact(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file), "hhmmss", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } /// /// 查找不满足条件的最后一个元素 /// /// /// /// /// T find(IList items, Func largerThenTarget) { if (items.Count == 0) { return default; } var match = items[0]; if (largerThenTarget(match)) { return default; } for (var i = 1; i < items.Count; i++) { var item = items[i]; if (largerThenTarget(item)) { break; } match = item; } return match; } static Thread lastThread; static readonly object threadLock = new object(); /// /// 获取指定时间的截图 /// /// /// public byte[] getImage(TimeInfo info) { if (imageNone == null) { imageNone = File.ReadAllBytes(Path.Combine(Server.WebRootPath, "img", "none.png")); } //只响应最后一个请求,避免运行多个ffmpeg占用资源。 lock (threadLock) { Ffmpeg.KillLastFfmpeg(); if (lastThread != null && lastThread.IsAlive) { lastThread.Abort(); } lastThread = Thread.CurrentThread; } try { //先从buffer中找 { var buffers = new List(Recorder.flushing); if (Recorder.buffer != null) { buffers.Add(Recorder.buffer); } var match = find(buffers, i => i.StartTime > info.timeSrc); if (match != null) { var time = info.timeSrc - match.StartTime; var frame = find(match.Frames, f => (match.StartTime + f.Time) > info.timeSrc); if (frame != null) { return frame.Data; } } } //从文件系统找 { var path = Recorder.getFileName(info.timeSrc); var needtime = info.timeSrc.TimeOfDay; var needtimetext = needtime.ToString("hhmmss"); var match = (from f in Directory.GetFiles(Path.GetDirectoryName(path), "????????." + Recorder.ExName) where Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(f).CompareTo(needtimetext) < 0 orderby f select f).LastOrDefault(); if (match != null) { var time = needtime - getTime(match); var data = Ffmpeg.Snapshot(match, time); if (data != null && data.Length > 0) { return data; } } return imageNone; } } catch (ThreadAbortException) { return imageNone; } } #endregion #region tag private long nextTagId = 0; private long NextTagId() { if (nextTagId == 0) { nextTagId = db.ExecuteValue("select ifnull(max(id), 0) + 1 from tag"); } return nextTagId++; } public bool existsTag(string text) { return db.ExecuteValue< bool>( "select exists(select * from tag where text = @text)", new SQLiteParameter("text", text) ); } public bool addTag(string text) { if(existsTag(text)) { return false; } db.Execute( "insert into tag (id, text) values(@id, @text)", new SQLiteParameter("id", NextTagId()), new SQLiteParameter("text", text) ); return true; } public void removeTag(int tagId) { db.Execute( "delete from tag where id = @id", new SQLiteParameter("id", tagId) ); db.Execute($"update app set tagId=0 where tagId={tagId}"); db.Execute($"update win set tagId=0 where tagId={tagId}"); } public void clearAppTag(long appId) { db.Execute("update app set tagid = 0 where id = @v0", appId); } public void clearWinTag(long winId) { db.Execute("update win set tagid = 0 where id = @v0", winId); } public DataTable getTags() { return db.ExecuteTable("select id, text from tag order by id"); } public bool isTagUsed(int tagId) { return db.ExecuteValue( @"select exists( select * from app where tagId = @tagId union all select * from win where tagId = @tagId )", new SQLiteParameter("tagId", tagId) ); } DB db = DB.Instance; public bool renameTag(long tagId, string newName) { if(existsTag(newName)) { return false; } db.Execute("update tag set text=@newName where id=@tagId", new SQLiteParameter("newName", newName), new SQLiteParameter("tagId", tagId) ); return true; } public void tagApp(long appId, long tagId) { db.Execute( "update app set tagid = @tagId where id=@appId", new SQLiteParameter("appId", appId), new SQLiteParameter("tagId", tagId) ); } public void tagWin(long winId, long tagId) { db.Execute( "update win set tagid = @tagId where id=@winId", new SQLiteParameter("winId", winId), new SQLiteParameter("tagId", tagId) ); } #endregion } }