diff --git a/Lesson1/.idea/Lesson1.iml b/Lesson1/.idea/Lesson1.iml deleted file mode 100644 index d0876a7..0000000 --- a/Lesson1/.idea/Lesson1.iml +++ /dev/null @@ -1,8 +0,0 @@ - - - - - - - - \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lazy-timer-be/app.py b/lazy-timer-be/app.py index d07a984..35151ae 100644 --- a/lazy-timer-be/app.py +++ b/lazy-timer-be/app.py @@ -79,9 +79,10 @@ def getDayScreenUseTime(): sendJson = {'getDayScreenUseTimeH': getDayScreenUseTimeH, 'getDayScreenUseTimeM': getDayScreenUseTimeM, 'getDayScreenUseTimeS': getDayScreenUseTimeS, 'firstScreenTime': firstScreenTime, 'lastScreenTime': lastScreenTime, 'getScreenTimeSpanH': getScreenTimeSpanH, 'getScreenTimeSpanM': getScreenTimeSpanM, 'getScreenTimeSpanS': getScreenTimeSpanS } return json.dumps(sendJson, indent=4) -# @app.route('/getDayScreenUseTime', methods=['POST']) -# @cross_origin() -# def getDayScreenUseTime(): -# datetimeStr1 = json.loads(request.data) -# datetimeStr = datetimeStr1['datetimeStr'] -# struct_time = datetime.strptime(datetimeStr, "%Y-%m-%d").date() # 获取请求日期, struct_time数据类型为dateTime \ No newline at end of file +@app.route('/getDayScreenUseTime', methods=['POST']) +@cross_origin() +def getDayScreenUseTime(): + datetimeStr1 = json.loads(request.data) + datetimeStr = datetimeStr1['datetimeStr'] + struct_time = datetime.strptime(datetimeStr, "%Y-%m-%d").date() # 获取请求日期, struct_time数据类型为dateTime + return "1" \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lazy-timer-be/model.pkl b/lazy-timer-be/model.pkl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7e75918 Binary files /dev/null and b/lazy-timer-be/model.pkl differ diff --git a/lazy-timer-be/mymodel.py b/lazy-timer-be/mymodel.py index e69de29..ba7c656 100644 --- a/lazy-timer-be/mymodel.py +++ b/lazy-timer-be/mymodel.py @@ -0,0 +1,105 @@ +# import re +# import torch +# import torch.nn as nn +# import jieba +# import pandas as pd +# # from torchtext import data +# +# class LSTMNet(nn.Module): +# def __init__(self,vocab_size,embedding_dim,hidden_dim,layer_dim,output_dim): +# super(LSTMNet,self).__init__() +# self.hidden_dim= hidden_dim +# self.layer_dim = layer_dim +# self.embedding = nn.Embedding(vocab_size,embedding_dim) +# # LSTM+全连接 +# self.lstm = nn.LSTM(embedding_dim,hidden_dim,layer_dim, +# batch_first=True) +# self.fcl= nn.Linear(hidden_dim,output_dim) +# def forward(self,x): +# embeds = self.embedding(x) +# r_out,(h_n,h_c)=self.lstm(embeds,None) +# out = self.fcl(r_out[:,-1,:]) +# return out +# +# def Chinese_pre(text_data,stopwords): +# # 字母转化为小写, 去掉数字 +# text_data = text_data.lower() +# text_data = re.sub("\d+","",text_data) +# # 分词,使用精确模式 +# text_data = list(jieba.cut(text_data,cut_all = False)) +# # 去除停用词和多余空格 +# text_data = [word.strip() for word in text_data if word not in stopwords] +# # 处理后的词语使用空格连接为字符串 +# text_data = " ".join(text_data) +# return text_data +# +# def TexttoLable(textdata): +# # 将输入文本转为tensor +# # 首先对文本进行分词 +# from nltk.corpus import stopwords +# import nltk +# nltk.download('stopwords') +# words = stopwords.words('english') +# stopwords = set() +# with open("stop.txt",encoding="utf-8") as infile: +# for line in infile: +# line = line.rstrip('\n') +# if line: +# stopwords.add(line.lower()) +# for i in words: +# stopwords.add(i) +# textdata=Chinese_pre(textdata,stopwords) +# +# data1=[] +# for i in range(128): +# data1.append(textdata) +# df = pd.DataFrame({'cutword':data1}) +# +# df.to_csv("tmp.csv") +# +# mytokenize = lambda x:x.split() +# from torchtext.legacy import data +# TEXT = data.Field(sequential = True,tokenize = mytokenize, +# include_lengths=True,use_vocab=True, +# batch_first=True,fix_length=40) +# +# LABEL = data.Field(sequential =False,use_vocab=False, +# pad_token=None,unk_token=None) +# # 对所有读取的数据集的列进行处理 +# text_data_fields = [ +# ("labelcode",LABEL), +# ("cutword",TEXT) +# ] +# # 读取数据 +# # 读取数据 +# traindata,valdata,testdata = data.TabularDataset.splits( +# path="./",format="csv",train="tmp.csv",fields = text_data_fields, +# validation = "tmp.csv", +# test ="tmp.csv",skip_header=True +# ) +# +# em = testdata.examples[0] +# TEXT.build_vocab(traindata,max_size=100,vectors=None) +# +# # 定义一个迭代器,将类似长度的示例一起批处理 +# BATCH_SIZE=128 +# test_iter = data.BucketIterator(testdata,batch_size=128) +# +# +# vocab_size=len(TEXT.vocab) +# embedding_dim=50 +# hidden_dim=256 +# layer_dim=1 +# output_dim=4 +# lstmmodel = LSTMNet(vocab_size, embedding_dim, hidden_dim, layer_dim, output_dim) +# +# res=0 +# model = torch.load("model.pkl") +# for step,batch in enumerate(test_iter): +# textfinal = batch.cutword[0] +# out = model(textfinal) +# pre_lab = torch.argmax(out,1) +# res = pre_lab[0] +# print(res.numpy()) +# +# TexttoLable("萝卜云服交流群等3个会话 ") \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/lazy-timer-be/stop.txt b/lazy-timer-be/stop.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8dc5403 --- /dev/null +++ b/lazy-timer-be/stop.txt @@ -0,0 +1,2750 @@ +去年 +nan +安全 +食品 +一个 +中国 +自己 +可以 +我们 +他们 +美国 +没有 +问题 +这个 +生产 +进行 +万元 +现在 +很多 +不是 +如果 +这些 +进行 +这样 +福喜 +推进 +建设 +调查 +什么 +工作 +2014 +注册 +公布 +关注 +! +" +# +$ +% +& +' +( +) +* ++ +, +- +-- +. +.. +... +...... +................... +./ +.一 +记者 +数 +年 +月 +日 +时 +分 +秒 +/ +// +0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +: +:// +:: +; +< += +> +>> +? +@ +A +Lex +[ +\ +] +【 +】 +^ +_ +` +exp +sub +sup +| +} +~ +~~~~ +· +× +××× +Δ +Ψ +γ +μ +φ +φ. +В +— +—— +——— +‘ +’ +’‘ +“ +” +”, +… +…… +…………………………………………………③ +′∈ +′| +℃ +Ⅲ +↑ +→ +∈[ +∪φ∈ +≈ +① +② +②c +③ +③] +④ +⑤ +⑥ +⑦ +⑧ +⑨ +⑩ +── +■ +▲ +  +、 +。 +〈 +〉 +《 +》 +》), +」 +『 +』 +〔 +〕 +〕〔 +㈧ +一 +一. +一一 +一下 +一些 +一何 +一切 +一则 +一则通过 +一天 +一定 +一方面 +一旦 +一时 +一来 +一样 +一次 +一片 +一番 +一直 +一致 +一般 +一起 +一转眼 +一边 +一面 +七 +万一 +三 +三天两头 +三番两次 +三番五次 +上 +上下 +上升 +上去 +上来 +上述 +上面 +下 +下列 +下去 +下来 +下面 +不 +不一 +不下 +不久 +不了 +不亦乐乎 +不仅 +不仅...而且 +不仅仅 +不仅仅是 +不会 +不但 +不但...而且 +不光 +不免 +不再 +不力 +不单 +不变 +不只 +不可 +不可开交 +不可抗拒 +不同 +不外 +不外乎 +不够 +不大 +不如 +不妨 +不定 +不对 +不少 +不尽 +不尽然 +不巧 +不已 +不常 +不得 +不得不 +不得了 +不得已 +不必 +不怎么 +不怕 +不惟 +不成 +不拘 +不择手段 +不敢 +不料 +不断 +不日 +不时 +不曾 +不止 +不止一次 +不比 +不消 +不满 +不然 +不然的话 +不特 +不独 +不由得 +不知不觉 +不管 +不管怎样 +不经意 +不胜 +不能 +不能不 +不至于 +不若 +不要 +不论 +不起 +不足 +不过 +不迭 +不问 +不限 +与 +与其 +与其说 +与否 +与此同时 +专门 +且 +且不说 +且说 +两者 +严格 +严重 +个 +个人 +个别 +中小 +中间 +丰富 +串行 +临 +临到 +为 +为主 +为了 +为什么 +为什麽 +为何 +为止 +为此 +为着 +主张 +主要 +举凡 +举行 +乃 +乃至 +乃至于 +么 +之 +之一 +之前 +之后 +之後 +之所以 +之类 +乌乎 +乎 +乒 +乘 +乘势 +乘机 +乘胜 +乘虚 +乘隙 +九 +也 +也好 +也就是说 +也是 +也罢 +了 +了解 +争取 +二 +二来 +二话不说 +二话没说 +于 +于是 +于是乎 +云云 +云尔 +互 +互相 +五 +些 +交口 +亦 +产生 +亲口 +亲手 +亲眼 +亲自 +亲身 +人 +人人 +人们 +人家 +人民 +什么样 +什麽 +仅 +仅仅 +今 +今后 +今天 +今年 +今後 +介于 +仍 +仍旧 +仍然 +从 +从不 +从严 +从中 +从事 +从今以后 +从优 +从古到今 +从古至今 +从头 +从宽 +从小 +从新 +从无到有 +从早到晚 +从未 +从来 +从此 +从此以后 +从而 +从轻 +从速 +从重 +他 +他人 +他是 +他的 +代替 +以 +以上 +以下 +以为 +以便 +以免 +以前 +以及 +以后 +以外 +以後 +以故 +以期 +以来 +以至 +以至于 +以致 +们 +任 +任何 +任凭 +任务 +企图 +伙同 +会 +伟大 +传 +传说 +传闻 +似乎 +似的 +但 +但凡 +但愿 +但是 +何 +何乐而不为 +何以 +何况 +何处 +何妨 +何尝 +何必 +何时 +何止 +何苦 +何须 +余外 +作为 +你 +你们 +你是 +你的 +使 +使得 +使用 +例如 +依 +依据 +依照 +依靠 +便 +便于 +促进 +保持 +保管 +保险 +俺 +俺们 +倍加 +倍感 +倒不如 +倒不如说 +倒是 +倘 +倘使 +倘或 +倘然 +倘若 +借 +借以 +借此 +假使 +假如 +假若 +偏偏 +做到 +偶尔 +偶而 +傥然 +像 +儿 +允许 +元/吨 +充其极 +充其量 +充分 +先不先 +先后 +先後 +先生 +光 +光是 +全体 +全力 +全年 +全然 +全身心 +全部 +全都 +全面 +八 +八成 +公然 +六 +兮 +共 +共同 +共总 +关于 +其 +其一 +其中 +其二 +其他 +其余 +其后 +其它 +其实 +其次 +具体 +具体地说 +具体来说 +具体说来 +具有 +兼之 +内 +再 +再其次 +再则 +再有 +再次 +再者 +再者说 +再说 +冒 +冲 +决不 +决定 +决非 +况且 +准备 +凑巧 +凝神 +几 +几乎 +几度 +几时 +几番 +几经 +凡 +凡是 +凭 +凭借 +出 +出于 +出去 +出来 +出现 +分别 +分头 +分期 +分期分批 +切 +切不可 +切切 +切勿 +切莫 +则 +则甚 +刚 +刚好 +刚巧 +刚才 +初 +别 +别人 +别处 +别是 +别的 +别管 +别说 +到 +到了儿 +到处 +到头 +到头来 +到底 +到目前为止 +前后 +前此 +前者 +前进 +前面 +加上 +加之 +加以 +加入 +加强 +动不动 +动辄 +勃然 +匆匆 +十分 +千 +千万 +千万千万 +半 +单 +单单 +单纯 +即 +即令 +即使 +即便 +即刻 +即如 +即将 +即或 +即是说 +即若 +却 +却不 +历 +原来 +去 +又 +又及 +及 +及其 +及时 +及至 +双方 +反之 +反之亦然 +反之则 +反倒 +反倒是 +反应 +反手 +反映 +反而 +反过来 +反过来说 +取得 +取道 +受到 +变成 +古来 +另 +另一个 +另一方面 +另外 +另悉 +另方面 +另行 +只 +只当 +只怕 +只是 +只有 +只消 +只要 +只限 +叫 +叫做 +召开 +叮咚 +叮当 +可 +可好 +可是 +可能 +可见 +各 +各个 +各人 +各位 +各地 +各式 +各种 +各级 +各自 +合理 +同 +同一 +同时 +同样 +后 +后来 +后者 +后面 +向 +向使 +向着 +吓 +吗 +否则 +吧 +吧哒 +吱 +呀 +呃 +呆呆地 +呐 +呕 +呗 +呜 +呜呼 +呢 +周围 +呵 +呵呵 +呸 +呼哧 +呼啦 +咋 +和 +咚 +咦 +咧 +咱 +咱们 +咳 +哇 +哈 +哈哈 +哉 +哎 +哎呀 +哎哟 +哗 +哗啦 +哟 +哦 +哩 +哪 +哪个 +哪些 +哪儿 +哪天 +哪年 +哪怕 +哪样 +哪边 +哪里 +哼 +哼唷 +唉 +唯有 +啊 +啊呀 +啊哈 +啊哟 +啐 +啥 +啦 +啪达 +啷当 +喀 +喂 +喏 +喔唷 +喽 +嗡 +嗡嗡 +嗬 +嗯 +嗳 +嘎 +嘎嘎 +嘎登 +嘘 +嘛 +嘻 +嘿 +嘿嘿 +四 +因 +因为 +因了 +因此 +因着 +因而 +固 +固然 +在 +在下 +在于 +地 +均 +坚决 +坚持 +基于 +基本 +基本上 +处在 +处处 +处理 +复杂 +多 +多么 +多亏 +多多 +多多少少 +多多益善 +多少 +多年前 +多年来 +多数 +多次 +够瞧的 +大 +大不了 +大举 +大事 +大体 +大体上 +大凡 +大力 +大多 +大多数 +大大 +大家 +大张旗鼓 +大批 +大抵 +大概 +大略 +大约 +大致 +大都 +大量 +大面儿上 +失去 +奇 +奈 +奋勇 +她 +她们 +她是 +她的 +好 +好在 +好的 +好象 +如 +如上 +如上所述 +如下 +如今 +如何 +如其 +如前所述 +如同 +如常 +如是 +如期 +如次 +如此 +如此等等 +如若 +始而 +姑且 +存在 +存心 +孰料 +孰知 +宁 +宁可 +宁愿 +宁肯 +它 +它们 +它们的 +它是 +它的 +完全 +完成 +定 +实现 +实际 +宣布 +容易 +密切 +对 +对于 +对应 +对待 +对方 +对比 +将 +将才 +将要 +将近 +小 +少数 +尔 +尔后 +尔尔 +尔等 +尚且 +尤其 +就 +就地 +就是 +就是了 +就是说 +就此 +就算 +就要 +尽 +尽可能 +尽如人意 +尽心尽力 +尽心竭力 +尽快 +尽早 +尽然 +尽管 +尽管如此 +尽量 +局外 +居然 +届时 +属于 +屡 +屡屡 +屡次 +屡次三番 +岂 +岂但 +岂止 +岂非 +川流不息 +左右 +巨大 +巩固 +差一点 +差不多 +己 +已 +已矣 +已经 +巴 +巴巴 +带 +帮助 +常 +常常 +常言说 +常言说得好 +常言道 +平素 +年复一年 +并 +并不 +并不是 +并且 +并排 +并无 +并没 +并没有 +并肩 +并非 +广大 +广泛 +应当 +应用 +应该 +庶乎 +庶几 +开外 +开始 +开展 +引起 +弗 +弹指之间 +强烈 +强调 +归 +归根到底 +归根结底 +归齐 +当 +当下 +当中 +当儿 +当前 +当即 +当口儿 +当地 +当场 +当头 +当庭 +当时 +当然 +当真 +当着 +形成 +彻夜 +彻底 +彼 +彼时 +彼此 +往 +往往 +待 +待到 +很 +很少 +後来 +後面 +得 +得了 +得出 +得到 +得天独厚 +得起 +心里 +必 +必定 +必将 +必然 +必要 +必须 +快 +快要 +忽地 +忽然 +怎 +怎么 +怎么办 +怎么样 +怎奈 +怎样 +怎麽 +怕 +急匆匆 +怪 +怪不得 +总之 +总是 +总的来看 +总的来说 +总的说来 +总结 +总而言之 +恍然 +恐怕 +恰似 +恰好 +恰如 +恰巧 +恰恰 +恰恰相反 +恰逢 +您 +您们 +您是 +惟其 +惯常 +意思 +愤然 +愿意 +慢说 +成为 +成年 +成年累月 +成心 +我 +我是 +我的 +或 +或则 +或多或少 +或是 +或曰 +或者 +或许 +战斗 +截然 +截至 +所 +所以 +所在 +所幸 +所有 +所谓 +才 +才能 +扑通 +打 +打从 +打开天窗说亮话 +扩大 +把 +抑或 +抽冷子 +拦腰 +拿 +按 +按时 +按期 +按照 +按理 +按说 +挨个 +挨家挨户 +挨次 +挨着 +挨门挨户 +挨门逐户 +换句话说 +换言之 +据 +据实 +据悉 +据我所知 +据此 +据称 +据说 +掌握 +接下来 +接着 +接著 +接连不断 +放量 +故 +故意 +故此 +故而 +敞开儿 +敢 +敢于 +敢情 +数/ +整个 +断然 +方 +方便 +方才 +方能 +方面 +旁人 +无 +无宁 +无法 +无论 +既 +既...又 +既往 +既是 +既然 +日复一日 +日渐 +日益 +日臻 +日见 +时候 +昂然 +明显 +明确 +是 +是不是 +是以 +是否 +是的 +显然 +显著 +普通 +普遍 +暗中 +暗地里 +暗自 +更 +更为 +更加 +更进一步 +曾 +曾经 +替 +替代 +最 +最后 +最大 +最好 +最後 +最近 +最高 +有 +有些 +有关 +有利 +有力 +有及 +有所 +有效 +有时 +有点 +有的 +有的是 +有着 +有著 +望 +朝 +朝着 +末##末 +本 +本人 +本地 +本着 +本身 +权时 +来 +来不及 +来得及 +来看 +来着 +来自 +来讲 +来说 +极 +极为 +极了 +极其 +极力 +极大 +极度 +极端 +构成 +果然 +果真 +某 +某个 +某些 +某某 +根据 +根本 +格外 +梆 +概 +次第 +欢迎 +欤 +正值 +正在 +正如 +正巧 +正常 +正是 +此 +此中 +此后 +此地 +此处 +此外 +此时 +此次 +此间 +殆 +毋宁 +每 +每个 +每天 +每年 +每当 +每时每刻 +每每 +每逢 +比 +比及 +比如 +比如说 +比方 +比照 +比起 +比较 +毕竟 +毫不 +毫无 +毫无例外 +毫无保留地 +汝 +沙沙 +没 +没奈何 +沿 +沿着 +注意 +活 +深入 +清楚 +满 +满足 +漫说 +焉 +然 +然则 +然后 +然後 +然而 +照 +照着 +牢牢 +特别是 +特殊 +特点 +犹且 +犹自 +独 +独自 +猛然 +猛然间 +率尔 +率然 +现代 +理应 +理当 +理该 +瑟瑟 +甚且 +甚么 +甚或 +甚而 +甚至 +甚至于 +用 +用来 +甫 +甭 +由 +由于 +由是 +由此 +由此可见 +略 +略为 +略加 +略微 +白 +白白 +的 +的确 +的话 +皆可 +目前 +直到 +直接 +相似 +相信 +相反 +相同 +相对 +相对而言 +相应 +相当 +相等 +省得 +看 +看上去 +看出 +看到 +看来 +看样子 +看看 +看见 +看起来 +真是 +真正 +眨眼 +着 +着呢 +矣 +矣乎 +矣哉 +知道 +砰 +确定 +碰巧 +社会主义 +离 +种 +积极 +移动 +究竟 +穷年累月 +突出 +突然 +窃 +立 +立刻 +立即 +立地 +立时 +立马 +竟 +竟然 +竟而 +第 +第二 +等 +等到 +等等 +策略地 +简直 +简而言之 +简言之 +管 +类如 +粗 +精光 +紧接着 +累年 +累次 +纯 +纯粹 +纵 +纵令 +纵使 +纵然 +练习 +组成 +经 +经常 +经过 +结合 +结果 +给 +绝 +绝不 +绝对 +绝非 +绝顶 +继之 +继后 +继续 +继而 +维持 +综上所述 +缕缕 +罢了 +老 +老大 +老是 +老老实实 +考虑 +者 +而 +而且 +而况 +而又 +而后 +而外 +而已 +而是 +而言 +而论 +联系 +联袂 +背地里 +背靠背 +能 +能否 +能够 +腾 +自 +自个儿 +自从 +自各儿 +自后 +自家 +自打 +自身 +臭 +至 +至于 +至今 +至若 +致 +般的 +良好 +若 +若夫 +若是 +若果 +若非 +范围 +莫 +莫不 +莫不然 +莫如 +莫若 +莫非 +获得 +藉以 +虽 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+13,7 @@ const ThemeSettings = () => {





Theme Option



{ /> {/* eslint-disable-next-line jsx-a11y/label-has-associated-control */}
@@ -54,12 +54,12 @@ const ThemeSettings = () => { /> {/* eslint-disable-next-line jsx-a11y/label-has-associated-control */}

Theme Colors



{themeColors.map((item, index) => ( diff --git a/lazy-timer-fe/src/data/dummy.js b/lazy-timer-fe/src/data/dummy.js index ab89b28..67cb64b 100644 --- a/lazy-timer-fe/src/data/dummy.js +++ b/lazy-timer-fe/src/data/dummy.js @@ -1,5889 +1,5091 @@ -import React from 'react'; -import { AiOutlineCalendar, AiOutlineShoppingCart, AiOutlineAreaChart, AiOutlineBarChart, AiOutlineStock } from 'react-icons/ai'; -import { FiShoppingBag, FiEdit, FiPieChart, FiBarChart, FiCreditCard, FiStar, FiShoppingCart } from 'react-icons/fi'; -import { BsKanban, BsBarChart, BsCurrencyDollar, BsShield, BsChatLeft, BsFillLaptopFill } from 'react-icons/bs'; +import React from 'react' +import { AiOutlineCalendar, AiOutlineShoppingCart, AiOutlineAreaChart, AiOutlineBarChart, AiOutlineStock } from 'react-icons/ai' +import { FiShoppingBag, FiEdit, FiPieChart, FiBarChart, FiCreditCard, FiStar, FiShoppingCart } from 'react-icons/fi' +import { BsKanban, BsBarChart, BsCurrencyDollar, BsShield, BsChatLeft, BsFillLaptopFill } from 'react-icons/bs' import { FaSortAmountDown } from 'react-icons/fa' -import { BiColorFill } from 'react-icons/bi'; -import { IoMdContacts } from 'react-icons/io'; -import { RiContactsLine, RiStockLine } from 'react-icons/ri'; -import { MdWbSunny, MdBedtime } from 'react-icons/md'; -import { HiOutlineRefresh } from 'react-icons/hi'; -import { TiTick } from 'react-icons/ti'; -import { GiLouvrePyramid } from 'react-icons/gi'; -import { GrLocation } from 'react-icons/gr'; -import avatar from './avatar.jpg'; -import avatar2 from './avatar2.jpg'; -import avatar3 from './avatar3.png'; -import avatar4 from './avatar4.jpg'; -import product1 from './product1.jpg'; -import product2 from './product2.jpg'; -import product3 from './product3.jpg'; -import product4 from './product4.jpg'; -import product5 from './product5.jpg'; -import product6 from './product6.jpg'; -import product7 from './product7.jpg'; -import product8 from './product8.jpg'; - -export const gridOrderImage = (props) => ( -
- order-item -
-); +import { BiColorFill } from 'react-icons/bi' +import { IoMdContacts } from 'react-icons/io' +import { RiContactsLine, RiStockLine } from 'react-icons/ri' +import { MdWbSunny, MdBedtime } from 'react-icons/md' +import { HiOutlineRefresh } from 'react-icons/hi' +import { TiTick } from 'react-icons/ti' +import { GiLouvrePyramid } from 'react-icons/gi' +import { GrLocation } from 'react-icons/gr' +import avatar from './avatar.jpg' +import avatar2 from './avatar2.jpg' +import avatar3 from './avatar3.png' +import avatar4 from './avatar4.jpg' +import product1 from './product1.jpg' +import product2 from './product2.jpg' +import product3 from './product3.jpg' +import product4 from './product4.jpg' +import product5 from './product5.jpg' +import product6 from './product6.jpg' +import product7 from './product7.jpg' +import product8 from './product8.jpg' + +export const gridOrderImage = props => ( +
+ order-item +
+) -export const gridOrderStatus = (props) => ( - -); +export const gridOrderStatus = props => ( + +) export const kanbanGrid = [ - { headerText: 'To Do', - keyField: 'Open', - allowToggle: true }, + { headerText: 'To Do', keyField: 'Open', allowToggle: true }, - { headerText: 'In Progress', - keyField: 'InProgress', - allowToggle: true }, + { headerText: 'In Progress', keyField: 'InProgress', allowToggle: true }, - { headerText: 'Testing', - keyField: 'Testing', - allowToggle: true, - isExpanded: false }, + { headerText: 'Testing', keyField: 'Testing', allowToggle: true, isExpanded: false }, - { headerText: 'Done', - keyField: 'Close', - allowToggle: true }, -]; -const gridEmployeeProfile = (props) => ( -
- employee -


-); + { headerText: 'Done', keyField: 'Close', allowToggle: true } +] +const gridEmployeeProfile = props => ( +
+ employee +


+) -const gridEmployeeCountry = (props) => ( -
- - {props.Country} -
-); +const gridEmployeeCountry = props => ( +
+ + {props.Country} +
+) export const EditorData = () => ( -

- Try React - React has been designed from the start for gradual adoption, and you can use as little or as much React as you need. Whether you want to get a taste of React, add some interactivity to a simple HTML page, or start a complex React-powered app, the links in this section will help you get started. - - Online Playgrounds - If you’re interested in playing around with React, you can use an online code playground. Try a Hello World template on CodePen, CodeSandbox, or Stackblitz. - - If you prefer to use your own text editor, you can also download this HTML file, edit it, and open it from the local filesystem in your browser. It does a slow runtime code transformation, so we’d only recommend using this for simple demos. - - Add React to a Website - You can add React to an HTML page in one minute. You can then either gradually expand its presence, or keep it contained to a few dynamic widgets. - - Create a New React App - When starting a React project, a simple HTML page with script tags might still be the best option. It only takes a minute to set up! - - As your application grows, you might want to consider a more integrated setup. There are several JavaScript toolchains we recommend for larger applications. Each of them can work with little to no configuration and lets you take full advantage of the rich React ecosystem. Learn how. - - Learn React - People come to React from different backgrounds and with different learning styles. Whether you prefer a more theoretical or a practical approach, we hope you’ll find this section helpful. - - If you prefer to learn by doing, start with our practical tutorial. - If you prefer to learn concepts step by step, start with our guide to main concepts. - Like any unfamiliar technology, React does have a learning curve. With practice and some patience, you will get the hang of it. - - First Examples - The React homepage contains a few small React examples with a live editor. Even if you don’t know anything about React yet, try changing their code and see how it affects the result. - - React for Beginners - If you feel that the React documentation goes at a faster pace than you’re comfortable with, check out this overview of React by Tania Rascia. It introduces the most important React concepts in a detailed, beginner-friendly way. Once you’re done, give the documentation another try! - - React for Designers - If you’re coming from a design background, these resources are a great place to get started. - - JavaScript Resources - The React documentation assumes some familiarity with programming in the JavaScript language. You don’t have to be an expert, but it’s harder to learn both React and JavaScript at the same time. - - We recommend going through this JavaScript overview to check your knowledge level. It will take you between 30 minutes and an hour but you will feel more confident learning React. -

-); -const customerGridImage = (props) => ( -
- employee





+ Try React React has been designed from the start for gradual adoption, and you can use as little or as much React as you need. Whether you want to get a taste of React, add some interactivity to a simple HTML page, or start a complex React-powered app, the links in this section will help + you get started. Online Playgrounds If you’re interested in playing around with React, you can use an online code playground. Try a Hello World template on CodePen, CodeSandbox, or Stackblitz. If you prefer to use your own text editor, you can also download this HTML file, edit it, and + open it from the local filesystem in your browser. It does a slow runtime code transformation, so we’d only recommend using this for simple demos. Add React to a Website You can add React to an HTML page in one minute. You can then either gradually expand its presence, or keep it + contained to a few dynamic widgets. Create a New React App When starting a React project, a simple HTML page with script tags might still be the best option. It only takes a minute to set up! As your application grows, you might want to consider a more integrated setup. There are several + JavaScript toolchains we recommend for larger applications. Each of them can work with little to no configuration and lets you take full advantage of the rich React ecosystem. Learn how. Learn React People come to React from different backgrounds and with different learning styles. + Whether you prefer a more theoretical or a practical approach, we hope you’ll find this section helpful. If you prefer to learn by doing, start with our practical tutorial. If you prefer to learn concepts step by step, start with our guide to main concepts. Like any unfamiliar + technology, React does have a learning curve. With practice and some patience, you will get the hang of it. First Examples The React homepage contains a few small React examples with a live editor. Even if you don’t know anything about React yet, try changing their code and see how it + affects the result. React for Beginners If you feel that the React documentation goes at a faster pace than you’re comfortable with, check out this overview of React by Tania Rascia. It introduces the most important React concepts in a detailed, beginner-friendly way. Once you’re done, + give the documentation another try! React for Designers If you’re coming from a design background, these resources are a great place to get started. JavaScript Resources The React documentation assumes some familiarity with programming in the JavaScript language. You don’t have to be an + expert, but it’s harder to learn both React and JavaScript at the same time. We recommend going through this JavaScript overview to check your knowledge level. It will take you between 30 minutes and an hour but you will feel more confident learning React. +

-); - -const customerGridStatus = (props) => ( -



-); +) +const customerGridImage = props => ( +
+ employee +




+) + +const customerAppImage = props => { + return ( +
+ App +


+ ) +} + +const customerGridStatus = props => ( +



+) export const areaPrimaryXAxis = { - valueType: 'DateTime', - labelFormat: 'y', - majorGridLines: { width: 0 }, - intervalType: 'Years', - edgeLabelPlacement: 'Shift', - labelStyle: { color: 'gray' }, -}; + valueType: 'DateTime', + labelFormat: 'y', + majorGridLines: { width: 0 }, + intervalType: 'Years', + edgeLabelPlacement: 'Shift', + labelStyle: { color: 'gray' } +} export const areaPrimaryYAxis = { - labelFormat: '{value}%', - lineStyle: { width: 0 }, - maximum: 4, - interval: 1, - majorTickLines: { width: 0 }, - minorTickLines: { width: 0 }, - labelStyle: { color: 'gray' }, - -}; + labelFormat: '{value}%', + lineStyle: { width: 0 }, + maximum: 4, + interval: 1, + majorTickLines: { width: 0 }, + minorTickLines: { width: 0 }, + labelStyle: { color: 'gray' } +} export const barPrimaryXAxis = { - valueType: 'Category', - interval: 1, - majorGridLines: { width: 0 }, -}; + valueType: 'Category', + interval: 1, + majorGridLines: { width: 0 } +} export const barPrimaryYAxis = { - majorGridLines: { width: 0 }, - majorTickLines: { width: 0 }, - lineStyle: { width: 0 }, - labelStyle: { color: 'transparent' }, -}; + majorGridLines: { width: 0 }, + majorTickLines: { width: 0 }, + lineStyle: { width: 0 }, + labelStyle: { color: 'transparent' } +} const areaChartData = [ - [ - { x: new Date(2002, 0, 1), y: 2.2 }, - { x: new Date(2003, 0, 1), y: 3.4 }, - { x: new Date(2004, 0, 1), y: 2.8 }, - { x: new Date(2005, 0, 1), y: 1.6 }, - { x: new Date(2006, 0, 1), y: 2.3 }, - { x: new Date(2007, 0, 1), y: 2.5 }, - { x: new Date(2008, 0, 1), y: 2.9 }, - { x: new Date(2009, 0, 1), y: 3.8 }, - { x: new Date(2010, 0, 1), y: 1.4 }, - { x: new Date(2011, 0, 1), y: 3.1 }, - ], - [ - { x: new Date(2002, 0, 1), y: 2 }, - { x: new Date(2003, 0, 1), y: 1.7 }, - { x: new Date(2004, 0, 1), y: 1.8 }, - { x: new Date(2005, 0, 1), y: 2.1 }, - { x: new Date(2006, 0, 1), y: 2.3 }, - { x: new Date(2007, 0, 1), y: 1.7 }, - { x: new Date(2008, 0, 1), y: 1.5 }, - { x: new Date(2009, 0, 1), y: 2.8 }, - { x: new Date(2010, 0, 1), y: 1.5 }, - { x: new Date(2011, 0, 1), y: 2.3 }, - ], - [ - { x: new Date(2002, 0, 1), y: 0.8 }, - { x: new Date(2003, 0, 1), y: 1.3 }, - { x: new Date(2004, 0, 1), y: 1.1 }, - { x: new Date(2005, 0, 1), y: 1.6 }, - { x: new Date(2006, 0, 1), y: 2 }, - { x: new Date(2007, 0, 1), y: 1.7 }, - { x: new Date(2008, 0, 1), y: 2.3 }, - { x: new Date(2009, 0, 1), y: 2.7 }, - { x: new Date(2010, 0, 1), y: 1.1 }, - { x: new Date(2011, 0, 1), y: 2.3 }, - ], -]; + [ + { x: new Date(2002, 0, 1), y: 2.2 }, + { x: new Date(2003, 0, 1), y: 3.4 }, + { x: new Date(2004, 0, 1), y: 2.8 }, + { x: new Date(2005, 0, 1), y: 1.6 }, + { x: new Date(2006, 0, 1), y: 2.3 }, + { x: new Date(2007, 0, 1), y: 2.5 }, + { x: new Date(2008, 0, 1), y: 2.9 }, + { x: new Date(2009, 0, 1), y: 3.8 }, + { x: new Date(2010, 0, 1), y: 1.4 }, + { x: new Date(2011, 0, 1), y: 3.1 } + ], + [ + { x: new Date(2002, 0, 1), y: 2 }, + { x: new Date(2003, 0, 1), y: 1.7 }, + { x: new Date(2004, 0, 1), y: 1.8 }, + { x: new Date(2005, 0, 1), y: 2.1 }, + { x: new Date(2006, 0, 1), y: 2.3 }, + { x: new Date(2007, 0, 1), y: 1.7 }, + { x: new Date(2008, 0, 1), y: 1.5 }, + { x: new Date(2009, 0, 1), y: 2.8 }, + { x: new Date(2010, 0, 1), y: 1.5 }, + { x: new Date(2011, 0, 1), y: 2.3 } + ], + [ + { x: new Date(2002, 0, 1), y: 0.8 }, + { x: new Date(2003, 0, 1), y: 1.3 }, + { x: new Date(2004, 0, 1), y: 1.1 }, + { x: new Date(2005, 0, 1), y: 1.6 }, + { x: new Date(2006, 0, 1), y: 2 }, + { x: new Date(2007, 0, 1), y: 1.7 }, + { x: new Date(2008, 0, 1), y: 2.3 }, + { x: new Date(2009, 0, 1), y: 2.7 }, + { x: new Date(2010, 0, 1), y: 1.1 }, + { x: new Date(2011, 0, 1), y: 2.3 } + ] +] export const areaCustomSeries = [ - { - dataSource: areaChartData[0], - xName: 'x', - yName: 'y', - name: 'USA', - opacity: '0.8', - type: 'SplineArea', - width: '2', - - }, - { - dataSource: areaChartData[1], - xName: 'x', - yName: 'y', - name: 'France', - opacity: '0.8', - type: 'SplineArea', - width: '2', - }, - { - dataSource: areaChartData[2], - xName: 'x', - yName: 'y', - name: 'Germany', - opacity: '0.8', - type: 'SplineArea', - width: '2', - }, -]; + { + dataSource: areaChartData[0], + xName: 'x', + yName: 'y', + name: 'USA', + opacity: '0.8', + type: 'SplineArea', + width: '2' + }, + { + dataSource: areaChartData[1], + xName: 'x', + yName: 'y', + name: 'France', + opacity: '0.8', + type: 'SplineArea', + width: '2' + }, + { + dataSource: areaChartData[2], + xName: 'x', + yName: 'y', + name: 'Germany', + opacity: '0.8', + type: 'SplineArea', + width: '2' + } +] export const barChartData = [ - [ - { x: 'USA', y: 46 }, - { x: 'GBR', y: 27 }, - { x: 'CHN', y: 26 }, - ], - [ - { x: 'USA', y: 37 }, - { x: 'GBR', y: 23 }, - { x: 'CHN', y: 18 }, - ], - [ - { x: 'USA', y: 38 }, - { x: 'GBR', y: 17 }, - { x: 'CHN', y: 26 }, - ], -]; + [ + { x: 'USA', y: 46 }, + { x: 'GBR', y: 27 }, + { x: 'CHN', y: 26 } + ], + [ + { x: 'USA', y: 37 }, + { x: 'GBR', y: 23 }, + { x: 'CHN', y: 18 } + ], + [ + { x: 'USA', y: 38 }, + { x: 'GBR', y: 17 }, + { x: 'CHN', y: 26 } + ] +] export const barCustomSeries = [ - { - dataSource: barChartData[0], - xName: 'x', - yName: 'y', - name: 'Gold', - type: 'Column', - marker: { - dataLabel: { - visible: true, - position: 'Top', - font: { fontWeight: '600', color: '#ffffff' }, - }, - }, - }, - { - dataSource: barChartData[1], - xName: 'x', - yName: 'y', - name: 'Silver', - type: 'Column', - marker: { - dataLabel: { - visible: true, - position: 'Top', - font: { fontWeight: '600', color: '#ffffff' }, - }, - }, - }, - { - dataSource: barChartData[2], - xName: 'x', - yName: 'y', - name: 'Bronze', - type: 'Column', - marker: { - dataLabel: { - visible: true, - position: 'Top', - font: { fontWeight: '600', color: '#ffffff' }, - }, - }, - }, -]; + { + dataSource: barChartData[0], + xName: 'x', + yName: 'y', + name: 'Gold', + type: 'Column', + marker: { + dataLabel: { + visible: true, + position: 'Top', + font: { fontWeight: '600', color: '#ffffff' } + } + } + }, + { + dataSource: barChartData[1], + xName: 'x', + yName: 'y', + name: 'Silver', + type: 'Column', + marker: { + dataLabel: { + visible: true, + position: 'Top', + font: { fontWeight: '600', color: '#ffffff' } + } + } + }, + { + dataSource: barChartData[2], + xName: 'x', + yName: 'y', + name: 'Bronze', + type: 'Column', + marker: { + dataLabel: { + visible: true, + position: 'Top', + font: { fontWeight: '600', color: '#ffffff' } + } + } + } +] export const colorMappingData = [ - [ - { x: 'Jan', y: 6.96 }, - { x: 'Feb', y: 8.9 }, - { x: 'Mar', y: 12 }, - { x: 'Apr', y: 17.5 }, - { x: 'May', y: 22.1 }, - { x: 'June', y: 25 }, - { x: 'July', y: 29.4 }, - { x: 'Aug', y: 29.6 }, - { x: 'Sep', y: 25.8 }, - { x: 'Oct', y: 21.1 }, - { x: 'Nov', y: 15.5 }, - { x: 'Dec', y: 9.9 }, - ], - ['#FFFF99'], - ['#FFA500'], - ['#FF4040'], -]; + [ + { x: 'Jan', y: 6.96 }, + { x: 'Feb', y: 8.9 }, + { x: 'Mar', y: 12 }, + { x: 'Apr', y: 17.5 }, + { x: 'May', y: 22.1 }, + { x: 'June', y: 25 }, + { x: 'July', y: 29.4 }, + { x: 'Aug', y: 29.6 }, + { x: 'Sep', y: 25.8 }, + { x: 'Oct', y: 21.1 }, + { x: 'Nov', y: 15.5 }, + { x: 'Dec', y: 9.9 } + ], + ['#FFFF99'], + ['#FFA500'], + ['#FF4040'] +] export const rangeColorMapping = [ - { label: '1°C to 10°C', - start: '1', - end: '10', - colors: colorMappingData[1] }, - - { label: '11°C to 20°C', - start: '11', - end: '20', - colors: colorMappingData[2] }, + { label: '1°C to 10°C', start: '1', end: '10', colors: colorMappingData[1] }, - { label: '21°C to 30°C', - start: '21', - end: '30', - colors: colorMappingData[3] }, + { label: '11°C to 20°C', start: '11', end: '20', colors: colorMappingData[2] }, -]; + { label: '21°C to 30°C', start: '21', end: '30', colors: colorMappingData[3] } +] export const ColorMappingPrimaryXAxis = { - valueType: 'Category', - majorGridLines: { width: 0 }, - title: 'Months', -}; + valueType: 'Category', + majorGridLines: { width: 0 }, + title: 'Months' +} export const ColorMappingPrimaryYAxis = { - lineStyle: { width: 0 }, - majorTickLines: { width: 0 }, - minorTickLines: { width: 0 }, - labelFormat: '{value}°C', - title: 'Temperature', -}; + lineStyle: { width: 0 }, + majorTickLines: { width: 0 }, + minorTickLines: { width: 0 }, + labelFormat: '{value}°C', + title: 'Temperature' +} export const FinancialPrimaryXAxis = { - valueType: 'DateTime', - minimum: new Date('2016, 12, 31'), - maximum: new Date('2017, 9, 30'), - crosshairTooltip: { enable: true }, - majorGridLines: { width: 0 }, -}; + valueType: 'DateTime', + minimum: new Date('2016, 12, 31'), + maximum: new Date('2017, 9, 30'), + crosshairTooltip: { enable: true }, + majorGridLines: { width: 0 } +} export const FinancialPrimaryYAxis = { - title: 'Price', - minimum: 100, - maximum: 180, - interval: 20, - lineStyle: { width: 0 }, - majorTickLines: { width: 0 }, -}; + title: 'Price', + minimum: 100, + maximum: 180, + interval: 20, + lineStyle: { width: 0 }, + majorTickLines: { width: 0 } +} export const LinePrimaryXAxis = { - valueType: 'DateTime', - labelFormat: 'y', - intervalType: 'Years', - edgeLabelPlacement: 'Shift', - majorGridLines: { width: 0 }, - background: 'white', -}; + valueType: 'DateTime', + labelFormat: 'y', + intervalType: 'Years', + edgeLabelPlacement: 'Shift', + majorGridLines: { width: 0 }, + background: 'white' +} export const LinePrimaryYAxis = { - labelFormat: '{value}%', - rangePadding: 'None', - minimum: 0, - maximum: 100, - interval: 20, - lineStyle: { width: 0 }, - majorTickLines: { width: 0 }, - minorTickLines: { width: 0 }, -}; + labelFormat: '{value}%', + rangePadding: 'None', + minimum: 0, + maximum: 100, + interval: 20, + lineStyle: { width: 0 }, + majorTickLines: { width: 0 }, + minorTickLines: { width: 0 } +} export const customersGrid = [ - { type: 'checkbox', width: '50' }, - { headerText: 'Name', - width: '150', - template: customerGridImage, - textAlign: 'Center' }, - { field: 'ProjectName', - headerText: 'Project Name', - width: '150', - textAlign: 'Center' }, - { field: 'Status', - headerText: 'Status', - width: '130', - format: 'yMd', - textAlign: 'Center', - template: customerGridStatus }, - { - field: 'Weeks', - headerText: 'Weeks', - width: '100', - format: 'C2', - textAlign: 'Center' }, - { field: 'Budget', - headerText: 'Budget', - width: '100', - format: 'yMd', - textAlign: 'Center' }, - - { field: 'Location', - headerText: 'Location', - width: '150', - textAlign: 'Center' }, - - { field: 'CustomerID', - headerText: 'Customer ID', - width: '120', - textAlign: 'Center', - isPrimaryKey: true, - }, - -]; + { type: 'checkbox', width: '50' }, + { + field: 'StartTime', + headerText: '开始时间', + width: '100', + textAlign: 'center' + }, + { + field: 'EndTime', + headerText: '结束时间', + width: '100', + textAlign: 'center' + }, + { + field: 'Duration', + headerText: '持续时间', + width: '100', + textAlign: 'center' + }, + { + field: 'App', + headerText: '应用程序', + width: '150', + textAlign: 'center', + template: customerAppImage + }, + { + field: 'Text', + headerText: '活动', + width: '250', + textAlign: 'center' + }, + { + field: 'Tag', + headerText: '标签', + width: '100', + textAlign: 'center' + } +] export const employeesGrid = [ - { headerText: 'Employee', - width: '150', - template: gridEmployeeProfile, - textAlign: 'Center' }, - { field: 'Name', - headerText: '', - width: '0', - textAlign: 'Center', - }, - { field: 'Title', - headerText: 'Designation', - width: '170', - textAlign: 'Center', - }, - { headerText: 'Country', - width: '120', - textAlign: 'Center', - template: gridEmployeeCountry }, + { headerText: 'Employee', width: '150', template: gridEmployeeProfile, textAlign: 'Center' }, + { field: 'Name', headerText: '', width: '0', textAlign: 'Center' }, + { field: 'Title', headerText: 'Designation', width: '170', textAlign: 'Center' }, + { headerText: 'Country', width: '120', textAlign: 'Center', template: gridEmployeeCountry }, - { field: 'HireDate', - headerText: 'Hire Date', - width: '135', - format: 'yMd', - textAlign: 'Center' }, + { field: 'HireDate', headerText: 'Hire Date', width: '135', format: 'yMd', textAlign: 'Center' }, - { field: 'ReportsTo', - headerText: 'Reports To', - width: '120', - textAlign: 'Center' }, - { field: 'EmployeeID', - headerText: 'Employee ID', - width: '125', - textAlign: 'Center' }, -]; + { field: 'ReportsTo', headerText: 'Reports To', width: '120', textAlign: 'Center' }, + { field: 'EmployeeID', headerText: 'Employee ID', width: '125', textAlign: 'Center' } +] export const links = [ - { - title: '数据面板', - links: [ - { - name: '总览', - englishName: 'overview', - icon: , - }, - { - name: '表格', - englishName: 'customers', - icon: , - }, - { - name: '屏幕使用时间', - englishName: 'orders', - icon: , - }, - { - name: '第一次屏幕使用', - englishName: 'employees', - icon: , - }, - { - name: '最后一次屏幕使用', - englishName: 'customers', - icon: , - }, - ], - }, - { - title: '标签', - links: [ - { - name: '学习', - englishName: 'calendar', - icon: , - }, - { - name: '工作', - englishName: 'kanban', - icon: , - }, - { - name: '娱乐', - englishName: 'editor', - icon: , - }, - { - name: '生活', - englishName: 'color-picker', - icon: , - }, - ], - }, - { - title: '单项', - links: [ - { - name: 'line', - englishName: 'line', - icon: , - }, - { - name: 'area', - englishName: 'area', - icon: , - }, - - { - name: 'bar', - englishName: 'bar', - icon: , - }, - { - name: 'pie', - englishName: 'pie', - icon: , - }, - { - name: 'financial', - englishName: 'financial', - icon: , - }, - { - name: 'color-mapping', - englishName: 'color-mapping', - icon: , - }, - { - name: 'pyramid', - englishName: 'pyramid', - icon: , - }, - { - name: 'stacked', - englishName: 'stacked', - icon: , - }, - ], - }, -]; + { + title: '数据面板', + links: [ + { + name: '总览', + englishName: 'overview', + icon: + }, + { + name: '表格', + englishName: 'customers', + icon: + }, + { + name: '屏幕使用时间', + englishName: 'orders', + icon: + }, + { + name: '第一次屏幕使用', + englishName: 'employees', + icon: + }, + { + name: '最后一次屏幕使用', + englishName: 'customers', + icon: + } + ] + }, + { + title: '标签', + links: [ + { + name: '学习', + englishName: 'calendar', + icon: + }, + { + name: '工作', + englishName: 'kanban', + icon: + }, + { + name: '娱乐', + englishName: 'editor', + icon: + }, + { + name: '生活', + englishName: 'color-picker', + icon: + } + ] + }, + { + title: '单项', + links: [ + { + name: 'line', + englishName: 'line', + icon: + }, + { + name: 'area', + englishName: 'area', + icon: + }, + + { + name: 'bar', + englishName: 'bar', + icon: + }, + { + name: 'pie', + englishName: 'pie', + icon: + }, + { + name: 'financial', + englishName: 'financial', + icon: + }, + { + name: 'color-mapping', + englishName: 'color-mapping', + icon: + }, + { + name: 'pyramid', + englishName: 'pyramid', + icon: + }, + { + name: 'stacked', + englishName: 'stacked', + icon: + } + ] + } +] export const cartData = [ - { - image: - product5, - name: 'butterscotch ice-cream', - category: 'Milk product', - price: '$250', - }, - { - image: - product6, - name: 'Supreme fresh tomato', - category: 'Vegetable Item', - price: '$450', - }, - { - image: - product7, - name: 'Red color candy', - category: 'Food Item', - price: '$190', - }, -]; + { + image: product5, + name: 'butterscotch ice-cream', + category: 'Milk product', + price: '$250' + }, + { + image: product6, + name: 'Supreme fresh tomato', + category: 'Vegetable Item', + price: '$450' + }, + { + image: product7, + name: 'Red color candy', + category: 'Food Item', + price: '$190' + } +] export const chatData = [ - { - image: - avatar2, - message: 'Roman Joined the Team!', - desc: 'Congratulate him', - time: '9:08 AM', - }, - { - image: - avatar3, - message: 'New message received', - desc: 'Salma sent you new message', - time: '11:56 AM', - }, - { - image: - avatar4, - message: 'New Payment received', - desc: 'Check your earnings', - time: '4:39 AM', - }, - { - image: - avatar, - message: 'Jolly completed tasks', - desc: 'Assign her new tasks', - time: '1:12 AM', - }, -]; + { + image: avatar2, + message: 'Roman Joined the Team!', + desc: 'Congratulate him', + time: '9:08 AM' + }, + { + image: avatar3, + message: 'New message received', + desc: 'Salma sent you new message', + time: '11:56 AM' + }, + { + image: avatar4, + message: 'New Payment received', + desc: 'Check your earnings', + time: '4:39 AM' + }, + { + image: avatar, + message: 'Jolly completed tasks', + desc: 'Assign her new tasks', + time: '1:12 AM' + } +] export const earningData = [ - { - icon: , - amount: '这里填写时间', - percentage: '+38%', - title: '今日屏幕使用时间', - iconColor: 'rgb(228, 106, 118)', - iconBg: 'rgb(255, 244, 229)', - - pcColor: 'green-600', - }, - { - icon: , - amount: '这里填写时间', - percentage: '-4%', - title: '第一次屏幕使用', - iconColor: '#03C9D7', - iconBg: '#E5FAFB', - pcColor: 'red-600', - }, - { - icon: , - amount: '这里填写时间', - percentage: '+23%', - title: '最后一次屏幕使用', - iconColor: 'rgb(255, 244, 229)', - iconBg: 'rgb(0,0,0)', - pcColor: 'black-600', - }, - { - icon: , - amount: '这里填写时间', - percentage: '-12%', - title: '总计', - iconColor: 'rgb(0, 194, 146)', - iconBg: 'rgb(235, 250, 242)', - pcColor: 'red-600', - }, -]; + { + icon: , + amount: '这里填写时间', + percentage: '+38%', + title: '今日屏幕使用时间', + iconColor: 'rgb(228, 106, 118)', + iconBg: 'rgb(255, 244, 229)', + + pcColor: 'green-600' + }, + { + icon: , + amount: '这里填写时间', + percentage: '-4%', + title: '第一次屏幕使用', + iconColor: '#03C9D7', + iconBg: '#E5FAFB', + pcColor: 'red-600' + }, + { + icon: , + amount: '这里填写时间', + percentage: '+23%', + title: '最后一次屏幕使用', + iconColor: 'rgb(255, 244, 229)', + iconBg: 'rgb(0,0,0)', + pcColor: 'black-600' + }, + { + icon: , + amount: '这里填写时间', + percentage: '-12%', + title: '总计', + iconColor: 'rgb(0, 194, 146)', + iconBg: 'rgb(235, 250, 242)', + pcColor: 'red-600' + } +] export const recentTransactions = [ - { - icon: , - amount: '+$350', - title: 'Paypal Transfer', - desc: 'Money Added', - iconColor: '#03C9D7', - iconBg: '#E5FAFB', - pcColor: 'green-600', - }, - { - icon: , - amount: '-$560', - desc: 'Bill Payment', - title: 'Wallet', - iconColor: 'rgb(0, 194, 146)', - iconBg: 'rgb(235, 250, 242)', - pcColor: 'red-600', - }, - { - icon: , - amount: '+$350', - title: 'Credit Card', - desc: 'Money reversed', - iconColor: 'rgb(255, 244, 229)', - iconBg: 'rgb(254, 201, 15)', - - pcColor: 'green-600', - }, - { - icon: , - amount: '+$350', - title: 'Bank Transfer', - desc: 'Money Added', - - iconColor: 'rgb(228, 106, 118)', - iconBg: 'rgb(255, 244, 229)', - pcColor: 'green-600', - }, - { - icon: , - amount: '-$50', - percentage: '+38%', - title: 'Refund', - desc: 'Payment Sent', - iconColor: '#03C9D7', - iconBg: '#E5FAFB', - pcColor: 'red-600', - }, -]; + { + icon: , + amount: '+$350', + title: 'Paypal Transfer', + desc: 'Money Added', + iconColor: '#03C9D7', + iconBg: '#E5FAFB', + pcColor: 'green-600' + }, + { + icon: , + amount: '-$560', + desc: 'Bill Payment', + title: 'Wallet', + iconColor: 'rgb(0, 194, 146)', + iconBg: 'rgb(235, 250, 242)', + pcColor: 'red-600' + }, + { + icon: , + amount: '+$350', + title: 'Credit Card', + desc: 'Money reversed', + iconColor: 'rgb(255, 244, 229)', + iconBg: 'rgb(254, 201, 15)', + + pcColor: 'green-600' + }, + { + icon: , + amount: '+$350', + title: 'Bank Transfer', + desc: 'Money Added', + + iconColor: 'rgb(228, 106, 118)', + iconBg: 'rgb(255, 244, 229)', + pcColor: 'green-600' + }, + { + icon: , + amount: '-$50', + percentage: '+38%', + title: 'Refund', + desc: 'Payment Sent', + iconColor: '#03C9D7', + iconBg: '#E5FAFB', + pcColor: 'red-600' + } +] export const weeklyStats = [ - { - icon: , - amount: '-$560', - title: 'Top Sales', - desc: 'Johnathan Doe', - iconBg: '#FB9678', - pcColor: 'red-600', - }, - { - icon: , - amount: '-$560', - title: 'Best Seller', - desc: 'MaterialPro Admin', - iconBg: 'rgb(254, 201, 15)', - pcColor: 'red-600', - }, - { - icon: , - amount: '+$560', - title: 'Most Commented', - desc: 'Ample Admin', - iconBg: '#00C292', - pcColor: 'green-600', - }, -]; - -export const productsPerformance = [ - { - image: - product5, - title: 'Is it good butterscotch ice-cream?', - desc: 'Ice-Cream, Milk, Powder', - rating: 'Good', - itemSold: '65%', - earningAmount: '$546,000', - }, - { - image: - product6, - title: 'Supreme fresh tomato available', - desc: 'Market, Mall', - rating: 'Excellent', - itemSold: '98%', - earningAmount: '$780,000', - }, - { - image: - product7, - title: 'Red color candy from Gucci', - desc: 'Chocolate, Yummy', - rating: 'Average', - itemSold: '46%', - earningAmount: '$457,000', - }, - { - image: - product4, - title: 'Stylish night lamp for night', - desc: 'Electric, Wire, Current', - rating: 'Poor', - itemSold: '23%', - earningAmount: '$123,000', - }, -]; - -export const medicalproBranding = { - data: [ { - title: 'Due Date', - desc: 'Oct 23, 2021', + icon: , + amount: '-$560', + title: 'Top Sales', + desc: 'Johnathan Doe', + iconBg: '#FB9678', + pcColor: 'red-600' }, { - title: 'Budget', - desc: '$98,500', + icon: , + amount: '-$560', + title: 'Best Seller', + desc: 'MaterialPro Admin', + iconBg: 'rgb(254, 201, 15)', + pcColor: 'red-600' }, { - title: 'Expense', - desc: '$63,000', + icon: , + amount: '+$560', + title: 'Most Commented', + desc: 'Ample Admin', + iconBg: '#00C292', + pcColor: 'green-600' + } +] + +export const productsPerformance = [ + { + image: product5, + title: 'Is it good butterscotch ice-cream?', + desc: 'Ice-Cream, Milk, Powder', + rating: 'Good', + itemSold: '65%', + earningAmount: '$546,000' }, - ], - teams: [ { - name: 'Bootstrap', - color: 'orange', + image: product6, + title: 'Supreme fresh tomato available', + desc: 'Market, Mall', + rating: 'Excellent', + itemSold: '98%', + earningAmount: '$780,000' }, { - name: 'Angular', - color: '#FB9678', + image: product7, + title: 'Red color candy from Gucci', + desc: 'Chocolate, Yummy', + rating: 'Average', + itemSold: '46%', + earningAmount: '$457,000' }, - ], - leaders: [ { - image: - avatar2, + image: product4, + title: 'Stylish night lamp for night', + desc: 'Electric, Wire, Current', + rating: 'Poor', + itemSold: '23%', + earningAmount: '$123,000' + } +] + +export const medicalproBranding = { + data: [ + { + title: 'Due Date', + desc: 'Oct 23, 2021' + }, + { + title: 'Budget', + desc: '$98,500' + }, + { + title: 'Expense', + desc: '$63,000' + } + ], + teams: [ + { + name: 'Bootstrap', + color: 'orange' + }, + { + name: 'Angular', + color: '#FB9678' + } + ], + leaders: [ + { + image: avatar2 + }, + { + image: avatar3 + }, + { + image: avatar2 + }, + { + image: avatar4 + }, + { + image: avatar + } + ] +} + +export const themeColors = [ + { + name: 'blue-theme', + color: '#1A97F5' }, { - image: - avatar3, + name: 'green-theme', + color: '#03C9D7' }, { - image: - avatar2, + name: 'purple-theme', + color: '#7352FF' }, { - image: - avatar4, + name: 'red-theme', + color: '#FF5C8E' }, { - image: - avatar, + name: 'indigo-theme', + color: '#1E4DB7' }, - ], -}; - -export const themeColors = [ - { - name: 'blue-theme', - color: '#1A97F5', - }, - { - name: 'green-theme', - color: '#03C9D7', - }, - { - name: 'purple-theme', - color: '#7352FF', - }, - { - name: 'red-theme', - color: '#FF5C8E', - }, - { - name: 'indigo-theme', - color: '#1E4DB7', - }, - { - color: '#FB9678', - name: 'orange-theme', - }, -]; + { + color: '#FB9678', + name: 'orange-theme' + } +] export const userProfileData = [ - { - icon: , - title: 'My Profile', - desc: 'Account Settings', - iconColor: '#03C9D7', - iconBg: '#E5FAFB', - }, - { - icon: , - title: 'My Inbox', - desc: 'Messages & Emails', - iconColor: 'rgb(0, 194, 146)', - iconBg: 'rgb(235, 250, 242)', - }, - { - icon: , - title: 'My Tasks', - desc: 'To-do and Daily Tasks', - iconColor: 'rgb(255, 244, 229)', - iconBg: 'rgb(254, 201, 15)', - }, -]; + { + icon: , + title: 'My Profile', + desc: 'Account Settings', + iconColor: '#03C9D7', + iconBg: '#E5FAFB' + }, + { + icon: , + title: 'My Inbox', + desc: 'Messages & Emails', + iconColor: 'rgb(0, 194, 146)', + iconBg: 'rgb(235, 250, 242)' + }, + { + icon: , + title: 'My Tasks', + desc: 'To-do and Daily Tasks', + iconColor: 'rgb(255, 244, 229)', + iconBg: 'rgb(254, 201, 15)' + } +] export const ordersGrid = [ - { - headerText: 'Image', - template: gridOrderImage, - textAlign: 'Center', - width: '120', - }, - { - field: 'OrderItems', - headerText: 'Item', - width: '150', - editType: 'dropdownedit', - textAlign: 'Center', - }, - { field: 'CustomerName', - headerText: 'Customer Name', - width: '150', - textAlign: 'Center', - }, - { - field: 'TotalAmount', - headerText: 'Total Amount', - format: 'C2', - textAlign: 'Center', - editType: 'numericedit', - width: '150', - }, - { - headerText: 'Status', - template: gridOrderStatus, - field: 'OrderItems', - textAlign: 'Center', - width: '120', - }, - { - field: 'OrderID', - headerText: 'Order ID', - width: '120', - textAlign: 'Center', - }, + { + headerText: 'Image', + template: gridOrderImage, + textAlign: 'Center', + width: '120' + }, + { + field: 'OrderItems', + headerText: 'Item', + width: '150', + editType: 'dropdownedit', + textAlign: 'Center' + }, + { field: 'CustomerName', headerText: 'Customer Name', width: '150', textAlign: 'Center' }, + { + field: 'TotalAmount', + headerText: 'Total Amount', + format: 'C2', + textAlign: 'Center', + editType: 'numericedit', + width: '150' + }, + { + headerText: 'Status', + template: gridOrderStatus, + field: 'OrderItems', + textAlign: 'Center', + width: '120' + }, + { + field: 'OrderID', + headerText: 'Order ID', + width: '120', + textAlign: 'Center' + }, - { - field: 'Location', - headerText: 'Location', - width: '150', - textAlign: 'Center', - }, -]; + { + field: 'Location', + headerText: 'Location', + width: '150', + textAlign: 'Center' + } +] export const customersData = [ - { - CustomerID: 1001, - CustomerName: 'Nirav Joshi', - CustomerEmail: 'nirav@gmail.com', - CustomerImage: - avatar2, - ProjectName: 'Hosting Press HTML', - Status: 'Active', - StatusBg: '#8BE78B', - Weeks: '40', - Budget: '$2.4k', - Location: 'India', - }, - { - CustomerID: 1002, - - CustomerName: 'Sunil Joshi', - CustomerEmail: 'sunil@gmail.com', - ProjectName: 'Elite Admin', - Status: 'Active', - CustomerImage: - avatar3, - - StatusBg: '#8BE78B', - Weeks: '11', - Budget: '$3.9k', - Location: 'India', - }, - { - CustomerID: 1003, - - CustomerName: 'Andrew McDownland', - CustomerEmail: 'andrew@gmail.com', - ProjectName: 'Real Homes WP Theme', - Status: 'Pending', - CustomerImage: - avatar4, - StatusBg: '#FEC90F', - Weeks: '19', - Budget: '$24.5k', - Location: 'USA', - }, - { - CustomerID: 1004, - - CustomerName: 'Christopher Jamil', - CustomerEmail: 'jamil@gmail.com', - ProjectName: 'MedicalPro WP Theme', - Status: 'Completed', - CustomerImage: - avatar, - StatusBg: '#8BE78B', - Weeks: '34', - Budget: '$16.5k', - Location: 'USA', - }, - { - CustomerID: 1005, - - CustomerName: 'Michael', - CustomerEmail: 'michael@gmail.com', - ProjectName: 'Weekly WP Theme', - Status: 'Cancel', - CustomerImage: - avatar2, - StatusBg: 'red', - Weeks: '34', - Budget: '$16.5k', - Location: 'USA', - }, - { - CustomerID: 1006, - CustomerName: 'Nirav Joshi', - CustomerEmail: 'nirav@gmail.com', - CustomerImage: - avatar2, - ProjectName: 'Hosting Press HTML', - Status: 'Active', - StatusBg: '#8BE78B', - Weeks: '40', - Budget: '$2.4k', - Location: 'India', - }, - { - CustomerID: 1007, - - CustomerName: 'Sunil Joshi', - CustomerEmail: 'sunil@gmail.com', - ProjectName: 'Elite Admin', - Status: 'Active', - CustomerImage: - avatar3, - - StatusBg: '#8BE78B', - Weeks: '11', - Budget: '$3.9k', - Location: 'India', - }, - { - CustomerID: 1008, - - CustomerName: 'Andrew McDownland', - CustomerEmail: 'andrew@gmail.com', - ProjectName: 'Real Homes WP Theme', - Status: 'Pending', - CustomerImage: - avatar4, - StatusBg: '#FEC90F', - Weeks: '19', - Budget: '$24.5k', - Location: 'USA', - }, - { - CustomerID: 1009, - - CustomerName: 'Christopher Jamil', - CustomerEmail: 'jamil@gmail.com', - ProjectName: 'MedicalPro WP Theme', - Status: 'Completed', - CustomerImage: - avatar, - StatusBg: '#8BE78B', - Weeks: '34', - Budget: '$16.5k', - Location: 'USA', - }, - { - CustomerID: 1010, - - CustomerName: 'Michael', - CustomerEmail: 'michael@gmail.com', - ProjectName: 'Weekly WP Theme', - Status: 'Cancel', - CustomerImage: - avatar2, - StatusBg: 'red', - Weeks: '34', - Budget: '$16.5k', - Location: 'USA', - }, - { - CustomerID: 1011, - CustomerName: 'Nirav Joshi', - CustomerEmail: 'nirav@gmail.com', - CustomerImage: - avatar2, - ProjectName: 'Hosting Press HTML', - Status: 'Active', - StatusBg: '#8BE78B', - Weeks: '40', - Budget: '$2.4k', - Location: 'India', - }, - { - CustomerID: 1012, - - CustomerName: 'Sunil Joshi', - CustomerEmail: 'sunil@gmail.com', - ProjectName: 'Elite Admin', - Status: 'Active', - CustomerImage: - avatar3, - - StatusBg: '#8BE78B', - Weeks: '11', - Budget: '$3.9k', - Location: 'India', - }, - { - CustomerID: 1013, - - CustomerName: 'Andrew McDownland', - CustomerEmail: 'andrew@gmail.com', - ProjectName: 'Real Homes WP Theme', - Status: 'Pending', - CustomerImage: - avatar4, - StatusBg: '#FEC90F', - Weeks: '19', - Budget: '$24.5k', - Location: 'USA', - }, - { - CustomerID: 1014, - - CustomerName: 'Christopher Jamil', - CustomerEmail: 'jamil@gmail.com', - ProjectName: 'MedicalPro WP Theme', - Status: 'Completed', - CustomerImage: - avatar, - StatusBg: '#8BE78B', - Weeks: '34', - Budget: '$16.5k', - Location: 'USA', - }, - { - CustomerID: 1015, - - CustomerName: 'Michael', - CustomerEmail: 'michael@gmail.com', - ProjectName: 'Weekly WP Theme', - Status: 'Cancel', - CustomerImage: - avatar2, - StatusBg: 'red', - Weeks: '34', - Budget: '$16.5k', - Location: 'USA', - }, - { - CustomerID: 1016, - CustomerName: 'Nirav Joshi', - CustomerEmail: 'nirav@gmail.com', - CustomerImage: - avatar2, - ProjectName: 'Hosting Press HTML', - Status: 'Active', - StatusBg: '#8BE78B', - Weeks: '40', - Budget: '$2.4k', - Location: 'India', - }, - { - CustomerID: 1017, - - CustomerName: 'Sunil Joshi', - CustomerEmail: 'sunil@gmail.com', - ProjectName: 'Elite Admin', - Status: 'Active', - CustomerImage: - avatar3, - - StatusBg: '#8BE78B', - Weeks: '11', - Budget: '$3.9k', - Location: 'India', - }, - { - CustomerID: 1018, - - CustomerName: 'Andrew McDownland', - CustomerEmail: 'andrew@gmail.com', - ProjectName: 'Real Homes WP Theme', - Status: 'Pending', - CustomerImage: - avatar4, - StatusBg: '#FEC90F', - Weeks: '19', - Budget: '$24.5k', - Location: 'USA', - }, - { - CustomerID: 1019, - - CustomerName: 'Christopher Jamil', - CustomerEmail: 'jamil@gmail.com', - ProjectName: 'MedicalPro WP Theme', - Status: 'Completed', - CustomerImage: - avatar, - StatusBg: '#8BE78B', - Weeks: '34', - Budget: '$16.5k', - Location: 'USA', - }, - { - CustomerID: 1020, - - CustomerName: 'Michael', - CustomerEmail: 'michael@gmail.com', - ProjectName: 'Weekly WP Theme', - Status: 'Cancel', - CustomerImage: - avatar2, - StatusBg: 'red', - Weeks: '34', - Budget: '$16.5k', - Location: 'USA', - }, - { - CustomerID: 1021, - CustomerName: 'Nirav Joshi', - CustomerEmail: 'nirav@gmail.com', - CustomerImage: - avatar2, - ProjectName: 'Hosting Press HTML', - Status: 'Active', - StatusBg: '#8BE78B', - Weeks: '40', - Budget: '$2.4k', - Location: 'India', - }, - { - CustomerID: 1022, - - CustomerName: 'Sunil Joshi', - CustomerEmail: 'sunil@gmail.com', - ProjectName: 'Elite Admin', - Status: 'Active', - CustomerImage: - avatar3, - - StatusBg: '#8BE78B', - Weeks: '11', - Budget: '$3.9k', - Location: 'India', - }, - { - CustomerID: 1023, - - CustomerName: 'Andrew McDownland', - CustomerEmail: 'andrew@gmail.com', - ProjectName: 'Real Homes WP Theme', - Status: 'Pending', - CustomerImage: - avatar4, - StatusBg: '#FEC90F', - Weeks: '19', - Budget: '$24.5k', - Location: 'USA', - }, - { - CustomerID: 1024, - - CustomerName: 'Christopher Jamil', - CustomerEmail: 'jamil@gmail.com', - ProjectName: 'MedicalPro WP Theme', - Status: 'Completed', - CustomerImage: - avatar, - StatusBg: '#8BE78B', - Weeks: '34', - Budget: '$16.5k', - Location: 'USA', - }, - { - CustomerID: 1025, - - CustomerName: 'Michael', - CustomerEmail: 'michael@gmail.com', - ProjectName: 'Weekly WP Theme', - Status: 'Cancel', - CustomerImage: - avatar2, - StatusBg: 'red', - Weeks: '34', - Budget: '$16.5k', - Location: 'USA', - }, - { - CustomerID: 1026, - CustomerName: 'Nirav Joshi', - CustomerEmail: 'nirav@gmail.com', - CustomerImage: - avatar2, - ProjectName: 'Hosting Press HTML', - Status: 'Active', - StatusBg: '#8BE78B', - Weeks: '40', - Budget: '$2.4k', - Location: 'India', - }, - { - CustomerID: 1027, - - CustomerName: 'Sunil Joshi', - CustomerEmail: 'sunil@gmail.com', - ProjectName: 'Elite Admin', - Status: 'Active', - CustomerImage: - avatar3, - - StatusBg: '#8BE78B', - Weeks: '11', - Budget: '$3.9k', - Location: 'India', - }, - { - CustomerID: 1028, - - CustomerName: 'Andrew McDownland', - CustomerEmail: 'andrew@gmail.com', - ProjectName: 'Real Homes WP Theme', - Status: 'Pending', - CustomerImage: - avatar4, - StatusBg: '#FEC90F', - Weeks: '19', - Budget: '$24.5k', - Location: 'USA', - }, - { - CustomerID: 1029, - - CustomerName: 'Christopher Jamil', - CustomerEmail: 'jamil@gmail.com', - ProjectName: 'MedicalPro WP Theme', - Status: 'Completed', - CustomerImage: - avatar, - StatusBg: '#8BE78B', - Weeks: '34', - Budget: '$16.5k', - Location: 'USA', - }, - { - CustomerID: 1030, - - CustomerName: 'Michael', - CustomerEmail: 'michael@gmail.com', - ProjectName: 'Weekly WP Theme', - Status: 'Cancel', - CustomerImage: - avatar2, - StatusBg: 'red', - Weeks: '34', - Budget: '$16.5k', - Location: 'USA', - }, - { - CustomerID: 1031, - CustomerName: 'Nirav Joshi', - CustomerEmail: 'nirav@gmail.com', - CustomerImage: - avatar2, - ProjectName: 'Hosting Press HTML', - Status: 'Active', - StatusBg: '#8BE78B', - Weeks: '40', - Budget: '$2.4k', - Location: 'India', - }, - { - CustomerID: 1032, - - CustomerName: 'Sunil Joshi', - CustomerEmail: 'sunil@gmail.com', - ProjectName: 'Elite Admin', - Status: 'Active', - CustomerImage: - avatar3, - - StatusBg: '#8BE78B', - Weeks: '11', - Budget: '$3.9k', - Location: 'India', - }, - { - CustomerID: 1033, - - CustomerName: 'Andrew McDownland', - CustomerEmail: 'andrew@gmail.com', - ProjectName: 'Real Homes WP Theme', - Status: 'Pending', - CustomerImage: - avatar4, - StatusBg: '#FEC90F', - Weeks: '19', - Budget: '$24.5k', - Location: 'USA', - }, - { - CustomerID: 1034, - - CustomerName: 'Christopher Jamil', - CustomerEmail: 'jamil@gmail.com', - ProjectName: 'MedicalPro WP Theme', - Status: 'Completed', - CustomerImage: - avatar, - StatusBg: '#8BE78B', - Weeks: '34', - Budget: '$16.5k', - Location: 'USA', - }, - { - CustomerID: 1035, - - CustomerName: 'Michael', - CustomerEmail: 'michael@gmail.com', - ProjectName: 'Weekly WP Theme', - Status: 'Cancel', - CustomerImage: - avatar2, - StatusBg: 'red', - Weeks: '34', - Budget: '$16.5k', - Location: 'USA', - }, - { - CustomerID: 1036, - CustomerName: 'Nirav Joshi', - CustomerEmail: 'nirav@gmail.com', - CustomerImage: - avatar2, - ProjectName: 'Hosting Press HTML', - Status: 'Active', - StatusBg: '#8BE78B', - Weeks: '40', - Budget: '$2.4k', - Location: 'India', - }, - { - CustomerID: 1037, - - CustomerName: 'Sunil Joshi', - CustomerEmail: 'sunil@gmail.com', - ProjectName: 'Elite Admin', - Status: 'Active', - CustomerImage: - avatar3, - - StatusBg: '#8BE78B', - Weeks: '11', - Budget: '$3.9k', - Location: 'India', - }, - { - CustomerID: 1038, - - CustomerName: 'Andrew McDownland', - CustomerEmail: 'andrew@gmail.com', - ProjectName: 'Real Homes WP Theme', - Status: 'Pending', - CustomerImage: - avatar4, - StatusBg: '#FEC90F', - Weeks: '19', - Budget: '$24.5k', - Location: 'USA', - }, - { - CustomerID: 1039, - CustomerName: 'Christopher Jamil', - CustomerEmail: 'jamil@gmail.com', - ProjectName: 'MedicalPro WP Theme', - Status: 'Completed', - CustomerImage: - avatar, - StatusBg: '#8BE78B', - Weeks: '34', - Budget: '$16.5k', - Location: 'USA', - }, - { - CustomerID: 1040, - CustomerName: 'Michael', - CustomerEmail: 'michael@gmail.com', - ProjectName: 'Weekly WP Theme', - Status: 'Cancel', - CustomerImage: - avatar2, - StatusBg: 'red', - Weeks: '34', - Budget: '$16.5k', - Location: 'USA', - }, - -]; + { + StartTime: '05:36:45', + EndTime: '05:37:51', + Duration: '00:01:06', + AppName: 'GoogleChrome', + AppImage: require('../images/icons/5l.png'), + Text: 'How to Convert Python Datetime to String', + Tag: '工作' + }, + { + StartTime: '05:37:51', + EndTime: '05:38:57', + Duration: '00:01:06', + AppName: 'PyCharm', + AppImage: require('../images/icons/5l.png'), + Text: '500 Internal Server Error', + Tag: '工作' + }, + { + StartTime: '05:38:57', + EndTime: '05:40:03', + Duration: '00:01:06', + AppName: 'GoogleChrome', + AppImage: require('../images/icons/5l.png'), + Text: 'Python- Fetch a value of SQLalchemy instrumentedattribute', + Tag: '工作' + }, + { + StartTime: '05:40:03', + EndTime: '05:41:28', + Duration: '00:01:25', + AppName: 'GoogleChrome', + AppImage: require('../images/icons/5l.png'), + Text: 'How to Convert Python Datetime to String', + Tag: '工作' + }, + { + StartTime: '05:36:45', + EndTime: '05:37:51', + Duration: '00:01:06', + AppName: 'GoogleChrome', + AppImage: require('../images/icons/79l.png'), + Text: 'How to Convert Python Datetime to String', + Tag: '工作' + } +] export const employeesData = [ - { - EmployeeID: 1, - Name: 'Nancy Davolio', - Title: 'Sales Representative', - HireDate: '01/02/2021', - Country: 'USA', - ReportsTo: 'Carson', - EmployeeImage: - avatar3, - }, - { - EmployeeID: 2, - Name: 'Nasimiyu Danai', - Title: 'Marketing Head', - HireDate: '01/02/2021', - Country: 'USA', - ReportsTo: 'Carson', - EmployeeImage: - avatar3, - }, - { - EmployeeID: 3, - Name: 'Iulia Albu', - Title: 'HR', - HireDate: '01/02/2021', - Country: 'USA', - ReportsTo: 'Carson', - EmployeeImage: - avatar4, - }, - { - EmployeeID: 4, - Name: 'Siegbert Gottfried', - Title: 'Marketing Head', - HireDate: '01/02/2021', - Country: 'USA', - ReportsTo: 'Carson', - EmployeeImage: - avatar2, - }, - { - EmployeeID: 5, - Name: 'Omar Darobe', - Title: 'HR', - HireDate: '01/02/2021', - Country: 'USA', - ReportsTo: 'Carson', - EmployeeImage: - avatar, - }, - { - EmployeeID: 4, - Name: 'Penjani Inyene', - Title: 'Marketing Head', - HireDate: '01/02/2021', - Country: 'USA', - ReportsTo: 'Carson', - EmployeeImage: - avatar, - }, - { - EmployeeID: 5, - Name: 'Miron Vitold', - Title: 'HR', - HireDate: '01/02/2021', - Country: 'USA', - ReportsTo: 'Carson', - EmployeeImage: - avatar2, - }, - { - EmployeeID: 1, - Name: 'Nancy Davolio', - Title: 'Sales Representative', - HireDate: '01/02/2021', - Country: 'USA', - ReportsTo: 'Carson', - EmployeeImage: - avatar2, - - }, - { - EmployeeID: 2, - Name: 'Nasimiyu Danai', - Title: 'Marketing Head', - HireDate: '01/02/2021', - Country: 'USA', - ReportsTo: 'Carson', - EmployeeImage: - avatar3, - }, - { - EmployeeID: 3, - Name: 'Iulia Albu', - Title: 'HR', - HireDate: '01/02/2021', - Country: 'USA', - ReportsTo: 'Carson', - EmployeeImage: - avatar4, - }, - { - EmployeeID: 4, - Name: 'Siegbert Gottfried', - Title: 'Marketing Head', - HireDate: '01/02/2021', - Country: 'USA', - ReportsTo: 'Carson', - EmployeeImage: - avatar2, - }, - { - EmployeeID: 5, - Name: 'Omar Darobe', - Title: 'HR', - HireDate: '01/02/2021', - Country: 'USA', - ReportsTo: 'Carson', - EmployeeImage: - avatar, - }, - { - EmployeeID: 4, - Name: 'Penjani Inyene', - Title: 'Marketing Head', - HireDate: '01/02/2021', - Country: 'USA', - ReportsTo: 'Carson', - EmployeeImage: - avatar, - }, - { - EmployeeID: 5, - Name: 'Miron Vitold', - Title: 'HR', - HireDate: '01/02/2021', - Country: 'USA', - ReportsTo: 'Carson', - EmployeeImage: - avatar2, - }, - { - EmployeeID: 1, - Name: 'Nancy Davolio', - Title: 'Sales Representative', - HireDate: '01/02/2021', - Country: 'USA', - ReportsTo: 'Carson', - EmployeeImage: - avatar, - }, - { - EmployeeID: 2, - Name: 'Nasimiyu Danai', - Title: 'Marketing Head', - HireDate: '01/02/2021', - Country: 'USA', - ReportsTo: 'Carson', - EmployeeImage: - avatar3, - }, - { - EmployeeID: 3, - Name: 'Iulia Albu', - Title: 'HR', - HireDate: '01/02/2021', - Country: 'USA', - ReportsTo: 'Carson', - EmployeeImage: - avatar4, - }, - { - EmployeeID: 4, - Name: 'Siegbert Gottfried', - Title: 'Marketing Head', - HireDate: '01/02/2021', - Country: 'USA', - ReportsTo: 'Carson', - EmployeeImage: - avatar2, - }, - { - EmployeeID: 5, - Name: 'Omar Darobe', - Title: 'HR', - HireDate: '01/02/2021', - Country: 'USA', - ReportsTo: 'Carson', - EmployeeImage: - avatar, - }, - { - EmployeeID: 4, - Name: 'Penjani Inyene', - Title: 'Marketing Head', - HireDate: '01/02/2021', - Country: 'USA', - ReportsTo: 'Carson', - EmployeeImage: - avatar, - }, - { - EmployeeID: 5, - Name: 'Miron Vitold', - Title: 'HR', - HireDate: '01/02/2021', - Country: 'USA', - ReportsTo: 'Carson', - EmployeeImage: - avatar2, - }, - { - EmployeeID: 1, - Name: 'Nancy Davolio', - Title: 'Sales Representative', - HireDate: '01/02/2021', - Country: 'USA', - ReportsTo: 'Carson', - EmployeeImage: - avatar2, - - }, - { - EmployeeID: 2, - Name: 'Nasimiyu Danai', - Title: 'Marketing Head', - HireDate: '01/02/2021', - Country: 'USA', - ReportsTo: 'Carson', - EmployeeImage: - avatar3, - }, - { - EmployeeID: 3, - Name: 'Iulia Albu', - Title: 'HR', - HireDate: '01/02/2021', - Country: 'USA', - ReportsTo: 'Carson', - EmployeeImage: - avatar4, - }, - { - EmployeeID: 4, - Name: 'Siegbert Gottfried', - Title: 'Marketing Head', - HireDate: '01/02/2021', - Country: 'USA', - ReportsTo: 'Carson', - EmployeeImage: - avatar2, - }, - { - EmployeeID: 5, - Name: 'Omar Darobe', - Title: 'HR', - HireDate: '01/02/2021', - Country: 'USA', - ReportsTo: 'Carson', - EmployeeImage: - avatar, - }, - { - EmployeeID: 4, - Name: 'Penjani Inyene', - Title: 'Marketing Head', - HireDate: '01/02/2021', - Country: 'USA', - ReportsTo: 'Carson', - EmployeeImage: - avatar, - }, - { - EmployeeID: 5, - Name: 'Miron Vitold', - Title: 'HR', - HireDate: '01/02/2021', - Country: 'USA', - ReportsTo: 'Carson', - EmployeeImage: - avatar2, - }, - { - EmployeeID: 1, - Name: 'Nancy Davolio', - Title: 'Sales Representative', - HireDate: '01/02/2021', - Country: 'USA', - ReportsTo: 'Carson', - EmployeeImage: - avatar2, - - }, - { - EmployeeID: 2, - Name: 'Nasimiyu Danai', - Title: 'Marketing Head', - HireDate: '01/02/2021', - Country: 'USA', - ReportsTo: 'Carson', - EmployeeImage: - avatar3, - }, - { - EmployeeID: 3, - Name: 'Iulia Albu', - Title: 'HR', - HireDate: '01/02/2021', - Country: 'USA', - ReportsTo: 'Carson', - EmployeeImage: - avatar4, - }, - { - EmployeeID: 4, - Name: 'Siegbert Gottfried', - Title: 'Marketing Head', - HireDate: '01/02/2021', - Country: 'USA', - ReportsTo: 'Carson', - EmployeeImage: - avatar2, - }, - { - EmployeeID: 5, - Name: 'Omar Darobe', - Title: 'HR', - HireDate: '01/02/2021', - Country: 'USA', - ReportsTo: 'Carson', - EmployeeImage: - avatar, - }, - { - EmployeeID: 4, - Name: 'Penjani Inyene', - Title: 'Marketing Head', - HireDate: '01/02/2021', - Country: 'USA', - ReportsTo: 'Carson', - EmployeeImage: - avatar, - }, - { - EmployeeID: 5, - Name: 'Miron Vitold', - Title: 'HR', - HireDate: '01/02/2021', - Country: 'USA', - ReportsTo: 'Carson', - EmployeeImage: - avatar2, - }, - { - EmployeeID: 1, - Name: 'Nancy Davolio', - Title: 'Sales Representative', - HireDate: '01/02/2021', - Country: 'USA', - ReportsTo: 'Carson', - EmployeeImage: - avatar2, - - }, - { - EmployeeID: 2, - Name: 'Nasimiyu Danai', - Title: 'Marketing Head', - HireDate: '01/02/2021', - Country: 'USA', - ReportsTo: 'Carson', - EmployeeImage: - avatar3, - }, - { - EmployeeID: 3, - Name: 'Iulia Albu', - Title: 'HR', - HireDate: '01/02/2021', - Country: 'USA', - ReportsTo: 'Carson', - EmployeeImage: - avatar4, - }, - { - EmployeeID: 4, - Name: 'Siegbert Gottfried', - Title: 'Marketing Head', - HireDate: '01/02/2021', - Country: 'USA', - ReportsTo: 'Carson', - EmployeeImage: - avatar2, - }, - { - EmployeeID: 5, - Name: 'Omar Darobe', - Title: 'HR', - HireDate: '01/02/2021', - Country: 'USA', - ReportsTo: 'Carson', - EmployeeImage: - avatar, - }, - { - EmployeeID: 4, - Name: 'Penjani Inyene', - Title: 'Marketing Head', - HireDate: '01/02/2021', - Country: 'USA', - ReportsTo: 'Carson', - EmployeeImage: - avatar, - }, - { - EmployeeID: 5, - Name: 'Miron Vitold', - Title: 'HR', - HireDate: '01/02/2021', - Country: 'USA', - ReportsTo: 'Carson', - EmployeeImage: - avatar2, - }, - { - EmployeeID: 1, - Name: 'Nancy Davolio', - Title: 'Sales Representative', - HireDate: '01/02/2021', - Country: 'USA', - ReportsTo: 'Carson', - EmployeeImage: - avatar2, - - }, - { - EmployeeID: 2, - Name: 'Nasimiyu Danai', - Title: 'Marketing Head', - HireDate: '01/02/2021', - Country: 'USA', - ReportsTo: 'Carson', - EmployeeImage: - avatar3, - }, - { - EmployeeID: 3, - Name: 'Iulia Albu', - Title: 'HR', - HireDate: '01/02/2021', - Country: 'USA', - ReportsTo: 'Carson', - EmployeeImage: - avatar4, - }, - { - EmployeeID: 4, - Name: 'Siegbert Gottfried', - Title: 'Marketing Head', - HireDate: '01/02/2021', - Country: 'USA', - ReportsTo: 'Carson', - EmployeeImage: - avatar2, - }, - { - EmployeeID: 5, - Name: 'Omar Darobe', - Title: 'HR', - HireDate: '01/02/2021', - Country: 'USA', - ReportsTo: 'Carson', - EmployeeImage: - avatar, - }, - { - EmployeeID: 4, - Name: 'Penjani Inyene', - Title: 'Marketing Head', - HireDate: '01/02/2021', - Country: 'USA', - ReportsTo: 'Carson', - EmployeeImage: - avatar, - }, - { - EmployeeID: 5, - Name: 'Miron Vitold', - Title: 'HR', - HireDate: '01/02/2021', - Country: 'USA', - ReportsTo: 'Carson', - EmployeeImage: - avatar2, - }, - { - EmployeeID: 1, - Name: 'Nancy Davolio', - Title: 'Sales Representative', - HireDate: '01/02/2021', - Country: 'USA', - ReportsTo: 'Carson', - EmployeeImage: - avatar2, - - }, - { - EmployeeID: 2, - Name: 'Nasimiyu Danai', - Title: 'Marketing Head', - HireDate: '01/02/2021', - Country: 'USA', - ReportsTo: 'Carson', - EmployeeImage: - avatar3, - }, - { - EmployeeID: 3, - Name: 'Iulia Albu', - Title: 'HR', - HireDate: '01/02/2021', - Country: 'USA', - ReportsTo: 'Carson', - EmployeeImage: - avatar4, - }, - { - EmployeeID: 4, - Name: 'Siegbert Gottfried', - Title: 'Marketing Head', - HireDate: '01/02/2021', - Country: 'USA', - ReportsTo: 'Carson', - EmployeeImage: - avatar2, - }, - { - EmployeeID: 5, - Name: 'Omar Darobe', - Title: 'HR', - HireDate: '01/02/2021', - Country: 'USA', - ReportsTo: 'Carson', - EmployeeImage: - avatar, - }, - { - EmployeeID: 4, - Name: 'Penjani Inyene', - Title: 'Marketing Head', - HireDate: '01/02/2021', - Country: 'USA', - ReportsTo: 'Carson', - EmployeeImage: - avatar, - }, - { - EmployeeID: 5, - Name: 'Miron Vitold', - Title: 'HR', - HireDate: '01/02/2021', - Country: 'USA', - ReportsTo: 'Carson', - EmployeeImage: - avatar2, - }, - { - EmployeeID: 1, - Name: 'Nancy Davolio', - Title: 'Sales Representative', - HireDate: '01/02/2021', - Country: 'USA', - ReportsTo: 'Carson', - EmployeeImage: - avatar2, - - }, - { - EmployeeID: 2, - Name: 'Nasimiyu Danai', - Title: 'Marketing Head', - HireDate: '01/02/2021', - Country: 'USA', - ReportsTo: 'Carson', - EmployeeImage: - avatar3, - }, - { - EmployeeID: 3, - Name: 'Iulia Albu', - Title: 'HR', - HireDate: '01/02/2021', - Country: 'USA', - ReportsTo: 'Carson', - EmployeeImage: - avatar4, - }, - { - EmployeeID: 4, - Name: 'Siegbert Gottfried', - Title: 'Marketing Head', - HireDate: '01/02/2021', - Country: 'USA', - ReportsTo: 'Carson', - EmployeeImage: - avatar2, - }, - { - EmployeeID: 5, - Name: 'Omar Darobe', - Title: 'HR', - HireDate: '01/02/2021', - Country: 'USA', - ReportsTo: 'Carson', - EmployeeImage: - avatar, - }, - { - EmployeeID: 4, - Name: 'Penjani Inyene', - Title: 'Marketing Head', - HireDate: '01/02/2021', - Country: 'USA', - ReportsTo: 'Carson', - EmployeeImage: - avatar, - }, - { - EmployeeID: 5, - Name: 'Miron Vitold', - Title: 'HR', - HireDate: '01/02/2021', - Country: 'USA', - ReportsTo: 'Carson', - EmployeeImage: - avatar2, - }, -]; - -export const ordersData = [ - { - OrderID: 10248, - CustomerName: 'Vinet', - - TotalAmount: 32.38, - OrderItems: 'Fresh Tomato', - Location: 'USA', - Status: 'pending', - StatusBg: '#FB9678', - ProductImage: - product6, - }, - { - OrderID: 345653, - CustomerName: 'Carson Darrin', - TotalAmount: 56.34, - OrderItems: 'Butter Scotch', - Location: 'Delhi', - Status: 'complete', - StatusBg: '#8BE78B', - ProductImage: - product5, - }, - { - OrderID: 390457, - CustomerName: 'Fran Perez', - TotalAmount: 93.31, - OrderItems: 'Candy Gucci', - Location: 'New York', - Status: 'active', - StatusBg: '#03C9D7', - ProductImage: - product7, - }, - { - OrderID: 893486, - CustomerName: 'Anika Viseer', - TotalAmount: 93.31, - OrderItems: 'Night Lamp', - Location: 'Germany', - Status: 'canceled', - StatusBg: '#FF5C8E', - ProductImage: - product4, - }, - { - OrderID: 748975, - CustomerName: 'Miron Vitold', - TotalAmount: 23.99, - OrderItems: 'Healthcare Erbology', - Location: 'Spain', - Status: 'rejected', - StatusBg: 'red', - ProductImage: - product1, - }, - { - OrderID: 94757, - CustomerName: 'Omar Darobe', - TotalAmount: 95.99, - OrderItems: 'Makeup Lancome Rouge', - Location: 'USA', - Status: 'canceled', - StatusBg: '#FF5C8E', - ProductImage: - product2, - }, - { - OrderID: 944895, - CustomerName: 'Lulia albu', - TotalAmount: 17.99, - OrderItems: 'Skincare', - Location: 'USA', - Status: 'active', - StatusBg: '#03C9D7', - ProductImage: - product3, - }, - { - OrderID: 845954, - CustomerName: 'Penjani', - TotalAmount: 59.99, - OrderItems: 'Headphone', - Location: 'USA', - Status: 'complete', - StatusBg: '#8BE78B', - ProductImage: - product4, - }, - { - OrderID: 845954, - CustomerName: 'Jie Yan', - TotalAmount: 87.99, - OrderItems: 'Shoes', - Location: 'USA', - Status: 'pending', - StatusBg: '#FB9678', - ProductImage: - 'https://cdn.shopclues.com/images1/thumbnails/104158/320/320/148648730-104158193-1592481791.jpg', - }, - { - OrderID: 874534, - CustomerName: 'Danai', - TotalAmount: 122.99, - OrderItems: 'Watch', - Location: 'USA', - Status: 'canceled', - StatusBg: '#FF5C8E', - ProductImage: - 'https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/images/pop-womens-garmin-watches-1641919013.jpg?crop=0.502xw:1.00xh;0.250xw,0&resize=640:*', - }, - { - OrderID: 38489, - CustomerName: 'Miron', - TotalAmount: 87.99, - OrderItems: 'Ice Cream', - Location: 'USA', - Status: 'active', - StatusBg: '#03C9D7', - ProductImage: - 'https://images.immediate.co.uk/production/volatile/sites/30/2020/08/dairy-free-ice-cream-eae372d.jpg', - }, - { - OrderID: 24546, - CustomerName: 'Frank', - TotalAmount: 84.99, - OrderItems: 'Pan Cake', - Location: 'Delhi', - Status: 'complete', - StatusBg: '#8BE78B', - ProductImage: - 'https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1576618148400-f54bed99fcfd?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&ixid=MnwxMjA3fDB8MHxwaG90by1wYWdlfHx8fGVufDB8fHx8&auto=format&fit=crop&w=1480&q=80', - }, - { - OrderID: 874534, - CustomerName: 'Danai', - TotalAmount: 122.99, - OrderItems: 'Watch', - Location: 'USA', - Status: 'canceled', - StatusBg: '#FF5C8E', - ProductImage: - 'https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/images/pop-womens-garmin-watches-1641919013.jpg?crop=0.502xw:1.00xh;0.250xw,0&resize=640:*', - }, - { - OrderID: 10248, - CustomerName: 'Vinet', - - TotalAmount: 32.38, - OrderItems: 'Fresh Tomato', - Location: 'USA', - Status: 'pending', - StatusBg: '#FB9678', - ProductImage: - product6, - }, - { - OrderID: 345653, - CustomerName: 'Carson Darrin', - TotalAmount: 56.34, - OrderItems: 'Butter Scotch', - Location: 'Delhi', - Status: 'complete', - StatusBg: '#8BE78B', - ProductImage: - product5, - }, - { - OrderID: 390457, - CustomerName: 'Fran Perez', - TotalAmount: 93.31, - OrderItems: 'Candy Gucci', - Location: 'New York', - Status: 'active', - StatusBg: '#03C9D7', - ProductImage: - product7, - }, - { - OrderID: 893486, - CustomerName: 'Anika Viseer', - TotalAmount: 93.31, - OrderItems: 'Night Lamp', - Location: 'Germany', - Status: 'canceled', - StatusBg: '#FF5C8E', - ProductImage: - product4, - }, - { - OrderID: 748975, - CustomerName: 'Miron Vitold', - TotalAmount: 23.99, - OrderItems: 'Healthcare Erbology', - Location: 'Spain', - Status: 'rejected', - StatusBg: 'red', - ProductImage: - product1, - }, - { - OrderID: 94757, - CustomerName: 'Omar Darobe', - TotalAmount: 95.99, - OrderItems: 'Makeup Lancome Rouge', - Location: 'USA', - Status: 'canceled', - StatusBg: '#FF5C8E', - ProductImage: - product2, - }, - { - OrderID: 944895, - CustomerName: 'Lulia albu', - TotalAmount: 17.99, - OrderItems: 'Skincare', - Location: 'USA', - Status: 'active', - StatusBg: '#03C9D7', - ProductImage: - product3, - }, - { - OrderID: 845954, - CustomerName: 'Penjani', - TotalAmount: 59.99, - OrderItems: 'Headphone', - Location: 'USA', - Status: 'complete', - StatusBg: '#8BE78B', - ProductImage: - product4, - }, - { - OrderID: 845954, - CustomerName: 'Jie Yan', - TotalAmount: 87.99, - OrderItems: 'Shoes', - Location: 'USA', - Status: 'pending', - StatusBg: '#FB9678', - ProductImage: - 'https://cdn.shopclues.com/images1/thumbnails/104158/320/320/148648730-104158193-1592481791.jpg', - }, - { - OrderID: 874534, - CustomerName: 'Danai', - TotalAmount: 122.99, - OrderItems: 'Watch', - Location: 'USA', - Status: 'canceled', - StatusBg: '#FF5C8E', - ProductImage: - 'https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/images/pop-womens-garmin-watches-1641919013.jpg?crop=0.502xw:1.00xh;0.250xw,0&resize=640:*', - }, - { - OrderID: 38489, - CustomerName: 'Miron', - TotalAmount: 87.99, - OrderItems: 'Ice Cream', - Location: 'USA', - Status: 'active', - StatusBg: '#03C9D7', - ProductImage: - 'https://images.immediate.co.uk/production/volatile/sites/30/2020/08/dairy-free-ice-cream-eae372d.jpg', - }, - { - OrderID: 24546, - CustomerName: 'Frank', - TotalAmount: 84.99, - OrderItems: 'Pan Cake', - Location: 'Delhi', - Status: 'complete', - StatusBg: '#8BE78B', - ProductImage: - 'https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1576618148400-f54bed99fcfd?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&ixid=MnwxMjA3fDB8MHxwaG90by1wYWdlfHx8fGVufDB8fHx8&auto=format&fit=crop&w=1480&q=80', - }, - { - OrderID: 874534, - CustomerName: 'Danai', - TotalAmount: 122.99, - OrderItems: 'Watch', - Location: 'USA', - Status: 'canceled', - StatusBg: '#FF5C8E', - ProductImage: - 'https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/images/pop-womens-garmin-watches-1641919013.jpg?crop=0.502xw:1.00xh;0.250xw,0&resize=640:*', - }, - { - OrderID: 10248, - CustomerName: 'Vinet', - - TotalAmount: 32.38, - OrderItems: 'Fresh Tomato', - Location: 'USA', - Status: 'pending', - StatusBg: '#FB9678', - ProductImage: - product6, - }, - { - OrderID: 345653, - CustomerName: 'Carson Darrin', - TotalAmount: 56.34, - OrderItems: 'Butter Scotch', - Location: 'Delhi', - Status: 'complete', - StatusBg: '#8BE78B', - ProductImage: - product5, - }, - { - OrderID: 390457, - CustomerName: 'Fran Perez', - TotalAmount: 93.31, - OrderItems: 'Candy Gucci', - Location: 'New York', - Status: 'active', - StatusBg: '#03C9D7', - ProductImage: - product7, - }, - { - OrderID: 893486, - CustomerName: 'Anika Viseer', - TotalAmount: 93.31, - OrderItems: 'Night Lamp', - Location: 'Germany', - Status: 'canceled', - StatusBg: '#FF5C8E', - ProductImage: - product4, - }, - { - OrderID: 748975, - CustomerName: 'Miron Vitold', - TotalAmount: 23.99, - OrderItems: 'Healthcare Erbology', - Location: 'Spain', - Status: 'rejected', - StatusBg: 'red', - ProductImage: - product1, - }, - { - OrderID: 94757, - CustomerName: 'Omar Darobe', - TotalAmount: 95.99, - OrderItems: 'Makeup Lancome Rouge', - Location: 'USA', - Status: 'canceled', - StatusBg: '#FF5C8E', - ProductImage: - product2, - }, - { - OrderID: 944895, - CustomerName: 'Lulia albu', - TotalAmount: 17.99, - OrderItems: 'Skincare', - Location: 'USA', - Status: 'active', - StatusBg: '#03C9D7', - ProductImage: - product3, - }, - { - OrderID: 845954, - CustomerName: 'Penjani', - TotalAmount: 59.99, - OrderItems: 'Headphone', - Location: 'USA', - Status: 'complete', - StatusBg: '#8BE78B', - ProductImage: - product4, - }, - { - OrderID: 845954, - CustomerName: 'Jie Yan', - TotalAmount: 87.99, - OrderItems: 'Shoes', - Location: 'USA', - Status: 'pending', - StatusBg: '#FB9678', - ProductImage: - 'https://cdn.shopclues.com/images1/thumbnails/104158/320/320/148648730-104158193-1592481791.jpg', - }, - { - OrderID: 874534, - CustomerName: 'Danai', - TotalAmount: 122.99, - OrderItems: 'Watch', - Location: 'USA', - Status: 'canceled', - StatusBg: '#FF5C8E', - ProductImage: - 'https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/images/pop-womens-garmin-watches-1641919013.jpg?crop=0.502xw:1.00xh;0.250xw,0&resize=640:*', - }, - { - OrderID: 38489, - CustomerName: 'Miron', - TotalAmount: 87.99, - OrderItems: 'Ice Cream', - Location: 'USA', - Status: 'active', - StatusBg: '#03C9D7', - ProductImage: - 'https://images.immediate.co.uk/production/volatile/sites/30/2020/08/dairy-free-ice-cream-eae372d.jpg', - }, - { - OrderID: 24546, - CustomerName: 'Frank', - TotalAmount: 84.99, - OrderItems: 'Pan Cake', - Location: 'Delhi', - Status: 'complete', - StatusBg: '#8BE78B', - ProductImage: - 'https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1576618148400-f54bed99fcfd?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&ixid=MnwxMjA3fDB8MHxwaG90by1wYWdlfHx8fGVufDB8fHx8&auto=format&fit=crop&w=1480&q=80', - }, - { - OrderID: 874534, - CustomerName: 'Danai', - TotalAmount: 122.99, - OrderItems: 'Watch', - Location: 'USA', - Status: 'canceled', - StatusBg: '#FF5C8E', - ProductImage: - 'https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/images/pop-womens-garmin-watches-1641919013.jpg?crop=0.502xw:1.00xh;0.250xw,0&resize=640:*', - }, - { - OrderID: 10248, - CustomerName: 'Vinet', - - TotalAmount: 32.38, - OrderItems: 'Fresh Tomato', - Location: 'USA', - Status: 'pending', - StatusBg: '#FB9678', - ProductImage: - product6, - }, - { - OrderID: 345653, - CustomerName: 'Carson Darrin', - TotalAmount: 56.34, - OrderItems: 'Butter Scotch', - Location: 'Delhi', - Status: 'complete', - StatusBg: '#8BE78B', - ProductImage: - product5, - }, - { - OrderID: 390457, - CustomerName: 'Fran Perez', - TotalAmount: 93.31, - OrderItems: 'Candy Gucci', - Location: 'New York', - Status: 'active', - StatusBg: '#03C9D7', - ProductImage: - product7, - }, - { - OrderID: 893486, - CustomerName: 'Anika Viseer', - TotalAmount: 93.31, - OrderItems: 'Night Lamp', - Location: 'Germany', - Status: 'canceled', - StatusBg: '#FF5C8E', - ProductImage: - product4, - }, - { - OrderID: 748975, - CustomerName: 'Miron Vitold', - TotalAmount: 23.99, - OrderItems: 'Healthcare Erbology', - Location: 'Spain', - Status: 'rejected', - StatusBg: 'red', - ProductImage: - product1, - }, - { - OrderID: 94757, - CustomerName: 'Omar Darobe', - TotalAmount: 95.99, - OrderItems: 'Makeup Lancome Rouge', - Location: 'USA', - Status: 'canceled', - StatusBg: '#FF5C8E', - ProductImage: - product2, - }, - { - OrderID: 944895, - CustomerName: 'Lulia albu', - TotalAmount: 17.99, - OrderItems: 'Skincare', - Location: 'USA', - Status: 'active', - StatusBg: '#03C9D7', - ProductImage: - product3, - }, - { - OrderID: 845954, - CustomerName: 'Penjani', - TotalAmount: 59.99, - OrderItems: 'Headphone', - Location: 'USA', - Status: 'complete', - StatusBg: '#8BE78B', - ProductImage: - product4, - }, - { - OrderID: 845954, - CustomerName: 'Jie Yan', - TotalAmount: 87.99, - OrderItems: 'Shoes', - Location: 'USA', - Status: 'pending', - StatusBg: '#FB9678', - ProductImage: - 'https://cdn.shopclues.com/images1/thumbnails/104158/320/320/148648730-104158193-1592481791.jpg', - }, - { - OrderID: 874534, - CustomerName: 'Danai', - TotalAmount: 122.99, - OrderItems: 'Watch', - Location: 'USA', - Status: 'canceled', - StatusBg: '#FF5C8E', - ProductImage: - 'https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/images/pop-womens-garmin-watches-1641919013.jpg?crop=0.502xw:1.00xh;0.250xw,0&resize=640:*', - }, - { - OrderID: 38489, - CustomerName: 'Miron', - TotalAmount: 87.99, - OrderItems: 'Ice Cream', - Location: 'USA', - Status: 'active', - StatusBg: '#03C9D7', - ProductImage: - 'https://images.immediate.co.uk/production/volatile/sites/30/2020/08/dairy-free-ice-cream-eae372d.jpg', - }, - { - OrderID: 24546, - CustomerName: 'Frank', - TotalAmount: 84.99, - OrderItems: 'Pan Cake', - Location: 'Delhi', - Status: 'complete', - StatusBg: '#8BE78B', - ProductImage: - 'https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1576618148400-f54bed99fcfd?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&ixid=MnwxMjA3fDB8MHxwaG90by1wYWdlfHx8fGVufDB8fHx8&auto=format&fit=crop&w=1480&q=80', - }, - { - OrderID: 874534, - CustomerName: 'Danai', - TotalAmount: 122.99, - OrderItems: 'Watch', - Location: 'USA', - Status: 'canceled', - StatusBg: '#FF5C8E', - ProductImage: - 'https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/images/pop-womens-garmin-watches-1641919013.jpg?crop=0.502xw:1.00xh;0.250xw,0&resize=640:*', - }, - { - OrderID: 10248, - CustomerName: 'Vinet', - - TotalAmount: 32.38, - OrderItems: 'Fresh Tomato', - Location: 'USA', - Status: 'pending', - StatusBg: '#FB9678', - ProductImage: - product6, - }, - { - OrderID: 345653, - CustomerName: 'Carson Darrin', - TotalAmount: 56.34, - OrderItems: 'Butter Scotch', - Location: 'Delhi', - Status: 'complete', - StatusBg: '#8BE78B', - ProductImage: - product5, - }, - { - OrderID: 390457, - CustomerName: 'Fran Perez', - TotalAmount: 93.31, - OrderItems: 'Candy Gucci', - Location: 'New York', - Status: 'active', - StatusBg: '#03C9D7', - ProductImage: - product7, - }, - { - OrderID: 893486, - CustomerName: 'Anika Viseer', - TotalAmount: 93.31, - OrderItems: 'Night Lamp', - Location: 'Germany', - Status: 'canceled', - StatusBg: '#FF5C8E', - ProductImage: - product4, - }, - { - OrderID: 748975, - CustomerName: 'Miron Vitold', - TotalAmount: 23.99, - OrderItems: 'Healthcare Erbology', - Location: 'Spain', - Status: 'rejected', - StatusBg: 'red', - ProductImage: - product1, - }, - { - OrderID: 94757, - CustomerName: 'Omar Darobe', - TotalAmount: 95.99, - OrderItems: 'Makeup Lancome Rouge', - Location: 'USA', - Status: 'canceled', - StatusBg: '#FF5C8E', - ProductImage: - product2, - }, - { - OrderID: 944895, - CustomerName: 'Lulia albu', - TotalAmount: 17.99, - OrderItems: 'Skincare', - Location: 'USA', - Status: 'active', - StatusBg: '#03C9D7', - ProductImage: - product3, - }, - { - OrderID: 845954, - CustomerName: 'Penjani', - TotalAmount: 59.99, - OrderItems: 'Headphone', - Location: 'USA', - Status: 'complete', - StatusBg: '#8BE78B', - ProductImage: - product4, - }, - { - OrderID: 845954, - CustomerName: 'Jie Yan', - TotalAmount: 87.99, - OrderItems: 'Shoes', - Location: 'USA', - Status: 'pending', - StatusBg: '#FB9678', - ProductImage: - 'https://cdn.shopclues.com/images1/thumbnails/104158/320/320/148648730-104158193-1592481791.jpg', - }, - { - OrderID: 874534, - CustomerName: 'Danai', - TotalAmount: 122.99, - OrderItems: 'Watch', - Location: 'USA', - Status: 'canceled', - StatusBg: '#FF5C8E', - ProductImage: - 'https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/images/pop-womens-garmin-watches-1641919013.jpg?crop=0.502xw:1.00xh;0.250xw,0&resize=640:*', - }, - { - OrderID: 38489, - CustomerName: 'Miron', - TotalAmount: 87.99, - OrderItems: 'Ice Cream', - Location: 'USA', - Status: 'active', - StatusBg: '#03C9D7', - ProductImage: - 'https://images.immediate.co.uk/production/volatile/sites/30/2020/08/dairy-free-ice-cream-eae372d.jpg', - }, - { - OrderID: 24546, - CustomerName: 'Frank', - TotalAmount: 84.99, - OrderItems: 'Pan Cake', - Location: 'Delhi', - Status: 'complete', - StatusBg: '#8BE78B', - ProductImage: - 'https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1576618148400-f54bed99fcfd?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&ixid=MnwxMjA3fDB8MHxwaG90by1wYWdlfHx8fGVufDB8fHx8&auto=format&fit=crop&w=1480&q=80', - }, - { - OrderID: 874534, - CustomerName: 'Danai', - TotalAmount: 122.99, - OrderItems: 'Watch', - Location: 'USA', - Status: 'canceled', - StatusBg: '#FF5C8E', - ProductImage: - 'https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/images/pop-womens-garmin-watches-1641919013.jpg?crop=0.502xw:1.00xh;0.250xw,0&resize=640:*', - }, -]; - -export const scheduleData = [ - { - Id: 1, - Subject: 'Explosion of Betelgeuse Star', - Location: 'Space Center USA', - StartTime: '2021-01-10T04:00:00.000Z', - EndTime: '2021-01-10T05:30:00.000Z', - CategoryColor: '#1aaa55', - }, - { - Id: 2, - Subject: 'Thule Air Crash Report', - Location: 'Newyork City', - StartTime: '2021-01-11T06:30:00.000Z', - EndTime: '2021-01-11T08:30:00.000Z', - CategoryColor: '#357cd2', - }, - { - Id: 3, - Subject: 'Blue Moon Eclipse', - Location: 'Space Center USA', - StartTime: '2021-01-12T04:00:00.000Z', - EndTime: '2021-01-12T05:30:00.000Z', - CategoryColor: '#7fa900', - }, - { - Id: 4, - Subject: 'Meteor Showers in 2021', - Location: 'Space Center USA', - StartTime: '2021-01-13T07:30:00.000Z', - EndTime: '2021-01-13T09:00:00.000Z', - CategoryColor: '#ea7a57', - }, - { - Id: 5, - Subject: 'Milky Way as Melting pot', - Location: 'Space Center USA', - StartTime: '2021-01-14T06:30:00.000Z', - EndTime: '2021-01-14T08:30:00.000Z', - CategoryColor: '#00bdae', - }, - { - Id: 6, - Subject: 'Mysteries of Bermuda Triangle', - Location: 'Bermuda', - StartTime: '2021-01-14T04:00:00.000Z', - EndTime: '2021-01-14T05:30:00.000Z', - CategoryColor: '#f57f17', - }, - { - Id: 7, - Subject: 'Glaciers and Snowflakes', - Location: 'Himalayas', - StartTime: '2021-01-15T05:30:00.000Z', - EndTime: '2021-01-15T07:00:00.000Z', - CategoryColor: '#1aaa55', - }, - { - Id: 8, - Subject: 'Life on Mars', - Location: 'Space Center USA', - StartTime: '2021-01-16T03:30:00.000Z', - EndTime: '2021-01-16T04:30:00.000Z', - CategoryColor: '#357cd2', - }, - { - Id: 9, - Subject: 'Alien Civilization', - Location: 'Space Center USA', - StartTime: '2021-01-18T05:30:00.000Z', - EndTime: '2021-01-18T07:30:00.000Z', - CategoryColor: '#7fa900', - }, - { - Id: 10, - Subject: 'Wildlife Galleries', - Location: 'Africa', - StartTime: '2021-01-20T05:30:00.000Z', - EndTime: '2021-01-20T07:30:00.000Z', - CategoryColor: '#ea7a57', - }, - { - Id: 11, - Subject: 'Best Photography 2021', - Location: 'London', - StartTime: '2021-01-21T04:00:00.000Z', - EndTime: '2021-01-21T05:30:00.000Z', - CategoryColor: '#00bdae', - }, - { - Id: 12, - Subject: 'Smarter Puppies', - Location: 'Sweden', - StartTime: '2021-01-08T04:30:00.000Z', - EndTime: '2021-01-08T06:00:00.000Z', - CategoryColor: '#f57f17', - }, - { - Id: 13, - Subject: 'Myths of Andromeda Galaxy', - Location: 'Space Center USA', - StartTime: '2021-01-06T05:00:00.000Z', - EndTime: '2021-01-06T07:00:00.000Z', - CategoryColor: '#1aaa55', - }, - { - Id: 14, - Subject: 'Aliens vs Humans', - Location: 'Research Center of USA', - StartTime: '2021-01-05T04:30:00.000Z', - EndTime: '2021-01-05T06:00:00.000Z', - CategoryColor: '#357cd2', - }, - { - Id: 15, - Subject: 'Facts of Humming Birds', - Location: 'California', - StartTime: '2021-01-19T04:00:00.000Z', - EndTime: '2021-01-19T05:30:00.000Z', - CategoryColor: '#7fa900', - }, - { - Id: 16, - Subject: 'Sky Gazers', - Location: 'Alaska', - StartTime: '2021-01-22T05:30:00.000Z', - EndTime: '2021-01-22T07:30:00.000Z', - CategoryColor: '#ea7a57', - }, - { - Id: 17, - Subject: 'The Cycle of Seasons', - Location: 'Research Center of USA', - StartTime: '2021-01-11T00:00:00.000Z', - EndTime: '2021-01-11T02:00:00.000Z', - CategoryColor: '#00bdae', - }, - { - Id: 18, - Subject: 'Space Galaxies and Planets', - Location: 'Space Center USA', - StartTime: '2021-01-11T11:30:00.000Z', - EndTime: '2021-01-11T13:00:00.000Z', - CategoryColor: '#f57f17', - }, - { - Id: 19, - Subject: 'Lifecycle of Bumblebee', - Location: 'San Fransisco', - StartTime: '2021-01-14T00:30:00.000Z', - EndTime: '2021-01-14T02:00:00.000Z', - CategoryColor: '#7fa900', - }, - { - Id: 20, - Subject: 'Alien Civilization', - Location: 'Space Center USA', - StartTime: '2021-01-14T10:30:00.000Z', - EndTime: '2021-01-14T12:30:00.000Z', - CategoryColor: '#ea7a57', - }, - { - Id: 21, - Subject: 'Alien Civilization', - Location: 'Space Center USA', - StartTime: '2021-01-10T08:30:00.000Z', - EndTime: '2021-01-10T10:30:00.000Z', - CategoryColor: '#ea7a57', - }, - { - Id: 22, - Subject: 'The Cycle of Seasons', - Location: 'Research Center of USA', - StartTime: '2021-01-12T09:00:00.000Z', - EndTime: '2021-01-12T10:30:00.000Z', - CategoryColor: '#00bdae', - }, - { - Id: 23, - Subject: 'Sky Gazers', - Location: 'Greenland', - StartTime: '2021-01-15T09:00:00.000Z', - EndTime: '2021-01-15T10:30:00.000Z', - CategoryColor: '#ea7a57', - }, - { - Id: 24, - Subject: 'Facts of Humming Birds', - Location: 'California', - StartTime: '2021-01-16T07:00:00.000Z', - EndTime: '2021-01-16T09:00:00.000Z', - CategoryColor: '#7fa900', - }, -]; - -export const lineChartData = [ - [ - { x: new Date(2005, 0, 1), y: 21 }, - { x: new Date(2006, 0, 1), y: 24 }, - { x: new Date(2007, 0, 1), y: 36 }, - { x: new Date(2008, 0, 1), y: 38 }, - { x: new Date(2009, 0, 1), y: 54 }, - { x: new Date(2010, 0, 1), y: 57 }, - { x: new Date(2011, 0, 1), y: 70 }, - ], - [ - { x: new Date(2005, 0, 1), y: 28 }, - { x: new Date(2006, 0, 1), y: 44 }, - { x: new Date(2007, 0, 1), y: 48 }, - { x: new Date(2008, 0, 1), y: 50 }, - { x: new Date(2009, 0, 1), y: 66 }, - { x: new Date(2010, 0, 1), y: 78 }, - { x: new Date(2011, 0, 1), y: 84 }, - ], - - [ - { x: new Date(2005, 0, 1), y: 10 }, - { x: new Date(2006, 0, 1), y: 20 }, - { x: new Date(2007, 0, 1), y: 30 }, - { x: new Date(2008, 0, 1), y: 39 }, - { x: new Date(2009, 0, 1), y: 50 }, - { x: new Date(2010, 0, 1), y: 70 }, - { x: new Date(2011, 0, 1), y: 100 }, - ], -]; -export const dropdownData = [ - { - Id: '1', - Time: 'March 2021', - }, - { - Id: '2', - Time: 'April 2021', - }, { - Id: '3', - Time: 'May 2021', - }, -]; -export const SparklineAreaData = [ - { x: 1, yval: 2 }, - { x: 2, yval: 6 }, - { x: 3, yval: 8 }, - { x: 4, yval: 5 }, - { x: 5, yval: 10 }, - -]; - -export const lineCustomSeries = [ - { dataSource: lineChartData[0], - xName: 'x', - yName: 'y', - name: 'Germany', - width: '2', - marker: { visible: true, width: 10, height: 10 }, - type: 'Line' }, - - { dataSource: lineChartData[1], - xName: 'x', - yName: 'y', - name: 'England', - width: '2', - marker: { visible: true, width: 10, height: 10 }, - type: 'Line' }, - - { dataSource: lineChartData[2], - xName: 'x', - yName: 'y', - name: 'India', - width: '2', - marker: { visible: true, width: 10, height: 10 }, - type: 'Line' }, - -]; - -export const pieChartData = [ - { x: 'Labour', y: 18, text: '18%' }, - { x: 'Legal', y: 8, text: '8%' }, - { x: 'Production', y: 15, text: '15%' }, - { x: 'License', y: 11, text: '11%' }, - { x: 'Facilities', y: 18, text: '18%' }, - { x: 'Taxes', y: 14, text: '14%' }, - { x: 'Insurance', y: 16, text: '16%' }, -]; - -export const contextMenuItems = [ - 'AutoFit', - 'AutoFitAll', - 'SortAscending', - 'SortDescending', - 'Copy', - 'Edit', - 'Delete', - 'Save', - 'Cancel', - 'PdfExport', - 'ExcelExport', - 'CsvExport', - 'FirstPage', - 'PrevPage', - 'LastPage', - 'NextPage', -]; - -export const ecomPieChartData = [ - { x: '2018', y: 18, text: '35%' }, - { x: '2019', y: 18, text: '15%' }, - { x: '2020', y: 18, text: '25%' }, - { x: '2021', y: 18, text: '25%' }, -]; - -export const stackedChartData = [ - [ - { x: 'Jan', y: 111.1 }, - { x: 'Feb', y: 127.3 }, - { x: 'Mar', y: 143.4 }, - { x: 'Apr', y: 159.9 }, - { x: 'May', y: 159.9 }, - { x: 'Jun', y: 159.9 }, - { x: 'July', y: 159.9 }, - ], - [ - { x: 'Jan', y: 111.1 }, - { x: 'Feb', y: 127.3 }, - { x: 'Mar', y: 143.4 }, - { x: 'Apr', y: 159.9 }, - { x: 'May', y: 159.9 }, - { x: 'Jun', y: 159.9 }, - { x: 'July', y: 159.9 }, - ], -]; - -export const stackedCustomSeries = [ - - { dataSource: stackedChartData[0], - xName: 'x', - yName: 'y', - name: 'Budget', - type: 'StackingColumn', - background: 'blue', - - }, - - { dataSource: stackedChartData[1], - xName: 'x', - yName: 'y', - name: 'Expense', - type: 'StackingColumn', - background: 'red', - - }, - -]; - -export const stackedPrimaryXAxis = { - majorGridLines: { width: 0 }, - minorGridLines: { width: 0 }, - majorTickLines: { width: 0 }, - minorTickLines: { width: 0 }, - interval: 1, - lineStyle: { width: 0 }, - labelIntersectAction: 'Rotate45', - valueType: 'Category', -}; - -export const stackedPrimaryYAxis = { - lineStyle: { width: 0 }, - minimum: 100, - maximum: 400, - interval: 100, - majorTickLines: { width: 0 }, - majorGridLines: { width: 1 }, - minorGridLines: { width: 1 }, - minorTickLines: { width: 0 }, - labelFormat: '{value}', -}; - -export const kanbanData = [ - { - Id: 'Task 1', - Title: 'Task - 29001', - Status: 'Open', - Summary: 'Analyze the new requirements gathered from the customer.', - Type: 'Story', - Priority: 'Low', - Tags: 'Analyze,Customer', - Estimate: 3.5, - Assignee: 'Nancy Davloio', - RankId: 1, - Color: '#02897B', - ClassName: 'e-story, e-low, e-nancy-davloio', - }, - { - Id: 'Task 2', - Title: 'Task - 29002', - Status: 'InProgress', - Summary: 'Improve application performance', - Type: 'Improvement', - Priority: 'Normal', - Tags: 'Improvement', - Estimate: 6, - Assignee: 'Andrew Fuller', - RankId: 1, - Color: '#673AB8', - ClassName: 'e-improvement, e-normal, e-andrew-fuller', - }, - { - Id: 'Task 3', - Title: 'Task - 29003', - Status: 'Open', - Summary: 'Arrange a web meeting with the customer to get new requirements.', - Type: 'Others', - Priority: 'Critical', - Tags: 'Meeting', - Estimate: 5.5, - Assignee: 'Janet Leverling', - RankId: 2, - Color: '#1F88E5', - ClassName: 'e-others, e-critical, e-janet-leverling', - }, - { - Id: 'Task 4', - Title: 'Task - 29004', - Status: 'InProgress', - Summary: 'Fix the issues reported in the IE browser.', - Type: 'Bug', - Priority: 'Critical', - Tags: 'IE', - Estimate: 2.5, - Assignee: 'Janet Leverling', - RankId: 2, - Color: '#E64A19', - ClassName: 'e-bug, e-release, e-janet-leverling', - }, - { - Id: 'Task 5', - Title: 'Task - 29005', - Status: 'Review', - Summary: 'Fix the issues reported by the customer.', - Type: 'Bug', - Priority: 'Low', - Tags: 'Customer', - Estimate: '3.5', - Assignee: 'Steven walker', - RankId: 1, - Color: '#E64A19', - ClassName: 'e-bug, e-low, e-steven-walker', - }, - { - Id: 'Task 6', - Title: 'Task - 29007', - Status: 'Validate', - Summary: 'Validate new requirements', - Type: 'Improvement', - Priority: 'Low', - Tags: 'Validation', - Estimate: 1.5, - Assignee: 'Robert King', - RankId: 1, - Color: '#673AB8', - ClassName: 'e-improvement, e-low, e-robert-king', - }, - { - Id: 'Task 7', - Title: 'Task - 29009', - Status: 'Review', - Summary: 'Fix the issues reported in Safari browser.', - Type: 'Bug', - Priority: 'Critical', - Tags: 'Fix,Safari', - Estimate: 1.5, - Assignee: 'Nancy Davloio', - RankId: 2, - Color: '#E64A19', - ClassName: 'e-bug, e-release, e-nancy-davloio', - }, - { - Id: 'Task 8', - Title: 'Task - 29010', - Status: 'Close', - Summary: 'Test the application in the IE browser.', - Type: 'Story', - Priority: 'Low', - Tags: 'Review,IE', - Estimate: 5.5, - Assignee: 'Margaret hamilt', - RankId: 3, - Color: '#02897B', - ClassName: 'e-story, e-low, e-margaret-hamilt', - }, - { - Id: 'Task 9', - Title: 'Task - 29011', - Status: 'Validate', - Summary: 'Validate the issues reported by the customer.', - Type: 'Story', - Priority: 'High', - Tags: 'Validation,Fix', - Estimate: 1, - Assignee: 'Steven walker', - RankId: 1, - Color: '#02897B', - ClassName: 'e-story, e-high, e-steven-walker', - }, - { - Id: 'Task 10', - Title: 'Task - 29015', - Status: 'Open', - Summary: 'Show the retrieved data from the server in grid control.', - Type: 'Story', - Priority: 'High', - Tags: 'Database,SQL', - Estimate: 5.5, - Assignee: 'Margaret hamilt', - RankId: 4, - Color: '#02897B', - ClassName: 'e-story, e-high, e-margaret-hamilt', - }, - { - Id: 'Task 11', - Title: 'Task - 29016', - Status: 'InProgress', - Summary: 'Fix cannot open user’s default database SQL error.', - Priority: 'Critical', - Type: 'Bug', - Tags: 'Database,Sql2008', - Estimate: 2.5, - Assignee: 'Janet Leverling', - RankId: 4, - Color: '#E64A19', - ClassName: 'e-bug, e-critical, e-janet-leverling', - }, - { - Id: 'Task 12', - Title: 'Task - 29017', - Status: 'Review', - Summary: 'Fix the issues reported in data binding.', - Type: 'Story', - Priority: 'Normal', - Tags: 'Databinding', - Estimate: '3.5', - Assignee: 'Janet Leverling', - RankId: 4, - Color: '#02897B', - ClassName: 'e-story, e-normal, e-janet-leverling', - }, - { - Id: 'Task 13', - Title: 'Task - 29018', - Status: 'Close', - Summary: 'Analyze SQL server 2008 connection.', - Type: 'Story', - Priority: 'Critical', - Tags: 'Grid,Sql', - Estimate: 2, - Assignee: 'Andrew Fuller', - RankId: 4, - Color: '#02897B', - ClassName: 'e-story, e-release, e-andrew-fuller', - }, - { - Id: 'Task 14', - Title: 'Task - 29019', - Status: 'Validate', - Summary: 'Validate databinding issues.', - Type: 'Story', - Priority: 'Low', - Tags: 'Validation', - Estimate: 1.5, - Assignee: 'Margaret hamilt', - RankId: 1, - Color: '#02897B', - ClassName: 'e-story, e-low, e-margaret-hamilt', - }, - { - Id: 'Task 15', - Title: 'Task - 29020', - Status: 'Close', - Summary: 'Analyze grid control.', - Type: 'Story', - Priority: 'High', - Tags: 'Analyze', - Estimate: 2.5, - Assignee: 'Margaret hamilt', - RankId: 5, - Color: '#02897B', - ClassName: 'e-story, e-high, e-margaret-hamilt', - }, - { - Id: 'Task 16', - Title: 'Task - 29021', - Status: 'Close', - Summary: 'Stored procedure for initial data binding of the grid.', - Type: 'Others', - Priority: 'Critical', - Tags: 'Databinding', - Estimate: 1.5, - Assignee: 'Steven walker', - RankId: 6, - Color: '#1F88E5', - ClassName: 'e-others, e-release, e-steven-walker', - }, - { - Id: 'Task 17', - Title: 'Task - 29022', - Status: 'Close', - Summary: 'Analyze stored procedures.', - Type: 'Story', - Priority: 'Critical', - Tags: 'Procedures', - Estimate: 5.5, - Assignee: 'Janet Leverling', - RankId: 7, - Color: '#02897B', - ClassName: 'e-story, e-release, e-janet-leverling', - }, - { - Id: 'Task 18', - Title: 'Task - 29023', - Status: 'Validate', - Summary: 'Validate editing issues.', - Type: 'Story', - Priority: 'Critical', - Tags: 'Editing', - Estimate: 1, - Assignee: 'Nancy Davloio', - RankId: 1, - Color: '#02897B', - ClassName: 'e-story, e-critical, e-nancy-davloio', - }, - { - Id: 'Task 19', - Title: 'Task - 29024', - Status: 'Review', - Summary: 'Test editing functionality.', - Type: 'Story', - Priority: 'Normal', - Tags: 'Editing,Test', - Estimate: 0.5, - Assignee: 'Nancy Davloio', - RankId: 5, - Color: '#02897B', - ClassName: 'e-story, e-normal, e-nancy-davloio', - }, - { - Id: 'Task 20', - Title: 'Task - 29025', - Status: 'Open', - Summary: 'Enhance editing functionality.', - Type: 'Improvement', - Priority: 'Low', - Tags: 'Editing', - Estimate: 3.5, - Assignee: 'Andrew Fuller', - RankId: 5, - Color: '#673AB8', - ClassName: 'e-improvement, e-low, e-andrew-fuller', - }, - { - Id: 'Task 21', - Title: 'Task - 29026', - Status: 'InProgress', - Summary: 'Improve the performance of the editing functionality.', - Type: 'Epic', - Priority: 'High', - Tags: 'Performance', - Estimate: 6, - Assignee: 'Nancy Davloio', - RankId: 5, - Color: '#e91e64', - ClassName: 'e-epic, e-high, e-nancy-davloio', - }, - { - Id: 'Task 22', - Title: 'Task - 29027', - Status: 'Open', - Summary: 'Arrange web meeting with the customer to show editing demo.', - Type: 'Others', - Priority: 'High', - Tags: 'Meeting,Editing', - Estimate: 5.5, - Assignee: 'Steven walker', - RankId: 6, - Color: '#1F88E5', - ClassName: 'e-others, e-high, e-steven-walker', - }, - { - Id: 'Task 23', - Title: 'Task - 29029', - Status: 'Review', - Summary: 'Fix the editing issues reported by the customer.', - Type: 'Bug', - Priority: 'Low', - Tags: 'Editing,Fix', - Estimate: '3.5', - Assignee: 'Janet Leverling', - RankId: 6, - Color: '#E64A19', - ClassName: 'e-bug, e-low, e-janet-leverling', - }, - { - Id: 'Task 24', - Title: 'Task - 29030', - Status: 'Testing', - Summary: 'Fix the issues reported by the customer.', - Type: 'Bug', - Priority: 'Critical', - Tags: 'Customer', - Estimate: '3.5', - Assignee: 'Steven walker', - RankId: 1, - Color: '#E64A19', - ClassName: 'e-bug, e-critical, e-steven-walker', - }, - { - Id: 'Task 25', - Title: 'Task - 29031', - Status: 'Testing', - Summary: 'Fix the issues reported in Safari browser.', - Type: 'Bug', - Priority: 'Critical', - Tags: 'Fix,Safari', - Estimate: 1.5, - Assignee: 'Nancy Davloio', - RankId: 2, - Color: '#E64A19', - ClassName: 'e-bug, e-release, e-nancy-davloio', - }, -]; - -export const financialChartData = [ - { - x: new Date('2012-04-02'), - open: 85.9757, - high: 90.6657, - low: 85.7685, - close: 90.5257, - volume: 660187068, - }, - { - x: new Date('2012-04-09'), - open: 89.4471, - high: 92, - low: 86.2157, - close: 86.4614, - volume: 912634864, - }, - { - x: new Date('2012-04-16'), - open: 87.1514, - high: 88.6071, - low: 81.4885, - close: 81.8543, - volume: 1221746066, - }, - { - x: new Date('2012-04-23'), - open: 81.5157, - high: 88.2857, - low: 79.2857, - close: 86.1428, - volume: 965935749, - }, - { - x: new Date('2012-04-30'), - open: 85.4, - high: 85.4857, - low: 80.7385, - close: 80.75, - volume: 615249365, - }, - { - x: new Date('2012-05-07'), - open: 80.2143, - high: 82.2685, - low: 79.8185, - close: 80.9585, - volume: 541742692, - }, - { - x: new Date('2012-05-14'), - open: 80.3671, - high: 81.0728, - low: 74.5971, - close: 75.7685, - volume: 708126233, - }, - { - x: new Date('2012-05-21'), - open: 76.3571, - high: 82.3571, - low: 76.2928, - close: 80.3271, - volume: 682076215, - }, - { - x: new Date('2012-05-28'), - open: 81.5571, - high: 83.0714, - low: 80.0743, - close: 80.1414, - volume: 480059584, - }, - { - x: new Date('2012-06-04'), - open: 80.2143, - high: 82.9405, - low: 78.3571, - close: 82.9028, - volume: 517577005, - }, - { - x: new Date('2012-06-11'), - open: 83.96, - high: 84.0714, - low: 80.9571, - close: 82.0185, - volume: 499693120, - }, - { - x: new Date('2012-06-18'), - open: 81.5657, - high: 84.2857, - low: 81.4814, - close: 83.1571, - volume: 442172142, - }, - { - x: new Date('2012-06-25'), - open: 82.4714, - high: 83.4285, - low: 80.8014, - close: 83.4285, - volume: 371529102, - }, - { - x: new Date('2012-07-02'), - open: 83.5328, - high: 87.7628, - low: 83.3714, - close: 86.5543, - volume: 385906790, - }, - { - x: new Date('2012-07-09'), - open: 86.4714, - high: 88.5528, - low: 84.6685, - close: 86.4243, - volume: 524235196, - }, - { - x: new Date('2012-07-16'), - open: 86.4457, - high: 87.9071, - low: 86.1643, - close: 86.3285, - volume: 419537217, - }, - { - x: new Date('2012-07-23'), - open: 84.9143, - high: 87.0971, - low: 81.4285, - close: 83.5943, - volume: 680773023, - }, - { - x: new Date('2012-07-30'), - open: 84.4171, - high: 88.2828, - low: 83.9743, - close: 87.9571, - volume: 475109323, - }, - { - x: new Date('2012-08-06'), - open: 88.1843, - high: 89.2857, - low: 87.8943, - close: 88.8143, - volume: 312826308, - }, - { - x: new Date('2012-08-13'), - open: 89.0557, - high: 92.5985, - low: 89.0357, - close: 92.5871, - volume: 392867193, - }, - { - x: new Date('2012-08-20'), - open: 92.8585, - high: 96.4114, - low: 92.5871, - close: 94.746, - volume: 708614692, - }, - { - x: new Date('2012-08-27'), - open: 97.1414, - high: 97.2671, - low: 93.8928, - close: 95.0343, - volume: 383807217, - }, - { - x: new Date('2012-09-03'), - open: 95.1085, - high: 97.4971, - low: 94.9285, - close: 97.2057, - volume: 355722047, - }, - { - x: new Date('2012-09-10'), - open: 97.2071, - high: 99.5685, - low: 93.7143, - close: 98.7543, - volume: 724042207, - }, - { - x: new Date('2012-09-17'), - open: 99.9071, - high: 100.7243, - low: 99.0885, - close: 100.0135, - volume: 500166040, - }, - { - x: new Date('2012-09-24'), - open: 98.1228, - high: 99.3028, - low: 94.3357, - close: 95.3007, - volume: 714507994, - }, - { - x: new Date('2012-10-01'), - open: 95.88, - high: 96.6785, - low: 92.95, - close: 93.2271, - volume: 638543622, - }, - { - x: new Date('2012-10-08'), - open: 92.4114, - high: 92.5085, - low: 89.0785, - close: 89.9591, - volume: 747127724, - }, - { - x: new Date('2012-10-15'), - open: 90.3357, - high: 93.2557, - low: 87.0885, - close: 87.12, - volume: 646996264, - }, - { - x: new Date('2012-10-22'), - open: 87.4885, - high: 90.7685, - low: 84.4285, - close: 86.2857, - volume: 866040680, - }, - { - x: new Date('2012-10-29'), - open: 84.9828, - high: 86.1428, - low: 82.1071, - close: 82.4, - volume: 367371310, - }, - { - x: new Date('2012-11-05'), - open: 83.3593, - high: 84.3914, - low: 76.2457, - close: 78.1514, - volume: 919719846, - }, - { - x: new Date('2012-11-12'), - open: 79.1643, - high: 79.2143, - low: 72.25, - close: 75.3825, - volume: 894382149, - }, - { - x: new Date('2012-11-19'), - open: 77.2443, - high: 81.7143, - low: 77.1257, - close: 81.6428, - volume: 527416747, - }, - { - x: new Date('2012-11-26'), - open: 82.2714, - high: 84.8928, - low: 81.7514, - close: 83.6114, - volume: 646467974, - }, - { - x: new Date('2012-12-03'), - open: 84.8071, - high: 84.9414, - low: 74.09, - close: 76.1785, - volume: 980096264, - }, - { - x: new Date('2012-12-10'), - open: 75, - high: 78.5085, - low: 72.2257, - close: 72.8277, - volume: 835016110, - }, - { - x: new Date('2012-12-17'), - open: 72.7043, - high: 76.4143, - low: 71.6043, - close: 74.19, - volume: 726150329, - }, - { - x: new Date('2012-12-24'), - open: 74.3357, - high: 74.8928, - low: 72.0943, - close: 72.7984, - volume: 321104733, - }, - { - x: new Date('2012-12-31'), - open: 72.9328, - high: 79.2857, - low: 72.7143, - close: 75.2857, - volume: 540854882, - }, - { - x: new Date('2013-01-07'), - open: 74.5714, - high: 75.9843, - low: 73.6, - close: 74.3285, - volume: 574594262, - }, - { - x: new Date('2013-01-14'), - open: 71.8114, - high: 72.9643, - low: 69.0543, - close: 71.4285, - volume: 803105621, - }, - { - x: new Date('2013-01-21'), - open: 72.08, - high: 73.57, - low: 62.1428, - close: 62.84, - volume: 971912560, - }, - { - x: new Date('2013-01-28'), - open: 62.5464, - high: 66.0857, - low: 62.2657, - close: 64.8028, - volume: 656549587, - }, - { - x: new Date('2013-02-04'), - open: 64.8443, - high: 68.4014, - low: 63.1428, - close: 67.8543, - volume: 743778993, - }, - { - x: new Date('2013-02-11'), - open: 68.0714, - high: 69.2771, - low: 65.7028, - close: 65.7371, - volume: 585292366, - }, - { - x: new Date('2013-02-18'), - open: 65.8714, - high: 66.1043, - low: 63.26, - close: 64.4014, - volume: 421766997, - }, - { - x: new Date('2013-02-25'), - open: 64.8357, - high: 65.0171, - low: 61.4257, - close: 61.4957, - volume: 582741215, - }, - { - x: new Date('2013-03-04'), - open: 61.1143, - high: 62.2043, - low: 59.8571, - close: 61.6743, - volume: 632856539, - }, - { - x: new Date('2013-03-11'), - open: 61.3928, - high: 63.4614, - low: 60.7343, - close: 63.38, - volume: 572066981, - }, - { - x: new Date('2013-03-18'), - open: 63.0643, - high: 66.0143, - low: 63.0286, - close: 65.9871, - volume: 552156035, - }, - { - x: new Date('2013-03-25'), - open: 66.3843, - high: 67.1357, - low: 63.0886, - close: 63.2371, - volume: 390762517, - }, - { - x: new Date('2013-04-01'), - open: 63.1286, - high: 63.3854, - low: 59.9543, - close: 60.4571, - volume: 505273732, - }, - { - x: new Date('2013-04-08'), - open: 60.6928, - high: 62.57, - low: 60.3557, - close: 61.4, - volume: 387323550, - }, - { - x: new Date('2013-04-15'), - open: 61, - high: 61.1271, - low: 55.0143, - close: 55.79, - volume: 709945604, - }, - { - x: new Date('2013-04-22'), - open: 56.0914, - high: 59.8241, - low: 55.8964, - close: 59.6007, - volume: 787007506, - }, - { - x: new Date('2013-04-29'), - open: 60.0643, - high: 64.7471, - low: 60, - close: 64.2828, - volume: 655020017, - }, - { - x: new Date('2013-05-06'), - open: 65.1014, - high: 66.5357, - low: 64.3543, - close: 64.71, - volume: 545488533, - }, - { - x: new Date('2013-05-13'), - open: 64.5014, - high: 65.4143, - low: 59.8428, - close: 61.8943, - volume: 633706550, - }, - { - x: new Date('2013-05-20'), - open: 61.7014, - high: 64.05, - low: 61.4428, - close: 63.5928, - volume: 494379068, - }, - { - x: new Date('2013-05-27'), - open: 64.2714, - high: 65.3, - low: 62.7714, - close: 64.2478, - volume: 362907830, - }, - { - x: new Date('2013-06-03'), - open: 64.39, - high: 64.9186, - low: 61.8243, - close: 63.1158, - volume: 443249793, - }, - { - x: new Date('2013-06-10'), - open: 63.5328, - high: 64.1541, - low: 61.2143, - close: 61.4357, - volume: 389680092, - }, - { - x: new Date('2013-06-17'), - open: 61.6343, - high: 62.2428, - low: 58.3, - close: 59.0714, - volume: 400384818, - }, - { - x: new Date('2013-06-24'), - open: 58.2, - high: 58.38, - low: 55.5528, - close: 56.6471, - volume: 519314826, - }, - { - x: new Date('2013-07-01'), - open: 57.5271, - high: 60.47, - low: 57.3171, - close: 59.6314, - volume: 343878841, - }, - { - x: new Date('2013-07-08'), - open: 60.0157, - high: 61.3986, - low: 58.6257, - close: 60.93, - volume: 384106977, - }, - { - x: new Date('2013-07-15'), - open: 60.7157, - high: 62.1243, - low: 60.5957, - close: 60.7071, - volume: 286035513, - }, - { - x: new Date('2013-07-22'), - open: 61.3514, - high: 63.5128, - low: 59.8157, - close: 62.9986, - volume: 395816827, - }, - { - x: new Date('2013-07-29'), - open: 62.9714, - high: 66.1214, - low: 62.8857, - close: 66.0771, - volume: 339668858, - }, - { - x: new Date('2013-08-05'), - open: 66.3843, - high: 67.4128, - low: 64.8071, - close: 64.9214, - volume: 368486781, - }, - { - x: new Date('2013-08-12'), - open: 65.2657, - high: 72.0357, - low: 65.2328, - close: 71.7614, - volume: 711563584, - }, - { - x: new Date('2013-08-19'), - open: 72.0485, - high: 73.3914, - low: 71.1714, - close: 71.5743, - volume: 417119660, - }, - { - x: new Date('2013-08-26'), - open: 71.5357, - high: 72.8857, - low: 69.4286, - close: 69.6023, - volume: 392805888, - }, - { - x: new Date('2013-09-02'), - open: 70.4428, - high: 71.7485, - low: 69.6214, - close: 71.1743, - volume: 317244380, - }, - { - x: new Date('2013-09-09'), - open: 72.1428, - high: 72.56, - low: 66.3857, - close: 66.4143, - volume: 669376320, - }, - { - x: new Date('2013-09-16'), - open: 65.8571, - high: 68.3643, - low: 63.8886, - close: 66.7728, - volume: 625142677, - }, - { - x: new Date('2013-09-23'), - open: 70.8714, - high: 70.9871, - low: 68.6743, - close: 68.9643, - volume: 475274537, - }, - { - x: new Date('2013-09-30'), - open: 68.1786, - high: 70.3357, - low: 67.773, - close: 69.0043, - volume: 368198906, - }, - { - x: new Date('2013-10-07'), - open: 69.5086, - high: 70.5486, - low: 68.3257, - close: 70.4017, - volume: 361437661, - }, - { - x: new Date('2013-10-14'), - open: 69.9757, - high: 72.7514, - low: 69.9071, - close: 72.6985, - volume: 342694379, - }, - { - x: new Date('2013-10-21'), - open: 73.11, - high: 76.1757, - low: 72.5757, - close: 75.1368, - volume: 490458997, - }, - { - x: new Date('2013-10-28'), - open: 75.5771, - high: 77.0357, - low: 73.5057, - close: 74.29, - volume: 508130174, - }, - { - x: new Date('2013-11-04'), - open: 74.4428, - high: 75.555, - low: 73.1971, - close: 74.3657, - volume: 318132218, - }, - { - x: new Date('2013-11-11'), - open: 74.2843, - high: 75.6114, - low: 73.4871, - close: 74.9987, - volume: 306711021, - }, - { - x: new Date('2013-11-18'), - open: 74.9985, - high: 75.3128, - low: 73.3814, - close: 74.2571, - volume: 282778778, - }, - { - x: new Date('2013-11-25'), - open: 74.4314, - high: 79.7614, - low: 74.4285, - close: 79.4385, - volume: 327405302, - }, - { - x: new Date('2013-12-02'), - open: 79.7143, - high: 82.1622, - low: 78.6885, - close: 80.0028, - volume: 522055676, - }, - { - x: new Date('2013-12-09'), - open: 80.1286, - high: 81.5671, - low: 79.0957, - close: 79.2043, - volume: 387271099, - }, - { - x: new Date('2013-12-16'), - open: 79.2885, - high: 80.377, - low: 76.9714, - close: 78.4314, - volume: 457580848, - }, - { - x: new Date('2013-12-23'), - open: 81.1428, - high: 81.6971, - low: 79.9285, - close: 80.0128, - volume: 274253503, - }, - { - x: new Date('2013-12-30'), - open: 79.6371, - high: 80.1828, - low: 77.2043, - close: 77.2828, - volume: 275734934, - }, - { - x: new Date('2014-01-06'), - open: 76.7785, - high: 78.1228, - low: 75.8728, - close: 76.1343, - volume: 393462075, - }, - { - x: new Date('2014-01-13'), - open: 75.7014, - high: 80.0285, - low: 75.6971, - close: 77.2385, - volume: 439557459, - }, - { - x: new Date('2014-01-20'), - open: 77.2843, - high: 79.6128, - low: 77.2028, - close: 78.01, - volume: 385585525, - }, - { - x: new Date('2014-01-27'), - open: 78.5814, - high: 79.2571, - low: 70.5071, - close: 71.5143, - volume: 813702575, - }, - { - x: new Date('2014-02-03'), - open: 71.8014, - high: 74.7042, - low: 71.3286, - close: 74.24, - volume: 434447570, - }, - { - x: new Date('2014-02-10'), - open: 74.0943, - high: 77.9971, - low: 74, - close: 77.7128, - volume: 379011880, - }, - { - x: new Date('2014-02-17'), - open: 78, - high: 78.7414, - low: 74.9428, - close: 75.0357, - volume: 289609443, - }, - { - x: new Date('2014-02-24'), - open: 74.7357, - high: 76.1071, - low: 73.6571, - close: 75.1771, - volume: 367569649, - }, - { - x: new Date('2014-03-03'), - open: 74.7743, - high: 76.3928, - low: 74.6871, - close: 75.7771, - volume: 275972640, - }, - { - x: new Date('2014-03-10'), - open: 75.48, - high: 77.0943, - low: 74.7143, - close: 74.9557, - volume: 287729528, - }, - { - x: new Date('2014-03-17'), - open: 75.3857, - high: 76.6057, - low: 75.0286, - close: 76.1243, - volume: 303531061, - }, - { - x: new Date('2014-03-24'), - open: 76.9171, - high: 78.4285, - low: 76.3214, - close: 76.6943, - volume: 338387221, - }, - { - x: new Date('2014-03-31'), - open: 77.0328, - high: 77.64, - low: 75.7971, - close: 75.9743, - volume: 245749459, - }, - { - x: new Date('2014-04-07'), - open: 75.4314, - high: 76.0343, - low: 73.8771, - close: 74.23, - volume: 312008139, - }, - { - x: new Date('2014-04-14'), - open: 74.5571, - high: 75.3943, - low: 73.0471, - close: 74.9914, - volume: 241209047, - }, - { - x: new Date('2014-04-21'), - open: 75.0485, - high: 81.7128, - low: 74.8514, - close: 81.7057, - volume: 476651465, - }, - { - x: new Date('2014-04-28'), - open: 81.8285, - high: 85.6328, - low: 81.7928, - close: 84.6543, - volume: 473712709, - }, - { - x: new Date('2014-05-05'), - open: 84.3057, - high: 86.3442, - low: 82.9043, - close: 83.6489, - volume: 365535013, - }, - { - x: new Date('2014-05-12'), - open: 83.9271, - high: 85.3614, - low: 83.6285, - close: 85.3585, - volume: 260931637, - }, - { - x: new Date('2014-05-19'), - open: 85.4071, - high: 87.8184, - low: 85.3328, - close: 87.7328, - volume: 294298274, - }, - { - x: new Date('2014-05-26'), - open: 87.9828, - high: 92.0243, - low: 87.9471, - close: 90.4285, - volume: 400232120, - }, - { - x: new Date('2014-06-02'), - open: 90.5657, - high: 93.0371, - low: 88.9285, - close: 92.2243, - volume: 412158024, - }, - { - x: new Date('2014-06-09'), - open: 92.7, - high: 95.05, - low: 90.88, - close: 91.28, - volume: 292422550, - }, - { - x: new Date('2014-06-16'), - open: 91.51, - high: 92.75, - low: 90.9, - close: 90.91, - volume: 234325480, - }, - { - x: new Date('2014-06-23'), - open: 91.32, - high: 92, - low: 89.65, - close: 91.98, - volume: 213712160, - }, - { - x: new Date('2014-06-30'), - open: 92.1, - high: 94.1, - low: 92.09, - close: 94.03, - volume: 138936570, - }, - { - x: new Date('2014-07-07'), - open: 94.14, - high: 96.8, - low: 93.52, - close: 95.22, - volume: 229782440, - }, - { - x: new Date('2014-07-14'), - open: 95.86, - high: 97.1, - low: 92.57, - close: 94.43, - volume: 248104390, - }, - { - x: new Date('2014-07-21'), - open: 94.99, - high: 97.88, - low: 93.72, - close: 97.671, - volume: 273021350, - }, - { - x: new Date('2014-07-28'), - open: 97.82, - high: 99.44, - low: 94.81, - close: 96.13, - volume: 235868530, - }, - { - x: new Date('2014-08-04'), - open: 96.37, - high: 96.58, - low: 93.28, - close: 94.74, - volume: 222522120, - }, - { - x: new Date('2014-08-11'), - open: 95.27, - high: 98.19, - low: 94.8355, - close: 97.98, - volume: 178806580, - }, - { - x: new Date('2014-08-18'), - open: 98.49, - high: 101.47, - low: 97.98, - close: 101.32, - volume: 246446280, - }, - { - x: new Date('2014-08-25'), - open: 101.79, - high: 102.9, - low: 100.7, - close: 102.5, - volume: 232858250, - }, - { - x: new Date('2014-09-01'), - open: 103.06, - high: 103.74, - low: 97.79, - close: 98.97, - volume: 322045910, - }, - { - x: new Date('2014-09-08'), - open: 99.3, - high: 103.08, - low: 96.14, - close: 101.66, - volume: 460851840, - }, - { - x: new Date('2014-09-15'), - open: 102.81, - high: 103.05, - low: 98.89, - close: 100.96, - volume: 296425730, - }, - { - x: new Date('2014-09-22'), - open: 101.8, - high: 102.94, - low: 97.72, - close: 100.75, - volume: 337617850, - }, - { - x: new Date('2014-09-29'), - open: 98.65, - high: 101.54, - low: 98.04, - close: 99.62, - volume: 246900230, - }, - { - x: new Date('2014-10-06'), - open: 99.95, - high: 102.38, - low: 98.31, - close: 100.73, - volume: 279646740, - }, - { - x: new Date('2014-10-13'), - open: 101.33, - high: 101.78, - low: 95.18, - close: 97.67, - volume: 356408760, - }, - { - x: new Date('2014-10-20'), - open: 98.315, - high: 105.49, - low: 98.22, - close: 105.22, - volume: 355329760, - }, - { - x: new Date('2014-10-27'), - open: 104.85, - high: 108.04, - low: 104.7, - close: 108, - volume: 219443560, - }, - { - x: new Date('2014-11-03'), - open: 108.22, - high: 110.3, - low: 107.72, - close: 109.01, - volume: 199332700, - }, - { - x: new Date('2014-11-10'), - open: 109.02, - high: 114.19, - low: 108.4, - close: 114.18, - volume: 203976340, - }, - { - x: new Date('2014-11-17'), - open: 114.27, - high: 117.57, - low: 113.3, - close: 116.47, - volume: 232574480, - }, - { - x: new Date('2014-11-24'), - open: 116.85, - high: 119.75, - low: 116.62, - close: 118.93, - volume: 181158620, - }, - { - x: new Date('2014-12-01'), - open: 118.81, - high: 119.25, - low: 111.27, - close: 115, - volume: 266118290, - }, - { - x: new Date('2014-12-08'), - open: 114.1, - high: 114.85, - low: 109.35, - close: 109.73, - volume: 259311140, - }, - { - x: new Date('2014-12-15'), - open: 110.7, - high: 113.24, - low: 106.26, - close: 111.78, - volume: 326382400, - }, - { - x: new Date('2014-12-22'), - open: 112.16, - high: 114.52, - low: 111.97, - close: 113.99, - volume: 119248900, - }, - { - x: new Date('2014-12-29'), - open: 113.79, - high: 114.77, - low: 107.35, - close: 109.33, - volume: 151780640, - }, - { - x: new Date('2015-01-05'), - open: 108.29, - high: 113.25, - low: 104.63, - close: 112.01, - volume: 282690970, - }, - { - x: new Date('2015-01-12'), - open: 112.6, - high: 112.8, - low: 105.2, - close: 105.99, - volume: 303531140, - }, - { - x: new Date('2015-01-19'), - open: 107.84, - high: 113.75, - low: 106.5, - close: 112.98, - volume: 198362640, - }, - { - x: new Date('2015-01-26'), - open: 113.74, - high: 120, - low: 109.03, - close: 117.16, - volume: 461747290, - }, - { - x: new Date('2015-02-02'), - open: 118.05, - high: 120.51, - low: 116.08, - close: 118.93, - volume: 270190470, - }, - { - x: new Date('2015-02-09'), - open: 118.55, - high: 127.48, - low: 118.43, - close: 127.08, - volume: 301354470, - }, - { - x: new Date('2015-02-16'), - open: 127.49, - high: 129.5, - low: 126.92, - close: 129.495, - volume: 193883960, - }, - { - x: new Date('2015-02-23'), - open: 130.02, - high: 133.6, - low: 126.61, - close: 128.46, - volume: 369856960, - }, - { - x: new Date('2015-03-02'), - open: 129.25, - high: 130.28, - low: 125.76, - close: 126.6, - volume: 246472020, - }, - { - x: new Date('2015-03-09'), - open: 127.96, - high: 129.57, - low: 121.63, - close: 123.59, - volume: 325921230, - }, - { - x: new Date('2015-03-16'), - open: 123.88, - high: 129.2451, - low: 122.87, - close: 125.9, - volume: 266016400, - }, - { - x: new Date('2015-03-23'), - open: 127.12, - high: 128.04, - low: 122.6, - close: 123.25, - volume: 208731730, - }, - { - x: new Date('2015-03-30'), - open: 124.05, - high: 126.49, - low: 123.1, - close: 125.32, - volume: 161628950, - }, - { - x: new Date('2015-04-06'), - open: 124.47, - high: 128.1218, - low: 124.33, - close: 127.1, - volume: 181454510, - }, - { - x: new Date('2015-04-13'), - open: 128.37, - high: 128.57, - low: 124.46, - close: 124.75, - volume: 170090870, - }, - { - x: new Date('2015-04-20'), - open: 125.57, - high: 130.63, - low: 125.17, - close: 130.28, - volume: 206698310, - }, - { - x: new Date('2015-04-27'), - open: 132.31, - high: 134.54, - low: 124.58, - close: 128.95, - volume: 417115180, - }, - { - x: new Date('2015-05-04'), - open: 129.5, - high: 130.57, - low: 123.36, - close: 127.62, - volume: 270197900, - }, - { - x: new Date('2015-05-11'), - open: 127.39, - high: 129.49, - low: 124.82, - close: 128.77, - volume: 207858180, - }, - { - x: new Date('2015-05-18'), - open: 128.38, - high: 132.97, - low: 128.36, - close: 132.54, - volume: 216438970, - }, - { - x: new Date('2015-05-25'), - open: 132.6, - high: 132.91, - low: 129.12, - close: 130.28, - volume: 197468800, - }, - { - x: new Date('2015-06-01'), - open: 131.2, - high: 131.39, - low: 128.36, - close: 128.65, - volume: 170465550, - }, - { - x: new Date('2015-06-08'), - open: 128.9, - high: 130.18, - low: 125.62, - close: 127.17, - volume: 219812710, - }, - { - x: new Date('2015-06-15'), - open: 126.1, - high: 128.31, - low: 125.71, - close: 126.6, - volume: 197925030, - }, - { - x: new Date('2015-06-22'), - open: 127.49, - high: 129.8, - low: 126.51, - close: 126.75, - volume: 195104520, - }, - { - x: new Date('2015-06-29'), - open: 125.46, - high: 126.94, - low: 124.48, - close: 126.44, - volume: 150747530, - }, - { - x: new Date('2015-07-06'), - open: 124.94, - high: 126.23, - low: 119.22, - close: 123.28, - volume: 274904180, - }, - { - x: new Date('2015-07-13'), - open: 125.03, - high: 129.62, - low: 124.32, - close: 129.62, - volume: 188579340, - }, - { - x: new Date('2015-07-20'), - open: 130.97, - high: 132.97, - low: 121.99, - close: 124.5, - volume: 336423370, - }, - { - x: new Date('2015-07-27'), - open: 123.09, - high: 123.91, - low: 120.91, - close: 121.3, - volume: 191087840, - }, - { - x: new Date('2015-08-03'), - open: 121.5, - high: 122.57, - low: 112.1, - close: 115.52, - volume: 383883210, - }, - { - x: new Date('2015-08-10'), - open: 116.53, - high: 119.99, - low: 109.63, - close: 115.96, - volume: 344549090, - }, - { - x: new Date('2015-08-17'), - open: 116.04, - high: 117.65, - low: 105.645, - close: 105.76, - volume: 318855760, - }, - { - x: new Date('2015-08-24'), - open: 110.87, - high: 113.31, - low: 102.6, - close: 113.29, - volume: 498047270, - }, - { - x: new Date('2015-08-31'), - open: 112.03, - high: 114.53, - low: 107.36, - close: 109.27, - volume: 297402060, - }, - { - x: new Date('2015-09-07'), - open: 111.65, - high: 114.21, - low: 109.77, - close: 114.21, - volume: 251859600, - }, - { - x: new Date('2015-09-14'), - open: 116.58, - high: 116.89, - low: 111.87, - close: 113.45, - volume: 276281980, - }, - { - x: new Date('2015-09-21'), - open: 113.67, - high: 116.69, - low: 112.37, - close: 114.71, - volume: 238617740, - }, - { - x: new Date('2015-09-28'), - open: 113.85, - high: 114.57, - low: 107.31, - close: 110.38, - volume: 313017610, - }, - { - x: new Date('2015-10-05'), - open: 109.88, - high: 112.28, - low: 108.21, - close: 112.12, - volume: 261920950, - }, - { - x: new Date('2015-10-12'), - open: 112.73, - high: 112.75, - low: 109.56, - close: 111.04, - volume: 184208970, - }, - { - x: new Date('2015-10-19'), - open: 110.8, - high: 119.228, - low: 110.11, - close: 119.08, - volume: 221612230, - }, - { - x: new Date('2015-10-26'), - open: 118.08, - high: 121.22, - low: 113.99, - close: 119.5, - volume: 319660750, - }, - { - x: new Date('2015-11-02'), - open: 119.87, - high: 123.82, - low: 119.61, - close: 121.06, - volume: 194953700, - }, - { - x: new Date('2015-11-09'), - open: 120.96, - high: 121.81, - low: 112.27, - close: 112.34, - volume: 216054740, - }, - { - x: new Date('2015-11-16'), - open: 111.38, - high: 119.92, - low: 111, - close: 119.3, - volume: 189492500, - }, - { - x: new Date('2015-11-23'), - open: 119.27, - high: 119.73, - low: 117.12, - close: 117.81, - volume: 109582040, - }, - { - x: new Date('2015-11-30'), - open: 117.99, - high: 119.41, - low: 114.22, - close: 119.03, - volume: 205415620, - }, - { - x: new Date('2015-12-07'), - open: 118.98, - high: 119.86, - low: 112.851, - close: 113.18, - volume: 188609110, - }, - { - x: new Date('2015-12-14'), - open: 112.18, - high: 112.8, - low: 105.81, - close: 106.03, - volume: 314856190, - }, - { - x: new Date('2015-12-21'), - open: 107.28, - high: 109, - low: 105.57, - close: 108.03, - volume: 126450510, - }, - { - x: new Date('2015-12-28'), - open: 107.59, - high: 109.43, - low: 104.82, - close: 105.26, - volume: 123621760, - }, - { - x: new Date('2016-01-04'), - open: 102.61, - high: 105.85, - low: 96.43, - close: 96.96, - volume: 343000960, - }, - { - x: new Date('2016-01-11'), - open: 98.97, - high: 101.19, - low: 95.36, - close: 97.13, - volume: 303375940, - }, - { - x: new Date('2016-01-18'), - open: 98.41, - high: 101.46, - low: 93.42, - close: 101.42, - volume: 242982970, - }, - { - x: new Date('2016-01-25'), - open: 101.52, - high: 101.53, - low: 92.39, - close: 97.34, - volume: 376481100, - }, - { - x: new Date('2016-02-01'), - open: 96.47, - high: 97.33, - low: 93.69, - close: 94.02, - volume: 216608840, - }, - { - x: new Date('2016-02-08'), - open: 93.13, - high: 96.35, - low: 92.59, - close: 93.99, - volume: 230794620, - }, - { - x: new Date('2016-02-15'), - open: 95.02, - high: 98.89, - low: 94.61, - close: 96.04, - volume: 167001070, - }, - { - x: new Date('2016-02-22'), - open: 96.31, - high: 98.0237, - low: 93.32, - close: 96.91, - volume: 158759600, - }, - { - x: new Date('2016-02-29'), - open: 96.86, - high: 103.75, - low: 96.65, - close: 103.01, - volume: 201482180, - }, - { - x: new Date('2016-03-07'), - open: 102.39, - high: 102.83, - low: 100.15, - close: 102.26, - volume: 155437450, - }, - { - x: new Date('2016-03-14'), - open: 101.91, - high: 106.5, - low: 101.78, - close: 105.92, - volume: 181323210, - }, - { - x: new Date('2016-03-21'), - open: 105.93, - high: 107.65, - low: 104.89, - close: 105.67, - volume: 119054360, - }, - { - x: new Date('2016-03-28'), - open: 106, - high: 110.42, - low: 104.88, - close: 109.99, - volume: 147641240, - }, - { - x: new Date('2016-04-04'), - open: 110.42, - high: 112.19, - low: 108.121, - close: 108.66, - volume: 145351790, - }, - { - x: new Date('2016-04-11'), - open: 108.97, - high: 112.39, - low: 108.66, - close: 109.85, - volume: 161518860, - }, - { - x: new Date('2016-04-18'), - open: 108.89, - high: 108.95, - low: 104.62, - close: 105.68, - volume: 188775240, - }, - { - x: new Date('2016-04-25'), - open: 105, - high: 105.65, - low: 92.51, - close: 93.74, - volume: 345910030, - }, - { - x: new Date('2016-05-02'), - open: 93.965, - high: 95.9, - low: 91.85, - close: 92.72, - volume: 225114110, - }, - { - x: new Date('2016-05-09'), - open: 93, - high: 93.77, - low: 89.47, - close: 90.52, - volume: 215596350, - }, - { - x: new Date('2016-05-16'), - open: 92.39, - high: 95.43, - low: 91.65, - close: 95.22, - volume: 212312980, - }, - { - x: new Date('2016-05-23'), - open: 95.87, - high: 100.73, - low: 95.67, - close: 100.35, - volume: 203902650, - }, - { - x: new Date('2016-05-30'), - open: 99.6, - high: 100.4, - low: 96.63, - close: 97.92, - volume: 140064910, - }, - { - x: new Date('2016-06-06'), - open: 97.99, - high: 101.89, - low: 97.55, - close: 98.83, - volume: 124731320, - }, - { - x: new Date('2016-06-13'), - open: 98.69, - high: 99.12, - low: 95.3, - close: 95.33, - volume: 191017280, - }, - { - x: new Date('2016-06-20'), - open: 96, - high: 96.89, - low: 92.65, - close: 93.4, - volume: 206149160, - }, - { - x: new Date('2016-06-27'), - open: 93, - high: 96.465, - low: 91.5, - close: 95.89, - volume: 184254460, - }, - { - x: new Date('2016-07-04'), - open: 95.39, - high: 96.89, - low: 94.37, - close: 96.68, - volume: 111769640, - }, - { - x: new Date('2016-07-11'), - open: 96.75, - high: 99.3, - low: 96.73, - close: 98.78, - volume: 142244590, - }, - { - x: new Date('2016-07-18'), - open: 98.7, - high: 101, - low: 98.31, - close: 98.66, - volume: 147358320, - }, - { - x: new Date('2016-07-25'), - open: 98.25, - high: 104.55, - low: 96.42, - close: 104.21, - volume: 252358930, - }, - { - x: new Date('2016-08-01'), - open: 104.41, - high: 107.65, - low: 104, - close: 107.48, - volume: 168265830, - }, - { - x: new Date('2016-08-08'), - open: 107.52, - high: 108.94, - low: 107.16, - close: 108.18, - volume: 124255340, - }, - { - x: new Date('2016-08-15'), - open: 108.14, - high: 110.23, - low: 108.08, - close: 109.36, - volume: 131814920, - }, - { - x: new Date('2016-08-22'), - open: 108.86, - high: 109.32, - low: 106.31, - close: 106.94, - volume: 123373540, - }, - { - x: new Date('2016-08-29'), - open: 106.62, - high: 108, - low: 105.5, - close: 107.73, - volume: 134426100, - }, - { - x: new Date('2016-09-05'), - open: 107.9, - high: 108.76, - low: 103.13, - close: 103.13, - volume: 168312530, - }, - { - x: new Date('2016-09-12'), - open: 102.65, - high: 116.13, - low: 102.53, - close: 114.92, - volume: 388543710, - }, - { - x: new Date('2016-09-19'), - open: 115.19, - high: 116.18, - low: 111.55, - close: 112.71, - volume: 200842480, - }, - { - x: new Date('2016-09-26'), - open: 111.64, - high: 114.64, - low: 111.55, - close: 113.05, - volume: 156186800, - }, - { - x: new Date('2016-10-03'), - open: 112.71, - high: 114.56, - low: 112.28, - close: 114.06, - volume: 125587350, - }, - { - x: new Date('2016-10-10'), - open: 115.02, - high: 118.69, - low: 114.72, - close: 117.63, - volume: 208231690, - }, - { - x: new Date('2016-10-17'), - open: 117.33, - high: 118.21, - low: 113.8, - close: 116.6, - volume: 114497020, - }, - { - x: new Date('2016-10-24'), - open: 117.1, - high: 118.36, - low: 113.31, - close: 113.72, - volume: 204530120, - }, - { - x: new Date('2016-10-31'), - open: 113.65, - high: 114.23, - low: 108.11, - close: 108.84, - volume: 155287280, - }, - { - x: new Date('2016-11-07'), - open: 110.08, - high: 111.72, - low: 105.83, - close: 108.43, - volume: 206825070, - }, - { - x: new Date('2016-11-14'), - open: 107.71, - high: 110.54, - low: 104.08, - close: 110.06, - volume: 197790040, - }, - { - x: new Date('2016-11-21'), - open: 110.12, - high: 112.42, - low: 110.01, - close: 111.79, - volume: 93992370, - }, - { - x: new Date('2016-11-28'), - open: 111.43, - high: 112.465, - low: 108.85, - close: 109.9, - volume: 155229390, - }, - { - x: new Date('2016-12-05'), - open: 110, - high: 114.7, - low: 108.25, - close: 113.95, - volume: 151624650, - }, - { - x: new Date('2016-12-12'), - open: 113.29, - high: 116.73, - low: 112.49, - close: 115.97, - volume: 194003220, - }, - { - x: new Date('2016-12-19'), - open: 115.8, - high: 117.5, - low: 115.59, - close: 116.52, - volume: 113106370, - }, - { - x: new Date('2016-12-26'), - open: 116.52, - high: 118.0166, - low: 115.43, - close: 115.82, - volume: 84354060, - }, - { - x: new Date('2017-01-02'), - open: 115.8, - high: 118.16, - low: 114.76, - close: 117.91, - volume: 103680760, - }, - { - x: new Date('2017-01-09'), - open: 117.95, - high: 119.93, - low: 117.94, - close: 119.04, - volume: 138446660, - }, - { - x: new Date('2017-01-16'), - open: 118.34, - high: 120.5, - low: 118.22, - close: 120, - volume: 113576380, - }, - { - x: new Date('2017-01-23'), - open: 120, - high: 122.44, - low: 119.5, - close: 121.95, - volume: 124406640, - }, - { - x: new Date('2017-01-30'), - open: 120.93, - high: 130.49, - low: 120.62, - close: 129.08, - volume: 248063580, - }, - { - x: new Date('2017-02-06'), - open: 129.13, - high: 132.94, - low: 128.9, - close: 132.12, - volume: 136252280, - }, - { - x: new Date('2017-02-13'), - open: 133.08, - high: 136.27, - low: 132.75, - close: 135.72, - volume: 136326260, - }, - { - x: new Date('2017-02-20'), - open: 136.23, - high: 137.48, - low: 135.28, - close: 136.66, - volume: 87773190, - }, - { - x: new Date('2017-02-27'), - open: 137.14, - high: 140.2786, - low: 136.28, - close: 139.78, - volume: 127757050, - }, - { - x: new Date('2017-03-06'), - open: 139.365, - high: 139.98, - low: 137.05, - close: 139.14, - volume: 99061270, - }, - { - x: new Date('2017-03-13'), - open: 138.85, - high: 141.02, - low: 138.82, - close: 139.99, - volume: 120881720, - }, - { - x: new Date('2017-03-20'), - open: 140.4, - high: 142.8, - low: 139.73, - close: 140.64, - volume: 129178500, - }, - { - x: new Date('2017-03-27'), - open: 139.39, - high: 144.5, - low: 138.62, - close: 143.66, - volume: 126819590, - }, - { - x: new Date('2017-04-03'), - open: 143.71, - high: 145.46, - low: 143.05, - close: 143.34, - volume: 105274540, - }, - { - x: new Date('2017-04-10'), - open: 143.6, - high: 143.8792, - low: 140.06, - close: 141.05, - volume: 87342130, - }, - { - x: new Date('2017-04-17'), - open: 141.48, - high: 142.92, - low: 140.45, - close: 142.27, - volume: 89092650, - }, - { - x: new Date('2017-04-24'), - open: 143.5, - high: 144.9, - low: 143.18, - close: 143.65, - volume: 90423600, - }, - { - x: new Date('2017-05-01'), - open: 145.1, - high: 148.98, - low: 144.27, - close: 148.96, - volume: 173861760, - }, - { - x: new Date('2017-05-08'), - open: 149.03, - high: 156.42, - low: 149.03, - close: 156.1, - volume: 173087500, - }, - { - x: new Date('2017-05-15'), - open: 156.01, - high: 156.65, - low: 149.71, - close: 153.06, - volume: 156993820, - }, - { - x: new Date('2017-05-22'), - open: 154, - high: 154.9, - low: 152.67, - close: 153.61, - volume: 103151450, - }, - { - x: new Date('2017-05-29'), - open: 153.42, - high: 155.45, - low: 152.22, - close: 155.45, - volume: 88670120, - }, - { - x: new Date('2017-06-05'), - open: 154.34, - high: 155.98, - low: 146.02, - close: 148.98, - volume: 158814040, - }, - { - x: new Date('2017-06-12'), - open: 145.74, - high: 147.5, - low: 142.2, - close: 142.27, - volume: 219638930, - }, - { - x: new Date('2017-06-19'), - open: 143.66, - high: 147.16, - low: 143.66, - close: 146.28, - volume: 132832660, - }, - { - x: new Date('2017-06-26'), - open: 147.17, - high: 148.28, - low: 142.28, - close: 144.02, - volume: 126890110, - }, - { - x: new Date('2017-07-03'), - open: 144.88, - high: 145.3001, - low: 142.41, - close: 144.18, - volume: 78465450, - }, - { - x: new Date('2017-07-10'), - open: 144.11, - high: 149.33, - low: 143.37, - close: 149.04, - volume: 109759170, - }, - { - x: new Date('2017-07-17'), - open: 148.82, - high: 151.74, - low: 148.57, - close: 150.27, - volume: 104744470, - }, - { - x: new Date('2017-07-24'), - open: 150.58, - high: 153.99, - low: 147.3, - close: 149.5, - volume: 105536280, - }, - { - x: new Date('2017-07-31'), - open: 149.9, - high: 159.75, - low: 148.13, - close: 156.39, - volume: 170204830, - }, - { - x: new Date('2017-08-07'), - open: 157.06, - high: 161.83, - low: 154.63, - close: 157.48, - volume: 149860480, - }, - { - x: new Date('2017-08-14'), - open: 159.32, - high: 162.51, - low: 156.72, - close: 157.5, - volume: 133829670, - }, - { - x: new Date('2017-08-21'), - open: 157.5, - high: 160.74, - low: 155.1101, - close: 159.86, - volume: 112238670, - }, - { - x: new Date('2017-08-28'), - open: 160.14, - high: 164.94, - low: 159.93, - close: 164.05, - volume: 125610990, - }, - { - x: new Date('2017-09-04'), - open: 163.75, - high: 164.25, - low: 158.53, - close: 158.63, - volume: 101419110, - }, - { - x: new Date('2017-09-11'), - open: 160.5, - high: 163.96, - low: 157.91, - close: 159.88, - volume: 220431100, - }, - { - x: new Date('2017-09-18'), - open: 160.11, - high: 160.5, - low: 157.995, - close: 158.67, - volume: 27939544, - }, -]; + { + EmployeeID: 1, + Name: 'Nancy Davolio', + Title: 'Sales Representative', + HireDate: '01/02/2021', + Country: 'USA', + ReportsTo: 'Carson', + EmployeeImage: avatar3 + }, + { + EmployeeID: 2, + Name: 'Nasimiyu Danai', + Title: 'Marketing Head', + HireDate: '01/02/2021', + Country: 'USA', + ReportsTo: 'Carson', + EmployeeImage: avatar3 + }, + { + EmployeeID: 3, + Name: 'Iulia Albu', + Title: 'HR', + HireDate: '01/02/2021', + Country: 'USA', + ReportsTo: 'Carson', + EmployeeImage: avatar4 + }, + { + EmployeeID: 4, + Name: 'Siegbert Gottfried', + Title: 'Marketing Head', + HireDate: '01/02/2021', + Country: 'USA', + ReportsTo: 'Carson', + EmployeeImage: avatar2 + }, + { + EmployeeID: 5, + Name: 'Omar Darobe', + Title: 'HR', + HireDate: '01/02/2021', + Country: 'USA', + ReportsTo: 'Carson', + EmployeeImage: avatar + }, + { + EmployeeID: 4, + Name: 'Penjani Inyene', + Title: 'Marketing Head', + HireDate: '01/02/2021', + Country: 'USA', + ReportsTo: 'Carson', + EmployeeImage: avatar + }, + { + EmployeeID: 5, + Name: 'Miron Vitold', + Title: 'HR', + HireDate: '01/02/2021', + Country: 'USA', + ReportsTo: 'Carson', + EmployeeImage: avatar2 + }, + { + EmployeeID: 1, + Name: 'Nancy Davolio', + Title: 'Sales Representative', + HireDate: '01/02/2021', + Country: 'USA', + ReportsTo: 'Carson', + EmployeeImage: avatar2 + }, + { + EmployeeID: 2, + Name: 'Nasimiyu Danai', + Title: 'Marketing Head', + HireDate: '01/02/2021', + Country: 'USA', + ReportsTo: 'Carson', + EmployeeImage: avatar3 + }, + { + EmployeeID: 3, + Name: 'Iulia Albu', + Title: 'HR', + HireDate: '01/02/2021', + Country: 'USA', + ReportsTo: 'Carson', + EmployeeImage: avatar4 + }, + { + EmployeeID: 4, + Name: 'Siegbert Gottfried', + Title: 'Marketing Head', + HireDate: '01/02/2021', + Country: 'USA', + ReportsTo: 'Carson', + EmployeeImage: avatar2 + }, + { + EmployeeID: 5, + Name: 'Omar Darobe', + Title: 'HR', + HireDate: '01/02/2021', + Country: 'USA', + ReportsTo: 'Carson', + EmployeeImage: avatar + }, + { + EmployeeID: 4, + Name: 'Penjani Inyene', + Title: 'Marketing Head', + HireDate: '01/02/2021', + Country: 'USA', + ReportsTo: 'Carson', + EmployeeImage: avatar + }, + { + EmployeeID: 5, + Name: 'Miron Vitold', + Title: 'HR', + HireDate: '01/02/2021', + Country: 'USA', + ReportsTo: 'Carson', + EmployeeImage: avatar2 + }, + { + EmployeeID: 1, + Name: 'Nancy Davolio', + Title: 'Sales Representative', + HireDate: '01/02/2021', + Country: 'USA', + ReportsTo: 'Carson', + EmployeeImage: avatar + }, + { + EmployeeID: 2, + Name: 'Nasimiyu Danai', + Title: 'Marketing Head', + HireDate: '01/02/2021', + Country: 'USA', + ReportsTo: 'Carson', + EmployeeImage: avatar3 + }, + { + EmployeeID: 3, + Name: 'Iulia Albu', + Title: 'HR', + HireDate: '01/02/2021', + Country: 'USA', + ReportsTo: 'Carson', + EmployeeImage: avatar4 + }, + { + EmployeeID: 4, + Name: 'Siegbert Gottfried', + Title: 'Marketing Head', + HireDate: '01/02/2021', + Country: 'USA', + ReportsTo: 'Carson', + EmployeeImage: avatar2 + }, + { + EmployeeID: 5, + Name: 'Omar Darobe', + Title: 'HR', + HireDate: '01/02/2021', + Country: 'USA', + ReportsTo: 'Carson', + EmployeeImage: avatar + }, + { + EmployeeID: 4, + Name: 'Penjani Inyene', + Title: 'Marketing Head', + HireDate: '01/02/2021', + Country: 'USA', + ReportsTo: 'Carson', + EmployeeImage: avatar + }, + { + EmployeeID: 5, + Name: 'Miron Vitold', + Title: 'HR', + HireDate: '01/02/2021', + Country: 'USA', + ReportsTo: 'Carson', + EmployeeImage: avatar2 + }, + { + EmployeeID: 1, + Name: 'Nancy Davolio', + Title: 'Sales Representative', + HireDate: '01/02/2021', + Country: 'USA', + ReportsTo: 'Carson', + EmployeeImage: avatar2 + }, + { + EmployeeID: 2, + Name: 'Nasimiyu Danai', + Title: 'Marketing Head', + HireDate: '01/02/2021', + Country: 'USA', + ReportsTo: 'Carson', + EmployeeImage: avatar3 + }, + { + EmployeeID: 3, + Name: 'Iulia Albu', + Title: 'HR', + HireDate: '01/02/2021', + Country: 'USA', + ReportsTo: 'Carson', + EmployeeImage: avatar4 + }, + { + EmployeeID: 4, + Name: 'Siegbert Gottfried', + Title: 'Marketing Head', + HireDate: '01/02/2021', + Country: 'USA', + ReportsTo: 'Carson', + EmployeeImage: avatar2 + }, + { + EmployeeID: 5, + Name: 'Omar Darobe', + Title: 'HR', + HireDate: '01/02/2021', + Country: 'USA', + ReportsTo: 'Carson', + EmployeeImage: avatar + }, + { + EmployeeID: 4, + Name: 'Penjani Inyene', + Title: 'Marketing Head', + HireDate: '01/02/2021', + Country: 'USA', + ReportsTo: 'Carson', + EmployeeImage: avatar + }, + { + EmployeeID: 5, + Name: 'Miron Vitold', + Title: 'HR', + HireDate: '01/02/2021', + Country: 'USA', + ReportsTo: 'Carson', + EmployeeImage: avatar2 + }, + { + EmployeeID: 1, + Name: 'Nancy Davolio', + Title: 'Sales Representative', + HireDate: '01/02/2021', + Country: 'USA', + ReportsTo: 'Carson', + EmployeeImage: avatar2 + }, + { + EmployeeID: 2, + Name: 'Nasimiyu Danai', + Title: 'Marketing Head', + HireDate: '01/02/2021', + Country: 'USA', + ReportsTo: 'Carson', + EmployeeImage: avatar3 + }, + { + EmployeeID: 3, + Name: 'Iulia Albu', + Title: 'HR', + HireDate: '01/02/2021', + Country: 'USA', + ReportsTo: 'Carson', + EmployeeImage: avatar4 + }, + { + EmployeeID: 4, + Name: 'Siegbert Gottfried', + Title: 'Marketing Head', + HireDate: '01/02/2021', + Country: 'USA', + ReportsTo: 'Carson', + EmployeeImage: avatar2 + }, + { + EmployeeID: 5, + Name: 'Omar Darobe', + Title: 'HR', + HireDate: '01/02/2021', + Country: 'USA', + ReportsTo: 'Carson', + EmployeeImage: avatar + }, + { + EmployeeID: 4, + Name: 'Penjani Inyene', + Title: 'Marketing Head', + HireDate: '01/02/2021', + Country: 'USA', + ReportsTo: 'Carson', + EmployeeImage: avatar + }, + { + EmployeeID: 5, + Name: 'Miron Vitold', + Title: 'HR', + HireDate: '01/02/2021', + Country: 'USA', + ReportsTo: 'Carson', + EmployeeImage: avatar2 + }, + { + EmployeeID: 1, + Name: 'Nancy Davolio', + Title: 'Sales Representative', + HireDate: '01/02/2021', + Country: 'USA', + ReportsTo: 'Carson', + EmployeeImage: avatar2 + }, + { + EmployeeID: 2, + Name: 'Nasimiyu Danai', + Title: 'Marketing Head', + HireDate: '01/02/2021', + Country: 'USA', + ReportsTo: 'Carson', + EmployeeImage: avatar3 + }, + { + EmployeeID: 3, + Name: 'Iulia Albu', + Title: 'HR', + HireDate: '01/02/2021', + Country: 'USA', + ReportsTo: 'Carson', + EmployeeImage: avatar4 + }, + { + EmployeeID: 4, + Name: 'Siegbert Gottfried', + Title: 'Marketing Head', + HireDate: '01/02/2021', + Country: 'USA', + ReportsTo: 'Carson', + EmployeeImage: avatar2 + }, + { + EmployeeID: 5, + Name: 'Omar Darobe', + Title: 'HR', + HireDate: '01/02/2021', + Country: 'USA', + ReportsTo: 'Carson', + EmployeeImage: avatar + }, + { + EmployeeID: 4, + Name: 'Penjani Inyene', + Title: 'Marketing Head', + HireDate: '01/02/2021', + Country: 'USA', + ReportsTo: 'Carson', + EmployeeImage: avatar + }, + { + EmployeeID: 5, + Name: 'Miron Vitold', + Title: 'HR', + HireDate: '01/02/2021', + Country: 'USA', + ReportsTo: 'Carson', + EmployeeImage: avatar2 + }, + { + EmployeeID: 1, + Name: 'Nancy Davolio', + Title: 'Sales Representative', + HireDate: '01/02/2021', + Country: 'USA', + ReportsTo: 'Carson', + EmployeeImage: avatar2 + }, + { + EmployeeID: 2, + Name: 'Nasimiyu Danai', + Title: 'Marketing Head', + HireDate: '01/02/2021', + Country: 'USA', + ReportsTo: 'Carson', + EmployeeImage: avatar3 + }, + { + EmployeeID: 3, + Name: 'Iulia Albu', + Title: 'HR', + HireDate: '01/02/2021', + Country: 'USA', + ReportsTo: 'Carson', + EmployeeImage: avatar4 + }, + { + EmployeeID: 4, + Name: 'Siegbert Gottfried', + Title: 'Marketing Head', + HireDate: '01/02/2021', + Country: 'USA', + ReportsTo: 'Carson', + EmployeeImage: avatar2 + }, + { + EmployeeID: 5, + Name: 'Omar Darobe', + Title: 'HR', + HireDate: '01/02/2021', + Country: 'USA', + ReportsTo: 'Carson', + EmployeeImage: avatar + }, + { + EmployeeID: 4, + Name: 'Penjani Inyene', + Title: 'Marketing Head', + HireDate: '01/02/2021', + Country: 'USA', + ReportsTo: 'Carson', + EmployeeImage: avatar + }, + { + EmployeeID: 5, + Name: 'Miron Vitold', + Title: 'HR', + HireDate: '01/02/2021', + Country: 'USA', + ReportsTo: 'Carson', + EmployeeImage: avatar2 + }, + { + EmployeeID: 1, + Name: 'Nancy Davolio', + Title: 'Sales Representative', + HireDate: '01/02/2021', + Country: 'USA', + ReportsTo: 'Carson', + EmployeeImage: avatar2 + }, + { + EmployeeID: 2, + Name: 'Nasimiyu Danai', + Title: 'Marketing Head', + HireDate: '01/02/2021', + Country: 'USA', + ReportsTo: 'Carson', + EmployeeImage: avatar3 + }, + { + EmployeeID: 3, + Name: 'Iulia Albu', + Title: 'HR', + HireDate: '01/02/2021', + Country: 'USA', + ReportsTo: 'Carson', + EmployeeImage: avatar4 + }, + { + EmployeeID: 4, + Name: 'Siegbert Gottfried', + Title: 'Marketing Head', + HireDate: '01/02/2021', + Country: 'USA', + ReportsTo: 'Carson', + EmployeeImage: avatar2 + }, + { + EmployeeID: 5, + Name: 'Omar Darobe', + Title: 'HR', + HireDate: '01/02/2021', + Country: 'USA', + ReportsTo: 'Carson', + EmployeeImage: avatar + }, + { + EmployeeID: 4, + Name: 'Penjani Inyene', + Title: 'Marketing Head', + HireDate: '01/02/2021', + Country: 'USA', + ReportsTo: 'Carson', + EmployeeImage: avatar + }, + { + EmployeeID: 5, + Name: 'Miron Vitold', + Title: 'HR', + HireDate: '01/02/2021', + Country: 'USA', + ReportsTo: 'Carson', + EmployeeImage: avatar2 + }, + { + EmployeeID: 1, + Name: 'Nancy Davolio', + Title: 'Sales Representative', + HireDate: '01/02/2021', + Country: 'USA', + ReportsTo: 'Carson', + EmployeeImage: avatar2 + }, + { + EmployeeID: 2, + Name: 'Nasimiyu Danai', + Title: 'Marketing Head', + HireDate: '01/02/2021', + Country: 'USA', + ReportsTo: 'Carson', + EmployeeImage: avatar3 + }, + { + EmployeeID: 3, + Name: 'Iulia Albu', + Title: 'HR', + HireDate: '01/02/2021', + Country: 'USA', + ReportsTo: 'Carson', + EmployeeImage: avatar4 + }, + { + EmployeeID: 4, + Name: 'Siegbert Gottfried', + Title: 'Marketing Head', + HireDate: '01/02/2021', + Country: 'USA', + ReportsTo: 'Carson', + EmployeeImage: avatar2 + }, + { + EmployeeID: 5, + Name: 'Omar Darobe', + Title: 'HR', + HireDate: '01/02/2021', + Country: 'USA', + ReportsTo: 'Carson', + EmployeeImage: avatar + }, + { + EmployeeID: 4, + Name: 'Penjani Inyene', + Title: 'Marketing Head', + HireDate: '01/02/2021', + Country: 'USA', + ReportsTo: 'Carson', + EmployeeImage: avatar + }, + { + EmployeeID: 5, + Name: 'Miron Vitold', + Title: 'HR', + HireDate: '01/02/2021', + Country: 'USA', + ReportsTo: 'Carson', + EmployeeImage: avatar2 + } +] + +export const ordersData = [ + { + OrderID: 10248, + CustomerName: 'Vinet', + + TotalAmount: 32.38, + OrderItems: 'Fresh Tomato', + Location: 'USA', + Status: 'pending', + StatusBg: '#FB9678', + ProductImage: product6 + }, + { + OrderID: 345653, + CustomerName: 'Carson Darrin', + TotalAmount: 56.34, + OrderItems: 'Butter Scotch', + Location: 'Delhi', + Status: 'complete', + StatusBg: '#8BE78B', + ProductImage: product5 + }, + { + OrderID: 390457, + CustomerName: 'Fran Perez', + TotalAmount: 93.31, + OrderItems: 'Candy Gucci', + Location: 'New York', + Status: 'active', + StatusBg: '#03C9D7', + ProductImage: product7 + }, + { + OrderID: 893486, + CustomerName: 'Anika Viseer', + TotalAmount: 93.31, + OrderItems: 'Night Lamp', + Location: 'Germany', + Status: 'canceled', + StatusBg: '#FF5C8E', + ProductImage: product4 + }, + { + OrderID: 748975, + CustomerName: 'Miron Vitold', + TotalAmount: 23.99, + OrderItems: 'Healthcare Erbology', + Location: 'Spain', + Status: 'rejected', + StatusBg: 'red', + ProductImage: product1 + }, + { + OrderID: 94757, + CustomerName: 'Omar Darobe', + TotalAmount: 95.99, + OrderItems: 'Makeup Lancome Rouge', + Location: 'USA', + Status: 'canceled', + StatusBg: '#FF5C8E', + ProductImage: product2 + }, + { + OrderID: 944895, + CustomerName: 'Lulia albu', + TotalAmount: 17.99, + OrderItems: 'Skincare', + Location: 'USA', + Status: 'active', + StatusBg: '#03C9D7', + ProductImage: product3 + }, + { + OrderID: 845954, + CustomerName: 'Penjani', + TotalAmount: 59.99, + OrderItems: 'Headphone', + Location: 'USA', + Status: 'complete', + StatusBg: '#8BE78B', + ProductImage: product4 + }, + { + OrderID: 845954, + CustomerName: 'Jie Yan', + TotalAmount: 87.99, + OrderItems: 'Shoes', + Location: 'USA', + Status: 'pending', + StatusBg: '#FB9678', + ProductImage: 'https://cdn.shopclues.com/images1/thumbnails/104158/320/320/148648730-104158193-1592481791.jpg' + }, + { + OrderID: 874534, + CustomerName: 'Danai', + TotalAmount: 122.99, + OrderItems: 'Watch', + Location: 'USA', + Status: 'canceled', + StatusBg: '#FF5C8E', + ProductImage: 'https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/images/pop-womens-garmin-watches-1641919013.jpg?crop=0.502xw:1.00xh;0.250xw,0&resize=640:*' + }, + { + OrderID: 38489, + CustomerName: 'Miron', + TotalAmount: 87.99, + OrderItems: 'Ice Cream', + Location: 'USA', + Status: 'active', + StatusBg: '#03C9D7', + ProductImage: 'https://images.immediate.co.uk/production/volatile/sites/30/2020/08/dairy-free-ice-cream-eae372d.jpg' + }, + { + OrderID: 24546, + CustomerName: 'Frank', + TotalAmount: 84.99, + OrderItems: 'Pan Cake', + Location: 'Delhi', + Status: 'complete', + StatusBg: '#8BE78B', + ProductImage: 'https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1576618148400-f54bed99fcfd?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&ixid=MnwxMjA3fDB8MHxwaG90by1wYWdlfHx8fGVufDB8fHx8&auto=format&fit=crop&w=1480&q=80' + }, + { + OrderID: 874534, + CustomerName: 'Danai', + TotalAmount: 122.99, + OrderItems: 'Watch', + Location: 'USA', + Status: 'canceled', + StatusBg: '#FF5C8E', + ProductImage: 'https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/images/pop-womens-garmin-watches-1641919013.jpg?crop=0.502xw:1.00xh;0.250xw,0&resize=640:*' + }, + { + OrderID: 10248, + CustomerName: 'Vinet', + + TotalAmount: 32.38, + OrderItems: 'Fresh Tomato', + Location: 'USA', + Status: 'pending', + StatusBg: '#FB9678', + ProductImage: product6 + }, + { + OrderID: 345653, + CustomerName: 'Carson Darrin', + TotalAmount: 56.34, + OrderItems: 'Butter Scotch', + Location: 'Delhi', + Status: 'complete', + StatusBg: '#8BE78B', + ProductImage: product5 + }, + { + OrderID: 390457, + CustomerName: 'Fran Perez', + TotalAmount: 93.31, + OrderItems: 'Candy Gucci', + Location: 'New York', + Status: 'active', + StatusBg: '#03C9D7', + ProductImage: product7 + }, + { + OrderID: 893486, + CustomerName: 'Anika Viseer', + TotalAmount: 93.31, + OrderItems: 'Night Lamp', + Location: 'Germany', + Status: 'canceled', + StatusBg: '#FF5C8E', + ProductImage: product4 + }, + { + OrderID: 748975, + CustomerName: 'Miron Vitold', + TotalAmount: 23.99, + OrderItems: 'Healthcare Erbology', + Location: 'Spain', + Status: 'rejected', + StatusBg: 'red', + ProductImage: product1 + }, + { + OrderID: 94757, + CustomerName: 'Omar Darobe', + TotalAmount: 95.99, + OrderItems: 'Makeup Lancome Rouge', + Location: 'USA', + Status: 'canceled', + StatusBg: '#FF5C8E', + ProductImage: product2 + }, + { + OrderID: 944895, + CustomerName: 'Lulia albu', + TotalAmount: 17.99, + OrderItems: 'Skincare', + Location: 'USA', + Status: 'active', + StatusBg: '#03C9D7', + ProductImage: product3 + }, + { + OrderID: 845954, + CustomerName: 'Penjani', + TotalAmount: 59.99, + OrderItems: 'Headphone', + Location: 'USA', + Status: 'complete', + StatusBg: '#8BE78B', + ProductImage: product4 + }, + { + OrderID: 845954, + CustomerName: 'Jie Yan', + TotalAmount: 87.99, + OrderItems: 'Shoes', + Location: 'USA', + Status: 'pending', + StatusBg: '#FB9678', + ProductImage: 'https://cdn.shopclues.com/images1/thumbnails/104158/320/320/148648730-104158193-1592481791.jpg' + }, + { + OrderID: 874534, + CustomerName: 'Danai', + TotalAmount: 122.99, + OrderItems: 'Watch', + Location: 'USA', + Status: 'canceled', + StatusBg: '#FF5C8E', + ProductImage: 'https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/images/pop-womens-garmin-watches-1641919013.jpg?crop=0.502xw:1.00xh;0.250xw,0&resize=640:*' + }, + { + OrderID: 38489, + CustomerName: 'Miron', + TotalAmount: 87.99, + OrderItems: 'Ice Cream', + Location: 'USA', + Status: 'active', + StatusBg: '#03C9D7', + ProductImage: 'https://images.immediate.co.uk/production/volatile/sites/30/2020/08/dairy-free-ice-cream-eae372d.jpg' + }, + { + OrderID: 24546, + CustomerName: 'Frank', + TotalAmount: 84.99, + OrderItems: 'Pan Cake', + Location: 'Delhi', + Status: 'complete', + StatusBg: '#8BE78B', + ProductImage: 'https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1576618148400-f54bed99fcfd?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&ixid=MnwxMjA3fDB8MHxwaG90by1wYWdlfHx8fGVufDB8fHx8&auto=format&fit=crop&w=1480&q=80' + }, + { + OrderID: 874534, + CustomerName: 'Danai', + TotalAmount: 122.99, + OrderItems: 'Watch', + Location: 'USA', + Status: 'canceled', + StatusBg: '#FF5C8E', + ProductImage: 'https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/images/pop-womens-garmin-watches-1641919013.jpg?crop=0.502xw:1.00xh;0.250xw,0&resize=640:*' + }, + { + OrderID: 10248, + CustomerName: 'Vinet', + + TotalAmount: 32.38, + OrderItems: 'Fresh Tomato', + Location: 'USA', + Status: 'pending', + StatusBg: '#FB9678', + ProductImage: product6 + }, + { + OrderID: 345653, + CustomerName: 'Carson Darrin', + TotalAmount: 56.34, + OrderItems: 'Butter Scotch', + Location: 'Delhi', + Status: 'complete', + StatusBg: '#8BE78B', + ProductImage: product5 + }, + { + OrderID: 390457, + CustomerName: 'Fran Perez', + TotalAmount: 93.31, + OrderItems: 'Candy Gucci', + Location: 'New York', + Status: 'active', + StatusBg: '#03C9D7', + ProductImage: product7 + }, + { + OrderID: 893486, + CustomerName: 'Anika Viseer', + TotalAmount: 93.31, + OrderItems: 'Night Lamp', + Location: 'Germany', + Status: 'canceled', + StatusBg: '#FF5C8E', + ProductImage: product4 + }, + { + OrderID: 748975, + CustomerName: 'Miron Vitold', + TotalAmount: 23.99, + OrderItems: 'Healthcare Erbology', + Location: 'Spain', + Status: 'rejected', + StatusBg: 'red', + ProductImage: product1 + }, + { + OrderID: 94757, + CustomerName: 'Omar Darobe', + TotalAmount: 95.99, + OrderItems: 'Makeup Lancome Rouge', + Location: 'USA', + Status: 'canceled', + StatusBg: '#FF5C8E', + ProductImage: product2 + }, + { + OrderID: 944895, + CustomerName: 'Lulia albu', + TotalAmount: 17.99, + OrderItems: 'Skincare', + Location: 'USA', + Status: 'active', + StatusBg: '#03C9D7', + ProductImage: product3 + }, + { + OrderID: 845954, + CustomerName: 'Penjani', + TotalAmount: 59.99, + OrderItems: 'Headphone', + Location: 'USA', + Status: 'complete', + StatusBg: '#8BE78B', + ProductImage: product4 + }, + { + OrderID: 845954, + CustomerName: 'Jie Yan', + TotalAmount: 87.99, + OrderItems: 'Shoes', + Location: 'USA', + Status: 'pending', + StatusBg: '#FB9678', + ProductImage: 'https://cdn.shopclues.com/images1/thumbnails/104158/320/320/148648730-104158193-1592481791.jpg' + }, + { + OrderID: 874534, + CustomerName: 'Danai', + TotalAmount: 122.99, + OrderItems: 'Watch', + Location: 'USA', + Status: 'canceled', + StatusBg: '#FF5C8E', + ProductImage: 'https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/images/pop-womens-garmin-watches-1641919013.jpg?crop=0.502xw:1.00xh;0.250xw,0&resize=640:*' + }, + { + OrderID: 38489, + CustomerName: 'Miron', + TotalAmount: 87.99, + OrderItems: 'Ice Cream', + Location: 'USA', + Status: 'active', + StatusBg: '#03C9D7', + ProductImage: 'https://images.immediate.co.uk/production/volatile/sites/30/2020/08/dairy-free-ice-cream-eae372d.jpg' + }, + { + OrderID: 24546, + CustomerName: 'Frank', + TotalAmount: 84.99, + OrderItems: 'Pan Cake', + Location: 'Delhi', + Status: 'complete', + StatusBg: '#8BE78B', + ProductImage: 'https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1576618148400-f54bed99fcfd?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&ixid=MnwxMjA3fDB8MHxwaG90by1wYWdlfHx8fGVufDB8fHx8&auto=format&fit=crop&w=1480&q=80' + }, + { + OrderID: 874534, + CustomerName: 'Danai', + TotalAmount: 122.99, + OrderItems: 'Watch', + Location: 'USA', + Status: 'canceled', + StatusBg: '#FF5C8E', + ProductImage: 'https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/images/pop-womens-garmin-watches-1641919013.jpg?crop=0.502xw:1.00xh;0.250xw,0&resize=640:*' + }, + { + OrderID: 10248, + CustomerName: 'Vinet', + + TotalAmount: 32.38, + OrderItems: 'Fresh Tomato', + Location: 'USA', + Status: 'pending', + StatusBg: '#FB9678', + ProductImage: product6 + }, + { + OrderID: 345653, + CustomerName: 'Carson Darrin', + TotalAmount: 56.34, + OrderItems: 'Butter Scotch', + Location: 'Delhi', + Status: 'complete', + StatusBg: '#8BE78B', + ProductImage: product5 + }, + { + OrderID: 390457, + CustomerName: 'Fran Perez', + TotalAmount: 93.31, + OrderItems: 'Candy Gucci', + Location: 'New York', + Status: 'active', + StatusBg: '#03C9D7', + ProductImage: product7 + }, + { + OrderID: 893486, + CustomerName: 'Anika Viseer', + TotalAmount: 93.31, + OrderItems: 'Night Lamp', + Location: 'Germany', + Status: 'canceled', + StatusBg: '#FF5C8E', + ProductImage: product4 + }, + { + OrderID: 748975, + CustomerName: 'Miron Vitold', + TotalAmount: 23.99, + OrderItems: 'Healthcare Erbology', + Location: 'Spain', + Status: 'rejected', + StatusBg: 'red', + ProductImage: product1 + }, + { + OrderID: 94757, + CustomerName: 'Omar Darobe', + TotalAmount: 95.99, + OrderItems: 'Makeup Lancome Rouge', + Location: 'USA', + Status: 'canceled', + StatusBg: '#FF5C8E', + ProductImage: product2 + }, + { + OrderID: 944895, + CustomerName: 'Lulia albu', + TotalAmount: 17.99, + OrderItems: 'Skincare', + Location: 'USA', + Status: 'active', + StatusBg: '#03C9D7', + ProductImage: product3 + }, + { + OrderID: 845954, + CustomerName: 'Penjani', + TotalAmount: 59.99, + OrderItems: 'Headphone', + Location: 'USA', + Status: 'complete', + StatusBg: '#8BE78B', + ProductImage: product4 + }, + { + OrderID: 845954, + CustomerName: 'Jie Yan', + TotalAmount: 87.99, + OrderItems: 'Shoes', + Location: 'USA', + Status: 'pending', + StatusBg: '#FB9678', + ProductImage: 'https://cdn.shopclues.com/images1/thumbnails/104158/320/320/148648730-104158193-1592481791.jpg' + }, + { + OrderID: 874534, + CustomerName: 'Danai', + TotalAmount: 122.99, + OrderItems: 'Watch', + Location: 'USA', + Status: 'canceled', + StatusBg: '#FF5C8E', + ProductImage: 'https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/images/pop-womens-garmin-watches-1641919013.jpg?crop=0.502xw:1.00xh;0.250xw,0&resize=640:*' + }, + { + OrderID: 38489, + CustomerName: 'Miron', + TotalAmount: 87.99, + OrderItems: 'Ice Cream', + Location: 'USA', + Status: 'active', + StatusBg: '#03C9D7', + ProductImage: 'https://images.immediate.co.uk/production/volatile/sites/30/2020/08/dairy-free-ice-cream-eae372d.jpg' + }, + { + OrderID: 24546, + CustomerName: 'Frank', + TotalAmount: 84.99, + OrderItems: 'Pan Cake', + Location: 'Delhi', + Status: 'complete', + StatusBg: '#8BE78B', + ProductImage: 'https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1576618148400-f54bed99fcfd?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&ixid=MnwxMjA3fDB8MHxwaG90by1wYWdlfHx8fGVufDB8fHx8&auto=format&fit=crop&w=1480&q=80' + }, + { + OrderID: 874534, + CustomerName: 'Danai', + TotalAmount: 122.99, + OrderItems: 'Watch', + Location: 'USA', + Status: 'canceled', + StatusBg: '#FF5C8E', + ProductImage: 'https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/images/pop-womens-garmin-watches-1641919013.jpg?crop=0.502xw:1.00xh;0.250xw,0&resize=640:*' + }, + { + OrderID: 10248, + CustomerName: 'Vinet', + + TotalAmount: 32.38, + OrderItems: 'Fresh Tomato', + Location: 'USA', + Status: 'pending', + StatusBg: '#FB9678', + ProductImage: product6 + }, + { + OrderID: 345653, + CustomerName: 'Carson Darrin', + TotalAmount: 56.34, + OrderItems: 'Butter Scotch', + Location: 'Delhi', + Status: 'complete', + StatusBg: '#8BE78B', + ProductImage: product5 + }, + { + OrderID: 390457, + CustomerName: 'Fran Perez', + TotalAmount: 93.31, + OrderItems: 'Candy Gucci', + Location: 'New York', + Status: 'active', + StatusBg: '#03C9D7', + ProductImage: product7 + }, + { + OrderID: 893486, + CustomerName: 'Anika Viseer', + TotalAmount: 93.31, + OrderItems: 'Night Lamp', + Location: 'Germany', + Status: 'canceled', + StatusBg: '#FF5C8E', + ProductImage: product4 + }, + { + OrderID: 748975, + CustomerName: 'Miron Vitold', + TotalAmount: 23.99, + OrderItems: 'Healthcare Erbology', + Location: 'Spain', + Status: 'rejected', + StatusBg: 'red', + ProductImage: product1 + }, + { + OrderID: 94757, + CustomerName: 'Omar Darobe', + TotalAmount: 95.99, + OrderItems: 'Makeup Lancome Rouge', + Location: 'USA', + Status: 'canceled', + StatusBg: '#FF5C8E', + ProductImage: product2 + }, + { + OrderID: 944895, + CustomerName: 'Lulia albu', + TotalAmount: 17.99, + OrderItems: 'Skincare', + Location: 'USA', + Status: 'active', + StatusBg: '#03C9D7', + ProductImage: product3 + }, + { + OrderID: 845954, + CustomerName: 'Penjani', + TotalAmount: 59.99, + OrderItems: 'Headphone', + Location: 'USA', + Status: 'complete', + StatusBg: '#8BE78B', + ProductImage: product4 + }, + { + OrderID: 845954, + CustomerName: 'Jie Yan', + TotalAmount: 87.99, + OrderItems: 'Shoes', + Location: 'USA', + Status: 'pending', + StatusBg: '#FB9678', + ProductImage: 'https://cdn.shopclues.com/images1/thumbnails/104158/320/320/148648730-104158193-1592481791.jpg' + }, + { + OrderID: 874534, + CustomerName: 'Danai', + TotalAmount: 122.99, + OrderItems: 'Watch', + Location: 'USA', + Status: 'canceled', + StatusBg: '#FF5C8E', + ProductImage: 'https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/images/pop-womens-garmin-watches-1641919013.jpg?crop=0.502xw:1.00xh;0.250xw,0&resize=640:*' + }, + { + OrderID: 38489, + CustomerName: 'Miron', + TotalAmount: 87.99, + OrderItems: 'Ice Cream', + Location: 'USA', + Status: 'active', + StatusBg: '#03C9D7', + ProductImage: 'https://images.immediate.co.uk/production/volatile/sites/30/2020/08/dairy-free-ice-cream-eae372d.jpg' + }, + { + OrderID: 24546, + CustomerName: 'Frank', + TotalAmount: 84.99, + OrderItems: 'Pan Cake', + Location: 'Delhi', + Status: 'complete', + StatusBg: '#8BE78B', + ProductImage: 'https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1576618148400-f54bed99fcfd?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&ixid=MnwxMjA3fDB8MHxwaG90by1wYWdlfHx8fGVufDB8fHx8&auto=format&fit=crop&w=1480&q=80' + }, + { + OrderID: 874534, + CustomerName: 'Danai', + TotalAmount: 122.99, + OrderItems: 'Watch', + Location: 'USA', + Status: 'canceled', + StatusBg: '#FF5C8E', + ProductImage: 'https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/images/pop-womens-garmin-watches-1641919013.jpg?crop=0.502xw:1.00xh;0.250xw,0&resize=640:*' + } +] + +export const scheduleData = [ + { + Id: 1, + Subject: 'Explosion of Betelgeuse Star', + Location: 'Space Center USA', + StartTime: '2021-01-10T04:00:00.000Z', + EndTime: '2021-01-10T05:30:00.000Z', + CategoryColor: '#1aaa55' + }, + { + Id: 2, + Subject: 'Thule Air Crash Report', + Location: 'Newyork City', + StartTime: '2021-01-11T06:30:00.000Z', + EndTime: '2021-01-11T08:30:00.000Z', + CategoryColor: '#357cd2' + }, + { + Id: 3, + Subject: 'Blue Moon Eclipse', + Location: 'Space Center USA', + StartTime: '2021-01-12T04:00:00.000Z', + EndTime: '2021-01-12T05:30:00.000Z', + CategoryColor: '#7fa900' + }, + { + Id: 4, + Subject: 'Meteor Showers in 2021', + Location: 'Space Center USA', + StartTime: '2021-01-13T07:30:00.000Z', + EndTime: '2021-01-13T09:00:00.000Z', + CategoryColor: '#ea7a57' + }, + { + Id: 5, + Subject: 'Milky Way as Melting pot', + Location: 'Space Center USA', + StartTime: '2021-01-14T06:30:00.000Z', + EndTime: '2021-01-14T08:30:00.000Z', + CategoryColor: '#00bdae' + }, + { + Id: 6, + Subject: 'Mysteries of Bermuda Triangle', + Location: 'Bermuda', + StartTime: '2021-01-14T04:00:00.000Z', + EndTime: '2021-01-14T05:30:00.000Z', + CategoryColor: '#f57f17' + }, + { + Id: 7, + Subject: 'Glaciers and Snowflakes', + Location: 'Himalayas', + StartTime: '2021-01-15T05:30:00.000Z', + EndTime: '2021-01-15T07:00:00.000Z', + CategoryColor: '#1aaa55' + }, + { + Id: 8, + Subject: 'Life on Mars', + Location: 'Space Center USA', + StartTime: '2021-01-16T03:30:00.000Z', + EndTime: '2021-01-16T04:30:00.000Z', + CategoryColor: '#357cd2' + }, + { + Id: 9, + Subject: 'Alien Civilization', + Location: 'Space Center USA', + StartTime: '2021-01-18T05:30:00.000Z', + EndTime: '2021-01-18T07:30:00.000Z', + CategoryColor: '#7fa900' + }, + { + Id: 10, + Subject: 'Wildlife Galleries', + Location: 'Africa', + StartTime: '2021-01-20T05:30:00.000Z', + EndTime: '2021-01-20T07:30:00.000Z', + CategoryColor: '#ea7a57' + }, + { + Id: 11, + Subject: 'Best Photography 2021', + Location: 'London', + StartTime: '2021-01-21T04:00:00.000Z', + EndTime: '2021-01-21T05:30:00.000Z', + CategoryColor: '#00bdae' + }, + { + Id: 12, + Subject: 'Smarter Puppies', + Location: 'Sweden', + StartTime: '2021-01-08T04:30:00.000Z', + EndTime: '2021-01-08T06:00:00.000Z', + CategoryColor: '#f57f17' + }, + { + Id: 13, + Subject: 'Myths of Andromeda Galaxy', + Location: 'Space Center USA', + StartTime: '2021-01-06T05:00:00.000Z', + EndTime: '2021-01-06T07:00:00.000Z', + CategoryColor: '#1aaa55' + }, + { + Id: 14, + Subject: 'Aliens vs Humans', + Location: 'Research Center of USA', + StartTime: '2021-01-05T04:30:00.000Z', + EndTime: '2021-01-05T06:00:00.000Z', + CategoryColor: '#357cd2' + }, + { + Id: 15, + Subject: 'Facts of Humming Birds', + Location: 'California', + StartTime: '2021-01-19T04:00:00.000Z', + EndTime: '2021-01-19T05:30:00.000Z', + CategoryColor: '#7fa900' + }, + { + Id: 16, + Subject: 'Sky Gazers', + Location: 'Alaska', + StartTime: '2021-01-22T05:30:00.000Z', + EndTime: '2021-01-22T07:30:00.000Z', + CategoryColor: '#ea7a57' + }, + { + Id: 17, + Subject: 'The Cycle of Seasons', + Location: 'Research Center of USA', + StartTime: '2021-01-11T00:00:00.000Z', + EndTime: '2021-01-11T02:00:00.000Z', + CategoryColor: '#00bdae' + }, + { + Id: 18, + Subject: 'Space Galaxies and Planets', + Location: 'Space Center USA', + StartTime: '2021-01-11T11:30:00.000Z', + EndTime: '2021-01-11T13:00:00.000Z', + CategoryColor: '#f57f17' + }, + { + Id: 19, + Subject: 'Lifecycle of Bumblebee', + Location: 'San Fransisco', + StartTime: '2021-01-14T00:30:00.000Z', + EndTime: '2021-01-14T02:00:00.000Z', + CategoryColor: '#7fa900' + }, + { + Id: 20, + Subject: 'Alien Civilization', + Location: 'Space Center USA', + StartTime: '2021-01-14T10:30:00.000Z', + EndTime: '2021-01-14T12:30:00.000Z', + CategoryColor: '#ea7a57' + }, + { + Id: 21, + Subject: 'Alien Civilization', + Location: 'Space Center USA', + StartTime: '2021-01-10T08:30:00.000Z', + EndTime: '2021-01-10T10:30:00.000Z', + CategoryColor: '#ea7a57' + }, + { + Id: 22, + Subject: 'The Cycle of Seasons', + Location: 'Research Center of USA', + StartTime: '2021-01-12T09:00:00.000Z', + EndTime: '2021-01-12T10:30:00.000Z', + CategoryColor: '#00bdae' + }, + { + Id: 23, + Subject: 'Sky Gazers', + Location: 'Greenland', + StartTime: '2021-01-15T09:00:00.000Z', + EndTime: '2021-01-15T10:30:00.000Z', + CategoryColor: '#ea7a57' + }, + { + Id: 24, + Subject: 'Facts of Humming Birds', + Location: 'California', + StartTime: '2021-01-16T07:00:00.000Z', + EndTime: '2021-01-16T09:00:00.000Z', + CategoryColor: '#7fa900' + } +] + +export const lineChartData = [ + [ + { x: new Date(2005, 0, 1), y: 21 }, + { x: new Date(2006, 0, 1), y: 24 }, + { x: new Date(2007, 0, 1), y: 36 }, + { x: new Date(2008, 0, 1), y: 38 }, + { x: new Date(2009, 0, 1), y: 54 }, + { x: new Date(2010, 0, 1), y: 57 }, + { x: new Date(2011, 0, 1), y: 70 } + ], + [ + { x: new Date(2005, 0, 1), y: 28 }, + { x: new Date(2006, 0, 1), y: 44 }, + { x: new Date(2007, 0, 1), y: 48 }, + { x: new Date(2008, 0, 1), y: 50 }, + { x: new Date(2009, 0, 1), y: 66 }, + { x: new Date(2010, 0, 1), y: 78 }, + { x: new Date(2011, 0, 1), y: 84 } + ], + + [ + { x: new Date(2005, 0, 1), y: 10 }, + { x: new Date(2006, 0, 1), y: 20 }, + { x: new Date(2007, 0, 1), y: 30 }, + { x: new Date(2008, 0, 1), y: 39 }, + { x: new Date(2009, 0, 1), y: 50 }, + { x: new Date(2010, 0, 1), y: 70 }, + { x: new Date(2011, 0, 1), y: 100 } + ] +] +export const dropdownData = [ + { + Id: '1', + Time: 'March 2021' + }, + { + Id: '2', + Time: 'April 2021' + }, + { + Id: '3', + Time: 'May 2021' + } +] +export const SparklineAreaData = [ + { x: 1, yval: 2 }, + { x: 2, yval: 6 }, + { x: 3, yval: 8 }, + { x: 4, yval: 5 }, + { x: 5, yval: 10 } +] + +export const lineCustomSeries = [ + { dataSource: lineChartData[0], xName: 'x', yName: 'y', name: 'Germany', width: '2', marker: { visible: true, width: 10, height: 10 }, type: 'Line' }, + + { dataSource: lineChartData[1], xName: 'x', yName: 'y', name: 'England', width: '2', marker: { visible: true, width: 10, height: 10 }, type: 'Line' }, + + { dataSource: lineChartData[2], xName: 'x', yName: 'y', name: 'India', width: '2', marker: { visible: true, width: 10, height: 10 }, type: 'Line' } +] + +export const pieChartData = [ + { x: 'Labour', y: 18, text: '18%' }, + { x: 'Legal', y: 8, text: '8%' }, + { x: 'Production', y: 15, text: '15%' }, + { x: 'License', y: 11, text: '11%' }, + { x: 'Facilities', y: 18, text: '18%' }, + { x: 'Taxes', y: 14, text: '14%' }, + { x: 'Insurance', y: 16, text: '16%' } +] + +export const contextMenuItems = ['AutoFit', 'AutoFitAll', 'SortAscending', 'SortDescending', 'Copy', 'Edit', 'Delete', 'Save', 'Cancel', 'PdfExport', 'ExcelExport', 'CsvExport', 'FirstPage', 'PrevPage', 'LastPage', 'NextPage'] + +export const ecomPieChartData = [ + { x: '2018', y: 18, text: '35%' }, + { x: '2019', y: 18, text: '15%' }, + { x: '2020', y: 18, text: '25%' }, + { x: '2021', y: 18, text: '25%' } +] + +export const stackedChartData = [ + [ + { x: 'Jan', y: 111.1 }, + { x: 'Feb', y: 127.3 }, + { x: 'Mar', y: 143.4 }, + { x: 'Apr', y: 159.9 }, + { x: 'May', y: 159.9 }, + { x: 'Jun', y: 159.9 }, + { x: 'July', y: 159.9 } + ], + [ + { x: 'Jan', y: 111.1 }, + { x: 'Feb', y: 127.3 }, + { x: 'Mar', y: 143.4 }, + { x: 'Apr', y: 159.9 }, + { x: 'May', y: 159.9 }, + { x: 'Jun', y: 159.9 }, + { x: 'July', y: 159.9 } + ] +] + +export const stackedCustomSeries = [ + { dataSource: stackedChartData[0], xName: 'x', yName: 'y', name: 'Budget', type: 'StackingColumn', background: 'blue' }, + + { dataSource: stackedChartData[1], xName: 'x', yName: 'y', name: 'Expense', type: 'StackingColumn', background: 'red' } +] + +export const stackedPrimaryXAxis = { + majorGridLines: { width: 0 }, + minorGridLines: { width: 0 }, + majorTickLines: { width: 0 }, + minorTickLines: { width: 0 }, + interval: 1, + lineStyle: { width: 0 }, + labelIntersectAction: 'Rotate45', + valueType: 'Category' +} + +export const stackedPrimaryYAxis = { + lineStyle: { width: 0 }, + minimum: 100, + maximum: 400, + interval: 100, + majorTickLines: { width: 0 }, + majorGridLines: { width: 1 }, + minorGridLines: { width: 1 }, + minorTickLines: { width: 0 }, + labelFormat: '{value}' +} + +export const kanbanData = [ + { + Id: 'Task 1', + Title: 'Task - 29001', + Status: 'Open', + Summary: 'Analyze the new requirements gathered from the customer.', + Type: 'Story', + Priority: 'Low', + Tags: 'Analyze,Customer', + Estimate: 3.5, + Assignee: 'Nancy Davloio', + RankId: 1, + Color: '#02897B', + ClassName: 'e-story, e-low, e-nancy-davloio' + }, + { + Id: 'Task 2', + Title: 'Task - 29002', + Status: 'InProgress', + Summary: 'Improve application performance', + Type: 'Improvement', + Priority: 'Normal', + Tags: 'Improvement', + Estimate: 6, + Assignee: 'Andrew Fuller', + RankId: 1, + Color: '#673AB8', + ClassName: 'e-improvement, e-normal, e-andrew-fuller' + }, + { + Id: 'Task 3', + Title: 'Task - 29003', + Status: 'Open', + Summary: 'Arrange a web meeting with the customer to get new requirements.', + Type: 'Others', + Priority: 'Critical', + Tags: 'Meeting', + Estimate: 5.5, + Assignee: 'Janet Leverling', + RankId: 2, + Color: '#1F88E5', + ClassName: 'e-others, e-critical, e-janet-leverling' + }, + { + Id: 'Task 4', + Title: 'Task - 29004', + Status: 'InProgress', + Summary: 'Fix the issues reported in the IE browser.', + Type: 'Bug', + Priority: 'Critical', + Tags: 'IE', + Estimate: 2.5, + Assignee: 'Janet Leverling', + RankId: 2, + Color: '#E64A19', + ClassName: 'e-bug, e-release, e-janet-leverling' + }, + { + Id: 'Task 5', + Title: 'Task - 29005', + Status: 'Review', + Summary: 'Fix the issues reported by the customer.', + Type: 'Bug', + Priority: 'Low', + Tags: 'Customer', + Estimate: '3.5', + Assignee: 'Steven walker', + RankId: 1, + Color: '#E64A19', + ClassName: 'e-bug, e-low, e-steven-walker' + }, + { + Id: 'Task 6', + Title: 'Task - 29007', + Status: 'Validate', + Summary: 'Validate new requirements', + Type: 'Improvement', + Priority: 'Low', + Tags: 'Validation', + Estimate: 1.5, + Assignee: 'Robert King', + RankId: 1, + Color: '#673AB8', + ClassName: 'e-improvement, e-low, e-robert-king' + }, + { + Id: 'Task 7', + Title: 'Task - 29009', + Status: 'Review', + Summary: 'Fix the issues reported in Safari browser.', + Type: 'Bug', + Priority: 'Critical', + Tags: 'Fix,Safari', + Estimate: 1.5, + Assignee: 'Nancy Davloio', + RankId: 2, + Color: '#E64A19', + ClassName: 'e-bug, e-release, e-nancy-davloio' + }, + { + Id: 'Task 8', + Title: 'Task - 29010', + Status: 'Close', + Summary: 'Test the application in the IE browser.', + Type: 'Story', + Priority: 'Low', + Tags: 'Review,IE', + Estimate: 5.5, + Assignee: 'Margaret hamilt', + RankId: 3, + Color: '#02897B', + ClassName: 'e-story, e-low, e-margaret-hamilt' + }, + { + Id: 'Task 9', + Title: 'Task - 29011', + Status: 'Validate', + Summary: 'Validate the issues reported by the customer.', + Type: 'Story', + Priority: 'High', + Tags: 'Validation,Fix', + Estimate: 1, + Assignee: 'Steven walker', + RankId: 1, + Color: '#02897B', + ClassName: 'e-story, e-high, e-steven-walker' + }, + { + Id: 'Task 10', + Title: 'Task - 29015', + Status: 'Open', + Summary: 'Show the retrieved data from the server in grid control.', + Type: 'Story', + Priority: 'High', + Tags: 'Database,SQL', + Estimate: 5.5, + Assignee: 'Margaret hamilt', + RankId: 4, + Color: '#02897B', + ClassName: 'e-story, e-high, e-margaret-hamilt' + }, + { + Id: 'Task 11', + Title: 'Task - 29016', + Status: 'InProgress', + Summary: 'Fix cannot open user’s default database SQL error.', + Priority: 'Critical', + Type: 'Bug', + Tags: 'Database,Sql2008', + Estimate: 2.5, + Assignee: 'Janet Leverling', + RankId: 4, + Color: '#E64A19', + ClassName: 'e-bug, e-critical, e-janet-leverling' + }, + { + Id: 'Task 12', + Title: 'Task - 29017', + Status: 'Review', + Summary: 'Fix the issues reported in data binding.', + Type: 'Story', + Priority: 'Normal', + Tags: 'Databinding', + Estimate: '3.5', + Assignee: 'Janet Leverling', + RankId: 4, + Color: '#02897B', + ClassName: 'e-story, e-normal, e-janet-leverling' + }, + { + Id: 'Task 13', + Title: 'Task - 29018', + Status: 'Close', + Summary: 'Analyze SQL server 2008 connection.', + Type: 'Story', + Priority: 'Critical', + Tags: 'Grid,Sql', + Estimate: 2, + Assignee: 'Andrew Fuller', + RankId: 4, + Color: '#02897B', + ClassName: 'e-story, e-release, e-andrew-fuller' + }, + { + Id: 'Task 14', + Title: 'Task - 29019', + Status: 'Validate', + Summary: 'Validate databinding issues.', + Type: 'Story', + Priority: 'Low', + Tags: 'Validation', + Estimate: 1.5, + Assignee: 'Margaret hamilt', + RankId: 1, + Color: '#02897B', + ClassName: 'e-story, e-low, e-margaret-hamilt' + }, + { + Id: 'Task 15', + Title: 'Task - 29020', + Status: 'Close', + Summary: 'Analyze grid control.', + Type: 'Story', + Priority: 'High', + Tags: 'Analyze', + Estimate: 2.5, + Assignee: 'Margaret hamilt', + RankId: 5, + Color: '#02897B', + ClassName: 'e-story, e-high, e-margaret-hamilt' + }, + { + Id: 'Task 16', + Title: 'Task - 29021', + Status: 'Close', + Summary: 'Stored procedure for initial data binding of the grid.', + Type: 'Others', + Priority: 'Critical', + Tags: 'Databinding', + Estimate: 1.5, + Assignee: 'Steven walker', + RankId: 6, + Color: '#1F88E5', + ClassName: 'e-others, e-release, e-steven-walker' + }, + { + Id: 'Task 17', + Title: 'Task - 29022', + Status: 'Close', + Summary: 'Analyze stored procedures.', + Type: 'Story', + Priority: 'Critical', + Tags: 'Procedures', + Estimate: 5.5, + Assignee: 'Janet Leverling', + RankId: 7, + Color: '#02897B', + ClassName: 'e-story, e-release, e-janet-leverling' + }, + { + Id: 'Task 18', + Title: 'Task - 29023', + Status: 'Validate', + Summary: 'Validate editing issues.', + Type: 'Story', + Priority: 'Critical', + Tags: 'Editing', + Estimate: 1, + Assignee: 'Nancy Davloio', + RankId: 1, + Color: '#02897B', + ClassName: 'e-story, e-critical, e-nancy-davloio' + }, + { + Id: 'Task 19', + Title: 'Task - 29024', + Status: 'Review', + Summary: 'Test editing functionality.', + Type: 'Story', + Priority: 'Normal', + Tags: 'Editing,Test', + Estimate: 0.5, + Assignee: 'Nancy Davloio', + RankId: 5, + Color: '#02897B', + ClassName: 'e-story, e-normal, e-nancy-davloio' + }, + { + Id: 'Task 20', + Title: 'Task - 29025', + Status: 'Open', + Summary: 'Enhance editing functionality.', + Type: 'Improvement', + Priority: 'Low', + Tags: 'Editing', + Estimate: 3.5, + Assignee: 'Andrew Fuller', + RankId: 5, + Color: '#673AB8', + ClassName: 'e-improvement, e-low, e-andrew-fuller' + }, + { + Id: 'Task 21', + Title: 'Task - 29026', + Status: 'InProgress', + Summary: 'Improve the performance of the editing functionality.', + Type: 'Epic', + Priority: 'High', + Tags: 'Performance', + Estimate: 6, + Assignee: 'Nancy Davloio', + RankId: 5, + Color: '#e91e64', + ClassName: 'e-epic, e-high, e-nancy-davloio' + }, + { + Id: 'Task 22', + Title: 'Task - 29027', + Status: 'Open', + Summary: 'Arrange web meeting with the customer to show editing demo.', + Type: 'Others', + Priority: 'High', + Tags: 'Meeting,Editing', + Estimate: 5.5, + Assignee: 'Steven walker', + RankId: 6, + Color: '#1F88E5', + ClassName: 'e-others, e-high, e-steven-walker' + }, + { + Id: 'Task 23', + Title: 'Task - 29029', + Status: 'Review', + Summary: 'Fix the editing issues reported by the customer.', + Type: 'Bug', + Priority: 'Low', + Tags: 'Editing,Fix', + Estimate: '3.5', + Assignee: 'Janet Leverling', + RankId: 6, + Color: '#E64A19', + ClassName: 'e-bug, e-low, e-janet-leverling' + }, + { + Id: 'Task 24', + Title: 'Task - 29030', + Status: 'Testing', + Summary: 'Fix the issues reported by the customer.', + Type: 'Bug', + Priority: 'Critical', + Tags: 'Customer', + Estimate: '3.5', + Assignee: 'Steven walker', + RankId: 1, + Color: '#E64A19', + ClassName: 'e-bug, e-critical, e-steven-walker' + }, + { + Id: 'Task 25', + Title: 'Task - 29031', + Status: 'Testing', + Summary: 'Fix the issues reported in Safari browser.', + Type: 'Bug', + Priority: 'Critical', + Tags: 'Fix,Safari', + Estimate: 1.5, + Assignee: 'Nancy Davloio', + RankId: 2, + Color: '#E64A19', + ClassName: 'e-bug, e-release, e-nancy-davloio' + } +] + +export const financialChartData = [ + { + x: new Date('2012-04-02'), + open: 85.9757, + high: 90.6657, + low: 85.7685, + close: 90.5257, + volume: 660187068 + }, + { + x: new Date('2012-04-09'), + open: 89.4471, + high: 92, + low: 86.2157, + close: 86.4614, + volume: 912634864 + }, + { + x: new Date('2012-04-16'), + open: 87.1514, + high: 88.6071, + low: 81.4885, + close: 81.8543, + volume: 1221746066 + }, + { + x: new Date('2012-04-23'), + open: 81.5157, + high: 88.2857, + low: 79.2857, + close: 86.1428, + volume: 965935749 + }, + { + x: new Date('2012-04-30'), + open: 85.4, + high: 85.4857, + low: 80.7385, + close: 80.75, + volume: 615249365 + }, + { + x: new Date('2012-05-07'), + open: 80.2143, + high: 82.2685, + low: 79.8185, + close: 80.9585, + volume: 541742692 + }, + { + x: new Date('2012-05-14'), + open: 80.3671, + high: 81.0728, + low: 74.5971, + close: 75.7685, + volume: 708126233 + }, + { + x: new Date('2012-05-21'), + open: 76.3571, + high: 82.3571, + low: 76.2928, + close: 80.3271, + volume: 682076215 + }, + { + x: new Date('2012-05-28'), + open: 81.5571, + high: 83.0714, + low: 80.0743, + close: 80.1414, + volume: 480059584 + }, + { + x: new Date('2012-06-04'), + open: 80.2143, + high: 82.9405, + low: 78.3571, + close: 82.9028, + volume: 517577005 + }, + { + x: new Date('2012-06-11'), + open: 83.96, + high: 84.0714, + low: 80.9571, + close: 82.0185, + volume: 499693120 + }, + { + x: new Date('2012-06-18'), + open: 81.5657, + high: 84.2857, + low: 81.4814, + close: 83.1571, + volume: 442172142 + }, + { + x: new Date('2012-06-25'), + open: 82.4714, + high: 83.4285, + low: 80.8014, + close: 83.4285, + volume: 371529102 + }, + { + x: new Date('2012-07-02'), + open: 83.5328, + high: 87.7628, + low: 83.3714, + close: 86.5543, + volume: 385906790 + }, + { + x: new Date('2012-07-09'), + open: 86.4714, + high: 88.5528, + low: 84.6685, + close: 86.4243, + volume: 524235196 + }, + { + x: new Date('2012-07-16'), + open: 86.4457, + high: 87.9071, + low: 86.1643, + close: 86.3285, + volume: 419537217 + }, + { + x: new Date('2012-07-23'), + open: 84.9143, + high: 87.0971, + low: 81.4285, + close: 83.5943, + volume: 680773023 + }, + { + x: new Date('2012-07-30'), + open: 84.4171, + high: 88.2828, + low: 83.9743, + close: 87.9571, + volume: 475109323 + }, + { + x: new Date('2012-08-06'), + open: 88.1843, + high: 89.2857, + low: 87.8943, + close: 88.8143, + volume: 312826308 + }, + { + x: new Date('2012-08-13'), + open: 89.0557, + high: 92.5985, + low: 89.0357, + close: 92.5871, + volume: 392867193 + }, + { + x: new Date('2012-08-20'), + open: 92.8585, + high: 96.4114, + low: 92.5871, + close: 94.746, + volume: 708614692 + }, + { + x: new Date('2012-08-27'), + open: 97.1414, + high: 97.2671, + low: 93.8928, + close: 95.0343, + volume: 383807217 + }, + { + x: new Date('2012-09-03'), + open: 95.1085, + high: 97.4971, + low: 94.9285, + close: 97.2057, + volume: 355722047 + }, + { + x: new Date('2012-09-10'), + open: 97.2071, + high: 99.5685, + low: 93.7143, + close: 98.7543, + volume: 724042207 + }, + { + x: new Date('2012-09-17'), + open: 99.9071, + high: 100.7243, + low: 99.0885, + close: 100.0135, + volume: 500166040 + }, + { + x: new Date('2012-09-24'), + open: 98.1228, + high: 99.3028, + low: 94.3357, + close: 95.3007, + volume: 714507994 + }, + { + x: new Date('2012-10-01'), + open: 95.88, + high: 96.6785, + low: 92.95, + close: 93.2271, + volume: 638543622 + }, + { + x: new Date('2012-10-08'), + open: 92.4114, + high: 92.5085, + low: 89.0785, + close: 89.9591, + volume: 747127724 + }, + { + x: new Date('2012-10-15'), + open: 90.3357, + high: 93.2557, + low: 87.0885, + close: 87.12, + volume: 646996264 + }, + { + x: new Date('2012-10-22'), + open: 87.4885, + high: 90.7685, + low: 84.4285, + close: 86.2857, + volume: 866040680 + }, + { + x: new Date('2012-10-29'), + open: 84.9828, + high: 86.1428, + low: 82.1071, + close: 82.4, + volume: 367371310 + }, + { + x: new Date('2012-11-05'), + open: 83.3593, + high: 84.3914, + low: 76.2457, + close: 78.1514, + volume: 919719846 + }, + { + x: new Date('2012-11-12'), + open: 79.1643, + high: 79.2143, + low: 72.25, + close: 75.3825, + volume: 894382149 + }, + { + x: new Date('2012-11-19'), + open: 77.2443, + high: 81.7143, + low: 77.1257, + close: 81.6428, + volume: 527416747 + }, + { + x: new Date('2012-11-26'), + open: 82.2714, + high: 84.8928, + low: 81.7514, + close: 83.6114, + volume: 646467974 + }, + { + x: new Date('2012-12-03'), + open: 84.8071, + high: 84.9414, + low: 74.09, + close: 76.1785, + volume: 980096264 + }, + { + x: new Date('2012-12-10'), + open: 75, + high: 78.5085, + low: 72.2257, + close: 72.8277, + volume: 835016110 + }, + { + x: new Date('2012-12-17'), + open: 72.7043, + high: 76.4143, + low: 71.6043, + close: 74.19, + volume: 726150329 + }, + { + x: new Date('2012-12-24'), + open: 74.3357, + high: 74.8928, + low: 72.0943, + close: 72.7984, + volume: 321104733 + }, + { + x: new Date('2012-12-31'), + open: 72.9328, + high: 79.2857, + low: 72.7143, + close: 75.2857, + volume: 540854882 + }, + { + x: new Date('2013-01-07'), + open: 74.5714, + high: 75.9843, + low: 73.6, + close: 74.3285, + volume: 574594262 + }, + { + x: new Date('2013-01-14'), + open: 71.8114, + high: 72.9643, + low: 69.0543, + close: 71.4285, + volume: 803105621 + }, + { + x: new Date('2013-01-21'), + open: 72.08, + high: 73.57, + low: 62.1428, + close: 62.84, + volume: 971912560 + }, + { + x: new Date('2013-01-28'), + open: 62.5464, + high: 66.0857, + low: 62.2657, + close: 64.8028, + volume: 656549587 + }, + { + x: new Date('2013-02-04'), + open: 64.8443, + high: 68.4014, + low: 63.1428, + close: 67.8543, + volume: 743778993 + }, + { + x: new Date('2013-02-11'), + open: 68.0714, + high: 69.2771, + low: 65.7028, + close: 65.7371, + volume: 585292366 + }, + { + x: new Date('2013-02-18'), + open: 65.8714, + high: 66.1043, + low: 63.26, + close: 64.4014, + volume: 421766997 + }, + { + x: new Date('2013-02-25'), + open: 64.8357, + high: 65.0171, + low: 61.4257, + close: 61.4957, + volume: 582741215 + }, + { + x: new Date('2013-03-04'), + open: 61.1143, + high: 62.2043, + low: 59.8571, + close: 61.6743, + volume: 632856539 + }, + { + x: new Date('2013-03-11'), + open: 61.3928, + high: 63.4614, + low: 60.7343, + close: 63.38, + volume: 572066981 + }, + { + x: new Date('2013-03-18'), + open: 63.0643, + high: 66.0143, + low: 63.0286, + close: 65.9871, + volume: 552156035 + }, + { + x: new Date('2013-03-25'), + open: 66.3843, + high: 67.1357, + low: 63.0886, + close: 63.2371, + volume: 390762517 + }, + { + x: new Date('2013-04-01'), + open: 63.1286, + high: 63.3854, + low: 59.9543, + close: 60.4571, + volume: 505273732 + }, + { + x: new Date('2013-04-08'), + open: 60.6928, + high: 62.57, + low: 60.3557, + close: 61.4, + volume: 387323550 + }, + { + x: new Date('2013-04-15'), + open: 61, + high: 61.1271, + low: 55.0143, + close: 55.79, + volume: 709945604 + }, + { + x: new Date('2013-04-22'), + open: 56.0914, + high: 59.8241, + low: 55.8964, + close: 59.6007, + volume: 787007506 + }, + { + x: new Date('2013-04-29'), + open: 60.0643, + high: 64.7471, + low: 60, + close: 64.2828, + volume: 655020017 + }, + { + x: new Date('2013-05-06'), + open: 65.1014, + high: 66.5357, + low: 64.3543, + close: 64.71, + volume: 545488533 + }, + { + x: new Date('2013-05-13'), + open: 64.5014, + high: 65.4143, + low: 59.8428, + close: 61.8943, + volume: 633706550 + }, + { + x: new Date('2013-05-20'), + open: 61.7014, + high: 64.05, + low: 61.4428, + close: 63.5928, + volume: 494379068 + }, + { + x: new Date('2013-05-27'), + open: 64.2714, + high: 65.3, + low: 62.7714, + close: 64.2478, + volume: 362907830 + }, + { + x: new Date('2013-06-03'), + open: 64.39, + high: 64.9186, + low: 61.8243, + close: 63.1158, + volume: 443249793 + }, + { + x: new Date('2013-06-10'), + open: 63.5328, + high: 64.1541, + low: 61.2143, + close: 61.4357, + volume: 389680092 + }, + { + x: new Date('2013-06-17'), + open: 61.6343, + high: 62.2428, + low: 58.3, + close: 59.0714, + volume: 400384818 + }, + { + x: new Date('2013-06-24'), + open: 58.2, + high: 58.38, + low: 55.5528, + close: 56.6471, + volume: 519314826 + }, + { + x: new Date('2013-07-01'), + open: 57.5271, + high: 60.47, + low: 57.3171, + close: 59.6314, + volume: 343878841 + }, + { + x: new Date('2013-07-08'), + open: 60.0157, + high: 61.3986, + low: 58.6257, + close: 60.93, + volume: 384106977 + }, + { + x: new Date('2013-07-15'), + open: 60.7157, + high: 62.1243, + low: 60.5957, + close: 60.7071, + volume: 286035513 + }, + { + x: new Date('2013-07-22'), + open: 61.3514, + high: 63.5128, + low: 59.8157, + close: 62.9986, + volume: 395816827 + }, + { + x: new Date('2013-07-29'), + open: 62.9714, + high: 66.1214, + low: 62.8857, + close: 66.0771, + volume: 339668858 + }, + { + x: new Date('2013-08-05'), + open: 66.3843, + high: 67.4128, + low: 64.8071, + close: 64.9214, + volume: 368486781 + }, + { + x: new Date('2013-08-12'), + open: 65.2657, + high: 72.0357, + low: 65.2328, + close: 71.7614, + volume: 711563584 + }, + { + x: new Date('2013-08-19'), + open: 72.0485, + high: 73.3914, + low: 71.1714, + close: 71.5743, + volume: 417119660 + }, + { + x: new Date('2013-08-26'), + open: 71.5357, + high: 72.8857, + low: 69.4286, + close: 69.6023, + volume: 392805888 + }, + { + x: new Date('2013-09-02'), + open: 70.4428, + high: 71.7485, + low: 69.6214, + close: 71.1743, + volume: 317244380 + }, + { + x: new Date('2013-09-09'), + open: 72.1428, + high: 72.56, + low: 66.3857, + close: 66.4143, + volume: 669376320 + }, + { + x: new Date('2013-09-16'), + open: 65.8571, + high: 68.3643, + low: 63.8886, + close: 66.7728, + volume: 625142677 + }, + { + x: new Date('2013-09-23'), + open: 70.8714, + high: 70.9871, + low: 68.6743, + close: 68.9643, + volume: 475274537 + }, + { + x: new Date('2013-09-30'), + open: 68.1786, + high: 70.3357, + low: 67.773, + close: 69.0043, + volume: 368198906 + }, + { + x: new Date('2013-10-07'), + open: 69.5086, + high: 70.5486, + low: 68.3257, + close: 70.4017, + volume: 361437661 + }, + { + x: new Date('2013-10-14'), + open: 69.9757, + high: 72.7514, + low: 69.9071, + close: 72.6985, + volume: 342694379 + }, + { + x: new Date('2013-10-21'), + open: 73.11, + high: 76.1757, + low: 72.5757, + close: 75.1368, + volume: 490458997 + }, + { + x: new Date('2013-10-28'), + open: 75.5771, + high: 77.0357, + low: 73.5057, + close: 74.29, + volume: 508130174 + }, + { + x: new Date('2013-11-04'), + open: 74.4428, + high: 75.555, + low: 73.1971, + close: 74.3657, + volume: 318132218 + }, + { + x: new Date('2013-11-11'), + open: 74.2843, + high: 75.6114, + low: 73.4871, + close: 74.9987, + volume: 306711021 + }, + { + x: new Date('2013-11-18'), + open: 74.9985, + high: 75.3128, + low: 73.3814, + close: 74.2571, + volume: 282778778 + }, + { + x: new Date('2013-11-25'), + open: 74.4314, + high: 79.7614, + low: 74.4285, + close: 79.4385, + volume: 327405302 + }, + { + x: new Date('2013-12-02'), + open: 79.7143, + high: 82.1622, + low: 78.6885, + close: 80.0028, + volume: 522055676 + }, + { + x: new Date('2013-12-09'), + open: 80.1286, + high: 81.5671, + low: 79.0957, + close: 79.2043, + volume: 387271099 + }, + { + x: new Date('2013-12-16'), + open: 79.2885, + high: 80.377, + low: 76.9714, + close: 78.4314, + volume: 457580848 + }, + { + x: new Date('2013-12-23'), + open: 81.1428, + high: 81.6971, + low: 79.9285, + close: 80.0128, + volume: 274253503 + }, + { + x: new Date('2013-12-30'), + open: 79.6371, + high: 80.1828, + low: 77.2043, + close: 77.2828, + volume: 275734934 + }, + { + x: new Date('2014-01-06'), + open: 76.7785, + high: 78.1228, + low: 75.8728, + close: 76.1343, + volume: 393462075 + }, + { + x: new Date('2014-01-13'), + open: 75.7014, + high: 80.0285, + low: 75.6971, + close: 77.2385, + volume: 439557459 + }, + { + x: new Date('2014-01-20'), + open: 77.2843, + high: 79.6128, + low: 77.2028, + close: 78.01, + volume: 385585525 + }, + { + x: new Date('2014-01-27'), + open: 78.5814, + high: 79.2571, + low: 70.5071, + close: 71.5143, + volume: 813702575 + }, + { + x: new Date('2014-02-03'), + open: 71.8014, + high: 74.7042, + low: 71.3286, + close: 74.24, + volume: 434447570 + }, + { + x: new Date('2014-02-10'), + open: 74.0943, + high: 77.9971, + low: 74, + close: 77.7128, + volume: 379011880 + }, + { + x: new Date('2014-02-17'), + open: 78, + high: 78.7414, + low: 74.9428, + close: 75.0357, + volume: 289609443 + }, + { + x: new Date('2014-02-24'), + open: 74.7357, + high: 76.1071, + low: 73.6571, + close: 75.1771, + volume: 367569649 + }, + { + x: new Date('2014-03-03'), + open: 74.7743, + high: 76.3928, + low: 74.6871, + close: 75.7771, + volume: 275972640 + }, + { + x: new Date('2014-03-10'), + open: 75.48, + high: 77.0943, + low: 74.7143, + close: 74.9557, + volume: 287729528 + }, + { + x: new Date('2014-03-17'), + open: 75.3857, + high: 76.6057, + low: 75.0286, + close: 76.1243, + volume: 303531061 + }, + { + x: new Date('2014-03-24'), + open: 76.9171, + high: 78.4285, + low: 76.3214, + close: 76.6943, + volume: 338387221 + }, + { + x: new Date('2014-03-31'), + open: 77.0328, + high: 77.64, + low: 75.7971, + close: 75.9743, + volume: 245749459 + }, + { + x: new Date('2014-04-07'), + open: 75.4314, + high: 76.0343, + low: 73.8771, + close: 74.23, + volume: 312008139 + }, + { + x: new Date('2014-04-14'), + open: 74.5571, + high: 75.3943, + low: 73.0471, + close: 74.9914, + volume: 241209047 + }, + { + x: new Date('2014-04-21'), + open: 75.0485, + high: 81.7128, + low: 74.8514, + close: 81.7057, + volume: 476651465 + }, + { + x: new Date('2014-04-28'), + open: 81.8285, + high: 85.6328, + low: 81.7928, + close: 84.6543, + volume: 473712709 + }, + { + x: new Date('2014-05-05'), + open: 84.3057, + high: 86.3442, + low: 82.9043, + close: 83.6489, + volume: 365535013 + }, + { + x: new Date('2014-05-12'), + open: 83.9271, + high: 85.3614, + low: 83.6285, + close: 85.3585, + volume: 260931637 + }, + { + x: new Date('2014-05-19'), + open: 85.4071, + high: 87.8184, + low: 85.3328, + close: 87.7328, + volume: 294298274 + }, + { + x: new Date('2014-05-26'), + open: 87.9828, + high: 92.0243, + low: 87.9471, + close: 90.4285, + volume: 400232120 + }, + { + x: new Date('2014-06-02'), + open: 90.5657, + high: 93.0371, + low: 88.9285, + close: 92.2243, + volume: 412158024 + }, + { + x: new Date('2014-06-09'), + open: 92.7, + high: 95.05, + low: 90.88, + close: 91.28, + volume: 292422550 + }, + { + x: new Date('2014-06-16'), + open: 91.51, + high: 92.75, + low: 90.9, + close: 90.91, + volume: 234325480 + }, + { + x: new Date('2014-06-23'), + open: 91.32, + high: 92, + low: 89.65, + close: 91.98, + volume: 213712160 + }, + { + x: new Date('2014-06-30'), + open: 92.1, + high: 94.1, + low: 92.09, + close: 94.03, + volume: 138936570 + }, + { + x: new Date('2014-07-07'), + open: 94.14, + high: 96.8, + low: 93.52, + close: 95.22, + volume: 229782440 + }, + { + x: new Date('2014-07-14'), + open: 95.86, + high: 97.1, + low: 92.57, + close: 94.43, + volume: 248104390 + }, + { + x: new Date('2014-07-21'), + open: 94.99, + high: 97.88, + low: 93.72, + close: 97.671, + volume: 273021350 + }, + { + x: new Date('2014-07-28'), + open: 97.82, + high: 99.44, + low: 94.81, + close: 96.13, + volume: 235868530 + }, + { + x: new Date('2014-08-04'), + open: 96.37, + high: 96.58, + low: 93.28, + close: 94.74, + volume: 222522120 + }, + { + x: new Date('2014-08-11'), + open: 95.27, + high: 98.19, + low: 94.8355, + close: 97.98, + volume: 178806580 + }, + { + x: new Date('2014-08-18'), + open: 98.49, + high: 101.47, + low: 97.98, + close: 101.32, + volume: 246446280 + }, + { + x: new Date('2014-08-25'), + open: 101.79, + high: 102.9, + low: 100.7, + close: 102.5, + volume: 232858250 + }, + { + x: new Date('2014-09-01'), + open: 103.06, + high: 103.74, + low: 97.79, + close: 98.97, + volume: 322045910 + }, + { + x: new Date('2014-09-08'), + open: 99.3, + high: 103.08, + low: 96.14, + close: 101.66, + volume: 460851840 + }, + { + x: new Date('2014-09-15'), + open: 102.81, + high: 103.05, + low: 98.89, + close: 100.96, + volume: 296425730 + }, + { + x: new Date('2014-09-22'), + open: 101.8, + high: 102.94, + low: 97.72, + close: 100.75, + volume: 337617850 + }, + { + x: new Date('2014-09-29'), + open: 98.65, + high: 101.54, + low: 98.04, + close: 99.62, + volume: 246900230 + }, + { + x: new Date('2014-10-06'), + open: 99.95, + high: 102.38, + low: 98.31, + close: 100.73, + volume: 279646740 + }, + { + x: new Date('2014-10-13'), + open: 101.33, + high: 101.78, + low: 95.18, + close: 97.67, + volume: 356408760 + }, + { + x: new Date('2014-10-20'), + open: 98.315, + high: 105.49, + low: 98.22, + close: 105.22, + volume: 355329760 + }, + { + x: new Date('2014-10-27'), + open: 104.85, + high: 108.04, + low: 104.7, + close: 108, + volume: 219443560 + }, + { + x: new Date('2014-11-03'), + open: 108.22, + high: 110.3, + low: 107.72, + close: 109.01, + volume: 199332700 + }, + { + x: new Date('2014-11-10'), + open: 109.02, + high: 114.19, + low: 108.4, + close: 114.18, + volume: 203976340 + }, + { + x: new Date('2014-11-17'), + open: 114.27, + high: 117.57, + low: 113.3, + close: 116.47, + volume: 232574480 + }, + { + x: new Date('2014-11-24'), + open: 116.85, + high: 119.75, + low: 116.62, + close: 118.93, + volume: 181158620 + }, + { + x: new Date('2014-12-01'), + open: 118.81, + high: 119.25, + low: 111.27, + close: 115, + volume: 266118290 + }, + { + x: new Date('2014-12-08'), + open: 114.1, + high: 114.85, + low: 109.35, + close: 109.73, + volume: 259311140 + }, + { + x: new Date('2014-12-15'), + open: 110.7, + high: 113.24, + low: 106.26, + close: 111.78, + volume: 326382400 + }, + { + x: new Date('2014-12-22'), + open: 112.16, + high: 114.52, + low: 111.97, + close: 113.99, + volume: 119248900 + }, + { + x: new Date('2014-12-29'), + open: 113.79, + high: 114.77, + low: 107.35, + close: 109.33, + volume: 151780640 + }, + { + x: new Date('2015-01-05'), + open: 108.29, + high: 113.25, + low: 104.63, + close: 112.01, + volume: 282690970 + }, + { + x: new Date('2015-01-12'), + open: 112.6, + high: 112.8, + low: 105.2, + close: 105.99, + volume: 303531140 + }, + { + x: new Date('2015-01-19'), + open: 107.84, + high: 113.75, + low: 106.5, + close: 112.98, + volume: 198362640 + }, + { + x: new Date('2015-01-26'), + open: 113.74, + high: 120, + low: 109.03, + close: 117.16, + volume: 461747290 + }, + { + x: new Date('2015-02-02'), + open: 118.05, + high: 120.51, + low: 116.08, + close: 118.93, + volume: 270190470 + }, + { + x: new Date('2015-02-09'), + open: 118.55, + high: 127.48, + low: 118.43, + close: 127.08, + volume: 301354470 + }, + { + x: new Date('2015-02-16'), + open: 127.49, + high: 129.5, + low: 126.92, + close: 129.495, + volume: 193883960 + }, + { + x: new Date('2015-02-23'), + open: 130.02, + high: 133.6, + low: 126.61, + close: 128.46, + volume: 369856960 + }, + { + x: new Date('2015-03-02'), + open: 129.25, + high: 130.28, + low: 125.76, + close: 126.6, + volume: 246472020 + }, + { + x: new Date('2015-03-09'), + open: 127.96, + high: 129.57, + low: 121.63, + close: 123.59, + volume: 325921230 + }, + { + x: new Date('2015-03-16'), + open: 123.88, + high: 129.2451, + low: 122.87, + close: 125.9, + volume: 266016400 + }, + { + x: new Date('2015-03-23'), + open: 127.12, + high: 128.04, + low: 122.6, + close: 123.25, + volume: 208731730 + }, + { + x: new Date('2015-03-30'), + open: 124.05, + high: 126.49, + low: 123.1, + close: 125.32, + volume: 161628950 + }, + { + x: new Date('2015-04-06'), + open: 124.47, + high: 128.1218, + low: 124.33, + close: 127.1, + volume: 181454510 + }, + { + x: new Date('2015-04-13'), + open: 128.37, + high: 128.57, + low: 124.46, + close: 124.75, + volume: 170090870 + }, + { + x: new Date('2015-04-20'), + open: 125.57, + high: 130.63, + low: 125.17, + close: 130.28, + volume: 206698310 + }, + { + x: new Date('2015-04-27'), + open: 132.31, + high: 134.54, + low: 124.58, + close: 128.95, + volume: 417115180 + }, + { + x: new Date('2015-05-04'), + open: 129.5, + high: 130.57, + low: 123.36, + close: 127.62, + volume: 270197900 + }, + { + x: new Date('2015-05-11'), + open: 127.39, + high: 129.49, + low: 124.82, + close: 128.77, + volume: 207858180 + }, + { + x: new Date('2015-05-18'), + open: 128.38, + high: 132.97, + low: 128.36, + close: 132.54, + volume: 216438970 + }, + { + x: new Date('2015-05-25'), + open: 132.6, + high: 132.91, + low: 129.12, + close: 130.28, + volume: 197468800 + }, + { + x: new Date('2015-06-01'), + open: 131.2, + high: 131.39, + low: 128.36, + close: 128.65, + volume: 170465550 + }, + { + x: new Date('2015-06-08'), + open: 128.9, + high: 130.18, + low: 125.62, + close: 127.17, + volume: 219812710 + }, + { + x: new Date('2015-06-15'), + open: 126.1, + high: 128.31, + low: 125.71, + close: 126.6, + volume: 197925030 + }, + { + x: new Date('2015-06-22'), + open: 127.49, + high: 129.8, + low: 126.51, + close: 126.75, + volume: 195104520 + }, + { + x: new Date('2015-06-29'), + open: 125.46, + high: 126.94, + low: 124.48, + close: 126.44, + volume: 150747530 + }, + { + x: new Date('2015-07-06'), + open: 124.94, + high: 126.23, + low: 119.22, + close: 123.28, + volume: 274904180 + }, + { + x: new Date('2015-07-13'), + open: 125.03, + high: 129.62, + low: 124.32, + close: 129.62, + volume: 188579340 + }, + { + x: new Date('2015-07-20'), + open: 130.97, + high: 132.97, + low: 121.99, + close: 124.5, + volume: 336423370 + }, + { + x: new Date('2015-07-27'), + open: 123.09, + high: 123.91, + low: 120.91, + close: 121.3, + volume: 191087840 + }, + { + x: new Date('2015-08-03'), + open: 121.5, + high: 122.57, + low: 112.1, + close: 115.52, + volume: 383883210 + }, + { + x: new Date('2015-08-10'), + open: 116.53, + high: 119.99, + low: 109.63, + close: 115.96, + volume: 344549090 + }, + { + x: new Date('2015-08-17'), + open: 116.04, + high: 117.65, + low: 105.645, + close: 105.76, + volume: 318855760 + }, + { + x: new Date('2015-08-24'), + open: 110.87, + high: 113.31, + low: 102.6, + close: 113.29, + volume: 498047270 + }, + { + x: new Date('2015-08-31'), + open: 112.03, + high: 114.53, + low: 107.36, + close: 109.27, + volume: 297402060 + }, + { + x: new Date('2015-09-07'), + open: 111.65, + high: 114.21, + low: 109.77, + close: 114.21, + volume: 251859600 + }, + { + x: new Date('2015-09-14'), + open: 116.58, + high: 116.89, + low: 111.87, + close: 113.45, + volume: 276281980 + }, + { + x: new Date('2015-09-21'), + open: 113.67, + high: 116.69, + low: 112.37, + close: 114.71, + volume: 238617740 + }, + { + x: new Date('2015-09-28'), + open: 113.85, + high: 114.57, + low: 107.31, + close: 110.38, + volume: 313017610 + }, + { + x: new Date('2015-10-05'), + open: 109.88, + high: 112.28, + low: 108.21, + close: 112.12, + volume: 261920950 + }, + { + x: new Date('2015-10-12'), + open: 112.73, + high: 112.75, + low: 109.56, + close: 111.04, + volume: 184208970 + }, + { + x: new Date('2015-10-19'), + open: 110.8, + high: 119.228, + low: 110.11, + close: 119.08, + volume: 221612230 + }, + { + x: new Date('2015-10-26'), + open: 118.08, + high: 121.22, + low: 113.99, + close: 119.5, + volume: 319660750 + }, + { + x: new Date('2015-11-02'), + open: 119.87, + high: 123.82, + low: 119.61, + close: 121.06, + volume: 194953700 + }, + { + x: new Date('2015-11-09'), + open: 120.96, + high: 121.81, + low: 112.27, + close: 112.34, + volume: 216054740 + }, + { + x: new Date('2015-11-16'), + open: 111.38, + high: 119.92, + low: 111, + close: 119.3, + volume: 189492500 + }, + { + x: new Date('2015-11-23'), + open: 119.27, + high: 119.73, + low: 117.12, + close: 117.81, + volume: 109582040 + }, + { + x: new Date('2015-11-30'), + open: 117.99, + high: 119.41, + low: 114.22, + close: 119.03, + volume: 205415620 + }, + { + x: new Date('2015-12-07'), + open: 118.98, + high: 119.86, + low: 112.851, + close: 113.18, + volume: 188609110 + }, + { + x: new Date('2015-12-14'), + open: 112.18, + high: 112.8, + low: 105.81, + close: 106.03, + volume: 314856190 + }, + { + x: new Date('2015-12-21'), + open: 107.28, + high: 109, + low: 105.57, + close: 108.03, + volume: 126450510 + }, + { + x: new Date('2015-12-28'), + open: 107.59, + high: 109.43, + low: 104.82, + close: 105.26, + volume: 123621760 + }, + { + x: new Date('2016-01-04'), + open: 102.61, + high: 105.85, + low: 96.43, + close: 96.96, + volume: 343000960 + }, + { + x: new Date('2016-01-11'), + open: 98.97, + high: 101.19, + low: 95.36, + close: 97.13, + volume: 303375940 + }, + { + x: new Date('2016-01-18'), + open: 98.41, + high: 101.46, + low: 93.42, + close: 101.42, + volume: 242982970 + }, + { + x: new Date('2016-01-25'), + open: 101.52, + high: 101.53, + low: 92.39, + close: 97.34, + volume: 376481100 + }, + { + x: new Date('2016-02-01'), + open: 96.47, + high: 97.33, + low: 93.69, + close: 94.02, + volume: 216608840 + }, + { + x: new Date('2016-02-08'), + open: 93.13, + high: 96.35, + low: 92.59, + close: 93.99, + volume: 230794620 + }, + { + x: new Date('2016-02-15'), + open: 95.02, + high: 98.89, + low: 94.61, + close: 96.04, + volume: 167001070 + }, + { + x: new Date('2016-02-22'), + open: 96.31, + high: 98.0237, + low: 93.32, + close: 96.91, + volume: 158759600 + }, + { + x: new Date('2016-02-29'), + open: 96.86, + high: 103.75, + low: 96.65, + close: 103.01, + volume: 201482180 + }, + { + x: new Date('2016-03-07'), + open: 102.39, + high: 102.83, + low: 100.15, + close: 102.26, + volume: 155437450 + }, + { + x: new Date('2016-03-14'), + open: 101.91, + high: 106.5, + low: 101.78, + close: 105.92, + volume: 181323210 + }, + { + x: new Date('2016-03-21'), + open: 105.93, + high: 107.65, + low: 104.89, + close: 105.67, + volume: 119054360 + }, + { + x: new Date('2016-03-28'), + open: 106, + high: 110.42, + low: 104.88, + close: 109.99, + volume: 147641240 + }, + { + x: new Date('2016-04-04'), + open: 110.42, + high: 112.19, + low: 108.121, + close: 108.66, + volume: 145351790 + }, + { + x: new Date('2016-04-11'), + open: 108.97, + high: 112.39, + low: 108.66, + close: 109.85, + volume: 161518860 + }, + { + x: new Date('2016-04-18'), + open: 108.89, + high: 108.95, + low: 104.62, + close: 105.68, + volume: 188775240 + }, + { + x: new Date('2016-04-25'), + open: 105, + high: 105.65, + low: 92.51, + close: 93.74, + volume: 345910030 + }, + { + x: new Date('2016-05-02'), + open: 93.965, + high: 95.9, + low: 91.85, + close: 92.72, + volume: 225114110 + }, + { + x: new Date('2016-05-09'), + open: 93, + high: 93.77, + low: 89.47, + close: 90.52, + volume: 215596350 + }, + { + x: new Date('2016-05-16'), + open: 92.39, + high: 95.43, + low: 91.65, + close: 95.22, + volume: 212312980 + }, + { + x: new Date('2016-05-23'), + open: 95.87, + high: 100.73, + low: 95.67, + close: 100.35, + volume: 203902650 + }, + { + x: new Date('2016-05-30'), + open: 99.6, + high: 100.4, + low: 96.63, + close: 97.92, + volume: 140064910 + }, + { + x: new Date('2016-06-06'), + open: 97.99, + high: 101.89, + low: 97.55, + close: 98.83, + volume: 124731320 + }, + { + x: new Date('2016-06-13'), + open: 98.69, + high: 99.12, + low: 95.3, + close: 95.33, + volume: 191017280 + }, + { + x: new Date('2016-06-20'), + open: 96, + high: 96.89, + low: 92.65, + close: 93.4, + volume: 206149160 + }, + { + x: new Date('2016-06-27'), + open: 93, + high: 96.465, + low: 91.5, + close: 95.89, + volume: 184254460 + }, + { + x: new Date('2016-07-04'), + open: 95.39, + high: 96.89, + low: 94.37, + close: 96.68, + volume: 111769640 + }, + { + x: new Date('2016-07-11'), + open: 96.75, + high: 99.3, + low: 96.73, + close: 98.78, + volume: 142244590 + }, + { + x: new Date('2016-07-18'), + open: 98.7, + high: 101, + low: 98.31, + close: 98.66, + volume: 147358320 + }, + { + x: new Date('2016-07-25'), + open: 98.25, + high: 104.55, + low: 96.42, + close: 104.21, + volume: 252358930 + }, + { + x: new Date('2016-08-01'), + open: 104.41, + high: 107.65, + low: 104, + close: 107.48, + volume: 168265830 + }, + { + x: new Date('2016-08-08'), + open: 107.52, + high: 108.94, + low: 107.16, + close: 108.18, + volume: 124255340 + }, + { + x: new Date('2016-08-15'), + open: 108.14, + high: 110.23, + low: 108.08, + close: 109.36, + volume: 131814920 + }, + { + x: new Date('2016-08-22'), + open: 108.86, + high: 109.32, + low: 106.31, + close: 106.94, + volume: 123373540 + }, + { + x: new Date('2016-08-29'), + open: 106.62, + high: 108, + low: 105.5, + close: 107.73, + volume: 134426100 + }, + { + x: new Date('2016-09-05'), + open: 107.9, + high: 108.76, + low: 103.13, + close: 103.13, + volume: 168312530 + }, + { + x: new Date('2016-09-12'), + open: 102.65, + high: 116.13, + low: 102.53, + close: 114.92, + volume: 388543710 + }, + { + x: new Date('2016-09-19'), + open: 115.19, + high: 116.18, + low: 111.55, + close: 112.71, + volume: 200842480 + }, + { + x: new Date('2016-09-26'), + open: 111.64, + high: 114.64, + low: 111.55, + close: 113.05, + volume: 156186800 + }, + { + x: new Date('2016-10-03'), + open: 112.71, + high: 114.56, + low: 112.28, + close: 114.06, + volume: 125587350 + }, + { + x: new Date('2016-10-10'), + open: 115.02, + high: 118.69, + low: 114.72, + close: 117.63, + volume: 208231690 + }, + { + x: new Date('2016-10-17'), + open: 117.33, + high: 118.21, + low: 113.8, + close: 116.6, + volume: 114497020 + }, + { + x: new Date('2016-10-24'), + open: 117.1, + high: 118.36, + low: 113.31, + close: 113.72, + volume: 204530120 + }, + { + x: new Date('2016-10-31'), + open: 113.65, + high: 114.23, + low: 108.11, + close: 108.84, + volume: 155287280 + }, + { + x: new Date('2016-11-07'), + open: 110.08, + high: 111.72, + low: 105.83, + close: 108.43, + volume: 206825070 + }, + { + x: new Date('2016-11-14'), + open: 107.71, + high: 110.54, + low: 104.08, + close: 110.06, + volume: 197790040 + }, + { + x: new Date('2016-11-21'), + open: 110.12, + high: 112.42, + low: 110.01, + close: 111.79, + volume: 93992370 + }, + { + x: new Date('2016-11-28'), + open: 111.43, + high: 112.465, + low: 108.85, + close: 109.9, + volume: 155229390 + }, + { + x: new Date('2016-12-05'), + open: 110, + high: 114.7, + low: 108.25, + close: 113.95, + volume: 151624650 + }, + { + x: new Date('2016-12-12'), + open: 113.29, + high: 116.73, + low: 112.49, + close: 115.97, + volume: 194003220 + }, + { + x: new Date('2016-12-19'), + open: 115.8, + high: 117.5, + low: 115.59, + close: 116.52, + volume: 113106370 + }, + { + x: new Date('2016-12-26'), + open: 116.52, + high: 118.0166, + low: 115.43, + close: 115.82, + volume: 84354060 + }, + { + x: new Date('2017-01-02'), + open: 115.8, + high: 118.16, + low: 114.76, + close: 117.91, + volume: 103680760 + }, + { + x: new Date('2017-01-09'), + open: 117.95, + high: 119.93, + low: 117.94, + close: 119.04, + volume: 138446660 + }, + { + x: new Date('2017-01-16'), + open: 118.34, + high: 120.5, + low: 118.22, + close: 120, + volume: 113576380 + }, + { + x: new Date('2017-01-23'), + open: 120, + high: 122.44, + low: 119.5, + close: 121.95, + volume: 124406640 + }, + { + x: new Date('2017-01-30'), + open: 120.93, + high: 130.49, + low: 120.62, + close: 129.08, + volume: 248063580 + }, + { + x: new Date('2017-02-06'), + open: 129.13, + high: 132.94, + low: 128.9, + close: 132.12, + volume: 136252280 + }, + { + x: new Date('2017-02-13'), + open: 133.08, + high: 136.27, + low: 132.75, + close: 135.72, + volume: 136326260 + }, + { + x: new Date('2017-02-20'), + open: 136.23, + high: 137.48, + low: 135.28, + close: 136.66, + volume: 87773190 + }, + { + x: new Date('2017-02-27'), + open: 137.14, + high: 140.2786, + low: 136.28, + close: 139.78, + volume: 127757050 + }, + { + x: new Date('2017-03-06'), + open: 139.365, + high: 139.98, + low: 137.05, + close: 139.14, + volume: 99061270 + }, + { + x: new Date('2017-03-13'), + open: 138.85, + high: 141.02, + low: 138.82, + close: 139.99, + volume: 120881720 + }, + { + x: new Date('2017-03-20'), + open: 140.4, + high: 142.8, + low: 139.73, + close: 140.64, + volume: 129178500 + }, + { + x: new Date('2017-03-27'), + open: 139.39, + high: 144.5, + low: 138.62, + close: 143.66, + volume: 126819590 + }, + { + x: new Date('2017-04-03'), + open: 143.71, + high: 145.46, + low: 143.05, + close: 143.34, + volume: 105274540 + }, + { + x: new Date('2017-04-10'), + open: 143.6, + high: 143.8792, + low: 140.06, + close: 141.05, + volume: 87342130 + }, + { + x: new Date('2017-04-17'), + open: 141.48, + high: 142.92, + low: 140.45, + close: 142.27, + volume: 89092650 + }, + { + x: new Date('2017-04-24'), + open: 143.5, + high: 144.9, + low: 143.18, + close: 143.65, + volume: 90423600 + }, + { + x: new Date('2017-05-01'), + open: 145.1, + high: 148.98, + low: 144.27, + close: 148.96, + volume: 173861760 + }, + { + x: new Date('2017-05-08'), + open: 149.03, + high: 156.42, + low: 149.03, + close: 156.1, + volume: 173087500 + }, + { + x: new Date('2017-05-15'), + open: 156.01, + high: 156.65, + low: 149.71, + close: 153.06, + volume: 156993820 + }, + { + x: new Date('2017-05-22'), + open: 154, + high: 154.9, + low: 152.67, + close: 153.61, + volume: 103151450 + }, + { + x: new Date('2017-05-29'), + open: 153.42, + high: 155.45, + low: 152.22, + close: 155.45, + volume: 88670120 + }, + { + x: new Date('2017-06-05'), + open: 154.34, + high: 155.98, + low: 146.02, + close: 148.98, + volume: 158814040 + }, + { + x: new Date('2017-06-12'), + open: 145.74, + high: 147.5, + low: 142.2, + close: 142.27, + volume: 219638930 + }, + { + x: new Date('2017-06-19'), + open: 143.66, + high: 147.16, + low: 143.66, + close: 146.28, + volume: 132832660 + }, + { + x: new Date('2017-06-26'), + open: 147.17, + high: 148.28, + low: 142.28, + close: 144.02, + volume: 126890110 + }, + { + x: new Date('2017-07-03'), + open: 144.88, + high: 145.3001, + low: 142.41, + close: 144.18, + volume: 78465450 + }, + { + x: new Date('2017-07-10'), + open: 144.11, + high: 149.33, + low: 143.37, + close: 149.04, + volume: 109759170 + }, + { + x: new Date('2017-07-17'), + open: 148.82, + high: 151.74, + low: 148.57, + close: 150.27, + volume: 104744470 + }, + { + x: new Date('2017-07-24'), + open: 150.58, + high: 153.99, + low: 147.3, + close: 149.5, + volume: 105536280 + }, + { + x: new Date('2017-07-31'), + open: 149.9, + high: 159.75, + low: 148.13, + close: 156.39, + volume: 170204830 + }, + { + x: new Date('2017-08-07'), + open: 157.06, + high: 161.83, + low: 154.63, + close: 157.48, + volume: 149860480 + }, + { + x: new Date('2017-08-14'), + open: 159.32, + high: 162.51, + low: 156.72, + close: 157.5, + volume: 133829670 + }, + { + x: new Date('2017-08-21'), + open: 157.5, + high: 160.74, + low: 155.1101, + close: 159.86, + volume: 112238670 + }, + { + x: new Date('2017-08-28'), + open: 160.14, + high: 164.94, + low: 159.93, + close: 164.05, + volume: 125610990 + }, + { + x: new Date('2017-09-04'), + open: 163.75, + high: 164.25, + low: 158.53, + close: 158.63, + volume: 101419110 + }, + { + x: new Date('2017-09-11'), + open: 160.5, + high: 163.96, + low: 157.91, + close: 159.88, + volume: 220431100 + }, + { + x: new Date('2017-09-18'), + open: 160.11, + high: 160.5, + low: 157.995, + close: 158.67, + volume: 27939544 + } +] export const PyramidData = [ - { x: 'Sweet Treats', y: 120, text: '120 cal' }, - { x: 'Milk, Youghnut, Cheese', y: 435, text: '435 cal' }, - { x: 'Vegetables', y: 470, text: '470 cal' }, - { x: 'Meat, Poultry, Fish', y: 475, text: '475 cal' }, - { x: 'Fruits', y: 520, text: '520 cal' }, - { x: 'Bread, Rice, Pasta', y: 930, text: '930 cal' }, -]; + { x: 'Sweet Treats', y: 120, text: '120 cal' }, + { x: 'Milk, Youghnut, Cheese', y: 435, text: '435 cal' }, + { x: 'Vegetables', y: 470, text: '470 cal' }, + { x: 'Meat, Poultry, Fish', y: 475, text: '475 cal' }, + { x: 'Fruits', y: 520, text: '520 cal' }, + { x: 'Bread, Rice, Pasta', y: 930, text: '930 cal' } +] diff --git a/lazy-timer-fe/src/pages/Customers.jsx b/lazy-timer-fe/src/pages/Customers.jsx index 825243f..67a9a40 100644 --- a/lazy-timer-fe/src/pages/Customers.jsx +++ b/lazy-timer-fe/src/pages/Customers.jsx @@ -23,7 +23,6 @@ const Customers = () => { allowSorting > - {/* eslint-disable-next-line react/jsx-props-no-spreading */} {customersGrid.map((item, index) => )}