- // components/note/note.js
- Component({
- /**
- * 组件的属性列表
- */
- properties: {},
- /**
- * 组件的初始数据
- */
- data: {
- pages: [1],
- path: "",
- },
- /**
- * 组件的方法列表
- */
- methods: {
- onRet: function () {
- wx.reLaunch({
- url: "/Pages/travel/home/home",
- });
- },
- insertImg: function (name, path) {
- let qurey = this.createSelectorQuery();
- qurey
- .select(name)
- .context(function (res) {
- (this.editorCtx = res.context),
- this.editorCtx.insertImage({
- src: path,
- width: "100rpx",
- height: "100rpx",
- });
- })
- .exec();
- },
- insertPic: function () {
- const name = "#editor" + this.data.pages[this.data.pages.length - 1];
- let that = this;
- wx.chooseMedia({
- count: 10,
- camera: "back",
- success(res) {
- that.insertImg(name, res.tempFiles[0].tempFilePath);
- },
- });
- },
- insertPage: function () {
- let that = this;
- const length = that.data.pages.length;
- that.setData({
- pages: that.data.pages.concat([length + 1]),
- });
- },
- },
- });