华东师范大学数据科学与工程学院实验报告 | **课程名称:当代数据库管理系统** |**年级** :2020级 |**上机实践成绩**: | | --- | --- | --- | | **指导教师** :高明 | **姓名** :杨舜、姚嘉和 | **学号** :10205501415、10205501436 | | **上机实践名称** :BookStore ||**上机实践日期**:2022.11.28 —— 2022.12.10 | | **上机实践编号** : | **组号 :21** |**上机实践时间**:2022.11.28 —— 2022.12.10 | $\color{red}{报告你就写一下下面我标红字的那些地方,顺便注意下排版之类的,补充实现思路的那个就参考后面我单独发的那个readme里面的实现思路,就简单看着代码说说在那些表上查什么就行}$ ### 实验过程 #### 一. 分析原有的数据库结构 分析demo中/be/model/store.py中创建数据库表的sql语句可知原有数据库的结构的ER图大致如下 ![avatar](./figure_require/DB_struct_origin.svg) 有上述ER图可以得到原有数据库表如下 user表: |user_id|password|balance|token|terminal| |---|---|---|---|---| 主键为user_id store表: |store_id|stock_level| |---|---| 主键为store_id store_book表: |store_id|book_id|book_info|stock_level| |---|---|---|---| 主键为联合主键(store_id,book_id) user_store表: |user_id|store_id| |---|---| 外键为(user_id,store_id) new_order表: |order_id|user_id|store_id| |---|---|---| 主键为(order_id) new_order_detail表: |oeder_id|book_id|count|price| |---|---|---|---| 主键为联合主键(order_id,book_id)   #### 二. 依据上述分析构建数据库table(前60%) 1. 利用sqlalchemy连接远程的aliyun数据库并创建上述table [postgreSQLORM.py](./modified/be/postgreSQLORM.py) ```python class con: def connect(): '''Returns a connection and a metadata object''' # We connect with the help of the PostgreSQL URL url = 'postgresql://stu10205501415:Stu10205501415@dase-cdms-2022-pub.pg.rds.aliyuncs.com:5432/stu10205501415' # The return value of create_engine() is our connection object con = create_engine(url, client_encoding='utf8') # We then bind the connection to MetaData() meta = MetaData(bind=con) return con, meta class User(Base): __tablename__ = 'user' user_id = Column(TEXT, primary_key=True, comment="主键") password = Column(TEXT, nullable=False, comment="密码") balance = Column(Integer, nullable=False, comment="") token = Column(TEXT, comment="缓存的令牌") terminal = Column(TEXT, comment="终端代码") class Store(Base): __tablename__ = 'store' store_id = Column(TEXT, primary_key=True,comment="主键") stock_level = Column(Integer, comment = "货存") class Store_Book(Base): __tablename__ = 'store_book' store_id = Column(TEXT, comment="主键") book_id = Column(TEXT, comment="主键") book_info = Column(TEXT, comment="书籍信息") stock_level = Column(Integer, comment = "货存") __table_args__ = ( PrimaryKeyConstraint('store_id', 'book_id'), ) class User_Store(Base): __tablename__ = 'user_store' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True, comment="主键") fk_user_id = Column( TEXT, ForeignKey( "user.user_id", ondelete="CASCADE", onupdate="CASCADE", ), nullable=False, comment="user外键" ) fk_store_id = Column( TEXT, ForeignKey( "store.store_id", ondelete="CASCADE", onupdate="CASCADE", ), nullable=False, comment="store外键" ) # 多对多关系的中间表必须使用联合唯一约束,防止出现重复数据 __table_args__ = ( UniqueConstraint("fk_user_id", "fk_store_id"), ) class New_Order(Base): __tablename__ = 'new_order' order_id = Column(TEXT, primary_key = True, comment = '订单id') fk_user_id = Column( TEXT, ForeignKey( "user.user_id", ondelete="CASCADE", onupdate="CASCADE", ), nullable=False, comment="user外键" ) fk_store_id = Column( TEXT, ForeignKey( "store.store_id", ondelete="CASCADE", onupdate="CASCADE", ), nullable=False, comment="store外键" ) class New_Order_Detail(Base): __tablename__ = 'new_order_detail' order_id = Column(TEXT, comment='订单id') book_id = Column(TEXT, comment='订单书籍') count = Column(Integer, comment='购买书籍数') price = Column(Integer, comment='单价') __table_args__ = ( PrimaryKeyConstraint('order_id','book_id'), ) engine, meta = con.connect() Base.metadata.bind = engine DBSession = sessionmaker(bind=engine) session = DBSession() ``` 2. 在上述创建的table中添加初始数据并利用该数据测试后端服务器与数据库的连接(2022.11.29 15:10 杨舜) ![avatar](./figure_require/add_naive_userdata.png) ![avatar](./figure_require/conn_test.png) 3. 类比原有demo分别为不同的路由绑定不同的蓝图 ```python app.register_blueprint(auth.bp_auth) app.register_blueprint(seller.bp_seller) app.register_blueprint(buyer.bp_buyer) ``` 4. 在/be/model目录下创建User类用书实现User对于数据库的一些交互功能 5. 修改[model/db_conn.py](./be/model/db_conn.py)中查询的操作为orm操作,其中修改DBConn中的连接conn为sqlachlemy中的session,将会话作为连接 ```python class DBConn: def __init__(self): self.session = postgreSQLORM.session return # self.conn = store.get_db_conn() def user_id_exist(self, user_id): row = self.session.query(User).filter(User.user_id==user_id).first() # cursor = self.conn.execute("SELECT user_id FROM user WHERE user_id = ?;", (user_id,)) # row = cursor.fetchone() if row is None: return False else: return True def book_id_exist(self, store_id, book_id): row = self.session.query(Store_Book).filter(Store_Book.book_id==book_id and Store_Book.store_id==store_id).first() # cursor = self.conn.execute("SELECT book_id FROM store WHERE store_id = ? AND book_id = ?;", (store_id, book_id)) # row = cursor.fetchone() if row is None: return False else: return True def store_id_exist(self, store_id): row = self.session.query(User_Store).filter(User_Store.fk_store_id==store_id).first() # cursor = self.conn.execute("SELECT store_id FROM user_store WHERE store_id = ?;", (store_id,)) # row = cursor.fetchone() if row is None: return False else: return True ``` 6. 修改/be/model/user.py中User类以及其中函数的定义使其满足题目要求的ORM模型,同时仅对注册功能进行测试(2022.11.30 15:40 杨舜) ```python class User(db_conn.DBConn): token_lifetime: int = 3600 # 3600 second def __init__(self): db_conn.DBConn.__init__(self) def __check_token(self, user_id, db_token, token) -> bool: try: if db_token != token: return False jwt_text = jwt_decode(encoded_token=token, user_id=user_id) ts = jwt_text["timestamp"] if ts is not None: now = time.time() if self.token_lifetime > now - ts >= 0: return True except jwt.exceptions.InvalidSignatureError as e: logging.error(str(e)) return False def register(self, user_id: str, password: str): ## 判断用户是否注册过了 if self.user_id_exist(user_id=user_id): return error.error_exist_user_id(user_id) else: # try: terminal = "terminal_{}".format(str(time.time())) token = jwt_encode(user_id, terminal) ## 为新注册的用户创建对象 new_user = postgreSQLORM.User(user_id=user_id,password=password,balance=0,token=token,terminal=terminal) self.session.add(new_user) self.session.commit() # self.conn.execute( # "INSERT into user(user_id, password, balance, token, terminal) " # "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?);", # (user_id, password, 0, token, terminal), ) # self.conn.commit() # except sqlite.Error: # return error.error_exist_user_id(user_id) return 200, "ok" ``` ![avatar](./figure_require/register_test.png) 7. 另外对于auth路由中的其他功能接口(注销、登录、登出、更改密码)进行类似上述注册接口的修改,此处不在单独贴出代码,只是给出postman的测试截图,至此auth中的路由全部实现(2022.11.30 17:50 杨舜) $\color{red}{补充各个接口的实现思路}$ ![avatar](./figure_require/unregister_test.png) ![avatar](./figure_require/login_test.png) ![avatar](./figure_require/logout_test.png) ![avatar](./figure_require/password_test.png) 8. 利用上述类似的实现auth路由接口的方式完成seller路由接口,并利用postman测试实现(2022.12.01 19:20 杨舜) ![avatar](./figure_require/creatstore_test.png) ![avatar](./figure_require/addbook_test.png) ![avatar](./figure_require/addstocklevel_test.png) 9. 利用上述类似的实现auth路由接口的方式完成buyer路由接口,并利用postman测试实现(2022.12.02 12:10 杨舜) ![avatar](./figure_require/neworder_test.png) ![avatar](./figure_require/addfunds_test.png) ![avatar](./figure_require/payment_test.png) #### 三、根据要求实现后续的40%的功能并为其编写测试接口 1. 对数据库结构进行改造(添加table的列) 为了实现发货,收获,订单状态的查询,可以在new_order的订单的table中添加status,并利用不同的状态码来表示当前次订单的状态 |status code|status| |---|---| |-1|取消| |0|初始值(未付款)| |1|已付款| |2|已发货| |3|已收货| 因此修改postgreSQLORM.py文件中New_Order的类 2. 修改对应payment接口中删除订单的操作未修改订单状态未1 ```python row = session.query(New_Order).filter(New_Order.order_id==order_id).update({'status':1}) ``` 3. 为seller路由新增发货(修改订单状态为2)接口、buyer路由新增收货(修改订单状态为3)接口、buyer路由新增取消订单(修改订单状态为-1)接口 ```python ## /view/seller.py @bp_seller.routr("/send_out",methods=["POST"]) def send_out(): order_id: str = request.json.get("order_id") user_id: str = request.json.get("user_id") s = seller.Seller() code, message = s.send_out(order_id) return jsonify({"message": message}), code ``` ```python ## /model/seller.py def send_out(self, order_id:str): session = self.session try: if not self.user_id_exist(user_id): return error.error_non_exist_user_id(user_id) row = session.query(New_Order).filter(New_Order.order_id==order_id).first() if row is None: return error.error_invalid_order_id(order_id) if row.status != 1: return error.error_invalid_order_id(order_id) row = session.query(New_Order).filter(New_Order.order_id==order_id).update({'status':2}) if row == 0: return error.error_invalid_order_id(order_id) session.commit() except SQLAlchemyError as e: return 528, "{}".format(str(e)) except BaseException as e: # print('touch3') return 530, "{}".format(str(e)) return 200, "ok" ``` $\color{red}{补充实现思路}$ $\color{red}{顺便将这部分的下面这种接口说明移动到doc目录下的文件夹里面}$ 商家发货 URL POST http://[address]/seller/send_out Request Headers: key | 类型 | 描述 | 是否可为空 ---|---|---|--- token | string | 登录产生的会话标识 | N Body: ```json { "user_id": "$seller id$", "order_id": "$store id$", } ``` key | 类型 | 描述 | 是否可为空 ---|---|---|--- user_id | String | 卖家用户ID | N order_id | String | 订单号 | N Response Status Code: 码 | 描述 --- | --- 200 | 发货成功 5XX | 买家用户ID不存在 5XX | 无效参数 ```python ## /view/buyer.py @bp_buyer.route("/take_over", methods=["POST"]) def take_over(): user_id = request.json.get("user_id") order_id = request.json.get("order_id") b = Buyer() code, message = b.take_over(user_id, order_id) return jsonify({"message": message}), code ``` ```python ## /model/buyer.py def take_over(self, user_id, order_id): session = self.session try: if not self.user_id_exist(user_id): return error.error_non_exist_user_id(user_id) row = session.query(New_Order).filter(and_(New_Order.order_id==order_id,New_Order.fk_user_id==user_id)).first() if row is None: return error.error_invalid_order_id(order_id) if row.status != 2: return error.error_invalid_order_id(order_id) row = session.query(New_Order).filter(and_(New_Order.order_id==order_id,New_Order.fk_user_id==user_id)).update({'status':3}) if row == 0: return error.error_invalid_order_id(order_id) session.commit() except SQLAlchemyError as e: return 528, "{}".format(str(e)) except BaseException as e: # print('touch3') return 530, "{}".format(str(e)) return 200, "ok" ``` 卖家收货 URL POST http://[address]/buyer/take_over Request Headers: key | 类型 | 描述 | 是否可为空 ---|---|---|--- token | string | 登录产生的会话标识 | N Body: ```json { "user_id": "$seller id$", "order_id": "$store id$", } ``` key | 类型 | 描述 | 是否可为空 ---|---|---|--- user_id | String | 买家用户ID | N order_id | String | 订单号 | N Response Status Code: 码 | 描述 --- | --- 200 | 收货成功 5XX | 买家用户ID不存在 5XX | 无效参数 ```python ## /view/buyer.py @bp_buyer.route("/order_cancel", methods=["POST"]) def take_over(): user_id = request.json.get("user_id") order_id = request.json.get("order_id") b = Buyer() code, message = b.order_cancel(user_id, order_id) return jsonify({"message": message}), code ``` ```python ## /model/buyer.py def order_cancel(self, user_id, order_id): session = self.session try: if not self.user_id_exist(user_id): return error.error_non_exist_user_id(user_id) row = session.query(New_Order).filter(and_(New_Order.order_id==order_id,New_Order.fk_user_id==user_id)).first() if row is None: return error.error_invalid_order_id(order_id) if row.status != 0: return error.error_invalid_order_id(order_id) row = session.query(New_Order).filter(and_(New_Order.order_id==order_id,New_Order.fk_user_id==user_id)).update({'status':-1}) if row == 0: return error.error_invalid_order_id(order_id) session.commit() except SQLAlchemyError as e: return 528, "{}".format(str(e)) except BaseException as e: # print('touch3') return 530, "{}".format(str(e)) return 200, "ok" ``` 买家取消订单 URL POST http://[address]/buyer/order_cancel Request Headers: key | 类型 | 描述 | 是否可为空 ---|---|---|--- token | string | 登录产生的会话标识 | N Body: ```json { "user_id": "$seller id$", "order_id": "$store id$", } ``` key | 类型 | 描述 | 是否可为空 ---|---|---|--- user_id | String | 买家用户ID | N order_id | String | 订单号 | N Response Status Code: 码 | 描述 --- | --- 200 | 收货成功 5XX | 买家用户ID不存在 5XX | 无效参数 5. 像buyer路由中添加一个查询历史订单的接口,为此首先需要在原来的New_Order表中添加creat_time列,然后为buyer路由添加history_order接口 ```python ## /view/buyer.py @bp_buyer.route("/history_order", methods=["POST"]) def take_over(): user_id = request.json.get("user_id") b = Buyer() code, message = b.history_order(user_id) return jsonify({"message": message}), code ``` ```python ## /model/buyer.py ``` 历史订单查询 URL POST http://[address]/buyer/history_order Request Headers: key | 类型 | 描述 | 是否可为空 ---|---|---|--- token | string | 登录产生的会话标识 | N Body: ```json { "user_id": "$buyer id$" } ``` key | 类型 | 描述 | 是否可为空 ---|---|---|--- user_id | String | 买家用户ID | N Response Status Code: 码 | 描述 --- | --- 200 | 查询成功 5XX | 买家用户ID不存在 5XX | 无效参数 Body: ```json { "order_id": ["uuid"] } ``` 变量名 | 类型 | 描述 | 是否可为空 ---|---|---|--- order_id | string | 订单号,只有返回200时才有效 | N 6. 为上面添加的路由编写测试接口并进行测试 ![avatar](./figure_require/route_test01.png) 7. 为实现书店的搜索图书的功能,稍微修改数据库的结构,为书籍添加数据表,搜索标题表,搜索标签表,搜索作者表,搜索书本内容表 $$\color{red}{看着postgreSQLORM里面Class Book以及后面的几个class写一下几个table的表头,参照我写的一个}$$ Search_title |search_id|title|book_id| |---|---|---| 联合主键(search_id,book_id) 外键(book_id) 8. 修改seller中的add_book的路由 $\color{red}{补充实现思路}$ 9. 在auth中添加搜索的路由(只包含全局搜索,没有店铺内搜索) ```python @bp_auth.route("/search_author", methods=["POST"]) def search_author(): author = request.json.get("author", "") page = request.json.get("page", "") u = user.User() code, message = u.search_author(author=author, page=page) return jsonify({"message": message}), code @bp_auth.route("/search_book_intro", methods=["POST"]) def search_book_intro(): book_intro = request.json.get("book_intro", "") page = request.json.get("page", "") u = user.User() code, message = u.search_book_intro(book_intro=book_intro, page=page) return jsonify({"message": message}), code @bp_auth.route("/search_tags", methods=["POST"]) def search_tags(): tags = request.json.get("tags", "") page = request.json.get("page", "") u = user.User() code, message = u.search_tags(tags=tags, page=page) return jsonify({"message": message}), code @bp_auth.route("/search_title", methods=["POST"]) def search_title(): title = request.json.get("title", "") page = request.json.get("page", "") u = user.User() code, message = u.search_title(title=title, page=page) return jsonify({"message": message}), code ``` 10. 为搜索编写测试接口 $$ \color{red}{测试截图,需要终端里面的那些截图和导出的html文件(htmlcov目录中index.html)截图}$$ ### 测试结果 $\color{red}{交给你了( ᗜ ‸ ᗜ )}$ ### 总结 $\color{red}{交给你了( ᗜ ‸ ᗜ )}$ ### 分工 $\color{red}{交给你了( ᗜ ‸ ᗜ )}$