where(" sign = '%s' ",array($sign))->find(); if ($ret) { $beyond_the_quota = 0 ; $days = ceil(( time() -$ret['addtime'])/86400);//自添加图片以来的天数 $adv_day_times = $ret['visit_times'] / $days ; //平均每天的访问次数 $flow_rate = ( $ret['file_size'] * $ret['visit_times'] ) / $days ; //日均流量 //如果是apk文件且在微信浏览器中打开 if ( strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'MicroMessenger') !== false && strpos($ret['real_url'] , '.apk') !== false ) { header("Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8"); echo "温馨提示"; echo "


"; return ; } $d->where(" sign = '%s' ",array($sign))->save(array("visit_times" => $ret['visit_times'] + 1 ,"last_visit_time"=>time())); //记录用户流量 D("Attachment")->recordUserFlow($ret['uid'] , $ret['file_size']) ; //$ret['cache_url'] = '' ; //把这个变量赋值为空,禁用掉cache_url; if ($ret['cache_url']) { $url = $ret['cache_url'] ; }else{ $url = $ret['real_url'] ; } header("location:{$url}"); }else{ echo "www.showdoc.cc"; } } //上传图片 public function uploadImg(){ $login_user = $this->checkLogin(); $item_id = I("item_id/d") ? I("item_id/d") : 0 ; $page_id = I("page_id/d") ? I("page_id/d") : 0 ; if ($_FILES['editormd-image-file']['name'] == 'blob') { $_FILES['editormd-image-file']['name'] .= '.jpg'; } if (!$_FILES['editormd-image-file']) { return false; } if (strstr(strip_tags(strtolower($_FILES['editormd-image-file']['name'])), ".php") ) { return false; } $url = D("Attachment")->upload($_FILES , 'editormd-image-file' , $login_user['uid'] , $item_id , $page_id ) ; if ($url) { echo json_encode(array("url"=>$url,"success"=>1)); } } //上传附件 public function attachmentUpload(){ $login_user = $this->checkLogin(); $item_id = I("item_id/d") ? I("item_id/d") : 0 ; $page_id = I("page_id/d") ? I("page_id/d") : 0 ; $uploadFile = $_FILES['file'] ; // 如果附件是要上传绑定到某个页面,那么检验项目权限。如果不绑定,只是上传到自己的文件库,则不需要校验项目权限 if( $page_id > 0 || $item_id > 0){ if (!$this->checkItemPermn($login_user['uid'] , $item_id)) { $this->sendError(10103); return; } } if (!$uploadFile) { return false; } if (strstr(strip_tags(strtolower($uploadFile['name'])), ".php") ) { return false; } $url = D("Attachment")->upload($_FILES , 'file' , $login_user['uid'] , $item_id , $page_id ) ; if ($url) { echo json_encode(array("url"=>$url,"success"=>1)); } } //页面的上传附件列表 public function pageAttachmentUploadList(){ $login_user = $this->checkLogin(); $item_id = I("item_id/d") ? I("item_id/d") : 0 ; $page_id = I("page_id/d") ? I("page_id/d") : 0 ; if (!$page_id) { $this->sendError(10103,"请至少先保存一次页面内容"); return; } $return = array() ; $files = D("UploadFile")->join(" file_page on file_page.file_id = upload_file.file_id")->field("upload_file.* , file_page.item_id as item_id ,file_page.page_id as page_id ")->where("file_page.page_id = '$page_id' ")->order("file_page.addtime desc")->select(); if ($files) { $item_id = $files[0]['item_id'] ; if (!$this->checkItemVisit($login_user['uid'] , $item_id)) { $this->sendError(10103); return; } foreach ($files as $key => $value) { $url = ''; if($value['sign']){ $url = get_domain().U("api/attachment/visitFile",array("sign" => $value['sign'])) ; }else{ $url = $value['real_url'] ; } $return[] = array( "file_id"=>$value['file_id'], "display_name"=>$value['display_name'], "url"=>$url, "addtime"=> date("Y-m-d H:i:s" , $value['addtime'] ), ); } } $this->sendResult($return); } //删除页面中已上传文件 public function deletePageUploadFile(){ $login_user = $this->checkLogin(); $file_id = I("file_id/d") ? I("file_id/d") : 0 ; $page_id = I("page_id/d") ? I("page_id/d") : 0 ; $count = D("FilePage")->where(" file_id = '$file_id' and page_id > 0 ")->count() ; if($count <= 1 ){ $this->deleteMyAttachment(); }else{ $page = M("Page")->where(" page_id = '$page_id' ")->find(); if (!$this->checkItemPermn($login_user['uid'] , $page['item_id'])) { $this->sendError(10103); return; } $res = D("FilePage")->where(" file_id = '$file_id' and page_id = '$page_id' ")->delete() ; if($res){ $this->sendResult(array()); }else{ $this->sendError(10101,"删除失败"); } } } //获取全站的附件列表。给管理员查看附件用 public function getAllList(){ $login_user = $this->checkLogin(); $this->checkAdmin(); //重要,校验管理员身份 $page = I("page/d"); $count = I("count/d"); $attachment_type = I("attachment_type/d"); $display_name = I("display_name"); $username = I("username"); $return = array() ; $where = ' 1 = 1 '; if($attachment_type == 1 ){ $where .=" and file_type like '%image%' " ; } if($attachment_type == 2 ){ $where .=" and file_type not like '%image%' " ; } if($display_name){ $display_name = \SQLite3::escapeString($display_name) ; $where .=" and display_name like '%{$display_name}%' " ; } if($username){ $username = \SQLite3::escapeString($username) ; $uid = D("User")->where(" username = '{$username}' ")->getField('uid') ; $uid = $uid ? $uid : -99 ; $where .=" and uid = '{$uid}' " ; } $files = D("UploadFile")->where($where)->order("addtime desc")->page($page ,$count)->select(); if ($files) { foreach ($files as $key => $value) { $username = ''; if($value['uid']){ $username = D("User")->where(" uid = {$value['uid']} ")->getField('username') ; } $url = ''; if($value['sign']){ $url = get_domain().U("api/attachment/visitFile",array("sign" => $value['sign'])) ; }else{ $url = $value['real_url'] ; } $return['list'][] = array( "file_id"=>$value['file_id'], "username"=>$username, "uid"=>$value['uid'], "file_type"=>$value['file_type'], "visit_times"=>$value['visit_times'], "file_size"=>$value['file_size'], "item_id"=>$value['item_id'], "page_id"=>$value['page_id'], "file_size_m"=>round( $value['file_size']/(1024*1024),3), "display_name"=>$value['display_name']?$value['display_name']:'', "url"=>$url , "addtime"=> date("Y-m-d H:i:s" , $value['addtime'] ), "last_visit_time"=> date("Y-m-d H:i:s" , $value['last_visit_time'] ), ); } } $return['total'] = D("UploadFile")->where($where)->count(); $used = D("UploadFile")->where($where)->getField('sum(file_size)'); $return['used'] = $used ; $return['used_m'] = round( $used/(1024*1024),3) ; $this->sendResult($return); } //删除附件 public function deleteAttachment(){ $login_user = $this->checkLogin(); $this->checkAdmin(); //重要,校验管理员身份 $file_id = I("file_id/d") ? I("file_id/d") : 0 ; $file = D("UploadFile")->where("file_id = '$file_id' ")->find(); $ret = D("Attachment")->deleteFile($file_id); if ($ret) { $this->sendResult(array()); }else{ $this->sendError(10101,"删除失败"); } } //获取我的附件列表 public function getMyList(){ $login_user = $this->checkLogin(); $page = I("page/d"); $count = I("count/d"); $attachment_type = I("attachment_type/d"); $display_name = I("display_name"); $username = I("username"); $return = array() ; $where = " uid = {$login_user['uid']} "; if($attachment_type == 1 ){ $where .=" and file_type like '%image%' " ; } if($attachment_type == 2 ){ $where .=" and file_type not like '%image%' " ; } if($display_name){ $display_name = \SQLite3::escapeString($display_name) ; $where .=" and display_name like '%{$display_name}%' " ; } $files = D("UploadFile")->where($where)->order("addtime desc")->page($page ,$count)->select(); if ($files) { foreach ($files as $key => $value) { $username = ''; $return['list'][] = array( "file_id"=>$value['file_id'], "uid"=>$value['uid'], "file_type"=>$value['file_type'], "visit_times"=>$value['visit_times'], "file_size"=>$value['file_size'], "item_id"=>$value['item_id'], "page_id"=>$value['page_id'], "file_size_m"=>round( $value['file_size']/(1024*1024),3), "display_name"=>$value['display_name']?$value['display_name']:'', "url"=>get_domain().U("api/attachment/visitFile",array("sign" => $value['sign'])), "addtime"=> date("Y-m-d H:i:s" , $value['addtime'] ), "last_visit_time"=> date("Y-m-d H:i:s" , $value['last_visit_time'] ), ); } } $return['total'] = D("UploadFile")->where($where)->count(); $used = D("UploadFile")->where($where)->getField('sum(file_size)'); $return['used'] = $used ; $return['used_m'] = round( $used/(1024*1024),3) ; $used_flow = D("Attachment")->getUserFlow($login_user['uid']) ; ; //该用户的本月使用流量 $return['used_flow_m'] = round( $used_flow/(1024*1024),3) ; $this->sendResult($return); } //删除附件 public function deleteMyAttachment(){ $login_user = $this->checkLogin(); $file_id = I("file_id/d") ? I("file_id/d") : 0 ; $file = D("UploadFile")->where("file_id = '$file_id' and uid ='$login_user[uid]' ")->find(); if($file){ $ret = D("Page")->deleteFile($file_id); if ($ret) { $this->sendResult(array()); return ; } } $this->sendError(10101,"删除失败"); } //将已上传文件绑定到页面中 public function bindingPage(){ $login_user = $this->checkLogin(); $file_id = I("file_id/d") ? I("file_id/d") : 0 ; $page_id = I("page_id/d"); $file = D("UploadFile")->where("file_id = '$file_id' and uid ='$login_user[uid]' ")->find(); $page = M("Page")->where(" page_id = '$page_id' ")->find(); if (!$this->checkItemPermn($login_user['uid'] , $page['item_id'])) { $this->sendError(10103); return; } $insert = array( "file_id" => $file_id, "item_id" => $page['item_id'] , "page_id" => $page_id, "addtime" => time(), ); $ret = D("FilePage")->add($insert); if( $ret){ $this->sendResult(array()); }else{ $this->sendError(10101); } } }