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  1. Composer is a tool for dependency management in PHP. It allows you to declare the libraries your project depends on and it will manage (install/update) them for you.
  2. You can install ShowDoc by Composer automatically.
  3. - New installation
  4. Change to web directory(e.g:/var/www/html/)and execute:
  5. ```
  6. composer create-project showdoc/showdoc
  7. ```
  8. There will be a folder name "showdoc".Open your browser and visit
  9. (change to your servser's address) to initialize ShowDoc.
  10. - Upgrade
  11. Stop apache or nginx , and move showdoc folder to bakup
  12. ```
  13. mv showdoc showdoc_backup
  14. ```
  15. Then flollow the "New installation" guide to install ShowDoc .After that ,move db file and pictures from old folder to new folder.
  16. ```
  17. rm showdoc/Sqlite/showdoc.db.php
  18. cp showdoc_backup/Sqlite/showdoc.db.php showdoc/Sqlite/showdoc.db.php
  19. rm -r showdoc/Public/Uploads/
  20. cp -r showdoc_backup/Public/Uploads/ showdoc/Public/
  21. ```
  22. Open your browser and visit
  23. (change to your servser's address) to update db.