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před 3 roky
  1. exports.__esModule = true
  2. exports.default = {
  3. // index
  4. help: 'Help',
  5. demo: 'Demo',
  6. index_login_or_register: 'Login / Register',
  7. my_item: 'My items',
  8. section_title1: 'ShowDoc',
  9. section_description1: ' A tool greatly applicable for an IT team',
  10. section_description1_1: 'A tool greatly applicable',
  11. section_description1_2: 'for an IT team',
  12. section_title2: 'API Document',
  13. section_description2_1:
  14. 'ShowDoc can compile exquisite API documents',
  15. section_description2_2:
  16. 'in a very fast and convenient way',
  17. section_title3: 'Data Dictionary',
  18. section_description3_1:
  19. 'A good Data Dictionary can easily exhibit database structure to other people',
  20. section_description3_2:
  21. 'ShowDoc can compile exquisite Data Dictionary',
  22. section_title4: 'Explanation Document',
  23. section_description4_1:
  24. 'You can absolutely use ShowDoc to compile the explanation documents for some tools',
  25. section_description4_2:
  26. 'You can absolutely use ShowDoc to compile the explanation documents for some tools',
  27. section_title5: 'Team Work',
  28. section_description5: 'Your team will work with ShowDoc together very well ',
  29. section_title6: 'Document Automation',
  30. section_description6_1:
  31. 'Documents can be generated automatically from code comments',
  32. section_description6_2:
  33. 'With the runapi client, you can debug the interface and automatically generate documents',
  34. section_title7: 'Open Source',
  35. section_description7_1:
  36. 'ShowDoc is a free, open source tool',
  37. section_description7_2:
  38. 'You can deploy it to your own server',
  39. section_title8: 'Hosted online',
  40. section_description8_1:
  41. ' provide security and stability of the document hosting service',
  42. section_description8_2:
  43. 'You can safely choose to host your document data in the cloud',
  44. section_title9: 'Try it now',
  45. section_description9: 'Over 100000+ IT team is using ShowDoc',
  46. // user
  47. login: 'Login',
  48. username: 'Username',
  49. password: 'Password',
  50. register_new_account: 'Register',
  51. forget_password: 'Forget password?',
  52. username_description: 'Username/Email',
  53. password_again: 'Input password again',
  54. verification_code: 'Verification code',
  55. register: 'Register',
  56. update_personal_info: 'Update personal info',
  57. submit: 'Submit',
  58. goback: 'Back',
  59. my_email: 'My email',
  60. input_email: 'Input email',
  61. input_login_password: 'Please enter your login password to verify',
  62. status: 'Status',
  63. status_1: 'Verified',
  64. status_2: 'Unverified',
  65. status_3: 'Unbound',
  66. binding: 'Binding',
  67. modify: 'Modify',
  68. modify_password: 'Modify password',
  69. old_password: 'Old password',
  70. new_password: 'New password',
  71. modify_success: 'Modify success!',
  72. update_email_success:
  73. 'Update your mailbox successfully! Please log in to check the email to check the email.',
  74. // item/index
  75. personal_setting: 'Personal settings',
  76. web_home: 'Home',
  77. logout: 'Logout',
  78. add_an_item: 'Add an item',
  79. new_item: 'New item',
  80. feedback: 'Feedback',
  81. more: 'More',
  82. my_notice: 'My notice',
  83. item_setting: 'Item settings',
  84. item_top: 'Make item top',
  85. cancel_item_top: 'Cancel top',
  86. // item/add
  87. item_type1: 'Regular item',
  88. item_type2: 'Single item',
  89. item_name: 'Item name',
  90. item_description: 'Description',
  91. item_domain: 'Personalized domain name (optional)',
  92. item_domain_illegal:
  93. 'Personalized domain names can only be a combination of letters or numbers',
  94. domain_already_exists: 'Personal domain name already exists',
  95. visit_password_placeholder: 'Password',
  96. copy_exists_item: 'Copy existing item',
  97. please_choose: 'Please select',
  98. auto_db: 'Auto data dictionary',
  99. // item/pwd
  100. input_visit_password: 'Input visit password',
  101. // item/export
  102. export_all: 'Export all',
  103. export_cat: 'export catalog/page',
  104. select_cat_2: 'Select catalog level2',
  105. select_cat_3: 'Select catalog level3',
  106. begin_export: 'Begin to export',
  107. // item/setting
  108. base_info: 'Base info',
  109. member_manage: 'Manage member',
  110. advance_setting: 'Advanced setting',
  111. open_api: 'open api',
  112. info_item_domain: 'Personal domain name',
  113. visit_password: 'Password',
  114. visit_password_description: '(Optional: private item required)',
  115. add_member: 'Add member',
  116. authority: 'Authority',
  117. add_time: 'Add time',
  118. operation: 'Operation',
  119. delete: 'Delete',
  120. input_target_member: "Input member's username",
  121. readonly: 'Read-only',
  122. member_authority_tips:
  123. 'Permission Description: The default member can create/edit the project page, and only delete the newly created/edited page when deleting. After checking the read-only attribute, the member can only view all pages, and cannot add/edit/delete',
  124. cancel: 'Cancel',
  125. confirm: 'Confirm',
  126. confirm_delete: 'Confirm to delete',
  127. attorn: 'Attorn',
  128. archive: 'Archive',
  129. attorn_tips: 'You can attorn item(s) to other user(s)',
  130. archive_tips:
  131. 'After archiving, the item will become read-only, and no more changes / additions can be made. If you want to edit it again, copy it to the new project and then edit it',
  132. delete_tips: 'After deleting it, it can not be restored!',
  133. attorn_username: 'Username of receiver',
  134. archive_tips2:
  135. 'Note: After archiving a project, the project will no longer be able to add and modify content and will not be able to unarchive. If you want to modify the content again, you can copy the project and modify it on the basis of the new project. The way to copy a project is to choose to copy from an existing project when you create the project.',
  136. success_jump: 'The operation is successful! Skipping...',
  137. reset_token: 'Reset token',
  138. open_api_tips1:
  139. 'Showdoc opens the API for document editing, making it easier for users to manipulate document data. <br>With the open API, you can do a lot of things automatically',
  140. open_api_tips2:
  141. 'If you want to automate the generation of API documentation, you can refer to<a target="_bank" href="">API documentation</a>',
  142. open_api_tips3:
  143. 'If you want to automate the generation of a data dictionary, you can refer to<a target="_bank" href="">Data dictionary</a>',
  144. open_api_tips4:
  145. 'If you are more free to generate the format you need, you can refer to<a target="_bank" href="">Open API</a>',
  146. // item/show
  147. item: 'Item',
  148. share: 'Share',
  149. export: 'Export',
  150. update_info: 'Update info',
  151. manage_members: 'Manage members',
  152. more_item: 'More item(s)',
  153. login_or_register: 'Login/Register',
  154. about_showdoc: 'About ShowDoc',
  155. new_page: 'New page',
  156. edit_page: 'Edit page',
  157. new_catalog: 'New/Manage catalog ',
  158. share_address_to_your_friends: 'Share the interface address to your friends',
  159. copy_interface_to_new: 'Copy this page to a new page',
  160. copy: 'Copy',
  161. edit: 'Edit',
  162. detail: 'Detail',
  163. delete_interface: 'Delete page',
  164. comfirm_delete: 'Comfirm to delete',
  165. item_address: 'Item address',
  166. copy_address_to_your_friends: 'You can copy the address to your friend',
  167. share_page: 'Share page',
  168. page_address: 'Page address',
  169. input_keyword: 'Press Enter to search',
  170. item_page_address: 'Item page address',
  171. single_page_address: 'Single page address',
  172. page_diff_tips:
  173. 'What is the difference between the project page address and the single page address?',
  174. // page
  175. title: 'Title',
  176. catalog: 'Catalog',
  177. level_2_directory: 'Level 2 catalog',
  178. level_3_directory: 'Level 3 catalog',
  179. s_number: 'Order',
  180. s_number_explain:
  181. 'The default is 99, the smaller the number, the earlier it is set.(optional)',
  182. optional: 'Optional',
  183. history_version: 'History version',
  184. save: 'Save',
  185. insert_apidoc_template: 'ApiDoc template',
  186. insert_database_doc_template: 'DatabaseDoc template',
  187. json_tools: 'Json tools',
  188. format_tools: 'Format tools',
  189. json_to_table: 'JSON to table',
  190. beautify_json: 'JSON beautify',
  191. beautify_json_description:
  192. 'Please paste a JSON script, the program will automatically format the display in an elegant way.',
  193. http_test_api: 'Test API online',
  194. json_to_table_description:
  195. 'Please paste a JSON script, the program will automatically parse the code and generate a parameter table. This feature is suitable for quickly writing back parameter tables for API documents.',
  196. update_time: 'Update time',
  197. update_by_who: 'Update by ',
  198. recover_to_this_version: 'Recover',
  199. close: 'Close',
  200. finish: 'Finish',
  201. params: 'params',
  202. clear: 'Clear',
  203. result: 'Result',
  204. save_to_templ: 'Save to template',
  205. more_templ: 'More templates',
  206. saved_templ_list: 'Template list',
  207. page_comments: 'Page comment',
  208. cur_page_content: 'Current newest version',
  209. overview: 'Overview',
  210. save_templ_title: 'Input template title',
  211. save_templ_text:
  212. 'The template has been saved. When you create or edit an edit page later, click the "More Templates" button to use your saved template.',
  213. welcome_use_showdoc: 'Welcome to ShowDoc!',
  214. templ_list: 'Template list',
  215. templ_title: 'Template title',
  216. no_templ_text:
  217. 'You have not saved any templates yet. You can click on the right side of the "Save" button while editing the page, and select "Save as template" from the drop-down menu. After saving the page content as a template, you can use your previously saved template the next time you create or edit a page.',
  218. save_time: 'Save time',
  219. insert_templ: 'Insert',
  220. delete_templ: 'Delete',
  221. save_success: 'Save success',
  222. paste_insert_table: 'Insert table from paste',
  223. paste_insert_table_tips:
  224. 'Paste (Ctrl + V) below an existing table data copied (Ctrl + C) from a spreadsheet (e.g. Microsoft Excel), a text document, a Markdown code, or even a website.',
  225. // catalog
  226. add_cat: 'Add catalog',
  227. cat_name: 'Catalog name',
  228. input_cat_name: 'Input catalog name',
  229. parent_cat_name: 'Parent catalog',
  230. none: 'none',
  231. // 其他
  232. back_to_top: 'Back to top',
  233. draft_tips:
  234. 'Your last draft is automatically saved. Do you want automatically fill this document in with the last draft?',
  235. // 管理后台
  236. management_backstage: 'Backstage',
  237. user_management: 'User(s)',
  238. item_management: 'Items',
  239. add_user: 'Add user',
  240. search: 'Search',
  241. team_mamage: 'Manage Team(s)',
  242. background: 'Background',
  243. distribution_to_team: 'Distribution item',
  244. back_to_team: 'Back to team',
  245. check_item: 'Check item',
  246. unassign: 'Unassign',
  247. go_to_new_an_item: 'New item',
  248. confirm_unassign: 'Confirm unassign?',
  249. Join_time: 'Join time',
  250. add_team: 'Add team',
  251. member_authority: 'Member authority',
  252. go_to_new_an_team: 'New team',
  253. adjust_member_authority: 'Adjust member authority',
  254. team_member_empty_tips: 'The team does not have any members yet.',
  255. team_member_authority_tips:
  256. 'Permission description: The editing permission means that members can create/edit project pages, and when deleted, they can only delete their own newly created/edited pages. The read-only permission means that the member can only view all pages of this project and can not add/edit/delete them.',
  257. member: 'Member',
  258. team_item: 'Item',
  259. member_username: 'Member username',
  260. team_name: 'Team name',
  261. memberCount: 'Member count',
  262. itemCount: 'Item count',
  263. empty_team_tips:
  264. 'Welcome to the team management function. This function is well suited for collaborative management of team leader for multi person and cross team projects. Please click the top left button to add the team(s). After adding team(s), team members can be added or deleted at any time, allocated to different projects in batches, and member rights can be set in different projects. Compared with simple membership management mode, team management function can add and delete personnel in batches, which is more convenient for complex team cooperation.',
  265. copy_link: 'Copy link',
  266. copy_success: 'Copy success',
  267. user_manage: 'User manage',
  268. item_manage: 'Item manage',
  269. web_setting: 'Web setting',
  270. register_open_label: 'Register open',
  271. ldap_open_label: 'LDAP login',
  272. name: 'Name',
  273. name_tips: 'Your real name',
  274. attachment: 'Attachment',
  275. upload: 'Upload',
  276. upload_file: 'Upload file',
  277. file_name: 'File name',
  278. download: 'Download',
  279. file_size_tips: 'Less than 4MB',
  280. confirm_cat_delete:
  281. 'Are you sure you want to delete the directory? This action will delete all the pages in this directory. Please be careful.',
  282. userrole: 'User role',
  283. reg_time: 'Registration time',
  284. last_login_time: 'Last login time',
  285. administrator: 'Administrator',
  286. ordinary_users: 'Ordinary users',
  287. owner: 'Owner',
  288. privacy: 'Privacy',
  289. link: 'link',
  290. private: 'private',
  291. public: 'public',
  292. register_open: 'Open registration',
  293. long_page_tips:
  294. 'The content of this page was detected to be more, and showdoc temporarily shut down the HTML real-time preview function to prevent the page from getting stuck due to too much content. You can find the preview button in the edit bar and open it manually.',
  295. item_exit: 'Exit item',
  296. confirm_exit_item: 'Are you sure to exit this item?',
  297. insert: 'Insert',
  298. Open_item: 'public item',
  299. private_item: 'private item',
  300. private_item_passwrod: 'Please set a password for private item',
  301. create_sigle_page: 'I want to create a single page address',
  302. create_sigle_page_tips:
  303. 'When you just want to share a page and not the whole project, you can choose to share a single page address. After sharing, your friends will only see a single page, can not browse the catalog menu, and can not switch to other pages to view.',
  304. home_page: 'Website home page',
  305. full_page: 'Full page',
  306. login_page: 'jump to login page',
  307. jump_to_an_item: 'jump to an item',
  308. jump_to_item: 'choose item',
  309. recycle: 'recycle',
  310. recycle_tips:
  311. 'The deleted page will go to the recycle bin. The content in the recycle bin for more than 30 days will be automatically selected by the system and cleaned up when appropriate',
  312. page_title: 'Page title',
  313. deleter: 'Delete Account',
  314. del_time: 'Delete time',
  315. recover: 'recover',
  316. recover_tips:
  317. 'Are you sure to recover? The recovered page will appear in the item root',
  318. sort_pages: 'Sort Pages',
  319. sort_pages_tips:
  320. 'After selecting a specific catalog, you can drag and sort the pages in that catalog',
  321. cat_tips: 'Drag to sort',
  322. cat_limite_tips: 'Only up to three levels of directories are supported',
  323. regular_item: 'Regular Item',
  324. single_item: 'Single Item',
  325. copy_item: 'Copy Item',
  326. import_file: 'Import File',
  327. auto_item: 'Auto Create',
  328. single_item_tips:
  329. 'Single item refers to the item with no catalog structure and only one page',
  330. copy_item_tips1: 'Select and copy from your existing items',
  331. copy_item_tips2: 'After copying, rename the new item to:',
  332. import_file_tips1:
  333. 'The imported file can be the JSON file of postman, the JSON file of swagger, and the markdown zip of showdoc. The system will automatically identify the file type',
  334. import_file_tips2: 'Drag the file here, or click to upload',
  335. export_format_word: 'Word format',
  336. export_format_markdown: 'Markdown zip',
  337. export_markdown_tips:
  338. "The exported compressed package can be re imported into showdoc. Select 'Import File' when creating a new item",
  339. private_tips: "It's a private item",
  340. oss_open: 'Image/attachment saved to cloud',
  341. oss_server: 'cloud server',
  342. aliyun: 'aliyun',
  343. qiniu: 'qiniu',
  344. oss_domain: 'domain(optional)',
  345. attornTeamTips:
  346. 'All items owned by the team will also be transferred to he/her',
  347. lock_edit: 'Lock edit',
  348. lock_edit_tips:
  349. 'When locked, other people will not be able to edit this page. Until you unlock or exit editing',
  350. cacel_lock: 'Unlock',
  351. locking:
  352. 'The current page is being locked and edited by other members. Editor:',
  353. all_cat: 'All catalogs',
  354. cat_success: 'Catalogs saved successfully',
  355. auth_success: 'saved successfully',
  356. all_cat2: 'Catalogs permissions: all',
  357. c_team: 'Select team',
  358. Logged: 'Logged',
  359. update_pwd_tips: 'Password, leave blank if not changed',
  360. import_excel: 'You can choose to import excel file',
  361. table: 'table',
  362. attachment_manage: 'Attachment',
  363. op_success: 'success',
  364. display_name: 'display name',
  365. all_attachment_type: 'all type',
  366. image: 'image',
  367. general_attachment: 'general attachment',
  368. uploader: 'uploader',
  369. file_id: 'file id',
  370. file_type: 'type',
  371. file_size_m: 'size/mb',
  372. visit: 'visit',
  373. visit_times: 'visit times',
  374. my_attachment: 'My attachment',
  375. accumulated_used_sapce: 'Accumulated used space',
  376. month_flow: 'Traffic has been used this month',
  377. all_pages: 'All pages',
  378. cancelSingle: 'Are you sure you want to cancel the single page link? After cancellation, the original link will be invalid immediately',
  379. cancelSingleYes: 'Unlink single page',
  380. cancelSingleNo: 'Keep single page',
  381. from_file_gub: 'From FileHub',
  382. file_gub: 'FileHub',
  383. select: 'select'
  384. }