- ### Introduction
- About ShowDoc , Please refer to [/README.md](README.md)
- ### Environment dependence
- - Required environment
- `PHP5.3 or above version ` ,`php-gd`,`php-pdo`
- ### Install and configure
- - #### New installation
- - Manually download the code from https://github.com/star7th/showdoc/
- - Make these writable
- Example: `sudo chmod -R 777 server/showdoc/install`
- `/install`, `/Application/Runtime ` ,`/Public/Uploads`,`/Sqlite`,`/Sqlite/showdoc.db.php`
- - Windows sever
- Please entable `extension=php_sqlite.dll` ,`extension=php_pdo_sqlite.dll`and `php_mbstring.dll` in `php.ini` . Ignore it if you are on Linux.
- - Run installation
- `http://your-domain.com/install/`
- - Default Admin
- Username : showdoc
- Password : 123456
- - #### Upgrade
- - Manually download the code from https://github.com/star7th/showdoc/
- - Backup your codes via: `mv showdoc showdoc_backup`
- - Dowload new codes and decompression it to a new directory.Copy `/Sqlite/*` and `/Public/Uploads/*` from old directory to new directory
- - Open `http://your-domain.com/index.php?s=/home/update/db` in your brown to update database