Datalab: bits.c Malloclab: mm.c Shelllab: tsh.c Malloc Lab before uploaded to gitlab, mark the progress in ucloud. (it seems that it cannot work in my own lxc) write the code with the help of CSAPP and its code. downloaded some trace file from github saved in ./traces ./mdriver -a -g -v -t traces/ to autograde. deal with some bugs with blogs. 2020/12/24-25: design the structure of heap with the help of CSAPP 2020/12/26: write some helpful micros and functions with the help of CSAPP start to write mm_init and mm_malloc, but it's not tested 2020/12/27: test mm_init,mm_malloc and debug start to write mm_free 2020/12/28: test mm_free and debug write some part of mm_realloc 2020/12/29: test mm_realloc and debug total autograded and modify heap 2020/12/30-31: code modified with some blogs: with some heap errors 2.adjust some expression to make codes simplier 3.intensify the limitation of helper function 4.modify some function and variable name 5.complete the micros annotation completed with the help of CSAPP upload to ucloud and gitlab 2021/1/19-20(Modification start): 1.plan to use explict list instead of implict list. 2.add some micros and edit mm_init. 2021/1/21-22: 1.edit mm_malloc and some related func. 2021/1/23: modification, with some helpful imformation from blogs. Shell Lab 2021/1/19: 1.start to design func with the help of CSAPP and blogs. 2021/1/20-23: 1.finish func eval, buildin_cmd, do_bgfg and waitfg. 2.first push to master. 2021/1/24: 1.finish other funcs. 2.try to debug in my lxc. 3.push to master.