@ -0,0 +1,221 @@ |
import math |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt |
import librosa.display |
import numpy as np |
# binary search |
import pygame |
def bin_search(arr, target): |
index = int(len(arr) / 2) |
min_index = 0 |
max_index = len(arr) - 1 |
found = False |
if target < arr[0]: |
return 0 |
if target > arr[len(arr) - 1]: |
return len(arr) - 1 |
while not found: |
if min_index == len(arr) - 2: |
return len(arr) - 1 |
if arr[index] < target < arr[index + 1] or arr[index] == target: |
return index |
if arr[index] > target: |
max_index = index |
else: |
min_index = index |
index = int((min_index + max_index) / 2) |
def rotate(xy, theta): |
# https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotation_matrix#In_two_dimensions |
cos_theta, sin_theta = math.cos(theta), math.sin(theta) |
return ( |
xy[0] * cos_theta - xy[1] * sin_theta, |
xy[0] * sin_theta + xy[1] * cos_theta |
) |
def translate(xy, offset): |
return xy[0] + offset[0], xy[1] + offset[1] |
def clamp(min_value, max_value, value): |
if value < min_value: |
return min_value |
if value > max_value: |
return max_value |
return value |
class AudioAnalyzer: |
def __init__(self): |
self.frequencies_index_ratio = 0 # array for frequencies |
self.time_index_ratio = 0 # array of time periods |
self.spectrogram = None # a matrix that contains decibel values according to frequency and time indexes |
def load(self, filename): |
time_series, sample_rate = librosa.load(filename) # getting information from the file |
# getting a matrix which contains amplitude values according to frequency and time indexes |
stft = np.abs(librosa.stft(time_series, hop_length=512, n_fft=2048*4)) |
self.spectrogram = librosa.amplitude_to_db(stft, ref=np.max) # converting the matrix to decibel matrix |
frequencies = librosa.core.fft_frequencies(n_fft=2048*4) # getting an array of frequencies |
# getting an array of time periodic |
times = librosa.core.frames_to_time(np.arange(self.spectrogram.shape[1]), sr=sample_rate, hop_length=512, n_fft=2048*4) |
self.time_index_ratio = len(times)/times[len(times) - 1] |
self.frequencies_index_ratio = len(frequencies)/frequencies[len(frequencies)-1] |
def show(self): |
librosa.display.specshow(self.spectrogram, |
y_axis='log', x_axis='time') |
plt.title('spectrogram') |
plt.colorbar(format='%+2.0f dB') |
plt.tight_layout() |
plt.show() |
def get_decibel(self, target_time, freq): |
return self.spectrogram[int(freq*self.frequencies_index_ratio)][int(target_time*self.time_index_ratio)] |
# returning the current decibel according to the indexes which found by binary search |
# return self.spectrogram[bin_search(self.frequencies, freq), bin_search(self.times, target_time)] |
def get_decibel_array(self, target_time, freq_arr): |
arr = [] |
for f in freq_arr: |
arr.append(self.get_decibel(target_time,f)) |
return arr |
class AudioBar: |
def __init__(self, x, y, freq, color, width=50, min_height=10, max_height=100, min_decibel=-80, max_decibel=0): |
self.x, self.y, self.freq = x, y, freq |
self.color = color |
self.width, self.min_height, self.max_height = width, min_height, max_height |
self.height = min_height |
self.min_decibel, self.max_decibel = min_decibel, max_decibel |
self.__decibel_height_ratio = (self.max_height - self.min_height)/(self.max_decibel - self.min_decibel) |
def update(self, dt, decibel): |
desired_height = decibel * self.__decibel_height_ratio + self.max_height |
speed = (desired_height - self.height)/0.1 |
self.height += speed * dt |
self.height = clamp(self.min_height, self.max_height, self.height) |
def render(self, screen): |
pygame.draw.rect(screen, self.color, (self.x, self.y + self.max_height - self.height, self.width, self.height)) |
class AverageAudioBar(AudioBar): |
def __init__(self, x, y, rng, color, width=50, min_height=10, max_height=100, min_decibel=-80, max_decibel=0): |
super().__init__(x, y, 0, color, width, min_height, max_height, min_decibel, max_decibel) |
self.rng = rng |
self.avg = 0 |
def update_all(self, dt, time, analyzer): |
self.avg = 0 |
for i in self.rng: |
self.avg += analyzer.get_decibel(time, i) |
self.avg /= len(self.rng) |
self.update(dt, self.avg) |
class RotatedAverageAudioBar(AverageAudioBar): |
def __init__(self, x, y, rng, color, angle=0, width=50, min_height=10, max_height=100, min_decibel=-80, max_decibel=0): |
super().__init__(x, y, 0, color, width, min_height, max_height, min_decibel, max_decibel) |
self.rng = rng |
self.rect = None |
self.angle = angle |
def render(self, screen): |
pygame.draw.polygon(screen, self.color, self.rect.points) |
def render_c(self, screen, color): |
pygame.draw.polygon(screen, color, self.rect.points) |
def update_rect(self): |
self.rect = Rect(self.x, self.y, self.width, self.height) |
self.rect.rotate(self.angle) |
class Rect: |
def __init__(self,x ,y, w, h): |
self.x, self.y, self.w, self.h = x,y, w, h |
self.points = [] |
self.origin = [self.w/2,0] |
self.offset = [self.origin[0] + x, self.origin[1] + y] |
self.rotate(0) |
def rotate(self, angle): |
template = [ |
(-self.origin[0], self.origin[1]), |
(-self.origin[0] + self.w, self.origin[1]), |
(-self.origin[0] + self.w, self.origin[1] - self.h), |
(-self.origin[0], self.origin[1] - self.h) |
] |
self.points = [translate(rotate(xy, math.radians(angle)), self.offset) for xy in template] |
def draw(self,screen): |
pygame.draw.polygon(screen, (255,255, 0), self.points) |