- #!/usr/bin/env python
- # coding: utf8
- """ AudioAdapter class defintion. """
- from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
- from importlib import import_module
- from pathlib import Path
- from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union
- # pyright: reportMissingImports=false
- # pylint: disable=import-error
- import numpy as np
- import tensorflow as tf
- from spleeter.audio import Codec
- from .. import SpleeterError
- from ..types import AudioDescriptor, Signal
- from ..utils.logging import logger
- # pylint: enable=import-error
- __email__ = "spleeter@deezer.com"
- __author__ = "Deezer Research"
- __license__ = "MIT License"
- class AudioAdapter(ABC):
- """ An abstract class for manipulating audio signal. """
- _DEFAULT: "AudioAdapter" = None
- """ Default audio adapter singleton instance. """
- @abstractmethod
- def load(
- self,
- audio_descriptor: AudioDescriptor,
- offset: Optional[float] = None,
- duration: Optional[float] = None,
- sample_rate: Optional[float] = None,
- dtype: np.dtype = np.float32,
- ) -> Signal:
- """
- Loads the audio file denoted by the given audio descriptor and
- returns it data as a waveform. Aims to be implemented by client.
- Parameters:
- audio_descriptor (AudioDescriptor):
- Describe song to load, in case of file based audio adapter,
- such descriptor would be a file path.
- offset (Optional[float]):
- Start offset to load from in seconds.
- duration (Optional[float]):
- Duration to load in seconds.
- sample_rate (Optional[float]):
- Sample rate to load audio with.
- dtype (numpy.dtype):
- (Optional) Numpy data type to use, default to `float32`.
- Returns:
- Signal:
- Loaded data as (wf, sample_rate) tuple.
- """
- pass
- def load_tf_waveform(
- self,
- audio_descriptor,
- offset: float = 0.0,
- duration: float = 1800.0,
- sample_rate: int = 44100,
- dtype: bytes = b"float32",
- waveform_name: str = "waveform",
- ) -> Dict[str, Any]:
- """
- Load the audio and convert it to a tensorflow waveform.
- Parameters:
- audio_descriptor ():
- Describe song to load, in case of file based audio adapter,
- such descriptor would be a file path.
- offset (float):
- Start offset to load from in seconds.
- duration (float):
- Duration to load in seconds.
- sample_rate (float):
- Sample rate to load audio with.
- dtype (bytes):
- (Optional)data type to use, default to `b'float32'`.
- waveform_name (str):
- (Optional) Name of the key in output dict, default to
- `'waveform'`.
- Returns:
- Dict[str, Any]:
- TF output dict with waveform as `(T x chan numpy array)`
- and a boolean that tells whether there were an error while
- trying to load the waveform.
- """
- # Cast parameters to TF format.
- offset = tf.cast(offset, tf.float64)
- duration = tf.cast(duration, tf.float64)
- # Defined safe loading function.
- def safe_load(path, offset, duration, sample_rate, dtype):
- logger.info(f"Loading audio {path} from {offset} to {offset + duration}")
- try:
- (data, _) = self.load(
- path.numpy(),
- offset.numpy(),
- duration.numpy(),
- sample_rate.numpy(),
- dtype=dtype.numpy(),
- )
- logger.info("Audio data loaded successfully")
- return (data, False)
- except Exception as e:
- logger.exception("An error occurs while loading audio", exc_info=e)
- return (np.float32(-1.0), True)
- # Execute function and format results.
- results = (
- tf.py_function(
- safe_load,
- [audio_descriptor, offset, duration, sample_rate, dtype],
- (tf.float32, tf.bool),
- ),
- )
- waveform, error = results[0]
- return {waveform_name: waveform, f"{waveform_name}_error": error}
- @abstractmethod
- def save(
- self,
- path: Union[Path, str],
- data: np.ndarray,
- sample_rate: float,
- codec: Codec = None,
- bitrate: str = None,
- ) -> None:
- """
- Save the given audio data to the file denoted by the given path.
- Parameters:
- path (Union[Path, str]):
- Path like of the audio file to save data in.
- data (numpy.ndarray):
- Waveform data to write.
- sample_rate (float):
- Sample rate to write file in.
- codec ():
- (Optional) Writing codec to use, default to `None`.
- bitrate (str):
- (Optional) Bitrate of the written audio file, default to
- `None`.
- """
- pass
- @classmethod
- def default(cls: type) -> "AudioAdapter":
- """
- Builds and returns a default audio adapter instance.
- Returns:
- AudioAdapter:
- Default adapter instance to use.
- """
- if cls._DEFAULT is None:
- from .ffmpeg import FFMPEGProcessAudioAdapter
- cls._DEFAULT = FFMPEGProcessAudioAdapter()
- return cls._DEFAULT
- @classmethod
- def get(cls: type, descriptor: str) -> "AudioAdapter":
- """
- Load dynamically an AudioAdapter from given class descriptor.
- Parameters:
- descriptor (str):
- Adapter class descriptor (module.Class)
- Returns:
- AudioAdapter:
- Created adapter instance.
- """
- if not descriptor:
- return cls.default()
- module_path: List[str] = descriptor.split(".")
- adapter_class_name: str = module_path[-1]
- module_path: str = ".".join(module_path[:-1])
- adapter_module = import_module(module_path)
- adapter_class = getattr(adapter_module, adapter_class_name)
- if not issubclass(adapter_class, AudioAdapter):
- raise SpleeterError(
- f"{adapter_class_name} is not a valid AudioAdapter class"
- )
- return adapter_class()