- # Pull request title
- - [ ] I read [contributing guideline](https://github.com/deezer/spleeter/blob/master/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md)
- - [ ] I didn't find a similar pull request already open.
- - [ ] My PR is related to Spleeter only, not a derivative product (such as Webapplication, or GUI provided by others)
- ## Description
- A few sentences describing the overall goals of the pull request's commits.
- ## How this patch was tested
- You tested it, right?
- - [ ] I implemented unit test whicn ran successfully using `poetry run pytest tests/`
- - [ ] Code has been formatted using `poetry run black spleeter`
- - [ ] Imports has been formatted using `poetry run isort spleeter``
- ## Documentation link and external references
- Please provide any info that may help us better understand your code.