- /*!
- * ====================================================
- * kityminder-editor - v1.0.67 - 2021-01-07
- * https://github.com/fex-team/kityminder-editor
- * GitHub: https://github.com/fex-team/kityminder-editor
- * Copyright (c) 2021 ; Licensed
- * ====================================================
- */
- (function () {
- var _p = {
- r: function(index) {
- if (_p[index].inited) {
- return _p[index].value;
- }
- if (typeof _p[index].value === "function") {
- var module = {
- exports: {}
- }, returnValue = _p[index].value(null, module.exports, module);
- _p[index].inited = true;
- _p[index].value = returnValue;
- if (returnValue !== undefined) {
- return returnValue;
- } else {
- for (var key in module.exports) {
- if (module.exports.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
- _p[index].inited = true;
- _p[index].value = module.exports;
- return module.exports;
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- _p[index].inited = true;
- return _p[index].value;
- }
- }
- };
- //src/editor.js
- _p[0] = {
- value: function(require, exports, module) {
- /**
- * 运行时
- */
- var runtimes = [];
- function assemble(runtime) {
- runtimes.push(runtime);
- }
- function KMEditor(selector) {
- this.selector = selector;
- for (var i = 0; i < runtimes.length; i++) {
- if (typeof runtimes[i] == "function") {
- runtimes[i].call(this, this);
- }
- }
- }
- KMEditor.assemble = assemble;
- assemble(_p.r(7));
- assemble(_p.r(9));
- assemble(_p.r(14));
- assemble(_p.r(18));
- assemble(_p.r(11));
- assemble(_p.r(12));
- assemble(_p.r(5));
- assemble(_p.r(6));
- assemble(_p.r(8));
- assemble(_p.r(15));
- assemble(_p.r(10));
- assemble(_p.r(13));
- assemble(_p.r(16));
- assemble(_p.r(17));
- return module.exports = KMEditor;
- }
- };
- //src/expose-editor.js
- /**
- * @fileOverview
- *
- * 打包暴露
- *
- * @author: techird
- * @copyright: Baidu FEX, 2014
- */
- _p[1] = {
- value: function(require, exports, module) {
- return module.exports = kityminder.Editor = _p.r(0);
- }
- };
- //src/hotbox.js
- _p[2] = {
- value: function(require, exports, module) {
- return module.exports = window.HotBox;
- }
- };
- //src/lang.js
- _p[3] = {
- value: function(require, exports, module) {}
- };
- //src/minder.js
- _p[4] = {
- value: function(require, exports, module) {
- return module.exports = window.kityminder.Minder;
- }
- };
- //src/runtime/clipboard-mimetype.js
- /**
- * @Desc: 新增一个用于处理系统ctrl+c ctrl+v等方式导入导出节点的MIMETYPE处理,如系统不支持clipboardEvent或者是FF则不初始化改class
- * @Editor: Naixor
- * @Date: 2015.9.21
- */
- _p[5] = {
- value: function(require, exports, module) {
- function MimeType() {
- /**
- * 私有变量
- */
- var SPLITOR = "\ufeff";
- var MIMETYPE = {
- "application/km": ""
- };
- var SIGN = {
- "\ufeff": "SPLITOR",
- "": "application/km"
- };
- /**
- * 用于将一段纯文本封装成符合其数据格式的文本
- * @method process private
- * @param {MIMETYPE} mimetype 数据格式
- * @param {String} text 原始文本
- * @return {String} 符合该数据格式下的文本
- * @example
- * var str = "123";
- * str = process('application/km', str); // 返回的内容再经过MimeType判断会读取出其数据格式为application/km
- * process('text/plain', str); // 若接受到一个非纯文本信息,则会将其转换为新的数据格式
- */
- function process(mimetype, text) {
- if (!this.isPureText(text)) {
- var _mimetype = this.whichMimeType(text);
- if (!_mimetype) {
- throw new Error("unknow mimetype!");
- }
- text = this.getPureText(text);
- }
- if (mimetype === false) {
- return text;
- }
- return mimetype + SPLITOR + text;
- }
- /**
- * 注册数据类型的标识
- * @method registMimeTypeProtocol public
- * @param {String} type 数据类型
- * @param {String} sign 标识
- */
- this.registMimeTypeProtocol = function(type, sign) {
- if (sign && SIGN[sign]) {
- throw new Error("sing has registed!");
- }
- if (type && !!MIMETYPE[type]) {
- throw new Error("mimetype has registed!");
- }
- SIGN[sign] = type;
- MIMETYPE[type] = sign;
- };
- /**
- * 获取已注册数据类型的协议
- * @method getMimeTypeProtocol public
- * @param {String} type 数据类型
- * @param {String} text|undefiend 文本内容或不传入
- * @return {String|Function}
- * @example
- * text若不传入则直接返回对应数据格式的处理(process)方法
- * 若传入文本则直接调用对应的process方法进行处理,此时返回处理后的内容
- * var m = new MimeType();
- * var kmprocess = m.getMimeTypeProtocol('application/km');
- * kmprocess("123") === m.getMimeTypeProtocol('application/km', "123");
- *
- */
- this.getMimeTypeProtocol = function(type, text) {
- var mimetype = MIMETYPE[type] || false;
- if (text === undefined) {
- return process.bind(this, mimetype);
- }
- return process(mimetype, text);
- };
- this.getSpitor = function() {
- return SPLITOR;
- };
- this.getMimeType = function(sign) {
- if (sign !== undefined) {
- return SIGN[sign] || null;
- }
- return MIMETYPE;
- };
- }
- MimeType.prototype.isPureText = function(text) {
- return !~text.indexOf(this.getSpitor());
- };
- MimeType.prototype.getPureText = function(text) {
- if (this.isPureText(text)) {
- return text;
- }
- return text.split(this.getSpitor())[1];
- };
- MimeType.prototype.whichMimeType = function(text) {
- if (this.isPureText(text)) {
- return null;
- }
- return this.getMimeType(text.split(this.getSpitor())[0]);
- };
- function MimeTypeRuntime() {
- if (this.minder.supportClipboardEvent && !kity.Browser.gecko) {
- this.MimeType = new MimeType();
- }
- }
- return module.exports = MimeTypeRuntime;
- }
- };
- //src/runtime/clipboard.js
- /**
- * @Desc: 处理editor的clipboard事件,只在支持ClipboardEvent并且不是FF的情况下工作
- * @Editor: Naixor
- * @Date: 2015.9.21
- */
- _p[6] = {
- value: function(require, exports, module) {
- function ClipboardRuntime() {
- var minder = this.minder;
- var Data = window.kityminder.data;
- if (!minder.supportClipboardEvent || kity.Browser.gecko) {
- return;
- }
- var fsm = this.fsm;
- var receiver = this.receiver;
- var MimeType = this.MimeType;
- var kmencode = MimeType.getMimeTypeProtocol("application/km"), decode = Data.getRegisterProtocol("json").decode;
- var _selectedNodes = [];
- /*
- * 增加对多节点赋值粘贴的处理
- */
- function encode(nodes) {
- var _nodes = [];
- for (var i = 0, l = nodes.length; i < l; i++) {
- _nodes.push(minder.exportNode(nodes[i]));
- }
- return kmencode(Data.getRegisterProtocol("json").encode(_nodes));
- }
- var beforeCopy = function(e) {
- if (document.activeElement == receiver.element) {
- var clipBoardEvent = e;
- var state = fsm.state();
- switch (state) {
- case "input":
- {
- break;
- }
- case "normal":
- {
- var nodes = [].concat(minder.getSelectedNodes());
- if (nodes.length) {
- // 这里由于被粘贴复制的节点的id信息也都一样,故做此算法
- // 这里有个疑问,使用node.getParent()或者node.parent会离奇导致出现非选中节点被渲染成选中节点,因此使用isAncestorOf,而没有使用自行回溯的方式
- if (nodes.length > 1) {
- var targetLevel;
- nodes.sort(function(a, b) {
- return a.getLevel() - b.getLevel();
- });
- targetLevel = nodes[0].getLevel();
- if (targetLevel !== nodes[nodes.length - 1].getLevel()) {
- var plevel, pnode, idx = 0, l = nodes.length, pidx = l - 1;
- pnode = nodes[pidx];
- while (pnode.getLevel() !== targetLevel) {
- idx = 0;
- while (idx < l && nodes[idx].getLevel() === targetLevel) {
- if (nodes[idx].isAncestorOf(pnode)) {
- nodes.splice(pidx, 1);
- break;
- }
- idx++;
- }
- pidx--;
- pnode = nodes[pidx];
- }
- }
- }
- var str = encode(nodes);
- clipBoardEvent.clipboardData.setData("text/plain", str);
- }
- e.preventDefault();
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- };
- var beforeCut = function(e) {
- if (document.activeElement == receiver.element) {
- if (minder.getStatus() !== "normal") {
- e.preventDefault();
- return;
- }
- var clipBoardEvent = e;
- var state = fsm.state();
- switch (state) {
- case "input":
- {
- break;
- }
- case "normal":
- {
- var nodes = minder.getSelectedNodes();
- if (nodes.length) {
- clipBoardEvent.clipboardData.setData("text/plain", encode(nodes));
- minder.execCommand("removenode");
- }
- e.preventDefault();
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- };
- var beforePaste = function(e) {
- if (document.activeElement == receiver.element) {
- if (minder.getStatus() !== "normal") {
- e.preventDefault();
- return;
- }
- var clipBoardEvent = e;
- var state = fsm.state();
- var textData = clipBoardEvent.clipboardData.getData("text/plain");
- switch (state) {
- case "input":
- {
- // input状态下如果格式为application/km则不进行paste操作
- if (!MimeType.isPureText(textData)) {
- e.preventDefault();
- return;
- }
- break;
- }
- case "normal":
- {
- /*
- * 针对normal状态下通过对选中节点粘贴导入子节点文本进行单独处理
- */
- var sNodes = minder.getSelectedNodes();
- if (MimeType.whichMimeType(textData) === "application/km") {
- var nodes = decode(MimeType.getPureText(textData));
- var _node;
- sNodes.forEach(function(node) {
- // 由于粘贴逻辑中为了排除子节点重新排序导致逆序,因此复制的时候倒过来
- for (var i = nodes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- _node = minder.createNode(null, node);
- minder.importNode(_node, nodes[i]);
- _selectedNodes.push(_node);
- node.appendChild(_node);
- }
- });
- minder.select(_selectedNodes, true);
- _selectedNodes = [];
- minder.refresh();
- } else if (clipBoardEvent.clipboardData && clipBoardEvent.clipboardData.items[0].type.indexOf("image") > -1) {
- var imageFile = clipBoardEvent.clipboardData.items[0].getAsFile();
- var serverService = angular.element(document.body).injector().get("server");
- return serverService.uploadImage(imageFile).then(function(json) {
- var resp = json.data;
- if (resp.errno === 0) {
- minder.execCommand("image", resp.data.url);
- }
- });
- } else {
- sNodes.forEach(function(node) {
- minder.Text2Children(node, textData);
- });
- }
- e.preventDefault();
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- };
- /**
- * 由editor的receiver统一处理全部事件,包括clipboard事件
- * @Editor: Naixor
- * @Date: 2015.9.24
- */
- document.addEventListener("copy", beforeCopy);
- document.addEventListener("cut", beforeCut);
- document.addEventListener("paste", beforePaste);
- }
- return module.exports = ClipboardRuntime;
- }
- };
- //src/runtime/container.js
- /**
- * @fileOverview
- *
- * 初始化编辑器的容器
- *
- * @author: techird
- * @copyright: Baidu FEX, 2014
- */
- _p[7] = {
- value: function(require, exports, module) {
- /**
- * 最先执行的 Runtime,初始化编辑器容器
- */
- function ContainerRuntime() {
- var container;
- if (typeof this.selector == "string") {
- container = document.querySelector(this.selector);
- } else {
- container = this.selector;
- }
- if (!container) throw new Error("Invalid selector: " + this.selector);
- // 这个类名用于给编辑器添加样式
- container.classList.add("km-editor");
- // 暴露容器给其他运行时使用
- this.container = container;
- }
- return module.exports = ContainerRuntime;
- }
- };
- //src/runtime/drag.js
- /**
- * @fileOverview
- *
- * 用于拖拽节点时屏蔽键盘事件
- *
- * @author: techird
- * @copyright: Baidu FEX, 2014
- */
- _p[8] = {
- value: function(require, exports, module) {
- var Hotbox = _p.r(2);
- var Debug = _p.r(19);
- var debug = new Debug("drag");
- function DragRuntime() {
- var fsm = this.fsm;
- var minder = this.minder;
- var hotbox = this.hotbox;
- var receiver = this.receiver;
- var receiverElement = receiver.element;
- // setup everything to go
- setupFsm();
- // listen the fsm changes, make action.
- function setupFsm() {
- // when jumped to drag mode, enter
- fsm.when("* -> drag", function() {});
- fsm.when("drag -> *", function(exit, enter, reason) {
- if (reason == "drag-finish") {}
- });
- }
- var downX, downY;
- var MOUSE_HAS_DOWN = 0;
- var MOUSE_HAS_UP = 1;
- var BOUND_CHECK = 20;
- var flag = MOUSE_HAS_UP;
- var maxX, maxY, osx, osy, containerY;
- var freeHorizen = false, freeVirtical = false;
- var frame;
- function move(direction, speed) {
- if (!direction) {
- freeHorizen = freeVirtical = false;
- frame && kity.releaseFrame(frame);
- frame = null;
- return;
- }
- if (!frame) {
- frame = kity.requestFrame(function(direction, speed, minder) {
- return function(frame) {
- switch (direction) {
- case "left":
- minder._viewDragger.move({
- x: -speed,
- y: 0
- }, 0);
- break;
- case "top":
- minder._viewDragger.move({
- x: 0,
- y: -speed
- }, 0);
- break;
- case "right":
- minder._viewDragger.move({
- x: speed,
- y: 0
- }, 0);
- break;
- case "bottom":
- minder._viewDragger.move({
- x: 0,
- y: speed
- }, 0);
- break;
- default:
- return;
- }
- frame.next();
- };
- }(direction, speed, minder));
- }
- }
- minder.on("mousedown", function(e) {
- flag = MOUSE_HAS_DOWN;
- var rect = minder.getPaper().container.getBoundingClientRect();
- downX = e.originEvent.clientX;
- downY = e.originEvent.clientY;
- containerY = rect.top;
- maxX = rect.width;
- maxY = rect.height;
- });
- minder.on("mousemove", function(e) {
- if (fsm.state() === "drag" && flag == MOUSE_HAS_DOWN && minder.getSelectedNode() && (Math.abs(downX - e.originEvent.clientX) > BOUND_CHECK || Math.abs(downY - e.originEvent.clientY) > BOUND_CHECK)) {
- osx = e.originEvent.clientX;
- osy = e.originEvent.clientY - containerY;
- if (osx < BOUND_CHECK) {
- move("right", BOUND_CHECK - osx);
- } else if (osx > maxX - BOUND_CHECK) {
- move("left", BOUND_CHECK + osx - maxX);
- } else {
- freeHorizen = true;
- }
- if (osy < BOUND_CHECK) {
- move("bottom", osy);
- } else if (osy > maxY - BOUND_CHECK) {
- move("top", BOUND_CHECK + osy - maxY);
- } else {
- freeVirtical = true;
- }
- if (freeHorizen && freeVirtical) {
- move(false);
- }
- }
- if (fsm.state() !== "drag" && flag === MOUSE_HAS_DOWN && minder.getSelectedNode() && (Math.abs(downX - e.originEvent.clientX) > BOUND_CHECK || Math.abs(downY - e.originEvent.clientY) > BOUND_CHECK)) {
- if (fsm.state() === "hotbox") {
- hotbox.active(Hotbox.STATE_IDLE);
- }
- return fsm.jump("drag", "user-drag");
- }
- });
- window.addEventListener("mouseup", function() {
- flag = MOUSE_HAS_UP;
- if (fsm.state() === "drag") {
- move(false);
- return fsm.jump("normal", "drag-finish");
- }
- }, false);
- }
- return module.exports = DragRuntime;
- }
- };
- //src/runtime/fsm.js
- /**
- * @fileOverview
- *
- * 编辑器状态机
- *
- * @author: techird
- * @copyright: Baidu FEX, 2014
- */
- _p[9] = {
- value: function(require, exports, module) {
- var Debug = _p.r(19);
- var debug = new Debug("fsm");
- function handlerConditionMatch(condition, when, exit, enter) {
- if (condition.when != when) return false;
- if (condition.enter != "*" && condition.enter != enter) return false;
- if (condition.exit != "*" && condition.exit != exit) return;
- return true;
- }
- function FSM(defaultState) {
- var currentState = defaultState;
- var BEFORE_ARROW = " - ";
- var AFTER_ARROW = " -> ";
- var handlers = [];
- /**
- * 状态跳转
- *
- * 会通知所有的状态跳转监视器
- *
- * @param {string} newState 新状态名称
- * @param {any} reason 跳转的原因,可以作为参数传递给跳转监视器
- */
- this.jump = function(newState, reason) {
- if (!reason) throw new Error("Please tell fsm the reason to jump");
- var oldState = currentState;
- var notify = [ oldState, newState ].concat([].slice.call(arguments, 1));
- var i, handler;
- // 跳转前
- for (i = 0; i < handlers.length; i++) {
- handler = handlers[i];
- if (handlerConditionMatch(handler.condition, "before", oldState, newState)) {
- if (handler.apply(null, notify)) return;
- }
- }
- currentState = newState;
- debug.log("[{0}] {1} -> {2}", reason, oldState, newState);
- // 跳转后
- for (i = 0; i < handlers.length; i++) {
- handler = handlers[i];
- if (handlerConditionMatch(handler.condition, "after", oldState, newState)) {
- handler.apply(null, notify);
- }
- }
- return currentState;
- };
- /**
- * 返回当前状态
- * @return {string}
- */
- this.state = function() {
- return currentState;
- };
- /**
- * 添加状态跳转监视器
- *
- * @param {string} condition
- * 监视的时机
- * "* => *" (默认)
- *
- * @param {Function} handler
- * 监视函数,当状态跳转的时候,会接收三个参数
- * * from - 跳转前的状态
- * * to - 跳转后的状态
- * * reason - 跳转的原因
- */
- this.when = function(condition, handler) {
- if (arguments.length == 1) {
- handler = condition;
- condition = "* -> *";
- }
- var when, resolved, exit, enter;
- resolved = condition.split(BEFORE_ARROW);
- if (resolved.length == 2) {
- when = "before";
- } else {
- resolved = condition.split(AFTER_ARROW);
- if (resolved.length == 2) {
- when = "after";
- }
- }
- if (!when) throw new Error("Illegal fsm condition: " + condition);
- exit = resolved[0];
- enter = resolved[1];
- handler.condition = {
- when: when,
- exit: exit,
- enter: enter
- };
- handlers.push(handler);
- };
- }
- function FSMRumtime() {
- this.fsm = new FSM("normal");
- }
- return module.exports = FSMRumtime;
- }
- };
- //src/runtime/history.js
- /**
- * @fileOverview
- *
- * 历史管理
- *
- * @author: techird
- * @copyright: Baidu FEX, 2014
- */
- _p[10] = {
- value: function(require, exports, module) {
- var jsonDiff = _p.r(22);
- function HistoryRuntime() {
- var minder = this.minder;
- var hotbox = this.hotbox;
- var MAX_HISTORY = 100;
- var lastSnap;
- var patchLock;
- var undoDiffs;
- var redoDiffs;
- function reset() {
- undoDiffs = [];
- redoDiffs = [];
- lastSnap = minder.exportJson();
- }
- function makeUndoDiff() {
- var headSnap = minder.exportJson();
- var diff = jsonDiff(headSnap, lastSnap);
- if (diff.length) {
- undoDiffs.push(diff);
- while (undoDiffs.length > MAX_HISTORY) {
- undoDiffs.shift();
- }
- lastSnap = headSnap;
- return true;
- }
- }
- function makeRedoDiff() {
- var revertSnap = minder.exportJson();
- redoDiffs.push(jsonDiff(revertSnap, lastSnap));
- lastSnap = revertSnap;
- }
- function undo() {
- patchLock = true;
- var undoDiff = undoDiffs.pop();
- if (undoDiff) {
- minder.applyPatches(undoDiff);
- makeRedoDiff();
- }
- patchLock = false;
- }
- function redo() {
- patchLock = true;
- var redoDiff = redoDiffs.pop();
- if (redoDiff) {
- minder.applyPatches(redoDiff);
- makeUndoDiff();
- }
- patchLock = false;
- }
- function changed() {
- if (patchLock) return;
- if (makeUndoDiff()) redoDiffs = [];
- }
- function hasUndo() {
- return !!undoDiffs.length;
- }
- function hasRedo() {
- return !!redoDiffs.length;
- }
- function updateSelection(e) {
- if (!patchLock) return;
- var patch = e.patch;
- switch (patch.express) {
- case "node.add":
- minder.select(patch.node.getChild(patch.index), true);
- break;
- case "node.remove":
- case "data.replace":
- case "data.remove":
- case "data.add":
- minder.select(patch.node, true);
- break;
- }
- }
- this.history = {
- reset: reset,
- undo: undo,
- redo: redo,
- hasUndo: hasUndo,
- hasRedo: hasRedo
- };
- reset();
- minder.on("contentchange", changed);
- minder.on("import", reset);
- minder.on("patch", updateSelection);
- var main = hotbox.state("main");
- main.button({
- position: "top",
- label: "撤销",
- key: "Ctrl + Z",
- enable: hasUndo,
- action: undo,
- next: "idle"
- });
- main.button({
- position: "top",
- label: "重做",
- key: "Ctrl + Y",
- enable: hasRedo,
- action: redo,
- next: "idle"
- });
- }
- window.diff = jsonDiff;
- return module.exports = HistoryRuntime;
- }
- };
- //src/runtime/hotbox.js
- /**
- * @fileOverview
- *
- * 热盒 Runtime
- *
- * @author: techird
- * @copyright: Baidu FEX, 2014
- */
- _p[11] = {
- value: function(require, exports, module) {
- var Hotbox = _p.r(2);
- function HotboxRuntime() {
- var fsm = this.fsm;
- var minder = this.minder;
- var receiver = this.receiver;
- var container = this.container;
- var hotbox = new Hotbox(container);
- hotbox.setParentFSM(fsm);
- fsm.when("normal -> hotbox", function(exit, enter, reason) {
- var node = minder.getSelectedNode();
- var position;
- if (node) {
- var box = node.getRenderBox();
- position = {
- x: box.cx,
- y: box.cy
- };
- }
- hotbox.active("main", position);
- });
- fsm.when("normal -> normal", function(exit, enter, reason, e) {
- if (reason == "shortcut-handle") {
- var handleResult = hotbox.dispatch(e);
- if (handleResult) {
- e.preventDefault();
- } else {
- minder.dispatchKeyEvent(e);
- }
- }
- });
- fsm.when("modal -> normal", function(exit, enter, reason, e) {
- if (reason == "import-text-finish") {
- receiver.element.focus();
- }
- });
- this.hotbox = hotbox;
- }
- return module.exports = HotboxRuntime;
- }
- };
- //src/runtime/input.js
- /**
- * @fileOverview
- *
- * 文本输入支持
- *
- * @author: techird
- * @copyright: Baidu FEX, 2014
- */
- _p[12] = {
- value: function(require, exports, module) {
- _p.r(21);
- var Debug = _p.r(19);
- var debug = new Debug("input");
- function InputRuntime() {
- var fsm = this.fsm;
- var minder = this.minder;
- var hotbox = this.hotbox;
- var receiver = this.receiver;
- var receiverElement = receiver.element;
- var isGecko = window.kity.Browser.gecko;
- // setup everything to go
- setupReciverElement();
- setupFsm();
- setupHotbox();
- // expose editText()
- this.editText = editText;
- // listen the fsm changes, make action.
- function setupFsm() {
- // when jumped to input mode, enter
- fsm.when("* -> input", enterInputMode);
- // when exited, commit or exit depends on the exit reason
- fsm.when("input -> *", function(exit, enter, reason) {
- switch (reason) {
- case "input-cancel":
- return exitInputMode();
- case "input-commit":
- default:
- return commitInputResult();
- }
- });
- // lost focus to commit
- receiver.onblur(function(e) {
- if (fsm.state() == "input") {
- fsm.jump("normal", "input-commit");
- }
- });
- minder.on("beforemousedown", function() {
- if (fsm.state() == "input") {
- fsm.jump("normal", "input-commit");
- }
- });
- minder.on("dblclick", function() {
- if (minder.getSelectedNode() && minder._status !== "readonly") {
- editText();
- }
- });
- }
- // let the receiver follow the current selected node position
- function setupReciverElement() {
- if (debug.flaged) {
- receiverElement.classList.add("debug");
- }
- receiverElement.onmousedown = function(e) {
- e.stopPropagation();
- };
- minder.on("layoutallfinish viewchange viewchanged selectionchange", function(e) {
- // viewchange event is too frequenced, lazy it
- if (e.type == "viewchange" && fsm.state() != "input") return;
- updatePosition();
- });
- updatePosition();
- }
- // edit entrance in hotbox
- function setupHotbox() {
- hotbox.state("main").button({
- position: "center",
- label: "编辑",
- key: "F2",
- enable: function() {
- return minder.queryCommandState("text") != -1;
- },
- action: editText
- });
- }
- /**
- * 增加对字体的鉴别,以保证用户在编辑状态ctrl/cmd + b/i所触发的加粗斜体与显示一致
- * @editor Naixor
- * @Date 2015-12-2
- */
- // edit for the selected node
- function editText() {
- var node = minder.getSelectedNode();
- if (!node) {
- return;
- }
- var textContainer = receiverElement;
- receiverElement.innerText = "";
- if (node.getData("font-weight") === "bold") {
- var b = document.createElement("b");
- textContainer.appendChild(b);
- textContainer = b;
- }
- if (node.getData("font-style") === "italic") {
- var i = document.createElement("i");
- textContainer.appendChild(i);
- textContainer = i;
- }
- textContainer.innerText = minder.queryCommandValue("text");
- if (isGecko) {
- receiver.fixFFCaretDisappeared();
- }
- fsm.jump("input", "input-request");
- receiver.selectAll();
- }
- /**
- * 增加对字体的鉴别,以保证用户在编辑状态ctrl/cmd + b/i所触发的加粗斜体与显示一致
- * @editor Naixor
- * @Date 2015-12-2
- */
- function enterInputMode() {
- var node = minder.getSelectedNode();
- if (node) {
- var fontSize = node.getData("font-size") || node.getStyle("font-size");
- receiverElement.style.fontSize = fontSize + "px";
- receiverElement.style.minWidth = 0;
- receiverElement.style.minWidth = receiverElement.clientWidth + "px";
- receiverElement.style.fontWeight = node.getData("font-weight") || "";
- receiverElement.style.fontStyle = node.getData("font-style") || "";
- receiverElement.classList.add("input");
- receiverElement.focus();
- }
- }
- /**
- * 按照文本提交操作处理
- * @Desc: 从其他节点复制文字到另一个节点时部分浏览器(chrome)会自动包裹一个span标签,这样试用一下逻辑出来的就不是text节点二是span节点因此导致undefined的情况发生
- * @Warning: 下方代码使用[].slice.call来将HTMLDomCollection处理成为Array,ie8及以下会有问题
- * @Editor: Naixor
- * @Date: 2015.9.16
- */
- function commitInputText(textNodes) {
- var text = "";
- var TAB_CHAR = "\t", ENTER_CHAR = "\n", STR_CHECK = /\S/, SPACE_CHAR = " ", // 针对FF,SG,BD,LB,IE等浏览器下SPACE的charCode存在为32和160的情况做处理
- SPACE_CHAR_REGEXP = new RegExp("( |" + String.fromCharCode(160) + ")"), BR = document.createElement("br");
- var isBold = false, isItalic = false;
- for (var str, _divChildNodes, space_l, space_num, tab_num, i = 0, l = textNodes.length; i < l; i++) {
- str = textNodes[i];
- switch (Object.prototype.toString.call(str)) {
- // 正常情况处理
- case "[object HTMLBRElement]":
- {
- text += ENTER_CHAR;
- break;
- }
- case "[object Text]":
- {
- // SG下会莫名其妙的加上 影响后续判断,干掉!
- /**
- * FF下的wholeText会导致如下问题:
- * |123| -> 在一个节点中输入一段字符,此时TextNode为[#Text 123]
- * 提交并重新编辑,在后面追加几个字符
- * |123abc| -> 此时123为一个TextNode为[#Text 123, #Text abc],但是对这两个任意取值wholeText均为全部内容123abc
- * 上述BUG仅存在在FF中,故将wholeText更改为textContent
- */
- str = str.textContent.replace(" ", " ");
- if (!STR_CHECK.test(str)) {
- space_l = str.length;
- while (space_l--) {
- if (SPACE_CHAR_REGEXP.test(str[space_l])) {
- text += SPACE_CHAR;
- } else if (str[space_l] === TAB_CHAR) {
- text += TAB_CHAR;
- }
- }
- } else {
- text += str;
- }
- break;
- }
- // ctrl + b/i 会给字体加上<b>/<i>标签来实现黑体和斜体
- case "[object HTMLElement]":
- {
- switch (str.nodeName) {
- case "B":
- {
- isBold = true;
- break;
- }
- case "I":
- {
- isItalic = true;
- break;
- }
- default:
- {}
- }
- [].splice.apply(textNodes, [ i, 1 ].concat([].slice.call(str.childNodes)));
- l = textNodes.length;
- i--;
- break;
- }
- // 被增加span标签的情况会被处理成正常情况并会推交给上面处理
- case "[object HTMLSpanElement]":
- {
- [].splice.apply(textNodes, [ i, 1 ].concat([].slice.call(str.childNodes)));
- l = textNodes.length;
- i--;
- break;
- }
- // 若标签为image标签,则判断是否为合法url,是将其加载进来
- case "[object HTMLImageElement]":
- {
- if (str.src) {
- if (/http(|s):\/\//.test(str.src)) {
- minder.execCommand("Image", str.src, str.alt);
- } else {}
- }
- break;
- }
- // 被增加div标签的情况会被处理成正常情况并会推交给上面处理
- case "[object HTMLDivElement]":
- {
- _divChildNodes = [];
- for (var di = 0, l = str.childNodes.length; di < l; di++) {
- _divChildNodes.push(str.childNodes[di]);
- }
- _divChildNodes.push(BR);
- [].splice.apply(textNodes, [ i, 1 ].concat(_divChildNodes));
- l = textNodes.length;
- i--;
- break;
- }
- default:
- {
- if (str && str.childNodes.length) {
- _divChildNodes = [];
- for (var di = 0, l = str.childNodes.length; di < l; di++) {
- _divChildNodes.push(str.childNodes[di]);
- }
- _divChildNodes.push(BR);
- [].splice.apply(textNodes, [ i, 1 ].concat(_divChildNodes));
- l = textNodes.length;
- i--;
- } else {
- if (str && str.textContent !== undefined) {
- text += str.textContent;
- } else {
- text += "";
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- text = text.replace(/^\n*|\n*$/g, "");
- text = text.replace(new RegExp("(\n|\r|\n\r)( |" + String.fromCharCode(160) + "){4}", "g"), "$1\t");
- minder.getSelectedNode().setText(text);
- if (isBold) {
- minder.queryCommandState("bold") || minder.execCommand("bold");
- } else {
- minder.queryCommandState("bold") && minder.execCommand("bold");
- }
- if (isItalic) {
- minder.queryCommandState("italic") || minder.execCommand("italic");
- } else {
- minder.queryCommandState("italic") && minder.execCommand("italic");
- }
- exitInputMode();
- return text;
- }
- /**
- * 判断节点的文本信息是否是
- * @Desc: 从其他节点复制文字到另一个节点时部分浏览器(chrome)会自动包裹一个span标签,这样使用以下逻辑出来的就不是text节点二是span节点因此导致undefined的情况发生
- * @Notice: 此处逻辑应该拆分到 kityminder-core/core/data中去,单独增加一个对某个节点importJson的事件
- * @Editor: Naixor
- * @Date: 2015.9.16
- */
- function commitInputNode(node, text) {
- try {
- minder.decodeData("text", text).then(function(json) {
- function importText(node, json, minder) {
- var data = json.data;
- node.setText(data.text || "");
- var childrenTreeData = json.children || [];
- for (var i = 0; i < childrenTreeData.length; i++) {
- var childNode = minder.createNode(null, node);
- importText(childNode, childrenTreeData[i], minder);
- }
- return node;
- }
- importText(node, json, minder);
- minder.fire("contentchange");
- minder.getRoot().renderTree();
- minder.layout(300);
- });
- } catch (e) {
- minder.fire("contentchange");
- minder.getRoot().renderTree();
- // 无法被转换成脑图节点则不处理
- if (e.toString() !== "Error: Invalid local format") {
- throw e;
- }
- }
- }
- function commitInputResult() {
- /**
- * @Desc: 进行如下处理:
- * 根据用户的输入判断是否生成新的节点
- * fix #83 https://github.com/fex-team/kityminder-editor/issues/83
- * @Editor: Naixor
- * @Date: 2015.9.16
- */
- var textNodes = [].slice.call(receiverElement.childNodes);
- /**
- * @Desc: 增加setTimeout的原因:ie下receiverElement.innerHTML=""会导致后
- * 面commitInputText中使用textContent报错,不要问我什么原因!
- * @Editor: Naixor
- * @Date: 2015.12.14
- */
- setTimeout(function() {
- // 解决过大内容导致SVG窜位问题
- receiverElement.innerHTML = "";
- }, 0);
- var node = minder.getSelectedNode();
- textNodes = commitInputText(textNodes);
- commitInputNode(node, textNodes);
- if (node.type == "root") {
- var rootText = minder.getRoot().getText();
- minder.fire("initChangeRoot", {
- text: rootText
- });
- }
- }
- function exitInputMode() {
- receiverElement.classList.remove("input");
- receiver.selectAll();
- }
- function updatePosition() {
- var planed = updatePosition;
- var focusNode = minder.getSelectedNode();
- if (!focusNode) return;
- if (!planed.timer) {
- planed.timer = setTimeout(function() {
- var box = focusNode.getRenderBox("TextRenderer");
- receiverElement.style.left = Math.round(box.x) + "px";
- receiverElement.style.top = (debug.flaged ? Math.round(box.bottom + 30) : Math.round(box.y)) + "px";
- //receiverElement.focus();
- planed.timer = 0;
- });
- }
- }
- }
- return module.exports = InputRuntime;
- }
- };
- //src/runtime/jumping.js
- /**
- * @fileOverview
- *
- * 根据按键控制状态机的跳转
- *
- * @author: techird
- * @copyright: Baidu FEX, 2014
- */
- _p[13] = {
- value: function(require, exports, module) {
- var Hotbox = _p.r(2);
- // Nice: http://unixpapa.com/js/key.html
- function isIntendToInput(e) {
- if (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey || e.altKey) return false;
- // a-zA-Z
- if (e.keyCode >= 65 && e.keyCode <= 90) return true;
- // 0-9 以及其上面的符号
- if (e.keyCode >= 48 && e.keyCode <= 57) return true;
- // 小键盘区域 (除回车外)
- if (e.keyCode != 108 && e.keyCode >= 96 && e.keyCode <= 111) return true;
- // 小键盘区域 (除回车外)
- // @yinheli from pull request
- if (e.keyCode != 108 && e.keyCode >= 96 && e.keyCode <= 111) return true;
- // 输入法
- if (e.keyCode == 229 || e.keyCode === 0) return true;
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * @Desc: 下方使用receiver.enable()和receiver.disable()通过
- * 修改div contenteditable属性的hack来解决开启热核后依然无法屏蔽浏览器输入的bug;
- * 特别: win下FF对于此种情况必须要先blur在focus才能解决,但是由于这样做会导致用户
- * 输入法状态丢失,因此对FF暂不做处理
- * @Editor: Naixor
- * @Date: 2015.09.14
- */
- function JumpingRuntime() {
- var fsm = this.fsm;
- var minder = this.minder;
- var receiver = this.receiver;
- var container = this.container;
- var receiverElement = receiver.element;
- var hotbox = this.hotbox;
- var compositionLock = false;
- // normal -> *
- receiver.listen("normal", function(e) {
- // 为了防止处理进入edit模式而丢失处理的首字母,此时receiver必须为enable
- receiver.enable();
- // normal -> hotbox
- if (e.is("Space")) {
- e.preventDefault();
- // safari下Space触发hotbox,然而这时Space已在receiver上留下作案痕迹,因此抹掉
- if (kity.Browser.safari) {
- receiverElement.innerHTML = "";
- }
- return fsm.jump("hotbox", "space-trigger");
- }
- /**
- * check
- * @editor Naixor
- * @Date 2015-12-2
- */
- switch (e.type) {
- case "keydown":
- {
- if (minder.getSelectedNode()) {
- if (isIntendToInput(e)) {
- return fsm.jump("input", "user-input");
- }
- } else {
- receiverElement.innerHTML = "";
- }
- // normal -> normal shortcut
- fsm.jump("normal", "shortcut-handle", e);
- break;
- }
- case "keyup":
- {
- break;
- }
- default:
- {}
- }
- });
- // hotbox -> normal
- receiver.listen("hotbox", function(e) {
- receiver.disable();
- e.preventDefault();
- var handleResult = hotbox.dispatch(e);
- if (hotbox.state() == Hotbox.STATE_IDLE && fsm.state() == "hotbox") {
- return fsm.jump("normal", "hotbox-idle");
- }
- });
- // input => normal
- receiver.listen("input", function(e) {
- receiver.enable();
- if (e.type == "keydown") {
- if (e.is("Enter")) {
- e.preventDefault();
- return fsm.jump("normal", "input-commit");
- }
- if (e.is("Esc")) {
- e.preventDefault();
- return fsm.jump("normal", "input-cancel");
- }
- if (e.is("Tab") || e.is("Shift + Tab")) {
- e.preventDefault();
- }
- } else if (e.type == "keyup" && e.is("Esc")) {
- e.preventDefault();
- if (!compositionLock) {
- return fsm.jump("normal", "input-cancel");
- }
- } else if (e.type == "compositionstart") {
- compositionLock = true;
- } else if (e.type == "compositionend") {
- setTimeout(function() {
- compositionLock = false;
- });
- }
- });
- //////////////////////////////////////////////
- /// 右键呼出热盒
- /// 判断的标准是:按下的位置和结束的位置一致
- //////////////////////////////////////////////
- var downX, downY;
- var MOUSE_RB = 2;
- // 右键
- container.addEventListener("mousedown", function(e) {
- if (e.button == MOUSE_RB) {
- e.preventDefault();
- }
- if (fsm.state() == "hotbox") {
- hotbox.active(Hotbox.STATE_IDLE);
- fsm.jump("normal", "blur");
- } else if (fsm.state() == "normal" && e.button == MOUSE_RB) {
- downX = e.clientX;
- downY = e.clientY;
- }
- }, false);
- container.addEventListener("mousewheel", function(e) {
- if (fsm.state() == "hotbox") {
- hotbox.active(Hotbox.STATE_IDLE);
- fsm.jump("normal", "mousemove-blur");
- }
- }, false);
- container.addEventListener("contextmenu", function(e) {
- e.preventDefault();
- });
- container.addEventListener("mouseup", function(e) {
- if (fsm.state() != "normal") {
- return;
- }
- if (e.button != MOUSE_RB || e.clientX != downX || e.clientY != downY) {
- return;
- }
- if (!minder.getSelectedNode()) {
- return;
- }
- fsm.jump("hotbox", "content-menu");
- }, false);
- // 阻止热盒事件冒泡,在热盒正确执行前导致热盒关闭
- hotbox.$element.addEventListener("mousedown", function(e) {
- e.stopPropagation();
- });
- }
- return module.exports = JumpingRuntime;
- }
- };
- //src/runtime/minder.js
- /**
- * @fileOverview
- *
- * 脑图示例运行时
- *
- * @author: techird
- * @copyright: Baidu FEX, 2014
- */
- _p[14] = {
- value: function(require, exports, module) {
- var Minder = _p.r(4);
- function MinderRuntime() {
- // 不使用 kityminder 的按键处理,由 ReceiverRuntime 统一处理
- var minder = new Minder({
- enableKeyReceiver: false,
- enableAnimation: true
- });
- // 渲染,初始化
- minder.renderTo(this.selector);
- minder.setTheme(null);
- minder.select(minder.getRoot(), true);
- minder.execCommand("text", "中心主题");
- // 导出给其它 Runtime 使用
- this.minder = minder;
- }
- return module.exports = MinderRuntime;
- }
- };
- //src/runtime/node.js
- _p[15] = {
- value: function(require, exports, module) {
- function NodeRuntime() {
- var runtime = this;
- var minder = this.minder;
- var hotbox = this.hotbox;
- var fsm = this.fsm;
- var main = hotbox.state("main");
- var buttons = [ "前移:Alt+Up:ArrangeUp", "下级:Tab|Insert:AppendChildNode", "同级:Enter:AppendSiblingNode", "后移:Alt+Down:ArrangeDown", "删除:Delete|Backspace:RemoveNode", "上级:Shift+Tab|Shift+Insert:AppendParentNode" ];
- var AppendLock = 0;
- buttons.forEach(function(button) {
- var parts = button.split(":");
- var label = parts.shift();
- var key = parts.shift();
- var command = parts.shift();
- main.button({
- position: "ring",
- label: label,
- key: key,
- action: function() {
- if (command.indexOf("Append") === 0) {
- AppendLock++;
- minder.execCommand(command, "分支主题");
- // provide in input runtime
- function afterAppend() {
- if (!--AppendLock) {
- runtime.editText();
- }
- minder.off("layoutallfinish", afterAppend);
- }
- minder.on("layoutallfinish", afterAppend);
- } else {
- minder.execCommand(command);
- fsm.jump("normal", "command-executed");
- }
- },
- enable: function() {
- return minder.queryCommandState(command) != -1;
- }
- });
- });
- main.button({
- position: "bottom",
- label: "导入节点",
- key: "Alt + V",
- enable: function() {
- var selectedNodes = minder.getSelectedNodes();
- return selectedNodes.length == 1;
- },
- action: importNodeData,
- next: "idle"
- });
- main.button({
- position: "bottom",
- label: "导出节点",
- key: "Alt + C",
- enable: function() {
- var selectedNodes = minder.getSelectedNodes();
- return selectedNodes.length == 1;
- },
- action: exportNodeData,
- next: "idle"
- });
- function importNodeData() {
- minder.fire("importNodeData");
- }
- function exportNodeData() {
- minder.fire("exportNodeData");
- }
- }
- return module.exports = NodeRuntime;
- }
- };
- //src/runtime/priority.js
- _p[16] = {
- value: function(require, exports, module) {
- function PriorityRuntime() {
- var minder = this.minder;
- var hotbox = this.hotbox;
- var main = hotbox.state("main");
- main.button({
- position: "top",
- label: "优先级",
- key: "P",
- next: "priority",
- enable: function() {
- return minder.queryCommandState("priority") != -1;
- }
- });
- var priority = hotbox.state("priority");
- "123456789".replace(/./g, function(p) {
- priority.button({
- position: "ring",
- label: "P" + p,
- key: p,
- action: function() {
- minder.execCommand("Priority", p);
- }
- });
- });
- priority.button({
- position: "center",
- label: "移除",
- key: "Del",
- action: function() {
- minder.execCommand("Priority", 0);
- }
- });
- priority.button({
- position: "top",
- label: "返回",
- key: "esc",
- next: "back"
- });
- }
- return module.exports = PriorityRuntime;
- }
- };
- //src/runtime/progress.js
- _p[17] = {
- value: function(require, exports, module) {
- function ProgressRuntime() {
- var minder = this.minder;
- var hotbox = this.hotbox;
- var main = hotbox.state("main");
- main.button({
- position: "top",
- label: "进度",
- key: "G",
- next: "progress",
- enable: function() {
- return minder.queryCommandState("progress") != -1;
- }
- });
- var progress = hotbox.state("progress");
- "012345678".replace(/./g, function(p) {
- progress.button({
- position: "ring",
- label: "G" + p,
- key: p,
- action: function() {
- minder.execCommand("Progress", parseInt(p) + 1);
- }
- });
- });
- progress.button({
- position: "center",
- label: "移除",
- key: "Del",
- action: function() {
- minder.execCommand("Progress", 0);
- }
- });
- progress.button({
- position: "top",
- label: "返回",
- key: "esc",
- next: "back"
- });
- }
- return module.exports = ProgressRuntime;
- }
- };
- //src/runtime/receiver.js
- /**
- * @fileOverview
- *
- * 键盘事件接收/分发器
- *
- * @author: techird
- * @copyright: Baidu FEX, 2014
- */
- _p[18] = {
- value: function(require, exports, module) {
- var key = _p.r(23);
- var hotbox = _p.r(2);
- function ReceiverRuntime() {
- var fsm = this.fsm;
- var minder = this.minder;
- var me = this;
- // 接收事件的 div
- var element = document.createElement("div");
- element.contentEditable = true;
- /**
- * @Desc: 增加tabindex属性使得element的contenteditable不管是trur还是false都能有focus和blur事件
- * @Editor: Naixor
- * @Date: 2015.09.14
- */
- element.setAttribute("tabindex", -1);
- element.classList.add("receiver");
- element.onkeydown = element.onkeypress = element.onkeyup = dispatchKeyEvent;
- element.addEventListener("compositionstart", dispatchKeyEvent);
- // element.addEventListener('compositionend', dispatchKeyEvent);
- this.container.appendChild(element);
- // receiver 对象
- var receiver = {
- element: element,
- selectAll: function() {
- // 保证有被选中的
- if (!element.innerHTML) element.innerHTML = " ";
- var range = document.createRange();
- var selection = window.getSelection();
- range.selectNodeContents(element);
- selection.removeAllRanges();
- selection.addRange(range);
- element.focus();
- },
- /**
- * @Desc: 增加enable和disable方法用于解决热核态的输入法屏蔽问题
- * @Editor: Naixor
- * @Date: 2015.09.14
- */
- enable: function() {
- element.setAttribute("contenteditable", true);
- },
- disable: function() {
- element.setAttribute("contenteditable", false);
- },
- /**
- * @Desc: hack FF下div contenteditable的光标丢失BUG
- * @Editor: Naixor
- * @Date: 2015.10.15
- */
- fixFFCaretDisappeared: function() {
- element.removeAttribute("contenteditable");
- element.setAttribute("contenteditable", "true");
- element.blur();
- element.focus();
- },
- /**
- * 以此事件代替通过mouse事件来判断receiver丢失焦点的事件
- * @editor Naixor
- * @Date 2015-12-2
- */
- onblur: function(handler) {
- element.onblur = handler;
- }
- };
- receiver.selectAll();
- minder.on("beforemousedown", receiver.selectAll);
- minder.on("receiverfocus", receiver.selectAll);
- minder.on("readonly", function() {
- // 屏蔽minder的事件接受,删除receiver和hotbox
- minder.disable();
- editor.receiver.element.parentElement.removeChild(editor.receiver.element);
- editor.hotbox.$container.removeChild(editor.hotbox.$element);
- });
- // 侦听器,接收到的事件会派发给所有侦听器
- var listeners = [];
- // 侦听指定状态下的事件,如果不传 state,侦听所有状态
- receiver.listen = function(state, listener) {
- if (arguments.length == 1) {
- listener = state;
- state = "*";
- }
- listener.notifyState = state;
- listeners.push(listener);
- };
- function dispatchKeyEvent(e) {
- e.is = function(keyExpression) {
- var subs = keyExpression.split("|");
- for (var i = 0; i < subs.length; i++) {
- if (key.is(this, subs[i])) return true;
- }
- return false;
- };
- var listener, jumpState;
- for (var i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++) {
- listener = listeners[i];
- // 忽略不在侦听状态的侦听器
- if (listener.notifyState != "*" && listener.notifyState != fsm.state()) {
- continue;
- }
- /**
- *
- * 对于所有的侦听器,只允许一种处理方式:跳转状态。
- * 如果侦听器确定要跳转,则返回要跳转的状态。
- * 每个事件只允许一个侦听器进行状态跳转
- * 跳转动作由侦听器自行完成(因为可能需要在跳转时传递 reason),返回跳转结果即可。
- * 比如:
- *
- * ```js
- * receiver.listen('normal', function(e) {
- * if (isSomeReasonForJumpState(e)) {
- * return fsm.jump('newstate', e);
- * }
- * });
- * ```
- */
- if (listener.call(null, e)) {
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- this.receiver = receiver;
- }
- return module.exports = ReceiverRuntime;
- }
- };
- //src/tool/debug.js
- /**
- * @fileOverview
- *
- * 支持各种调试后门
- *
- * @author: techird
- * @copyright: Baidu FEX, 2014
- */
- _p[19] = {
- value: function(require, exports, module) {
- var format = _p.r(20);
- function noop() {}
- function stringHash(str) {
- var hash = 0;
- for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
- hash += str.charCodeAt(i);
- }
- return hash;
- }
- /* global console */
- function Debug(flag) {
- var debugMode = this.flaged = window.location.search.indexOf(flag) != -1;
- if (debugMode) {
- var h = stringHash(flag) % 360;
- var flagStyle = format("background: hsl({0}, 50%, 80%); " + "color: hsl({0}, 100%, 30%); " + "padding: 2px 3px; " + "margin: 1px 3px 0 0;" + "border-radius: 2px;", h);
- var textStyle = "background: none; color: black;";
- this.log = function() {
- var output = format.apply(null, arguments);
- console.log(format("%c{0}%c{1}", flag, output), flagStyle, textStyle);
- };
- } else {
- this.log = noop;
- }
- }
- return module.exports = Debug;
- }
- };
- //src/tool/format.js
- _p[20] = {
- value: function(require, exports, module) {
- function format(template, args) {
- if (typeof args != "object") {
- args = [].slice.call(arguments, 1);
- }
- return String(template).replace(/\{(\w+)\}/gi, function(match, $key) {
- return args[$key] || $key;
- });
- }
- return module.exports = format;
- }
- };
- //src/tool/innertext.js
- /**
- * @fileOverview
- *
- * innerText polyfill
- *
- * @author: techird
- * @copyright: Baidu FEX, 2014
- */
- _p[21] = {
- value: function(require, exports, module) {
- if (!("innerText" in document.createElement("a")) && "getSelection" in window) {
- HTMLElement.prototype.__defineGetter__("innerText", function() {
- var selection = window.getSelection(), ranges = [], str, i;
- // Save existing selections.
- for (i = 0; i < selection.rangeCount; i++) {
- ranges[i] = selection.getRangeAt(i);
- }
- // Deselect everything.
- selection.removeAllRanges();
- // Select `el` and all child nodes.
- // 'this' is the element .innerText got called on
- selection.selectAllChildren(this);
- // Get the string representation of the selected nodes.
- str = selection.toString();
- // Deselect everything. Again.
- selection.removeAllRanges();
- // Restore all formerly existing selections.
- for (i = 0; i < ranges.length; i++) {
- selection.addRange(ranges[i]);
- }
- // Oh look, this is what we wanted.
- // String representation of the element, close to as rendered.
- return str;
- });
- HTMLElement.prototype.__defineSetter__("innerText", function(text) {
- /**
- * @Desc: 解决FireFox节点内容删除后text为null,出现报错的问题
- * @Editor: Naixor
- * @Date: 2015.9.16
- */
- this.innerHTML = (text || "").replace(/</g, "<").replace(/>/g, ">").replace(/\n/g, "<br>");
- });
- }
- }
- };
- //src/tool/jsondiff.js
- /**
- * @fileOverview
- *
- *
- *
- * @author: techird
- * @copyright: Baidu FEX, 2014
- */
- _p[22] = {
- value: function(require, exports, module) {
- /*!
- * https://github.com/Starcounter-Jack/Fast-JSON-Patch
- * json-patch-duplex.js 0.5.0
- * (c) 2013 Joachim Wester
- * MIT license
- */
- var _objectKeys = function() {
- if (Object.keys) return Object.keys;
- return function(o) {
- var keys = [];
- for (var i in o) {
- if (o.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
- keys.push(i);
- }
- }
- return keys;
- };
- }();
- function escapePathComponent(str) {
- if (str.indexOf("/") === -1 && str.indexOf("~") === -1) return str;
- return str.replace(/~/g, "~0").replace(/\//g, "~1");
- }
- function deepClone(obj) {
- if (typeof obj === "object") {
- return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj));
- } else {
- return obj;
- }
- }
- // Dirty check if obj is different from mirror, generate patches and update mirror
- function _generate(mirror, obj, patches, path) {
- var newKeys = _objectKeys(obj);
- var oldKeys = _objectKeys(mirror);
- var changed = false;
- var deleted = false;
- for (var t = oldKeys.length - 1; t >= 0; t--) {
- var key = oldKeys[t];
- var oldVal = mirror[key];
- if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
- var newVal = obj[key];
- if (typeof oldVal == "object" && oldVal != null && typeof newVal == "object" && newVal != null) {
- _generate(oldVal, newVal, patches, path + "/" + escapePathComponent(key));
- } else {
- if (oldVal != newVal) {
- changed = true;
- patches.push({
- op: "replace",
- path: path + "/" + escapePathComponent(key),
- value: deepClone(newVal)
- });
- }
- }
- } else {
- patches.push({
- op: "remove",
- path: path + "/" + escapePathComponent(key)
- });
- deleted = true;
- }
- }
- if (!deleted && newKeys.length == oldKeys.length) {
- return;
- }
- for (var t = 0; t < newKeys.length; t++) {
- var key = newKeys[t];
- if (!mirror.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
- patches.push({
- op: "add",
- path: path + "/" + escapePathComponent(key),
- value: deepClone(obj[key])
- });
- }
- }
- }
- function compare(tree1, tree2) {
- var patches = [];
- _generate(tree1, tree2, patches, "");
- return patches;
- }
- return module.exports = compare;
- }
- };
- //src/tool/key.js
- _p[23] = {
- value: function(require, exports, module) {
- var keymap = _p.r(24);
- var CTRL_MASK = 4096;
- var ALT_MASK = 8192;
- var SHIFT_MASK = 16384;
- function hash(unknown) {
- if (typeof unknown == "string") {
- return hashKeyExpression(unknown);
- }
- return hashKeyEvent(unknown);
- }
- function is(a, b) {
- return a && b && hash(a) == hash(b);
- }
- exports.hash = hash;
- exports.is = is;
- function hashKeyEvent(keyEvent) {
- var hashCode = 0;
- if (keyEvent.ctrlKey || keyEvent.metaKey) {
- hashCode |= CTRL_MASK;
- }
- if (keyEvent.altKey) {
- hashCode |= ALT_MASK;
- }
- if (keyEvent.shiftKey) {
- hashCode |= SHIFT_MASK;
- }
- // Shift, Control, Alt KeyCode ignored.
- if ([ 16, 17, 18, 91 ].indexOf(keyEvent.keyCode) === -1) {
- /**
- * 解决浏览器输入法状态下对keyDown的keyCode判断不准确的问题,使用keyIdentifier,
- * 可以解决chrome和safari下的各种问题,其他浏览器依旧有问题,然而那并不影响我们对特
- * 需判断的按键进行判断(比如Space在safari输入法态下就是229,其他的就不是)
- * @editor Naixor
- * @Date 2015-12-2
- */
- if (keyEvent.keyCode === 229 && keyEvent.keyIdentifier) {
- return hashCode |= parseInt(keyEvent.keyIdentifier.substr(2), 16);
- }
- hashCode |= keyEvent.keyCode;
- }
- return hashCode;
- }
- function hashKeyExpression(keyExpression) {
- var hashCode = 0;
- keyExpression.toLowerCase().split(/\s*\+\s*/).forEach(function(name) {
- switch (name) {
- case "ctrl":
- case "cmd":
- hashCode |= CTRL_MASK;
- break;
- case "alt":
- hashCode |= ALT_MASK;
- break;
- case "shift":
- hashCode |= SHIFT_MASK;
- break;
- default:
- hashCode |= keymap[name];
- }
- });
- return hashCode;
- }
- }
- };
- //src/tool/keymap.js
- _p[24] = {
- value: function(require, exports, module) {
- var keymap = {
- Shift: 16,
- Control: 17,
- Alt: 18,
- CapsLock: 20,
- BackSpace: 8,
- Tab: 9,
- Enter: 13,
- Esc: 27,
- Space: 32,
- PageUp: 33,
- PageDown: 34,
- End: 35,
- Home: 36,
- Insert: 45,
- Left: 37,
- Up: 38,
- Right: 39,
- Down: 40,
- Direction: {
- 37: 1,
- 38: 1,
- 39: 1,
- 40: 1
- },
- Del: 46,
- NumLock: 144,
- Cmd: 91,
- CmdFF: 224,
- F1: 112,
- F2: 113,
- F3: 114,
- F4: 115,
- F5: 116,
- F6: 117,
- F7: 118,
- F8: 119,
- F9: 120,
- F10: 121,
- F11: 122,
- F12: 123,
- "`": 192,
- "=": 187,
- "-": 189,
- "/": 191,
- ".": 190
- };
- // 小写适配
- for (var key in keymap) {
- if (keymap.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
- keymap[key.toLowerCase()] = keymap[key];
- }
- }
- var aKeyCode = 65;
- var aCharCode = "a".charCodeAt(0);
- // letters
- "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".split("").forEach(function(letter) {
- keymap[letter] = aKeyCode + (letter.charCodeAt(0) - aCharCode);
- });
- // numbers
- var n = 9;
- do {
- keymap[n.toString()] = n + 48;
- } while (--n);
- module.exports = keymap;
- }
- };
- var moduleMapping = {
- "expose-editor": 1
- };
- function use(name) {
- _p.r([ moduleMapping[name] ]);
- }
- angular.module('kityminderEditor', [
- 'ui.bootstrap',
- 'ui.codemirror',
- 'ui.colorpicker'
- ])
- .config(["$sceDelegateProvider", function($sceDelegateProvider) {
- $sceDelegateProvider.resourceUrlWhitelist([
- // Allow same origin resource loads.
- 'self',
- // Allow loading from our assets domain. Notice the difference between * and **.
- 'http://agroup.baidu.com:8910/**',
- 'http://cq01-fe-rdtest01.vm.baidu.com:8910/**',
- 'http://agroup.baidu.com:8911/**'
- ]);
- }]);
- angular.module('kityminderEditor').run(['$templateCache', function($templateCache) {
- 'use strict';
- $templateCache.put('ui/directive/appendNode/appendNode.html',
- "<div class=\"km-btn-group append-group\"><div class=\"km-btn-item append-child-node\" ng-disabled=\"minder.queryCommandState('AppendChildNode') === -1\" ng-click=\"minder.queryCommandState('AppendChildNode') === -1 || execCommand('AppendChildNode')\" title=\"{{ 'appendchildnode' | lang:'ui/command' }}\"><i class=\"km-btn-icon\"></i> <span class=\"km-btn-caption\">{{ 'appendchildnode' | lang:'ui/command' }}</span></div><div class=\"km-btn-item append-parent-node\" ng-disabled=\"minder.queryCommandState('AppendParentNode') === -1\" ng-click=\"minder.queryCommandState('AppendParentNode') === -1 || execCommand('AppendParentNode')\" title=\"{{ 'appendparentnode' | lang:'ui/command' }}\"><i class=\"km-btn-icon\"></i> <span class=\"km-btn-caption\">{{ 'appendparentnode' | lang:'ui/command' }}</span></div><div class=\"km-btn-item append-sibling-node\" ng-disabled=\"minder.queryCommandState('AppendSiblingNode') === -1\" ng-click=\"minder.queryCommandState('AppendSiblingNode') === -1 ||execCommand('AppendSiblingNode')\" title=\"{{ 'appendsiblingnode' | lang:'ui/command' }}\"><i class=\"km-btn-icon\"></i> <span class=\"km-btn-caption\">{{ 'appendsiblingnode' | lang:'ui/command' }}</span></div></div>"
- );
- $templateCache.put('ui/directive/arrange/arrange.html',
- "<div class=\"km-btn-group arrange-group\"><div class=\"km-btn-item arrange-up\" ng-disabled=\"minder.queryCommandState('ArrangeUp') === -1\" ng-click=\"minder.queryCommandState('ArrangeUp') === -1 || minder.execCommand('ArrangeUp')\" title=\"{{ 'arrangeup' | lang:'ui/command' }}\"><i class=\"km-btn-icon\"></i> <span class=\"km-btn-caption\">{{ 'arrangeup' | lang:'ui/command' }}</span></div><div class=\"km-btn-item arrange-down\" ng-disabled=\"minder.queryCommandState('ArrangeDown') === -1\" ng-click=\"minder.queryCommandState('ArrangeDown') === -1 || minder.execCommand('ArrangeDown');\" title=\"{{ 'arrangedown' | lang:'ui/command' }}\"><i class=\"km-btn-icon\"></i> <span class=\"km-btn-caption\">{{ 'arrangedown' | lang:'ui/command' }}</span></div></div>"
- );
- $templateCache.put('ui/directive/colorPanel/colorPanel.html',
- "<div class=\"bg-color-wrap\"><span class=\"quick-bg-color\" ng-click=\"minder.queryCommandState('background') === -1 || minder.execCommand('background', bgColor)\" ng-disabled=\"minder.queryCommandState('background') === -1\"></span> <span color-picker class=\"bg-color\" set-color=\"setDefaultBg()\" ng-disabled=\"minder.queryCommandState('background') === -1\"><span class=\"caret\"></span></span> <span class=\"bg-color-preview\" ng-style=\"{ 'background-color': bgColor }\" ng-click=\"minder.queryCommandState('background') === -1 || minder.execCommand('background', bgColor)\" ng-disabled=\"minder.queryCommandState('background') === -1\"></span></div>"
- );
- $templateCache.put('ui/directive/expandLevel/expandLevel.html',
- "<div class=\"btn-group-vertical\" dropdown is-open=\"isopen\"><button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-default expand\" title=\"{{ 'expandtoleaf' | lang:'ui' }}\" ng-class=\"{'active': isopen}\" ng-click=\"minder.execCommand('ExpandToLevel', 9999)\"></button> <button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-default expand-caption dropdown-toggle\" title=\"{{ 'expandtoleaf' | lang:'ui' }}\" dropdown-toggle><span class=\"caption\">{{ 'expandtoleaf' | lang:'ui' }}</span> <span class=\"caret\"></span> <span class=\"sr-only\">{{ 'expandtoleaf' | lang:'ui' }}</span></button><ul class=\"dropdown-menu\" role=\"menu\"><li ng-repeat=\"level in levels\"><a href ng-click=\"minder.execCommand('ExpandToLevel', level)\">{{ 'expandtolevel' + level | lang:'ui/command' }}</a></li></ul></div>"
- );
- $templateCache.put('ui/directive/fontOperator/fontOperator.html',
- "<div class=\"font-operator\"><div class=\"dropdown font-family-list\" dropdown><div class=\"dropdown-toggle current-font-item\" dropdown-toggle ng-disabled=\"minder.queryCommandState('fontfamily') === -1\"><a href class=\"current-font-family\" title=\"{{ 'fontfamily' | lang: 'ui' }}\">{{ getFontfamilyName(minder.queryCommandValue('fontfamily')) || '字体' }}</a> <span class=\"caret\"></span></div><ul class=\"dropdown-menu font-list\"><li ng-repeat=\"f in fontFamilyList\" class=\"font-item-wrap\"><a ng-click=\"minder.execCommand('fontfamily', f.val)\" class=\"font-item\" ng-class=\"{ 'font-item-selected' : f == minder.queryCommandValue('fontfamily') }\" ng-style=\"{'font-family': f.val }\">{{ f.name }}</a></li></ul></div><div class=\"dropdown font-size-list\" dropdown><div class=\"dropdown-toggle current-font-item\" dropdown-toggle ng-disabled=\"minder.queryCommandState('fontsize') === -1\"><a href class=\"current-font-size\" title=\"{{ 'fontsize' | lang: 'ui' }}\">{{ minder.queryCommandValue('fontsize') || '字号' }}</a> <span class=\"caret\"></span></div><ul class=\"dropdown-menu font-list\"><li ng-repeat=\"f in fontSizeList\" class=\"font-item-wrap\"><a ng-click=\"minder.execCommand('fontsize', f)\" class=\"font-item\" ng-class=\"{ 'font-item-selected' : f == minder.queryCommandValue('fontsize') }\" ng-style=\"{'font-size': f + 'px'}\">{{ f }}</a></li></ul></div><span class=\"s-btn-icon font-bold\" ng-click=\"minder.queryCommandState('bold') === -1 || minder.execCommand('bold')\" ng-class=\"{'font-bold-selected' : minder.queryCommandState('bold') == 1}\" ng-disabled=\"minder.queryCommandState('bold') === -1\"></span> <span class=\"s-btn-icon font-italics\" ng-click=\"minder.queryCommandState('italic') === -1 || minder.execCommand('italic')\" ng-class=\"{'font-italics-selected' : minder.queryCommandState('italic') == 1}\" ng-disabled=\"minder.queryCommandState('italic') === -1\"></span><div class=\"font-color-wrap\"><span class=\"quick-font-color\" ng-click=\"minder.queryCommandState('forecolor') === -1 || minder.execCommand('forecolor', foreColor)\" ng-disabled=\"minder.queryCommandState('forecolor') === -1\">A</span> <span color-picker class=\"font-color\" set-color=\"setDefaultColor()\" ng-disabled=\"minder.queryCommandState('forecolor') === -1\"><span class=\"caret\"></span></span> <span class=\"font-color-preview\" ng-style=\"{ 'background-color': foreColor }\" ng-click=\"minder.queryCommandState('forecolor') === -1 || minder.execCommand('forecolor', foreColor)\" ng-disabled=\"minder.queryCommandState('forecolor') === -1\"></span></div><color-panel minder=\"minder\" class=\"inline-directive\"></color-panel></div>"
- );
- $templateCache.put('ui/directive/hyperLink/hyperLink.html',
- "<div class=\"btn-group-vertical\" dropdown is-open=\"isopen\"><button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-default hyperlink\" title=\"{{ 'link' | lang:'ui' }}\" ng-class=\"{'active': isopen}\" ng-click=\"addHyperlink()\" ng-disabled=\"minder.queryCommandState('HyperLink') === -1\"></button> <button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-default hyperlink-caption dropdown-toggle\" ng-disabled=\"minder.queryCommandState('HyperLink') === -1\" title=\"{{ 'link' | lang:'ui' }}\" dropdown-toggle><span class=\"caption\">{{ 'link' | lang:'ui' }}</span> <span class=\"caret\"></span> <span class=\"sr-only\">{{ 'link' | lang:'ui' }}</span></button><ul class=\"dropdown-menu\" role=\"menu\"><li><a href ng-click=\"addHyperlink()\">{{ 'insertlink' | lang:'ui' }}</a></li><li><a href ng-click=\"minder.execCommand('HyperLink', null)\">{{ 'removelink' | lang:'ui' }}</a></li></ul></div>"
- );
- $templateCache.put('ui/directive/imageBtn/imageBtn.html',
- "<div class=\"btn-group-vertical\" dropdown is-open=\"isopen\"><button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-default image-btn\" title=\"{{ 'image' | lang:'ui' }}\" ng-class=\"{'active': isopen}\" ng-click=\"addImage()\" ng-disabled=\"minder.queryCommandState('Image') === -1\"></button> <button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-default image-btn-caption dropdown-toggle\" ng-disabled=\"minder.queryCommandState('Image') === -1\" title=\"{{ 'image' | lang:'ui' }}\" dropdown-toggle><span class=\"caption\">{{ 'image' | lang:'ui' }}</span> <span class=\"caret\"></span> <span class=\"sr-only\">{{ 'image' | lang:'ui' }}</span></button><ul class=\"dropdown-menu\" role=\"menu\"><li><a href ng-click=\"addImage()\">{{ 'insertimage' | lang:'ui' }}</a></li><li><a href ng-click=\"minder.execCommand('Image', '')\">{{ 'removeimage' | lang:'ui' }}</a></li></ul></div>"
- );
- $templateCache.put('ui/directive/kityminderEditor/kityminderEditor.html',
- "<div class=\"minder-editor-container\"><div class=\"top-tab\" top-tab=\"minder\" editor=\"editor\" ng-if=\"minder\"></div><div search-box minder=\"minder\" ng-if=\"minder\"></div><div class=\"minder-editor\"></div><div class=\"km-note\" note-editor minder=\"minder\" ng-if=\"minder\"></div><div class=\"note-previewer\" note-previewer ng-if=\"minder\"></div><div class=\"navigator\" navigator minder=\"minder\" ng-if=\"minder\"></div></div>"
- );
- $templateCache.put('ui/directive/kityminderViewer/kityminderViewer.html',
- "<div class=\"minder-editor-container\"><div class=\"minder-viewer\"></div><div class=\"note-previewer\" note-previewer ng-if=\"minder\"></div><div class=\"navigator\" navigator minder=\"minder\" ng-if=\"minder\"></div></div>"
- );
- $templateCache.put('ui/directive/layout/layout.html',
- "<div class=\"readjust-layout\"><a ng-click=\"minder.queryCommandState('resetlayout') === -1 || minder.execCommand('resetlayout')\" class=\"btn-wrap\" ng-disabled=\"minder.queryCommandState('resetlayout') === -1\"><span class=\"btn-icon reset-layout-icon\"></span> <span class=\"btn-label\">{{ 'resetlayout' | lang: 'ui/command' }}</span></a></div>"
- );
- $templateCache.put('ui/directive/navigator/navigator.html',
- "<div class=\"nav-bar\"><div class=\"nav-btn zoom-in\" ng-click=\"minder.execCommand('zoomIn')\" title=\"{{ 'zoom-in' | lang : 'ui' }}\" ng-class=\"{ 'active' : getZoomRadio(zoom) == 0 }\"><div class=\"icon\"></div></div><div class=\"zoom-pan\"><div class=\"origin\" ng-style=\"{'transform': 'translate(0, ' + getHeight(100) + 'px)'}\" ng-click=\"minder.execCommand('zoom', 100);\"></div><div class=\"indicator\" ng-style=\"{\n" +
- " 'transform': 'translate(0, ' + getHeight(zoom) + 'px)',\n" +
- " 'transition': 'transform 200ms'\n" +
- " }\"></div></div><div class=\"nav-btn zoom-out\" ng-click=\"minder.execCommand('zoomOut')\" title=\"{{ 'zoom-out' | lang : 'ui' }}\" ng-class=\"{ 'active' : getZoomRadio(zoom) == 1 }\"><div class=\"icon\"></div></div><div class=\"nav-btn hand\" ng-click=\"minder.execCommand('hand')\" title=\"{{ 'hand' | lang : 'ui' }}\" ng-class=\"{ 'active' : minder.queryCommandState('hand') == 1 }\"><div class=\"icon\"></div></div><div class=\"nav-btn camera\" ng-click=\"minder.execCommand('camera', minder.getRoot(), 600);\" title=\"{{ 'camera' | lang : 'ui' }}\"><div class=\"icon\"></div></div><div class=\"nav-btn nav-trigger\" ng-class=\"{'active' : isNavOpen}\" ng-click=\"toggleNavOpen()\" title=\"{{ 'navigator' | lang : 'ui' }}\"><div class=\"icon\"></div></div></div><div class=\"nav-previewer\" ng-show=\"isNavOpen\"></div>"
- );
- $templateCache.put('ui/directive/noteBtn/noteBtn.html',
- "<div class=\"btn-group-vertical note-btn-group\" dropdown is-open=\"isopen\"><button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-default note-btn\" title=\"{{ 'note' | lang:'ui' }}\" ng-class=\"{'active': isopen}\" ng-click=\"addNote()\" ng-disabled=\"minder.queryCommandState('note') === -1\"></button> <button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-default note-btn-caption dropdown-toggle\" ng-disabled=\"minder.queryCommandState('note') === -1\" title=\"{{ 'note' | lang:'ui' }}\" dropdown-toggle><span class=\"caption\">{{ 'note' | lang:'ui' }}</span> <span class=\"caret\"></span> <span class=\"sr-only\">{{ 'note' | lang:'ui' }}</span></button><ul class=\"dropdown-menu\" role=\"menu\"><li><a href ng-click=\"addNote()\">{{ 'insertnote' | lang:'ui' }}</a></li><li><a href ng-click=\"minder.execCommand('note', null)\">{{ 'removenote' | lang:'ui' }}</a></li></ul></div>"
- );
- $templateCache.put('ui/directive/noteEditor/noteEditor.html',
- "<div class=\"panel panel-default\" ng-init=\"noteEditorOpen = false\" ng-show=\"noteEditorOpen\"><div class=\"panel-heading\"><h3 class=\"panel-title\">备注</h3><span>(<a class=\"help\" href=\"https://www.zybuluo.com/techird/note/46064\" target=\"_blank\">支持 GFM 语法书写</a>)</span> <i class=\"close-note-editor glyphicon glyphicon-remove\" ng-click=\"closeNoteEditor()\"></i></div><div class=\"panel-body\"><div ng-show=\"noteEnabled\" ui-codemirror=\"{ onLoad: codemirrorLoaded }\" ng-model=\"noteContent\" ui-codemirror-opts=\"{\n" +
- " gfm: true,\n" +
- " breaks: true,\n" +
- " lineWrapping : true,\n" +
- " mode: 'gfm',\n" +
- " dragDrop: false,\n" +
- " lineNumbers:true\n" +
- " }\"></div><p ng-show=\"!noteEnabled\" class=\"km-note-tips\">请选择节点编辑备注</p></div></div>"
- );
- $templateCache.put('ui/directive/notePreviewer/notePreviewer.html',
- "<div id=\"previewer-content\" ng-show=\"showNotePreviewer\" ng-style=\"previewerStyle\" ng-bind-html=\"noteContent\"></div>"
- );
- $templateCache.put('ui/directive/operation/operation.html',
- "<div class=\"km-btn-group operation-group\"><div class=\"km-btn-item edit-node\" ng-disabled=\"minder.queryCommandState('text') === -1\" ng-click=\"minder.queryCommandState('text') === -1 || editNode()\" title=\"{{ 'editnode' | lang:'ui/command' }}\"><i class=\"km-btn-icon\"></i> <span class=\"km-btn-caption\">{{ 'editnode' | lang:'ui/command' }}</span></div><div class=\"km-btn-item remove-node\" ng-disabled=\"minder.queryCommandState('RemoveNode') === -1\" ng-click=\"minder.queryCommandState('RemoveNode') === -1 || minder.execCommand('RemoveNode');\" title=\"{{ 'removenode' | lang:'ui/command' }}\"><i class=\"km-btn-icon\"></i> <span class=\"km-btn-caption\">{{ 'removenode' | lang:'ui/command' }}</span></div></div>"
- );
- $templateCache.put('ui/directive/priorityEditor/priorityEditor.html',
- "<ul class=\"km-priority tool-group\" ng-disabled=\"commandDisabled\"><li class=\"km-priority-item tool-group-item\" ng-repeat=\"p in priorities\" ng-click=\"commandDisabled || minder.execCommand('priority', p)\" ng-class=\"{ active: commandValue == p }\" title=\"{{ getPriorityTitle(p) }}\"><div class=\"km-priority-icon tool-group-icon priority-{{p}}\"></div></li></ul>"
- );
- $templateCache.put('ui/directive/progressEditor/progressEditor.html',
- "<ul class=\"km-progress tool-group\" ng-disabled=\"commandDisabled\"><li class=\"km-progress-item tool-group-item\" ng-repeat=\"p in progresses\" ng-click=\"commandDisabled || minder.execCommand('progress', p)\" ng-class=\"{ active: commandValue == p }\" title=\"{{ getProgressTitle(p) }}\"><div class=\"km-progress-icon tool-group-icon progress-{{p}}\"></div></li></ul>"
- );
- $templateCache.put('ui/directive/resourceEditor/resourceEditor.html',
- "<div class=\"resource-editor\"><div class=\"input-group\"><input class=\"form-control\" type=\"text\" ng-model=\"newResourceName\" ng-required ng-keypress=\"$event.keyCode == 13 && addResource(newResourceName)\" ng-disabled=\"!enabled\"> <span class=\"input-group-btn\"><button class=\"btn btn-default\" ng-click=\"addResource(newResourceName)\" ng-disabled=\"!enabled\">添加</button></span></div><div class=\"resource-dropdown clearfix\" id=\"resource-dropdown\"><ul class=\"km-resource\" ng-init=\"resourceListOpen = false\" ng-class=\"{'open': resourceListOpen}\"><li ng-repeat=\"resource in used\" ng-disabled=\"!enabled\" ng-blur=\"blurCB()\"><label style=\"background: {{resourceColor(resource.name)}}\"><input type=\"checkbox\" ng-model=\"resource.selected\" ng-disabled=\"!enabled\"> <span>{{resource.name}}</span></label></li></ul><div class=\"resource-caret\" click-anywhere-but-here=\"resourceListOpen = false\" is-active=\"resourceListOpen\" ng-click=\"resourceListOpen = !resourceListOpen\"><span class=\"caret\"></span></div></div></div>"
- );
- $templateCache.put('ui/directive/searchBox/searchBox.html',
- "<div id=\"search\" class=\"search-box clearfix\" ng-show=\"showSearch\"><div class=\"input-group input-group-sm search-input-wrap\"><input type=\"text\" id=\"search-input\" class=\"form-control search-input\" ng-model=\"keyword\" ng-keydown=\"handleKeyDown($event)\" aria-describedby=\"basic-addon2\"> <span class=\"input-group-addon search-addon\" id=\"basic-addon2\" ng-show=\"showTip\" ng-bind=\"'第 ' + curIndex + ' 条,共 ' + resultNum + ' 条'\"></span></div><div class=\"btn-group btn-group-sm prev-and-next-btn\" role=\"group\"><button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-default\" ng-click=\"doSearch(keyword, 'prev')\"><span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-up\"></span></button> <button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-default\" ng-click=\"doSearch(keyword, 'next')\"><span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-down\"></span></button></div><div class=\"close-search\" ng-click=\"exitSearch()\"><span class=\"glyphicon glyphicon-remove\"></span></div></div>"
- );
- $templateCache.put('ui/directive/searchBtn/searchBtn.html',
- "<div class=\"btn-group-vertical\" dropdown is-open=\"isopen\"><button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-default search\" title=\"{{ 'search' | lang:'ui' }}\" ng-class=\"{'active': isopen}\" ng-click=\"enterSearch()\"></button> <button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-default search-caption dropdown-toggle\" ng-click=\"enterSearch()\" title=\"{{ 'search' | lang:'ui' }}\"><span class=\"caption\">{{ 'search' | lang:'ui' }}</span> <span class=\"sr-only\">{{ 'search' | lang:'ui' }}</span></button></div>"
- );
- $templateCache.put('ui/directive/selectAll/selectAll.html',
- "<div class=\"btn-group-vertical\" dropdown is-open=\"isopen\"><button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-default select\" title=\"{{ 'selectall' | lang:'ui' }}\" ng-class=\"{'active': isopen}\" ng-click=\"select['all']()\"></button> <button type=\"button\" class=\"btn btn-default select-caption dropdown-toggle\" title=\"{{ 'selectall' | lang:'ui' }}\" dropdown-toggle><span class=\"caption\">{{ 'selectall' | lang:'ui' }}</span> <span class=\"caret\"></span> <span class=\"sr-only\">{{ 'selectall' | lang:'ui' }}</span></button><ul class=\"dropdown-menu\" role=\"menu\"><li ng-repeat=\"item in items\"><a href ng-click=\"select[item]()\">{{ 'select' + item | lang:'ui' }}</a></li></ul></div>"
- );
- $templateCache.put('ui/directive/styleOperator/styleOperator.html',
- "<div class=\"style-operator\"><a ng-click=\"minder.queryCommandState('clearstyle') === -1 || minder.execCommand('clearstyle')\" class=\"btn-wrap clear-style\" ng-disabled=\"minder.queryCommandState('clearstyle') === -1\"><span class=\"btn-icon clear-style-icon\"></span> <span class=\"btn-label\">{{ 'clearstyle' | lang: 'ui' }}</span></a><div class=\"s-btn-group-vertical\"><a class=\"s-btn-wrap\" href ng-click=\"minder.queryCommandState('copystyle') === -1 || minder.execCommand('copystyle')\" ng-disabled=\"minder.queryCommandState('copystyle') === -1\"><span class=\"s-btn-icon copy-style-icon\"></span> <span class=\"s-btn-label\">{{ 'copystyle' | lang: 'ui' }}</span></a> <a class=\"s-btn-wrap paste-style-wrap\" href ng-click=\"minder.queryCommandState('pastestyle') === -1 || minder.execCommand('pastestyle')\" ng-disabled=\"minder.queryCommandState('pastestyle') === -1\"><span class=\"s-btn-icon paste-style-icon\"></span> <span class=\"s-btn-label\">{{ 'pastestyle' | lang: 'ui' }}</span></a></div></div>"
- );
- $templateCache.put('ui/directive/templateList/templateList.html',
- "<div class=\"dropdown temp-panel\" dropdown on-toggle=\"toggled(open)\"><div class=\"dropdown-toggle current-temp-item\" ng-disabled=\"minder.queryCommandState('template') === -1\" dropdown-toggle><a href class=\"temp-item {{ minder.queryCommandValue('template') }}\" title=\"{{ minder.queryCommandValue('template') | lang: 'template' }}\"></a> <span class=\"caret\"></span></div><ul class=\"dropdown-menu temp-list\"><li ng-repeat=\"(key, templateObj) in templateList\" class=\"temp-item-wrap\"><a ng-click=\"minder.execCommand('template', key);\" class=\"temp-item {{key}}\" ng-class=\"{ 'temp-item-selected' : key == minder.queryCommandValue('template') }\" title=\"{{ key | lang: 'template' }}\"></a></li></ul></div>"
- );
- $templateCache.put('ui/directive/themeList/themeList.html',
- "<div class=\"dropdown theme-panel\" dropdown><div class=\"dropdown-toggle theme-item-selected\" dropdown-toggle ng-disabled=\"minder.queryCommandState('theme') === -1\"><a href class=\"theme-item\" ng-style=\"getThemeThumbStyle(minder.queryCommandValue('theme'))\" title=\"{{ minder.queryCommandValue('theme') | lang: 'theme'; }}\">{{ minder.queryCommandValue('theme') | lang: 'theme'; }}</a> <span class=\"caret\"></span></div><ul class=\"dropdown-menu theme-list\"><li ng-repeat=\"key in themeKeyList\" class=\"theme-item-wrap\"><a ng-click=\"minder.execCommand('theme', key);\" class=\"theme-item\" ng-style=\"getThemeThumbStyle(key)\" title=\"{{ key | lang: 'theme'; }}\">{{ key | lang: 'theme'; }}</a></li></ul></div>"
- );
- $templateCache.put('ui/directive/topTab/topTab.html',
- "<tabset><tab heading=\"{{ 'idea' | lang: 'ui/tabs'; }}\" ng-click=\"toggleTopTab('idea')\" select=\"setCurTab('idea')\"><undo-redo editor=\"editor\"></undo-redo><append-node minder=\"minder\"></append-node><arrange minder=\"minder\"></arrange><operation minder=\"minder\"></operation><hyper-link minder=\"minder\"></hyper-link><image-btn minder=\"minder\"></image-btn><note-btn minder=\"minder\"></note-btn><priority-editor minder=\"minder\"></priority-editor><progress-editor minder=\"minder\"></progress-editor><resource-editor minder=\"minder\"></resource-editor></tab><tab heading=\"{{ 'appearence' | lang: 'ui/tabs'; }}\" ng-click=\"toggleTopTab('appearance')\" select=\"setCurTab('appearance')\"><template-list minder=\"minder\" class=\"inline-directive\"></template-list><theme-list minder=\"minder\"></theme-list><layout minder=\"minder\" class=\"inline-directive\"></layout><style-operator minder=\"minder\" class=\"inline-directive\"></style-operator><font-operator minder=\"minder\" class=\"inline-directive\"></font-operator></tab><tab heading=\"{{ 'view' | lang: 'ui/tabs'; }}\" ng-click=\"toggleTopTab('view')\" select=\"setCurTab('view')\"><expand-level minder=\"minder\"></expand-level><select-all minder=\"minder\"></select-all><search-btn minder=\"minder\"></search-btn></tab></tabset>"
- );
- $templateCache.put('ui/directive/undoRedo/undoRedo.html',
- "<div class=\"km-btn-group do-group\"><div class=\"km-btn-item undo\" ng-disabled=\"editor.history.hasUndo() == false\" ng-click=\"editor.history.hasUndo() == false || editor.history.undo();\" title=\"{{ 'undo' | lang:'ui' }}\"><i class=\"km-btn-icon\"></i></div><div class=\"km-btn-item redo\" ng-disabled=\"editor.history.hasRedo() == false\" ng-click=\"editor.history.hasRedo() == false || editor.history.redo()\" title=\"{{ 'redo' | lang:'ui' }}\"><i class=\"km-btn-icon\"></i></div></div>"
- );
- $templateCache.put('ui/dialog/hyperlink/hyperlink.tpl.html',
- "<div class=\"modal-header\"><h3 class=\"modal-title\">链接</h3></div><div class=\"modal-body\"><form><div class=\"form-group\" id=\"link-url-wrap\" ng-class=\"{true: 'has-success', false: 'has-error'}[urlPassed]\"><label for=\"link-url\">链接地址:</label><input type=\"text\" class=\"form-control\" ng-model=\"url\" ng-blur=\"urlPassed = R_URL.test(url)\" ng-focus=\"this.value = url\" ng-keydown=\"shortCut($event)\" id=\"link-url\" placeholder=\"必填:以 http(s):// 或 ftp:// 开头\"></div><div class=\"form-group\" ng-class=\"{'has-success' : titlePassed}\"><label for=\"link-title\">提示文本:</label><input type=\"text\" class=\"form-control\" ng-model=\"title\" ng-blur=\"titlePassed = true\" id=\"link-title\" placeholder=\"选填:鼠标在链接上悬停时提示的文本\"></div></form></div><div class=\"modal-footer\"><button class=\"btn btn-primary\" ng-click=\"ok()\">确定</button> <button class=\"btn btn-warning\" ng-click=\"cancel()\">取消</button></div>"
- );
- $templateCache.put('ui/dialog/imExportNode/imExportNode.tpl.html',
- "<div class=\"modal-header\"><h3 class=\"modal-title\">{{ title }}</h3></div><div class=\"modal-body\"><textarea type=\"text\" class=\"form-control single-input\" rows=\"8\" ng-keydown=\"shortCut($event);\" ng-model=\"value\" ng-readonly=\"type === 'export'\">\n" +
- " </textarea></div><div class=\"modal-footer\"><button class=\"btn btn-primary\" ng-click=\"ok()\" ng-disabled=\"type === 'import' && value == ''\">OK</button> <button class=\"btn btn-warning\" ng-click=\"cancel()\">Cancel</button></div>"
- );
- $templateCache.put('ui/dialog/image/image.tpl.html',
- "<div class=\"modal-header\"><h3 class=\"modal-title\">图片</h3></div><div class=\"modal-body\"><tabset><tab heading=\"图片搜索\"><form class=\"form-inline\"><div class=\"form-group\"><label for=\"search-keyword\">关键词:</label><input type=\"text\" class=\"form-control\" ng-model=\"data.searchKeyword2\" id=\"search-keyword\" placeholder=\"请输入搜索的关键词\"></div><button class=\"btn btn-primary\" ng-click=\"searchImage()\">百度一下</button></form><div class=\"search-result\" id=\"search-result\"><ul><li ng-repeat=\"image in list\" id=\"{{ 'img-item' + $index }}\" ng-class=\"{'selected' : isSelected}\" ng-click=\"selectImage($event)\"><img id=\"{{ 'img-' + $index }}\" ng-src=\"{{ image.src || '' }}\" alt=\"{{ image.title }}\" onerror=\"this.parentNode.removeChild(this)\"> <span>{{ image.title }}</span></li></ul></div></tab><tab heading=\"外链图片\"><form><div class=\"form-group\" ng-class=\"{true: 'has-success', false: 'has-error'}[urlPassed]\"><label for=\"image-url\">链接地址:</label><input type=\"text\" class=\"form-control\" ng-model=\"data.url\" ng-blur=\"urlPassed = data.R_URL.test(data.url)\" ng-focus=\"this.value = data.url\" ng-keydown=\"shortCut($event)\" id=\"image-url\" placeholder=\"必填:以 http(s):// 开头\"></div><div class=\"form-group\" ng-class=\"{'has-success' : titlePassed}\"><label for=\"image-title\">提示文本:</label><input type=\"text\" class=\"form-control\" ng-model=\"data.title\" ng-blur=\"titlePassed = true\" id=\"image-title\" placeholder=\"选填:鼠标在图片上悬停时提示的文本\"></div><div class=\"form-group\"><label for=\"image-preview\">图片预览:</label><img class=\"image-preview\" id=\"image-preview\" ng-src=\"{{ data.url }}\" alt=\"{{ data.title }}\"></div></form></tab><tab heading=\"上传图片\" active=\"true\"><form><div class=\"form-group\"><input type=\"file\" name=\"upload-image\" id=\"upload-image\" class=\"upload-image\" accept=\".jpg,.JPG,jpeg,JPEG,.png,.PNG,.gif,.GIF\" onchange=\"angular.element(this).scope().uploadImage()\"><label for=\"upload-image\" class=\"btn btn-primary\"><span>选择文件…</span></label></div><div class=\"form-group\" ng-class=\"{'has-success' : titlePassed}\"><label for=\"image-title\">提示文本:</label><input type=\"text\" class=\"form-control\" ng-model=\"data.title\" ng-blur=\"titlePassed = true\" id=\"image-title\" placeholder=\"选填:鼠标在图片上悬停时提示的文本\"></div><div class=\"form-group\"><label for=\"image-preview\">图片预览:</label><img class=\"image-preview\" id=\"image-preview\" ng-src=\"{{ data.url }}\" title=\"{{ data.title }}\" alt=\"{{ data.title }}\"></div></form></tab></tabset></div><div class=\"modal-footer\"><button class=\"btn btn-primary\" ng-click=\"ok()\">确定</button> <button class=\"btn btn-warning\" ng-click=\"cancel()\">取消</button></div>"
- );
- }]);
- angular.module('kityminderEditor').service('commandBinder', function() {
- return {
- bind: function(minder, command, scope) {
- minder.on('interactchange', function() {
- scope.commandDisabled = minder.queryCommandState(command) === -1;
- scope.commandValue = minder.queryCommandValue(command);
- scope.$apply();
- });
- }
- };
- });
- angular.module('kityminderEditor')
- .provider('config', function() {
- this.config = {
- // 右侧面板最小宽度
- ctrlPanelMin: 250,
- // 右侧面板宽度
- ctrlPanelWidth: parseInt(window.localStorage.__dev_minder_ctrlPanelWidth) || 250,
- // 分割线宽度
- dividerWidth: 3,
- // 默认语言
- defaultLang: 'zh-cn',
- // 放大缩小比例
- zoom: [10, 20, 30, 50, 80, 100, 120, 150, 200],
- // 图片上传接口
- imageUpload: 'server/imageUpload.php'
- };
- this.set = function(key, value) {
- var supported = Object.keys(this.config);
- var configObj = {};
- // 支持全配置
- if (typeof key === 'object') {
- configObj = key;
- }
- else {
- configObj[key] = value;
- }
- for (var i in configObj) {
- if (configObj.hasOwnProperty(i) && supported.indexOf(i) !== -1) {
- this.config[i] = configObj[i];
- }
- else {
- console.error('Unsupported config key: ', key, ', please choose in :', supported.join(', '));
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- };
- this.$get = function () {
- var me = this;
- return {
- get: function (key) {
- if (arguments.length === 0) {
- return me.config;
- }
- if (me.config.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
- return me.config[key];
- }
- console.warn('Missing config key pair for : ', key);
- return '';
- }
- };
- }
- });
- angular.module('kityminderEditor')
- .service('lang.zh-cn', function() {
- return {
- 'zh-cn': {
- 'template': {
- 'default': '思维导图',
- 'tianpan': '天盘图',
- 'structure': '组织结构图',
- 'filetree': '目录组织图',
- 'right': '逻辑结构图',
- 'fish-bone': '鱼骨头图'
- },
- 'theme': {
- 'classic': '脑图经典',
- 'classic-compact': '紧凑经典',
- 'snow': '温柔冷光',
- 'snow-compact': '紧凑冷光',
- 'fish': '鱼骨图',
- 'wire': '线框',
- 'fresh-red': '清新红',
- 'fresh-soil': '泥土黄',
- 'fresh-green': '文艺绿',
- 'fresh-blue': '天空蓝',
- 'fresh-purple': '浪漫紫',
- 'fresh-pink': '脑残粉',
- 'fresh-red-compat': '紧凑红',
- 'fresh-soil-compat': '紧凑黄',
- 'fresh-green-compat': '紧凑绿',
- 'fresh-blue-compat': '紧凑蓝',
- 'fresh-purple-compat': '紧凑紫',
- 'fresh-pink-compat': '紧凑粉',
- 'tianpan':'经典天盘',
- 'tianpan-compact': '紧凑天盘'
- },
- 'maintopic': '中心主题',
- 'topic': '分支主题',
- 'panels': {
- 'history': '历史',
- 'template': '模板',
- 'theme': '皮肤',
- 'layout': '布局',
- 'style': '样式',
- 'font': '文字',
- 'color': '颜色',
- 'background': '背景',
- 'insert': '插入',
- 'arrange': '调整',
- 'nodeop': '当前',
- 'priority': '优先级',
- 'progress': '进度',
- 'resource': '资源',
- 'note': '备注',
- 'attachment': '附件',
- 'word': '文字'
- },
- 'error_message': {
- 'title': '哎呀,脑图出错了',
- 'err_load': '加载脑图失败',
- 'err_save': '保存脑图失败',
- 'err_network': '网络错误',
- 'err_doc_resolve': '文档解析失败',
- 'err_unknown': '发生了奇怪的错误',
- 'err_localfile_read': '文件读取错误',
- 'err_download': '文件下载失败',
- 'err_remove_share': '取消分享失败',
- 'err_create_share': '分享失败',
- 'err_mkdir': '目录创建失败',
- 'err_ls': '读取目录失败',
- 'err_share_data': '加载分享内容出错',
- 'err_share_sync_fail': '分享内容同步失败',
- 'err_move_file': '文件移动失败',
- 'err_rename': '重命名失败',
- 'unknownreason': '可能是外星人篡改了代码...',
- 'pcs_code': {
- 3: "不支持此接口",
- 4: "没有权限执行此操作",
- 5: "IP未授权",
- 110: "用户会话已过期,请重新登录",
- 31001: "数据库查询错误",
- 31002: "数据库连接错误",
- 31003: "数据库返回空结果",
- 31021: "网络错误",
- 31022: "暂时无法连接服务器",
- 31023: "输入参数错误",
- 31024: "app id为空",
- 31025: "后端存储错误",
- 31041: "用户的cookie不是合法的百度cookie",
- 31042: "用户未登陆",
- 31043: "用户未激活",
- 31044: "用户未授权",
- 31045: "用户不存在",
- 31046: "用户已经存在",
- 31061: "文件已经存在",
- 31062: "文件名非法",
- 31063: "文件父目录不存在",
- 31064: "无权访问此文件",
- 31065: "目录已满",
- 31066: "文件不存在",
- 31067: "文件处理出错",
- 31068: "文件创建失败",
- 31069: "文件拷贝失败",
- 31070: "文件删除失败",
- 31071: "不能读取文件元信息",
- 31072: "文件移动失败",
- 31073: "文件重命名失败",
- 31079: "未找到文件MD5,请使用上传API上传整个文件。",
- 31081: "superfile创建失败",
- 31082: "superfile 块列表为空",
- 31083: "superfile 更新失败",
- 31101: "tag系统内部错误",
- 31102: "tag参数错误",
- 31103: "tag系统错误",
- 31110: "未授权设置此目录配额",
- 31111: "配额管理只支持两级目录",
- 31112: "超出配额",
- 31113: "配额不能超出目录祖先的配额",
- 31114: "配额不能比子目录配额小",
- 31141: "请求缩略图服务失败",
- 31201: "签名错误",
- 31202: "文件不存在",
- 31203: "设置acl失败",
- 31204: "请求acl验证失败",
- 31205: "获取acl失败",
- 31206: "acl不存在",
- 31207: "bucket已存在",
- 31208: "用户请求错误",
- 31209: "服务器错误",
- 31210: "服务器不支持",
- 31211: "禁止访问",
- 31212: "服务不可用",
- 31213: "重试出错",
- 31214: "上传文件data失败",
- 31215: "上传文件meta失败",
- 31216: "下载文件data失败",
- 31217: "下载文件meta失败",
- 31218: "容量超出限额",
- 31219: "请求数超出限额",
- 31220: "流量超出限额",
- 31298: "服务器返回值KEY非法",
- 31299: "服务器返回值KEY不存在"
- }
- },
- 'ui': {
- 'shared_file_title': '[分享的] {0} (只读)',
- 'load_share_for_edit': '正在加载分享的文件...',
- 'share_sync_success': '分享内容已同步',
- 'recycle_clear_confirm': '确认清空回收站么?清空后的文件无法恢复。',
- 'fullscreen_exit_hint': '按 Esc 或 F11 退出全屏',
- 'error_detail': '详细信息',
- 'copy_and_feedback': '复制并反馈',
- 'move_file_confirm': '确定把 "{0}" 移动到 "{1}" 吗?',
- 'rename': '重命名',
- 'rename_success': '{0} 重命名成功',
- 'move_success': '{0} 移动成功到 {1}',
- 'command': {
- 'appendsiblingnode': '插入同级主题',
- 'appendparentnode': '插入上级主题',
- 'appendchildnode': '插入下级主题',
- 'removenode': '删除',
- 'editnode': '编辑',
- 'arrangeup': '上移',
- 'arrangedown': '下移',
- 'resetlayout': '整理布局',
- 'expandtoleaf': '展开全部节点',
- 'expandtolevel1': '展开到一级节点',
- 'expandtolevel2': '展开到二级节点',
- 'expandtolevel3': '展开到三级节点',
- 'expandtolevel4': '展开到四级节点',
- 'expandtolevel5': '展开到五级节点',
- 'expandtolevel6': '展开到六级节点',
- 'fullscreen': '全屏',
- 'outline': '大纲'
- },
- 'search':'搜索',
- 'expandtoleaf': '展开',
- 'back': '返回',
- 'undo': '撤销 (Ctrl + Z)',
- 'redo': '重做 (Ctrl + Y)',
- 'tabs': {
- 'idea': '思路',
- 'appearence': '外观',
- 'view': '视图'
- },
- 'quickvisit': {
- 'new': '新建 (Ctrl + Alt + N)',
- 'save': '保存 (Ctrl + S)',
- 'share': '分享 (Ctrl + Alt + S)',
- 'feedback': '反馈问题(F1)',
- 'editshare': '编辑'
- },
- 'menu': {
- 'mainmenutext': '百度脑图', // 主菜单按钮文本
- 'newtab': '新建',
- 'opentab': '打开',
- 'savetab': '保存',
- 'sharetab': '分享',
- 'preferencetab': '设置',
- 'helptab': '帮助',
- 'feedbacktab': '反馈',
- 'recenttab': '最近使用',
- 'netdisktab': '百度云存储',
- 'localtab': '本地文件',
- 'drafttab': '草稿箱',
- 'downloadtab': '导出到本地',
- 'createsharetab': '当前脑图',
- 'managesharetab': '已分享',
- 'newheader': '新建脑图',
- 'openheader': '打开',
- 'saveheader': '保存到',
- 'draftheader': '草稿箱',
- 'shareheader': '分享我的脑图',
- 'downloadheader': '导出到指定格式',
- 'preferenceheader': '偏好设置',
- 'helpheader': '帮助',
- 'feedbackheader': '反馈'
- },
- 'mydocument': '我的文档',
- 'emptydir': '目录为空!',
- 'pickfile': '选择文件...',
- 'acceptfile': '支持的格式:{0}',
- 'dropfile': '或将文件拖至此处',
- 'unsupportedfile': '不支持的文件格式',
- 'untitleddoc': '未命名文档',
- 'overrideconfirm': '{0} 已存在,确认覆盖吗?',
- 'checklogin': '检查登录状态中...',
- 'loggingin': '正在登录...',
- 'recent': '最近打开',
- 'clearrecent': '清空',
- 'clearrecentconfirm': '确认清空最近文档列表?',
- 'cleardraft': '清空',
- 'cleardraftconfirm': '确认清空草稿箱?',
- 'none_share': '不分享',
- 'public_share': '公开分享',
- 'password_share': '私密分享',
- 'email_share': '邮件邀请',
- 'url_share': '脑图 URL 地址:',
- 'sns_share': '社交网络分享:',
- 'sns_share_text': '“{0}” - 我用百度脑图制作的思维导图,快看看吧!(地址:{1})',
- 'none_share_description': '不分享当前脑图',
- 'public_share_description': '创建任何人可见的分享',
- 'share_button_text': '创建',
- 'password_share_description': '创建需要密码才可见的分享',
- 'email_share_description': '创建指定人可见的分享,您还可以允许他们编辑',
- 'ondev': '敬请期待!',
- 'create_share_failed': '分享失败:{0}',
- 'remove_share_failed': '删除失败:{1}',
- 'copy': '复制',
- 'copied': '已复制',
- 'shared_tip': '当前脑图被 {0} 分享,你可以修改之后保存到自己的网盘上或再次分享',
- 'current_share': '当前脑图',
- 'manage_share': '我的分享',
- 'share_remove_action': '不分享该脑图',
- 'share_view_action': '打开分享地址',
- 'share_edit_action': '编辑分享的文件',
- 'login': '登录',
- 'logout': '注销',
- 'switchuser': '切换账户',
- 'userinfo': '个人信息',
- 'gotonetdisk': '我的网盘',
- 'requirelogin': '请 <a class="login-button">登录</a> 后使用',
- 'saveas': '保存为',
- 'filename': '文件名',
- 'fileformat': '保存格式',
- 'save': '保存',
- 'mkdir': '新建目录',
- 'recycle': '回收站',
- 'newdir': '未命名目录',
- 'bold': '加粗',
- 'italic': '斜体',
- 'forecolor': '字体颜色',
- 'fontfamily': '字体',
- 'fontsize': '字号',
- 'layoutstyle': '主题',
- 'node': '节点操作',
- 'saveto': '另存为',
- 'hand': '允许拖拽',
- 'camera': '定位根节点',
- 'zoom-in': '放大(Ctrl+)',
- 'zoom-out': '缩小(Ctrl-)',
- 'markers': '标签',
- 'resource': '资源',
- 'help': '帮助',
- 'preference': '偏好设置',
- 'expandnode': '展开到叶子',
- 'collapsenode': '收起到一级节点',
- 'template': '模板',
- 'theme': '皮肤',
- 'clearstyle': '清除样式',
- 'copystyle': '复制样式',
- 'pastestyle': '粘贴样式',
- 'appendsiblingnode': '同级主题',
- 'appendchildnode': '下级主题',
- 'arrangeup': '前调',
- 'arrangedown': '后调',
- 'editnode': '编辑',
- 'removenode': '移除',
- 'priority': '优先级',
- 'progress': {
- 'p1': '未开始',
- 'p2': '完成 1/8',
- 'p3': '完成 1/4',
- 'p4': '完成 3/8',
- 'p5': '完成一半',
- 'p6': '完成 5/8',
- 'p7': '完成 3/4',
- 'p8': '完成 7/8',
- 'p9': '已完成',
- 'p0': '清除进度'
- },
- 'link': '链接',
- 'image': '图片',
- 'note': '备注',
- 'insertlink': '插入链接',
- 'insertimage': '插入图片',
- 'insertnote': '插入备注',
- 'removelink': '移除已有链接',
- 'removeimage': '移除已有图片',
- 'removenote': '移除已有备注',
- 'resetlayout': '整理',
- 'justnow': '刚刚',
- 'minutesago': '{0} 分钟前',
- 'hoursago': '{0} 小时前',
- 'yesterday': '昨天',
- 'daysago': '{0} 天前',
- 'longago': '很久之前',
- 'redirect': '您正在打开连接 {0},百度脑图不能保证连接的安全性,是否要继续?',
- 'navigator': '导航器',
- 'unsavedcontent': '当前文件还没有保存到网盘:\n\n{0}\n\n虽然未保存的数据会缓存在草稿箱,但是清除浏览器缓存会导致草稿箱清除。',
- 'shortcuts': '快捷键',
- 'contact': '联系与反馈',
- 'email': '邮件组',
- 'qq_group': 'QQ 群',
- 'github_issue': 'Github',
- 'baidu_tieba': '贴吧',
- 'clipboardunsupported': '您的浏览器不支持剪贴板,请使用快捷键复制',
- 'load_success': '{0} 加载成功',
- 'save_success': '{0} 已保存于 {1}',
- 'autosave_success': '{0} 已自动保存于 {1}',
- 'selectall': '全选',
- 'selectrevert': '反选',
- 'selectsiblings': '选择兄弟节点',
- 'selectlevel': '选择同级节点',
- 'selectpath': '选择路径',
- 'selecttree': '选择子树'
- },
- 'popupcolor': {
- 'clearColor': '清空颜色',
- 'standardColor': '标准颜色',
- 'themeColor': '主题颜色'
- },
- 'dialogs': {
- 'markers': {
- 'static': {
- 'lang_input_text': '文本内容:',
- 'lang_input_url': '链接地址:',
- 'lang_input_title': '标题:',
- 'lang_input_target': '是否在新窗口:'
- },
- 'priority': '优先级',
- 'none': '无',
- 'progress': {
- 'title': '进度',
- 'notdone': '未完成',
- 'done1': '完成 1/8',
- 'done2': '完成 1/4',
- 'done3': '完成 3/8',
- 'done4': '完成 1/2',
- 'done5': '完成 5/8',
- 'done6': '完成 3/4',
- 'done7': '完成 7/8',
- 'done': '已完成'
- }
- },
- 'help': {
- },
- 'hyperlink': {},
- 'image': {},
- 'resource': {}
- },
- 'hyperlink': {
- 'hyperlink': '链接...',
- 'unhyperlink': '移除链接'
- },
- 'image': {
- 'image': '图片...',
- 'removeimage': '移除图片'
- },
- 'marker': {
- 'marker': '进度/优先级...'
- },
- 'resource': {
- 'resource': '资源...'
- }
- }
- }
- });
- /**
- * @fileOverview
- *
- * UI 状态的 LocalStorage 的存取文件,未来可能在离线编辑的时候升级
- *
- * @author: zhangbobell
- * @email : zhangbobell@163.com
- *
- * @copyright: Baidu FEX, 2015
- */
- angular.module('kityminderEditor')
- .service('memory', function() {
- function isQuotaExceeded(e) {
- var quotaExceeded = false;
- if (e) {
- if (e.code) {
- switch (e.code) {
- case 22:
- quotaExceeded = true;
- break;
- case 1014:
- // Firefox
- if (e.name === 'NS_ERROR_DOM_QUOTA_REACHED') {
- quotaExceeded = true;
- }
- break;
- }
- } else if (e.number === -2147024882) {
- // Internet Explorer 8
- quotaExceeded = true;
- }
- }
- return quotaExceeded;
- }
- return {
- get: function(key) {
- var value = window.localStorage.getItem(key);
- return null || JSON.parse(value);
- },
- set: function(key, value) {
- try {
- window.localStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(value));
- return true;
- } catch(e) {
- if (isQuotaExceeded(e)) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- },
- remove: function(key) {
- var value = window.localStorage.getItem(key);
- window.localStorage.removeItem(key);
- return value;
- },
- clear: function() {
- window.localStorage.clear();
- }
- }
- });
- angular.module('kityminderEditor')
- .service('minder.service', function() {
- var callbackQueue = [];
- function registerEvent(callback) {
- callbackQueue.push(callback);
- }
- function executeCallback() {
- callbackQueue.forEach(function(ele) {
- ele.apply(this, arguments);
- })
- }
- return {
- registerEvent: registerEvent,
- executeCallback: executeCallback
- }
- });
- angular.module('kityminderEditor')
- .service('resourceService', ['$document', function($document) {
- var openScope = null;
- this.open = function( dropdownScope ) {
- if ( !openScope ) {
- $document.bind('click', closeDropdown);
- $document.bind('keydown', escapeKeyBind);
- }
- if ( openScope && openScope !== dropdownScope ) {
- openScope.resourceListOpen = false;
- }
- openScope = dropdownScope;
- };
- this.close = function( dropdownScope ) {
- if ( openScope === dropdownScope ) {
- openScope = null;
- $document.unbind('click', closeDropdown);
- $document.unbind('keydown', escapeKeyBind);
- }
- };
- var closeDropdown = function( evt ) {
- // This method may still be called during the same mouse event that
- // unbound this event handler. So check openScope before proceeding.
- //console.log(evt, openScope);
- if (!openScope) { return; }
- var toggleElement = openScope.getToggleElement();
- if ( evt && toggleElement && toggleElement[0].contains(evt.target) ) {
- return;
- }
- openScope.$apply(function() {
- console.log('to close the resourcelist');
- openScope.resourceListOpen = false;
- });
- };
- var escapeKeyBind = function( evt ) {
- if ( evt.which === 27 ) {
- openScope.focusToggleElement();
- closeDropdown();
- }
- };
- }])
- angular.module('kityminderEditor').service('revokeDialog', ['$modal', 'minder.service', function($modal, minderService) {
- minderService.registerEvent(function() {
- // 触发导入节点或导出节点对话框
- var minder = window.minder;
- var editor = window.editor;
- var parentFSM = editor.hotbox.getParentFSM();
- minder.on('importNodeData', function() {
- parentFSM.jump('modal', 'import-text-modal');
- var importModal = $modal.open({
- animation: true,
- templateUrl: 'ui/dialog/imExportNode/imExportNode.tpl.html',
- controller: 'imExportNode.ctrl',
- size: 'md',
- resolve: {
- title: function() {
- return '导入节点';
- },
- defaultValue: function() {
- return '';
- },
- type: function() {
- return 'import';
- }
- }
- });
- importModal.result.then(function(result) {
- try{
- minder.Text2Children(minder.getSelectedNode(), result);
- } catch(e) {
- alert(e);
- }
- parentFSM.jump('normal', 'import-text-finish');
- editor.receiver.selectAll();
- }, function() {
- parentFSM.jump('normal', 'import-text-finish');
- editor.receiver.selectAll();
- });
- });
- minder.on('exportNodeData', function() {
- parentFSM.jump('modal', 'export-text-modal');
- var exportModal = $modal.open({
- animation: true,
- templateUrl: 'ui/dialog/imExportNode/imExportNode.tpl.html',
- controller: 'imExportNode.ctrl',
- size: 'md',
- resolve: {
- title: function() {
- return '导出节点';
- },
- defaultValue: function() {
- var selectedNode = minder.getSelectedNode(),
- Node2Text = window.kityminder.data.getRegisterProtocol('text').Node2Text;
- return Node2Text(selectedNode);
- },
- type: function() {
- return 'export';
- }
- }
- });
- exportModal.result.then(function(result) {
- parentFSM.jump('normal', 'export-text-finish');
- editor.receiver.selectAll();
- }, function() {
- parentFSM.jump('normal', 'export-text-finish');
- editor.receiver.selectAll();
- });
- });
- });
- return {};
- }]);
- /**
- * @fileOverview
- *
- * 与后端交互的服务
- *
- * @author: zhangbobell
- * @email : zhangbobell@163.com
- *
- * @copyright: Baidu FEX, 2015
- */
- angular.module('kityminderEditor')
- .service('server', ['config', '$http', function(config, $http) {
- return {
- uploadImage: function(file) {
- var url = config.get('imageUpload');
- var fd = new FormData();
- fd.append('upload_file', file);
- return $http.post(url, fd, {
- transformRequest: angular.identity,
- headers: {'Content-Type': undefined}
- });
- }
- }
- }]);
- angular.module('kityminderEditor')
- .service('valueTransfer', function() {
- return {};
- });
- angular.module('kityminderEditor')
- .filter('commandState', function() {
- return function(minder, command) {
- return minder.queryCommandState(command);
- }
- })
- .filter('commandValue', function() {
- return function(minder, command) {
- return minder.queryCommandValue(command);
- }
- });
- angular.module('kityminderEditor')
- .filter('lang', ['config', 'lang.zh-cn', function(config, lang) {
- return function(text, block) {
- var defaultLang = config.get('defaultLang');
- if (lang[defaultLang] == undefined) {
- return '未发现对应语言包,请检查 lang.xxx.service.js!';
- } else {
- var dict = lang[defaultLang];
- block.split('/').forEach(function(ele, idx) {
- dict = dict[ele];
- });
- return dict[text] || null;
- }
- };
- }]);
- angular.module('kityminderEditor')
- .controller('hyperlink.ctrl', ["$scope", "$modalInstance", "link", function ($scope, $modalInstance, link) {
- var urlRegex = '^(?!mailto:)(?:(?:http|https|ftp)://)(?:\\S+(?::\\S*)?@)?(?:(?:(?:[1-9]\\d?|1\\d\\d|2[01]\\d|22[0-3])(?:\\.(?:1?\\d{1,2}|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])){2}(?:\\.(?:[0-9]\\d?|1\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-4]))|(?:(?:[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff0-9]+-?)*[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff0-9]+)(?:\\.(?:[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff0-9]+-?)*[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff0-9]+)*(?:\\.(?:[a-z\\u00a1-\\uffff]{2,})))|localhost)(?::\\d{2,5})?(?:(/|\\?|#)[^\\s]*)?$';
- $scope.R_URL = new RegExp(urlRegex, 'i');
- $scope.url = link.url || '';
- $scope.title = link.title || '';
- setTimeout(function() {
- var $linkUrl = $('#link-url');
- $linkUrl.focus();
- $linkUrl[0].setSelectionRange(0, $scope.url.length);
- }, 30);
- $scope.shortCut = function(e) {
- e.stopPropagation();
- if (e.keyCode == 13) {
- $scope.ok();
- } else if (e.keyCode == 27) {
- $scope.cancel();
- }
- };
- $scope.ok = function () {
- if($scope.R_URL.test($scope.url)) {
- $modalInstance.close({
- url: $scope.url,
- title: $scope.title
- });
- } else {
- $scope.urlPassed = false;
- var $linkUrl = $('#link-url');
- $linkUrl.focus();
- $linkUrl[0].setSelectionRange(0, $scope.url.length);
- }
- editor.receiver.selectAll();
- };
- $scope.cancel = function () {
- $modalInstance.dismiss('cancel');
- editor.receiver.selectAll();
- };
- }]);
- angular.module('kityminderEditor')
- .controller('imExportNode.ctrl', ["$scope", "$modalInstance", "title", "defaultValue", "type", function ($scope, $modalInstance, title, defaultValue, type) {
- $scope.title = title;
- $scope.value = defaultValue;
- $scope.type = type;
- $scope.ok = function () {
- if ($scope.value == '') {
- return;
- }
- $modalInstance.close($scope.value);
- editor.receiver.selectAll();
- };
- $scope.cancel = function () {
- $modalInstance.dismiss('cancel');
- editor.receiver.selectAll();
- };
- setTimeout(function() {
- $('.single-input').focus();
- $('.single-input')[0].setSelectionRange(0, defaultValue.length);
- }, 30);
- $scope.shortCut = function(e) {
- e.stopPropagation();
- //if (e.keyCode == 13 && e.shiftKey == false) {
- // $scope.ok();
- //}
- if (e.keyCode == 27) {
- $scope.cancel();
- }
- // tab 键屏蔽默认事件 和 backspace 键屏蔽默认事件
- if (e.keyCode == 8 && type == 'export') {
- e.preventDefault();
- }
- if (e.keyCode == 9) {
- e.preventDefault();
- var $textarea = e.target;
- var pos = getCursortPosition($textarea);
- var str = $textarea.value;
- $textarea.value = str.substr(0, pos) + '\t' + str.substr(pos);
- setCaretPosition($textarea, pos + 1);
- }
- };
- /*
- * 获取 textarea 的光标位置
- * @Author: Naixor
- * @date: 2015.09.23
- * */
- function getCursortPosition (ctrl) {
- var CaretPos = 0; // IE Support
- if (document.selection) {
- ctrl.focus ();
- var Sel = document.selection.createRange ();
- Sel.moveStart ('character', -ctrl.value.length);
- CaretPos = Sel.text.length;
- }
- // Firefox support
- else if (ctrl.selectionStart || ctrl.selectionStart == '0') {
- CaretPos = ctrl.selectionStart;
- }
- return (CaretPos);
- }
- /*
- * 设置 textarea 的光标位置
- * @Author: Naixor
- * @date: 2015.09.23
- * */
- function setCaretPosition(ctrl, pos){
- if(ctrl.setSelectionRange) {
- ctrl.focus();
- ctrl.setSelectionRange(pos,pos);
- } else if (ctrl.createTextRange) {
- var range = ctrl.createTextRange();
- range.collapse(true);
- range.moveEnd('character', pos);
- range.moveStart('character', pos);
- range.select();
- }
- }
- }]);
- angular.module('kityminderEditor')
- .controller('image.ctrl', ['$http', '$scope', '$modalInstance', 'image', 'server', function($http, $scope, $modalInstance, image, server) {
- $scope.data = {
- list: [],
- url: image.url || '',
- title: image.title || '',
- R_URL: /^https?\:\/\/\w+/
- };
- setTimeout(function() {
- var $imageUrl = $('#image-url');
- $imageUrl.focus();
- $imageUrl[0].setSelectionRange(0, $scope.data.url.length);
- }, 300);
- // 搜索图片按钮点击事件
- $scope.searchImage = function() {
- $scope.list = [];
- getImageData()
- .success(function(json) {
- if(json && json.data) {
- for(var i = 0; i < json.data.length; i++) {
- if(json.data[i].objURL) {
- $scope.list.push({
- title: json.data[i].fromPageTitleEnc,
- src: json.data[i].middleURL,
- url: json.data[i].middleURL
- });
- }
- }
- }
- })
- .error(function() {
- });
- };
- // 选择图片的鼠标点击事件
- $scope.selectImage = function($event) {
- var targetItem = $('#img-item'+ (this.$index));
- var targetImg = $('#img-'+ (this.$index));
- targetItem.siblings('.selected').removeClass('selected');
- targetItem.addClass('selected');
- $scope.data.url = targetImg.attr('src');
- $scope.data.title = targetImg.attr('alt');
- };
- // 自动上传图片,后端需要直接返回图片 URL
- $scope.uploadImage = function() {
- var fileInput = $('#upload-image');
- if (!fileInput.val()) {
- return;
- }
- if (/^.*\.(jpg|JPG|jpeg|JPEG|gif|GIF|png|PNG)$/.test(fileInput.val())) {
- var file = fileInput[0].files[0];
- return server.uploadImage(file).then(function (json) {
- var resp = json.data;
- if (resp.errno === 0) {
- $scope.data.url = resp.data.url;
- }
- });
- } else {
- alert("后缀只能是 jpg、gif 及 png");
- }
- };
- $scope.shortCut = function(e) {
- e.stopPropagation();
- if (e.keyCode == 13) {
- $scope.ok();
- } else if (e.keyCode == 27) {
- $scope.cancel();
- }
- };
- $scope.ok = function () {
- if($scope.data.R_URL.test($scope.data.url)) {
- $modalInstance.close({
- url: $scope.data.url,
- title: $scope.data.title
- });
- } else {
- $scope.urlPassed = false;
- var $imageUrl = $('#image-url');
- if ($imageUrl) {
- $imageUrl.focus();
- $imageUrl[0].setSelectionRange(0, $scope.data.url.length);
- }
- }
- editor.receiver.selectAll();
- };
- $scope.cancel = function () {
- $modalInstance.dismiss('cancel');
- editor.receiver.selectAll();
- };
- function getImageData() {
- var key = $scope.data.searchKeyword2;
- var currentTime = new Date();
- var url = 'http://image.baidu.com/search/acjson?tn=resultjson_com&ipn=rj&ct=201326592&fp=result&queryWord='+ key +'&cl=2&lm=-1&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&st=-1&ic=0&word='+ key +'&face=0&istype=2&nc=1&pn=60&rn=60&gsm=3c&'+ currentTime.getTime() +'=&callback=JSON_CALLBACK';
- return $http.jsonp(url);
- }
- }]);
- angular.module('kityminderEditor')
- .directive('appendNode', ['commandBinder', function(commandBinder) {
- return {
- restrict: 'E',
- templateUrl: 'ui/directive/appendNode/appendNode.html',
- scope: {
- minder: '='
- },
- replace: true,
- link: function($scope) {
- var minder = $scope.minder;
- commandBinder.bind(minder, 'appendchildnode', $scope)
- $scope.execCommand = function(command) {
- minder.execCommand(command, '分支主题');
- editText();
- };
- function editText() {
- var receiverElement = editor.receiver.element;
- var fsm = editor.fsm;
- var receiver = editor.receiver;
- receiverElement.innerText = minder.queryCommandValue('text');
- fsm.jump('input', 'input-request');
- receiver.selectAll();
- }
- }
- }
- }]);
- angular.module('kityminderEditor')
- .directive('arrange', ['commandBinder', function(commandBinder) {
- return {
- restrict: 'E',
- templateUrl: 'ui/directive/arrange/arrange.html',
- scope: {
- minder: '='
- },
- replace: true,
- link: function($scope) {
- var minder = $scope.minder;
- //commandBinder.bind(minder, 'priority', $scope);
- }
- }
- }]);
- angular.module('kityminderEditor')
- .directive('colorPanel', function() {
- return {
- restrict: 'E',
- templateUrl: 'ui/directive/colorPanel/colorPanel.html',
- scope: {
- minder: '='
- },
- replace: true,
- link: function(scope) {
- var minder = scope.minder;
- var currentTheme = minder.getThemeItems();
- scope.$on('colorPicked', function(event, color) {
- event.stopPropagation();
- scope.bgColor = color;
- minder.execCommand('background', color);
- });
- scope.setDefaultBg = function() {
- var currentNode = minder.getSelectedNode();
- var bgColor = minder.getNodeStyle(currentNode, 'background');
- // 有可能是 kity 的颜色类
- return typeof bgColor === 'object' ? bgColor.toHEX() : bgColor;
- };
- scope.bgColor = scope.setDefaultBg() || '#fff';
- }
- }
- });
- angular.module('kityminderEditor')
- .directive('expandLevel', function() {
- return {
- restrict: 'E',
- templateUrl: 'ui/directive/expandLevel/expandLevel.html',
- scope: {
- minder: '='
- },
- replace: true,
- link: function($scope) {
- $scope.levels = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
- }
- }
- });
- angular.module('kityminderEditor')
- .directive('fontOperator', function() {
- return {
- restrict: 'E',
- templateUrl: 'ui/directive/fontOperator/fontOperator.html',
- scope: {
- minder: '='
- },
- replace: true,
- link: function(scope) {
- var minder = scope.minder;
- var currentTheme = minder.getThemeItems();
- scope.fontSizeList = [10, 12, 16, 18, 24, 32, 48];
- scope.fontFamilyList = [{
- name: '宋体',
- val: '宋体,SimSun'
- }, {
- name: '微软雅黑',
- val: '微软雅黑,Microsoft YaHei'
- }, {
- name: '楷体',
- val: '楷体,楷体_GB2312,SimKai'
- }, {
- name: '黑体',
- val: '黑体, SimHei'
- }, {
- name: '隶书',
- val: '隶书, SimLi'
- }, {
- name: 'Andale Mono',
- val: 'andale mono'
- }, {
- name: 'Arial',
- val: 'arial,helvetica,sans-serif'
- }, {
- name: 'arialBlack',
- val: 'arial black,avant garde'
- }, {
- name: 'Comic Sans Ms',
- val: 'comic sans ms'
- }, {
- name: 'Impact',
- val: 'impact,chicago'
- }, {
- name: 'Times New Roman',
- val: 'times new roman'
- }, {
- name: 'Sans-Serif',
- val: 'sans-serif'
- }];
- scope.$on('colorPicked', function(event, color) {
- event.stopPropagation();
- scope.foreColor = color;
- minder.execCommand('forecolor', color);
- });
- scope.setDefaultColor = function() {
- var currentNode = minder.getSelectedNode();
- var fontColor = minder.getNodeStyle(currentNode, 'color');
- // 有可能是 kity 的颜色类
- return typeof fontColor === 'object' ? fontColor.toHEX() : fontColor;
- };
- scope.foreColor = scope.setDefaultColor() || '#000';
- scope.getFontfamilyName = function(val) {
- var fontName = '';
- scope.fontFamilyList.forEach(function(ele, idx, arr) {
- if (ele.val === val) {
- fontName = ele.name;
- return '';
- }
- });
- return fontName;
- }
- }
- }
- });
- angular.module('kityminderEditor')
- .directive('hyperLink', ['$modal', function($modal) {
- return {
- restrict: 'E',
- templateUrl: 'ui/directive/hyperLink/hyperLink.html',
- scope: {
- minder: '='
- },
- replace: true,
- link: function($scope) {
- var minder = $scope.minder;
- $scope.addHyperlink = function() {
- var link = minder.queryCommandValue('HyperLink');
- var hyperlinkModal = $modal.open({
- animation: true,
- templateUrl: 'ui/dialog/hyperlink/hyperlink.tpl.html',
- controller: 'hyperlink.ctrl',
- size: 'md',
- resolve: {
- link: function() {
- return link;
- }
- }
- });
- hyperlinkModal.result.then(function(result) {
- minder.execCommand('HyperLink', result.url, result.title || '');
- });
- }
- }
- }
- }]);
- angular.module('kityminderEditor')
- .directive('imageBtn', ['$modal', function($modal) {
- return {
- restrict: 'E',
- templateUrl: 'ui/directive/imageBtn/imageBtn.html',
- scope: {
- minder: '='
- },
- replace: true,
- link: function($scope) {
- var minder = $scope.minder;
- $scope.addImage = function() {
- var image = minder.queryCommandValue('image');
- var imageModal = $modal.open({
- animation: true,
- templateUrl: 'ui/dialog/image/image.tpl.html',
- controller: 'image.ctrl',
- size: 'md',
- resolve: {
- image: function() {
- return image;
- }
- }
- });
- imageModal.result.then(function(result) {
- minder.execCommand('image', result.url, result.title || '');
- });
- }
- }
- }
- }]);
- angular.module('kityminderEditor')
- .directive('kityminderEditor', ['config', 'minder.service', 'revokeDialog', function(config, minderService, revokeDialog) {
- return {
- restrict: 'EA',
- templateUrl: 'ui/directive/kityminderEditor/kityminderEditor.html',
- replace: true,
- scope: {
- onInit: '&'
- },
- link: function(scope, element, attributes) {
- var $minderEditor = element.children('.minder-editor')[0];
- function onInit(editor, minder) {
- scope.onInit({
- editor: editor,
- minder: minder
- });
- minderService.executeCallback();
- }
- if (typeof(seajs) != 'undefined') {
- /* global seajs */
- seajs.config({
- base: './src'
- });
- define('demo', function(require) {
- var Editor = require('editor');
- var editor = window.editor = new Editor($minderEditor);
- if (window.localStorage.__dev_minder_content) {
- editor.minder.importJson(JSON.parse(window.localStorage.__dev_minder_content));
- }
- editor.minder.on('contentchange', function() {
- window.localStorage.__dev_minder_content = JSON.stringify(editor.minder.exportJson());
- });
- window.minder = window.km = editor.minder;
- scope.editor = editor;
- scope.minder = minder;
- scope.config = config.get();
- //scope.minder.setDefaultOptions(scope.config);
- scope.$apply();
- onInit(editor, minder);
- });
- seajs.use('demo');
- } else if (window.kityminder && window.kityminder.Editor) {
- var editor = new kityminder.Editor($minderEditor);
- window.editor = scope.editor = editor;
- window.minder = scope.minder = editor.minder;
- scope.config = config.get();
- //scope.minder.setDefaultOptions(config.getConfig());
- onInit(editor, editor.minder);
- }
- }
- }
- }]);
- angular.module('kityminderEditor')
- .directive('kityminderViewer', ['config', 'minder.service', function(config, minderService) {
- return {
- restrict: 'EA',
- templateUrl: 'ui/directive/kityminderViewer/kityminderViewer.html',
- replace: true,
- scope: {
- onInit: '&'
- },
- link: function(scope, element, attributes) {
- var $minderEditor = element.children('.minder-viewer')[0];
- function onInit(editor, minder) {
- scope.onInit({
- editor: editor,
- minder: minder
- });
- minderService.executeCallback();
- }
- if (window.kityminder && window.kityminder.Editor) {
- var editor = new kityminder.Editor($minderEditor);
- window.editor = scope.editor = editor;
- window.minder = scope.minder = editor.minder;
- onInit(editor, editor.minder);
- }
- }
- }
- }]);
- angular.module('kityminderEditor')
- .directive('layout', function() {
- return {
- restrict: 'E',
- templateUrl: 'ui/directive/layout/layout.html',
- scope: {
- minder: '='
- },
- replace: true,
- link: function(scope) {
- }
- }
- });
- /**
- * @fileOverview
- *
- * 左下角的导航器
- *
- * @author: zhangbobell
- * @email : zhangbobell@163.com
- *
- * @copyright: Baidu FEX, 2015 */
- angular.module('kityminderEditor')
- .directive('navigator', ['memory', 'config', function(memory, config) {
- return {
- restrict: 'A',
- templateUrl: 'ui/directive/navigator/navigator.html',
- scope: {
- minder: '='
- },
- link: function(scope) {
- minder.setDefaultOptions({zoom: config.get('zoom')});
- scope.isNavOpen = !memory.get('navigator-hidden');
- scope.getZoomRadio = function(value) {
- var zoomStack = minder.getOption('zoom');
- var minValue = zoomStack[0];
- var maxValue = zoomStack[zoomStack.length - 1];
- var valueRange = maxValue - minValue;
- return (1 - (value - minValue) / valueRange);
- };
- scope.getHeight = function(value) {
- var totalHeight = $('.zoom-pan').height();
- return scope.getZoomRadio(value) * totalHeight;
- };
- // 初始的缩放倍数
- scope.zoom = 100;
- // 发生缩放事件时
- minder.on('zoom', function(e) {
- scope.zoom = e.zoom;
- });
- scope.toggleNavOpen = function() {
- scope.isNavOpen = !scope.isNavOpen;
- memory.set('navigator-hidden', !scope.isNavOpen);
- if (scope.isNavOpen) {
- bind();
- updateContentView();
- updateVisibleView();
- } else{
- unbind();
- }
- };
- setTimeout(function() {
- if (scope.isNavOpen) {
- bind();
- updateContentView();
- updateVisibleView();
- } else{
- unbind();
- }
- }, 0);
- function bind() {
- minder.on('layout layoutallfinish', updateContentView);
- minder.on('viewchange', updateVisibleView);
- }
- function unbind() {
- minder.off('layout layoutallfinish', updateContentView);
- minder.off('viewchange', updateVisibleView);
- }
- /** 以下部分是缩略图导航器 *
- * */
- var $previewNavigator = $('.nav-previewer');
- // 画布,渲染缩略图
- var paper = new kity.Paper($previewNavigator[0]);
- // 用两个路径来挥之节点和连线的缩略图
- var nodeThumb = paper.put(new kity.Path());
- var connectionThumb = paper.put(new kity.Path());
- // 表示可视区域的矩形
- var visibleRect = paper.put(new kity.Rect(100, 100).stroke('red', '1%'));
- var contentView = new kity.Box(), visibleView = new kity.Box();
- /**
- * 增加一个对天盘图情况缩略图的处理,
- * @Editor: Naixor line 104~129
- * @Date: 2015.11.3
- */
- var pathHandler = getPathHandler(minder.getTheme());
- // 主题切换事件
- minder.on('themechange', function(e) {
- pathHandler = getPathHandler(e.theme);
- });
- function getPathHandler(theme) {
- switch (theme) {
- case "tianpan":
- case "tianpan-compact":
- return function(nodePathData, x, y, width, height) {
- var r = width >> 1;
- nodePathData.push('M', x, y + r,
- 'a', r, r, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0.01,
- 'z');
- }
- default: {
- return function(nodePathData, x, y, width, height) {
- nodePathData.push('M', x, y,
- 'h', width, 'v', height,
- 'h', -width, 'z');
- }
- }
- }
- }
- navigate();
- function navigate() {
- function moveView(center, duration) {
- var box = visibleView;
- center.x = -center.x;
- center.y = -center.y;
- var viewMatrix = minder.getPaper().getViewPortMatrix();
- box = viewMatrix.transformBox(box);
- var targetPosition = center.offset(box.width / 2, box.height / 2);
- minder.getViewDragger().moveTo(targetPosition, duration);
- }
- var dragging = false;
- paper.on('mousedown', function(e) {
- dragging = true;
- moveView(e.getPosition('top'), 200);
- $previewNavigator.addClass('grab');
- });
- paper.on('mousemove', function(e) {
- if (dragging) {
- moveView(e.getPosition('top'));
- }
- });
- $(window).on('mouseup', function() {
- dragging = false;
- $previewNavigator.removeClass('grab');
- });
- }
- function updateContentView() {
- var view = minder.getRenderContainer().getBoundaryBox();
- contentView = view;
- var padding = 30;
- paper.setViewBox(
- view.x - padding - 0.5,
- view.y - padding - 0.5,
- view.width + padding * 2 + 1,
- view.height + padding * 2 + 1);
- var nodePathData = [];
- var connectionThumbData = [];
- minder.getRoot().traverse(function(node) {
- var box = node.getLayoutBox();
- pathHandler(nodePathData, box.x, box.y, box.width, box.height);
- if (node.getConnection() && node.parent && node.parent.isExpanded()) {
- connectionThumbData.push(node.getConnection().getPathData());
- }
- });
- paper.setStyle('background', minder.getStyle('background'));
- if (nodePathData.length) {
- nodeThumb
- .fill(minder.getStyle('root-background'))
- .setPathData(nodePathData);
- } else {
- nodeThumb.setPathData(null);
- }
- if (connectionThumbData.length) {
- connectionThumb
- .stroke(minder.getStyle('connect-color'), '0.5%')
- .setPathData(connectionThumbData);
- } else {
- connectionThumb.setPathData(null);
- }
- updateVisibleView();
- }
- function updateVisibleView() {
- visibleView = minder.getViewDragger().getView();
- visibleRect.setBox(visibleView.intersect(contentView));
- }
- }
- }
- }]);
- angular.module('kityminderEditor')
- .directive('noteBtn', ['valueTransfer', function(valueTransfer) {
- return {
- restrict: 'E',
- templateUrl: 'ui/directive/noteBtn/noteBtn.html',
- scope: {
- minder: '='
- },
- replace: true,
- link: function($scope) {
- var minder = $scope.minder;
- $scope.addNote =function() {
- valueTransfer.noteEditorOpen = true;
- };
- }
- }
- }]);
- angular.module('kityminderEditor')
- .directive('noteEditor', ['valueTransfer', function(valueTransfer) {
- return {
- restrict: 'A',
- templateUrl: 'ui/directive/noteEditor/noteEditor.html',
- scope: {
- minder: '='
- },
- replace: true,
- controller: ["$scope", function($scope) {
- var minder = $scope.minder;
- var isInteracting = false;
- var cmEditor;
- $scope.codemirrorLoaded = function(_editor) {
- cmEditor = $scope.cmEditor = _editor;
- _editor.setSize('100%', '100%');
- };
- function updateNote() {
- var enabled = $scope.noteEnabled = minder.queryCommandState('note') != -1;
- var noteValue = minder.queryCommandValue('note') || '';
- if (enabled) {
- $scope.noteContent = noteValue;
- }
- isInteracting = true;
- $scope.$apply();
- isInteracting = false;
- }
- $scope.$watch('noteContent', function(content) {
- var enabled = minder.queryCommandState('note') != -1;
- if (content && enabled && !isInteracting) {
- minder.execCommand('note', content);
- }
- setTimeout(function() {
- cmEditor.refresh();
- });
- });
- var noteEditorOpen = function() {
- return valueTransfer.noteEditorOpen;
- };
- // 监听面板状态变量的改变
- $scope.$watch(noteEditorOpen, function(newVal, oldVal) {
- if (newVal) {
- setTimeout(function() {
- cmEditor.refresh();
- cmEditor.focus();
- });
- }
- $scope.noteEditorOpen = valueTransfer.noteEditorOpen;
- }, true);
- $scope.closeNoteEditor = function() {
- valueTransfer.noteEditorOpen = false;
- editor.receiver.selectAll();
- };
- minder.on('interactchange', updateNote);
- }]
- }
- }]);
- // TODO: 使用一个 div 容器作为 previewer,而不是两个
- angular.module('kityminderEditor')
- .directive('notePreviewer', ['$sce', 'valueTransfer', function($sce, valueTransfer) {
- return {
- restrict: 'A',
- templateUrl: 'ui/directive/notePreviewer/notePreviewer.html',
- link: function(scope, element) {
- var minder = scope.minder;
- var $container = element.parent();
- var $previewer = element.children();
- scope.showNotePreviewer = false;
- marked.setOptions({
- gfm: true,
- tables: true,
- breaks: true,
- pedantic: false,
- sanitize: true,
- smartLists: true,
- smartypants: false
- });
- var previewTimer;
- minder.on('shownoterequest', function(e) {
- previewTimer = setTimeout(function() {
- preview(e.node, e.keyword);
- }, 300);
- });
- minder.on('hidenoterequest', function() {
- clearTimeout(previewTimer);
- scope.showNotePreviewer = false;
- //scope.$apply();
- });
- var previewLive = false;
- $(document).on('mousedown mousewheel DOMMouseScroll', function() {
- if (!previewLive) return;
- scope.showNotePreviewer = false;
- scope.$apply();
- });
- element.on('mousedown mousewheel DOMMouseScroll', function(e) {
- e.stopPropagation();
- });
- function preview(node, keyword) {
- var icon = node.getRenderer('NoteIconRenderer').getRenderShape();
- var b = icon.getRenderBox('screen');
- var note = node.getData('note');
- $previewer[0].scrollTop = 0;
- var html = marked(note);
- if (keyword) {
- html = html.replace(new RegExp('(' + keyword + ')', 'ig'), '<span class="highlight">$1</span>');
- }
- scope.noteContent = $sce.trustAsHtml(html);
- scope.$apply(); // 让浏览器重新渲染以获取 previewer 提示框的尺寸
- var cw = $($container[0]).width();
- var ch = $($container[0]).height();
- var pw = $($previewer).outerWidth();
- var ph = $($previewer).outerHeight();
- var x = b.cx - pw / 2 - $container[0].offsetLeft;
- var y = b.bottom + 10 - $container[0].offsetTop;
- if (x < 0) x = 10;
- if (x + pw > cw) x = b.left - pw - 10 - $container[0].offsetLeft;
- if (y + ph > ch) y = b.top - ph - 10 - $container[0].offsetTop;
- scope.previewerStyle = {
- 'left': Math.round(x) + 'px',
- 'top': Math.round(y) + 'px'
- };
- scope.showNotePreviewer = true;
- var view = $previewer[0].querySelector('.highlight');
- if (view) {
- view.scrollIntoView();
- }
- previewLive = true;
- scope.$apply();
- }
- }
- }
- }]);
- angular.module('kityminderEditor')
- .directive('operation', function() {
- return {
- restrict: 'E',
- templateUrl: 'ui/directive/operation/operation.html',
- scope: {
- minder: '='
- },
- replace: true,
- link: function($scope) {
- $scope.editNode = function() {
- var receiverElement = editor.receiver.element;
- var fsm = editor.fsm;
- var receiver = editor.receiver;
- receiverElement.innerText = minder.queryCommandValue('text');
- fsm.jump('input', 'input-request');
- receiver.selectAll();
- }
- }
- }
- });
- angular.module('kityminderEditor')
- .directive('priorityEditor', ['commandBinder', function(commandBinder) {
- return {
- restrict: 'E',
- templateUrl: 'ui/directive/priorityEditor/priorityEditor.html',
- scope: {
- minder: '='
- },
- replace: true,
- link: function($scope) {
- var minder = $scope.minder;
- var priorities = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
- priorities.push(i);
- }
- commandBinder.bind(minder, 'priority', $scope);
- $scope.priorities = priorities;
- $scope.getPriorityTitle = function(p) {
- switch(p) {
- case 0: return '移除优先级';
- default: return '优先级' + p;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }]);
- angular.module('kityminderEditor')
- .directive('progressEditor', ['commandBinder', function(commandBinder) {
- return {
- restrict: 'E',
- templateUrl: 'ui/directive/progressEditor/progressEditor.html',
- scope: {
- minder: '='
- },
- replace: true,
- link: function($scope) {
- var minder = $scope.minder;
- var progresses = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
- progresses.push(i);
- }
- commandBinder.bind(minder, 'progress', $scope);
- $scope.progresses = progresses;
- $scope.getProgressTitle = function(p) {
- switch(p) {
- case 0: return '移除进度';
- case 1: return '未开始';
- case 9: return '全部完成';
- default: return '完成' + (p - 1) + '/8';
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }])
- angular.module('kityminderEditor')
- .directive('resourceEditor', function () {
- return {
- restrict: 'E',
- templateUrl: 'ui/directive/resourceEditor/resourceEditor.html',
- scope: {
- minder: '='
- },
- replace: true,
- controller: ["$scope", function ($scope) {
- var minder = $scope.minder;
- var isInteracting = false;
- minder.on('interactchange', function () {
- var enabled = $scope.enabled = minder.queryCommandState('resource') != -1;
- var selected = enabled ? minder.queryCommandValue('resource') : [];
- var used = minder.getUsedResource().map(function (resourceName) {
- return {
- name: resourceName,
- selected: selected.indexOf(resourceName) > -1
- }
- });
- $scope.used = used;
- isInteracting = true;
- $scope.$apply();
- isInteracting = false;
- });
- $scope.$watch('used', function (used) {
- if (minder.queryCommandState('resource') != -1 && used) {
- var resource = used.filter(function (resource) {
- return resource.selected;
- }).map(function (resource) {
- return resource.name;
- });
- // 由于 interactchange 带来的改变则不用执行 resource 命令
- if (isInteracting) {
- return;
- }
- minder.execCommand('resource', resource);
- }
- }, true);
- $scope.resourceColor = function (resource) {
- return minder.getResourceColor(resource).toHEX();
- };
- $scope.addResource = function (resourceName) {
- var origin = minder.queryCommandValue('resource');
- if (!resourceName || !/\S/.test(resourceName)) return;
- if (origin.indexOf(resourceName) == -1) {
- $scope.used.push({
- name: resourceName,
- selected: true
- });
- }
- $scope.newResourceName = null;
- };
- }]
- };
- })
- .directive('clickAnywhereButHere', ['$document', function ($document) {
- return {
- link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
- var onClick = function (event) {
- var isChild = $('#resource-dropdown').has(event.target).length > 0;
- var isSelf = $('#resource-dropdown') == event.target;
- var isInside = isChild || isSelf;
- if (!isInside) {
- scope.$apply(attrs.clickAnywhereButHere)
- }
- };
- scope.$watch(attrs.isActive, function(newValue, oldValue) {
- if (newValue !== oldValue && newValue == true) {
- $document.bind('click', onClick);
- }
- else if (newValue !== oldValue && newValue == false) {
- $document.unbind('click', onClick);
- }
- });
- }
- };
- }]);
- angular.module('kityminderEditor')
- .directive('searchBox', function() {
- return {
- restrict: 'A',
- templateUrl: 'ui/directive/searchBox/searchBox.html',
- scope: {
- minder: '='
- },
- replace: true,
- controller: ["$scope", function ($scope) {
- var minder = $scope.minder;
- var editor = window.editor;
- $scope.handleKeyDown = handleKeyDown;
- $scope.doSearch = doSearch;
- $scope.exitSearch = exitSearch;
- $scope.showTip = false;
- $scope.showSearch = false;
- // 处理输入框按键事件
- function handleKeyDown(e) {
- if (e.keyCode == 13) {
- var direction = e.shiftKey ? 'prev' : 'next';
- doSearch($scope.keyword, direction);
- }
- if (e.keyCode == 27) {
- exitSearch();
- }
- }
- function exitSearch() {
- $('#search-input').blur();
- $scope.showSearch = false;
- minder.fire('hidenoterequest');
- editor.receiver.selectAll();
- }
- function enterSearch() {
- $scope.showSearch = true;
- setTimeout(function() {
- $('#search-input').focus();
- }, 10);
- if ($scope.keyword) {
- $('#search-input')[0].setSelectionRange(0, $scope.keyword.length);
- }
- }
- $('body').on('keydown', function(e) {
- if (e.keyCode == 70 && (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) && !e.shiftKey) {
- enterSearch();
- $scope.$apply();
- e.preventDefault();
- }
- });
- minder.on('searchNode', function() {
- enterSearch();
- });
- var nodeSequence = [];
- var searchSequence = [];
- minder.on('contentchange', makeNodeSequence);
- makeNodeSequence();
- function makeNodeSequence() {
- nodeSequence = [];
- minder.getRoot().traverse(function(node) {
- nodeSequence.push(node);
- });
- }
- function makeSearchSequence(keyword) {
- searchSequence = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < nodeSequence.length; i++) {
- var node = nodeSequence[i];
- var text = node.getText().toLowerCase();
- if (text.indexOf(keyword) != -1) {
- searchSequence.push({node:node});
- }
- var note = node.getData('note');
- if (note && note.toLowerCase().indexOf(keyword) != -1) {
- searchSequence.push({node: node, keyword: keyword});
- }
- }
- }
- function doSearch(keyword, direction) {
- $scope.showTip = false;
- minder.fire('hidenoterequest');
- if (!keyword || !/\S/.exec(keyword)) {
- $('#search-input').focus();
- return;
- }
- // 当搜索不到节点时候默认的选项
- $scope.showTip = true;
- $scope.curIndex = 0;
- $scope.resultNum = 0;
- keyword = keyword.toLowerCase();
- var newSearch = doSearch.lastKeyword != keyword;
- doSearch.lastKeyword = keyword;
- if (newSearch) {
- makeSearchSequence(keyword);
- }
- $scope.resultNum = searchSequence.length;
- if (searchSequence.length) {
- var curIndex = newSearch ? 0 : (direction === 'next' ? doSearch.lastIndex + 1 : doSearch.lastIndex - 1) || 0;
- curIndex = (searchSequence.length + curIndex) % searchSequence.length;
- setSearchResult(searchSequence[curIndex].node, searchSequence[curIndex].keyword);
- doSearch.lastIndex = curIndex;
- $scope.curIndex = curIndex + 1;
- function setSearchResult(node, previewKeyword) {
- minder.execCommand('camera', node, 50);
- setTimeout(function () {
- minder.select(node, true);
- if (!node.isExpanded()) minder.execCommand('expand', true);
- if (previewKeyword) {
- minder.fire('shownoterequest', {node: node, keyword: previewKeyword});
- }
- }, 60);
- }
- }
- }
- }]
- }
- });
- angular.module('kityminderEditor')
- .directive('searchBtn', function() {
- return {
- restrict: 'E',
- templateUrl: 'ui/directive/searchBtn/searchBtn.html',
- scope: {
- minder: '='
- },
- replace: true,
- link: function (scope) {
- scope.enterSearch = enterSearch;
- function enterSearch() {
- minder.fire('searchNode');
- }
- }
- }
- });
- angular.module('kityminderEditor')
- .directive('selectAll', function() {
- return {
- restrict: 'E',
- templateUrl: 'ui/directive/selectAll/selectAll.html',
- scope: {
- minder: '='
- },
- replace: true,
- link: function($scope) {
- var minder = $scope.minder;
- $scope.items = ['revert', 'siblings', 'level', 'path', 'tree'];
- $scope.select = {
- all: function() {
- var selection = [];
- minder.getRoot().traverse(function(node) {
- selection.push(node);
- });
- minder.select(selection, true);
- minder.fire('receiverfocus');
- },
- revert: function() {
- var selected = minder.getSelectedNodes();
- var selection = [];
- minder.getRoot().traverse(function(node) {
- if (selected.indexOf(node) == -1) {
- selection.push(node);
- }
- });
- minder.select(selection, true);
- minder.fire('receiverfocus');
- },
- siblings: function() {
- var selected = minder.getSelectedNodes();
- var selection = [];
- selected.forEach(function(node) {
- if (!node.parent) return;
- node.parent.children.forEach(function(sibling) {
- if (selection.indexOf(sibling) == -1) selection.push(sibling);
- });
- });
- minder.select(selection, true);
- minder.fire('receiverfocus');
- },
- level: function() {
- var selectedLevel = minder.getSelectedNodes().map(function(node) {
- return node.getLevel();
- });
- var selection = [];
- minder.getRoot().traverse(function(node) {
- if (selectedLevel.indexOf(node.getLevel()) != -1) {
- selection.push(node);
- }
- });
- minder.select(selection, true);
- minder.fire('receiverfocus');
- },
- path: function() {
- var selected = minder.getSelectedNodes();
- var selection = [];
- selected.forEach(function(node) {
- while(node && selection.indexOf(node) == -1) {
- selection.push(node);
- node = node.parent;
- }
- });
- minder.select(selection, true);
- minder.fire('receiverfocus');
- },
- tree: function() {
- var selected = minder.getSelectedNodes();
- var selection = [];
- selected.forEach(function(parent) {
- parent.traverse(function(node) {
- if (selection.indexOf(node) == -1) selection.push(node);
- });
- });
- minder.select(selection, true);
- minder.fire('receiverfocus');
- }
- };
- }
- }
- });
- angular.module('kityminderEditor')
- .directive('styleOperator', function() {
- return {
- restrict: 'E',
- templateUrl: 'ui/directive/styleOperator/styleOperator.html',
- scope: {
- minder: '='
- },
- replace: true
- }
- });
- angular.module('kityminderEditor')
- .directive('templateList', function() {
- return {
- restrict: 'E',
- templateUrl: 'ui/directive/templateList/templateList.html',
- scope: {
- minder: '='
- },
- replace: true,
- link: function($scope) {
- $scope.templateList = kityminder.Minder.getTemplateList();
- }
- }
- });
- angular.module('kityminderEditor')
- .directive('themeList', function() {
- return {
- restrict: 'E',
- templateUrl: 'ui/directive/themeList/themeList.html',
- replace: true,
- link: function($scope) {
- var themeList = kityminder.Minder.getThemeList();
- //$scope.themeList = themeList;
- $scope.getThemeThumbStyle = function (theme) {
- var themeObj = themeList[theme];
- if (!themeObj) {
- return;
- }
- var style = {
- 'color': themeObj['root-color'],
- 'border-radius': themeObj['root-radius'] / 2
- };
- if (themeObj['root-background']) {
- style['background'] = themeObj['root-background'].toString();
- }
- return style;
- };
- // 维护 theme key 列表以保证列表美观(不按字母顺序排序)
- $scope.themeKeyList = [
- 'classic',
- 'classic-compact',
- 'fresh-blue',
- 'fresh-blue-compat',
- 'fresh-green',
- 'fresh-green-compat',
- 'fresh-pink',
- 'fresh-pink-compat',
- 'fresh-purple',
- 'fresh-purple-compat',
- 'fresh-red',
- 'fresh-red-compat',
- 'fresh-soil',
- 'fresh-soil-compat',
- 'snow',
- 'snow-compact',
- 'tianpan',
- 'tianpan-compact',
- 'fish',
- 'wire'
- ];
- }
- }
- });
- angular.module('kityminderEditor')
- .directive('topTab', function() {
- return {
- restrict: 'A',
- templateUrl: 'ui/directive/topTab/topTab.html',
- scope: {
- minder: '=topTab',
- editor: '='
- },
- link: function(scope) {
- /*
- *
- * 用户选择一个新的选项卡会执行 setCurTab 和 foldTopTab 两个函数
- * 用户点击原来的选项卡会执行 foldTopTop 一个函数
- *
- * 也就是每次选择新的选项卡都会执行 setCurTab,初始化的时候也会执行 setCurTab 函数
- * 因此用 executedCurTab 记录是否已经执行了 setCurTab 函数
- * 用 isInit 记录是否是初始化的状态,在任意一个函数时候 isInit 设置为 false
- * 用 isOpen 记录是否打开了 topTab
- *
- * 因此用到了三个 mutex
- * */
- var executedCurTab = false;
- var isInit = true;
- var isOpen = true;
- scope.setCurTab = function(tabName) {
- setTimeout(function() {
- //console.log('set cur tab to : ' + tabName);
- executedCurTab = true;
- //isOpen = false;
- if (tabName != 'idea') {
- isInit = false;
- }
- });
- };
- scope.toggleTopTab = function() {
- setTimeout(function() {
- if(!executedCurTab || isInit) {
- isInit = false;
- isOpen ? closeTopTab(): openTopTab();
- isOpen = !isOpen;
- }
- executedCurTab = false;
- });
- };
- function closeTopTab() {
- var $tabContent = $('.tab-content');
- var $minderEditor = $('.minder-editor');
- $tabContent.animate({
- height: 0,
- display: 'none'
- });
- $minderEditor.animate({
- top: '32px'
- });
- }
- function openTopTab() {
- var $tabContent = $('.tab-content');
- var $minderEditor = $('.minder-editor');
- $tabContent.animate({
- height: '60px',
- display: 'block'
- });
- $minderEditor.animate({
- top: '92px'
- });
- }
- }
- }
- });
- angular.module('kityminderEditor')
- .directive('undoRedo', function() {
- return {
- restrict: 'E',
- templateUrl: 'ui/directive/undoRedo/undoRedo.html',
- scope: {
- editor: '='
- },
- replace: true,
- link: function($scope) {
- }
- }
- });
- use('expose-editor');
- })();