- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- """
- :author: Grey Li (李辉)
- :url: http://greyli.com
- :copyright: © 2018 Grey Li <withlihui@gmail.com>
- :license: MIT, see LICENSE for more details.
- """
- from albumy.extensions import db
- from albumy.models import Comment, Role, User, Photo, Tag
- from tests.base import BaseTestCase
- class CLITestCase(BaseTestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- super(CLITestCase, self).setUp()
- db.drop_all()
- def test_initdb_command(self):
- result = self.runner.invoke(args=['initdb'])
- self.assertIn('Initialized database.', result.output)
- def test_initdb_command_with_drop(self):
- result = self.runner.invoke(args=['initdb', '--drop'], input='y\n')
- self.assertIn('This operation will delete the database, do you want to continue?', result.output)
- self.assertIn('Drop tables.', result.output)
- def test_init_command(self):
- result = self.runner.invoke(args=['init'])
- self.assertIn('Initializing the database...', result.output)
- self.assertIn('Initializing the roles and permissions...', result.output)
- self.assertIn('Done.', result.output)
- self.assertEqual(Role.query.count(), 4)
- def test_forge_command(self):
- pass # it will take too long time
- def test_forge_command_with_count(self):
- result = self.runner.invoke(args=['forge', '--user', '5', '--follow', '10',
- '--photo', '10', '--tag', '10', '--collect', '10',
- '--comment', '10'])
- self.assertIn('Initializing the roles and permissions...', result.output)
- self.assertEqual(User.query.count(), 6)
- self.assertIn('Generating the administrator...', result.output)
- self.assertIn('Generating 10 follows...', result.output)
- self.assertEqual(Photo.query.count(), 10)
- self.assertIn('Generating 10 photos...', result.output)
- self.assertEqual(Tag.query.count(), 10)
- self.assertIn('Generating 10 tags...', result.output)
- self.assertIn('Generating 10 collects...', result.output)
- self.assertEqual(Comment.query.count(), 10)
- self.assertIn('Generating 10 comments...', result.output)
- self.assertIn('Done.', result.output)