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error_code = {
401: "authorization fail.",
511: "non exist user id {}",
512: "exist user id {}",
513: "non exist store id {}",
514: "exist store id {}",
515: "non exist book id {}",
516: "exist book id {}",
517: "stock level low, book id {}",
518: "invalid order id {}",
519: "not sufficient funds, order id {}",
520: "non qualified book.",
521: "",
522: "",
523: "",
524: "",
525: "",
526: "",
527: "",
528: "",
def error_non_exist_user_id(user_id):
return 511, error_code[511].format(user_id)
def error_exist_user_id(user_id):
return 512, error_code[512].format(user_id)
def error_authorization_fail():
return 401, error_code[401]
def error_and_message(code, message):
return code, message