- from flask import Flask, render_template, request, jsonify, session, Blueprint
- from bson import json_util
- import random
- from APP.view.database import db_session
- from APP.view.model import Collection, UserLike
- import uuid
- bp_collection = Blueprint("collection", __name__, url_prefix="/collection")
- @bp_collection.route("/add", methods=["POST"])
- def add_collection():
- name = request.form.get('name')
- tag = request.form.get('tag', None)
- phonenum = request.form.get('phonenum')
- id = str(uuid.uuid1())
- try:
- count = Collection.query.count()
- print(count)
- c = Collection(id=id, name=name, tag=tag, phonenum=phonenum, order=count)
- db_session.add(c)
- db_session.commit()
- except BaseException as e:
- print(e)
- ret = {'msg': 'failed!', 'name': name}
- return json_util.dumps(ret)
- ret = {'msg': 'succuss', 'name': name, 'id': id}
- """;
- 插入最末尾
- ret['id'] =
- """
- return json_util.dumps(ret)
- @bp_collection.route("/select", methods=["POST"])
- def get_collection():
- # 搜索的关键词
- name = request.form.get('name', None)
- # 搜索对象
- phonenum = request.form.get('phonenum', None)
- collections = []
- """
- collections.append({'id': '1', 'name': 'xuanz','like':1})
- collections.append({'id': '2', 'name': 'mingg','like':2})
- collections.append({'id': '3', 'name': 'wnqian','like':3})
- """
- try:
- row = db_session.query(Collection).filter(Collection.name.like('%' + name + '%'),
- Collection.phonenum == phonenum).all()
- for item in row:
- collection_tmp = {}
- collection_tmp['id'] = item.id
- collection_tmp['name'] = item.name
- collection_tmp['like'] = item.like
- collection_tmp['tag'] = item.tag
- collection_tmp['order'] = item.order
- collections.append(collection_tmp)
- except BaseException as e:
- print(str(e))
- ret = {'msg': 'failed!'}
- return json_util.dumps(ret)
- ret = {'collections': collections, 'msg': 'succuss'}
- return json_util.dumps(ret)
- @bp_collection.route("/recommand", methods=["POST"])
- def recommand_collection():
- collections = []
- """
- 返回推荐的内容
- collections.append({'id': '1', 'name': 'xuanz','like':1})
- collections.append({'id': '2', 'name': 'mingg','like':2})
- collections.append({'id': '3', 'name': 'wnqian','like':3})
- """
- try:
- row = db_session.query(Collection).filter().all()
- for item in row:
- collection_tmp = {}
- collection_tmp['id'] = item.id
- collection_tmp['name'] = item.name
- collection_tmp['like'] = item.like
- collection_tmp['tag'] = item.tag
- random_int = random.randint(0, 9)
- if random_int <= 4:
- continue
- else:
- collections.append(collection_tmp)
- except BaseException as e:
- print(str(e))
- ret = {'msg': 'failed!'}
- return json_util.dumps(ret)
- ret = {'collections': collections, 'msg': 'succuss'}
- return json_util.dumps(ret)
- @bp_collection.route("/isLike", methods=["POST"])
- def islike():
- id = request.form.get('collection_id')
- phonenum = request.form.get('phonenum')
- """
- 返回当前用户(用session确定)对这个id的collection是否有点赞
- ans['isLike'] = True
- """
- row = db_session.query(UserLike).filter(UserLike.collection_id == id, UserLike.phonenum == phonenum,
- UserLike.state == 1).first()
- print(row, id, phonenum)
- if row is not None:
- islike = True
- else:
- islike = False
- ret = {'msg': 'succuss', 'isLike': islike}
- return json_util.dumps(ret)
- @bp_collection.route("/like", methods=["POST"])
- def get_like():
- id = request.form.get('collection_id')
- phonenum = request.form.get('phonenum')
- """
- 增加点赞数
- 更新用户的点赞状态
- """
- ret = {'msg': 'succuss'}
- try:
- s = UserLike(phonenum=phonenum, collection_id=id, state=1)
- row = db_session.query(UserLike).filter(UserLike.collection_id == id, UserLike.phonenum == phonenum).first()
- if row is None:
- db_session.add(s)
- db_session.query(Collection).filter(Collection.id == id).update({Collection.like: Collection.like + 1})
- db_session.commit()
- else:
- db_session.query(UserLike).filter(UserLike.collection_id == id, UserLike.phonenum == phonenum).update(
- {UserLike.state: 1})
- db_session.query(Collection).filter(Collection.id == id).update({Collection.like: Collection.like + 1})
- db_session.commit()
- except BaseException as e:
- print(str(e))
- ret = {'msg': 'failed!'}
- return json_util.dumps(ret)
- return json_util.dumps(ret)
- @bp_collection.route("/unlike", methods=["POST"])
- def get_unlike():
- id = request.form.get('collection_id')
- phonenum = request.form.get('phonenum')
- """
- 减少点赞数
- 更新用户的点赞状态
- """
- ret = {'msg': 'succuss'}
- try:
- db_session.query(UserLike).filter(UserLike.collection_id == id, UserLike.phonenum == phonenum).update(
- {UserLike.state: 0})
- db_session.query(Collection).filter(Collection.id == id).update({Collection.like: Collection.like - 1})
- db_session.commit()
- except BaseException as e:
- print(str(e))
- ret = {'msg': 'failed!'}
- return json_util.dumps(ret)
- return json_util.dumps(ret)
- @bp_collection.route("/swap", methods=["POST"])
- def swap():
- id = request.form.get('id')
- order = request.form.get('new_order')
- """
- 把这个id的collection和顺序是order的collection交换
- 编号从零开始,有可能是自己
- """
- try:
- item1 = db_session.query(Collection).filter(Collection.id == id).first()
- item2 = db_session.query(Collection).filter(Collection.order == order).first()
- order1 = item1.order
- # order2 = item2.order
- id2 = item2.id
- db_session.query(Collection).filter(Collection.id == id).update({Collection.order: order})
- db_session.query(Collection).filter(Collection.id == id2).update({Collection.order: order1})
- db_session.commit()
- except BaseException as e:
- print(str(e))
- ret = {'msg': 'failed!'}
- return json_util.dumps(ret)
- ret = {'msg': 'succuss'}
- return json_util.dumps(ret)
- @bp_collection.route("/delete", methods=["POST"])
- def delete():
- id = request.form.get('collection_id')
- """
- 删除这个id的collection,记得刷新顺序
- """
- try:
- # 删除collection
- item = db_session.query(Collection).filter(Collection.id == id).first()
- order_item = item.order
- db_session.delete(item)
- # 刷新order顺序
- db_session.query(Collection).filter(Collection.order > order_item).update(
- {Collection.order: Collection.order - 1})
- db_session.commit()
- except BaseException as e:
- print(str(e))
- ret = {'msg': 'failed!'}
- return json_util.dumps(ret)
- ret = {'msg': 'succuss'}
- return json_util.dumps(ret)
- @bp_collection.route("/edit", methods=["POST"])
- def edit():
- id = request.form.get('collection_id')
- name = request.form.get('name', None)
- tag = request.form.get('tag', None)
- """
- 全部是none的情况请直接返回
- """
- if id is None and name is None and tag is None:
- ret = {'msg': 'id,name,tag are all none!'}
- return json_util.dumps(ret)
- try:
- db_session.query(Collection).filter(Collection.id == id).update({Collection.name: name, Collection.tag: tag})
- db_session.commit()
- except BaseException as e:
- print(str(e))
- ret = {'msg': 'failed!'}
- return json_util.dumps(ret)
- ret = {'msg': 'succuss'}
- return json_util.dumps(ret)