- # Highlight.js
- [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/highlightjs/highlight.js.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/highlightjs/highlight.js) [![Greenkeeper badge](https://badges.greenkeeper.io/highlightjs/highlight.js.svg)](https://greenkeeper.io/)
- Highlight.js is a syntax highlighter written in JavaScript. It works in
- the browser as well as on the server. It works with pretty much any
- markup, doesn’t depend on any framework, and has automatic language
- detection.
- ## Getting Started
- The bare minimum for using highlight.js on a web page is linking to the
- library along with one of the styles and calling
- [`initHighlightingOnLoad`][1]:
- ```html
- <link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/styles/default.css">
- <script src="/path/to/highlight.pack.js"></script>
- <script>hljs.initHighlightingOnLoad();</script>
- ```
- This will find and highlight code inside of `<pre><code>` tags; it tries
- to detect the language automatically. If automatic detection doesn’t
- work for you, you can specify the language in the `class` attribute:
- ```html
- <pre><code class="html">...</code></pre>
- ```
- The list of supported language classes is available in the [class
- reference][2]. Classes can also be prefixed with either `language-` or
- `lang-`.
- To make arbitrary text look like code, but without highlighting, use the
- `plaintext` class:
- ```html
- <pre><code class="plaintext">...</code></pre>
- ```
- To disable highlighting altogether use the `nohighlight` class:
- ```html
- <pre><code class="nohighlight">...</code></pre>
- ```
- ## Custom Initialization
- When you need a bit more control over the initialization of
- highlight.js, you can use the [`highlightBlock`][3] and [`configure`][4]
- functions. This allows you to control *what* to highlight and *when*.
- Here’s an equivalent way to calling [`initHighlightingOnLoad`][1] using
- vanilla JS:
- ```js
- document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', (event) => {
- document.querySelectorAll('pre code').forEach((block) => {
- hljs.highlightBlock(block);
- });
- });
- ```
- You can use any tags instead of `<pre><code>` to mark up your code. If
- you don't use a container that preserves line breaks you will need to
- configure highlight.js to use the `<br>` tag:
- ```js
- hljs.configure({useBR: true});
- document.querySelectorAll('div.code').forEach((block) => {
- hljs.highlightBlock(block);
- });
- ```
- For other options refer to the documentation for [`configure`][4].
- ## Web Workers
- You can run highlighting inside a web worker to avoid freezing the browser
- window while dealing with very big chunks of code.
- In your main script:
- ```js
- addEventListener('load', () => {
- const code = document.querySelector('#code');
- const worker = new Worker('worker.js');
- worker.onmessage = (event) => { code.innerHTML = event.data; }
- worker.postMessage(code.textContent);
- });
- ```
- In worker.js:
- ```js
- onmessage = (event) => {
- importScripts('<path>/highlight.pack.js');
- const result = self.hljs.highlightAuto(event.data);
- postMessage(result.value);
- };
- ```
- ## Getting the Library
- You can get highlight.js as a hosted, or custom-build, browser script or
- as a server module. Right out of the box the browser script supports
- both AMD and CommonJS, so if you wish you can use RequireJS or
- Browserify without having to build from source. The server module also
- works perfectly fine with Browserify, but there is the option to use a
- build specific to browsers rather than something meant for a server.
- Head over to the [download page][5] for all the options.
- **Don't link to GitHub directly.** The library is not supposed to work straight
- from the source, it requires building. If none of the pre-packaged options
- work for you refer to the [building documentation][6].
- **The CDN-hosted package doesn't have all the languages.** Otherwise it'd be
- too big. If you don't see the language you need in the ["Common" section][5],
- it can be added manually:
- ```html
- <script
- charset="UTF-8"
- src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/highlight.js/9.12.0/languages/go.min.js"></script>
- ```
- **On Almond.** You need to use the optimizer to give the module a name. For
- example:
- ```bash
- r.js -o name=hljs paths.hljs=/path/to/highlight out=highlight.js
- ```
- ### CommonJS
- You can import Highlight.js as a CommonJS-module:
- ```bash
- npm install highlight.js --save
- ```
- In your application:
- ```js
- import hljs from 'highlight.js';
- ```
- The default import imports all languages! Therefore it is likely to be more efficient to import only the library and the languages you need:
- ```js
- import hljs from 'highlight.js/lib/highlight';
- import javascript from 'highlight.js/lib/languages/javascript';
- hljs.registerLanguage('javascript', javascript);
- ```
- To set the syntax highlighting style, if your build tool processes CSS from your JavaScript entry point, you can import the stylesheet directly into your CommonJS-module:
- ```js
- import hljs from 'highlight.js/lib/highlight';
- import 'highlight.js/styles/github.css';
- ```
- ## License
- Highlight.js is released under the BSD License. See [LICENSE][7] file
- for details.
- ## Links
- The official site for the library is at <https://highlightjs.org/>.
- Further in-depth documentation for the API and other topics is at
- <http://highlightjs.readthedocs.io/>.
- Authors and contributors are listed in the [AUTHORS.en.txt][8] file.
- [1]: http://highlightjs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#inithighlightingonload
- [2]: http://highlightjs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/css-classes-reference.html
- [3]: http://highlightjs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#highlightblock-block
- [4]: http://highlightjs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#configure-options
- [5]: https://highlightjs.org/download/
- [6]: http://highlightjs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/building-testing.html
- [7]: https://github.com/highlightjs/highlight.js/blob/master/LICENSE
- [8]: https://github.com/highlightjs/highlight.js/blob/master/AUTHORS.en.txt