- ## Master
- New languages:
- New styles:
- Improvements:
- ## Version 9.15.6
- New languages:
- none.
- New styles:
- none.
- Improvements:
- - Move dependencies to be devDependencies.
- - Fixed security issues in dev dependencies.
- ## Version 9.15.5
- New languages:
- none.
- New styles:
- none.
- Improvements:
- 🔥 Hot fix: updated build tool.
- ## Version 9.15.4
- New languages:
- none.
- New styles:
- none.
- Improvements:
- 🔥 Hot fix: reverted hljs cli build tool, as it was causing issues with install.
- ## Version 9.15.3
- New languages:
- none.
- New styles:
- none.
- Improvements:
- 🔥 Hot fix: reverted hljs cli build tool, as it was causing issues with install.
- ## Version 9.15.2
- New languages:
- none.
- New styles:
- none.
- Improvements:
- 🔥 Hot fix that was preventing highlight.js from installing.
- ## Version 9.15.1
- New languages:
- none.
- New styles:
- none.
- Improvements:
- - Pony: Fixed keywords without spaces at line ends, highlighting of `iso` in class definitions, and function heads without bodies in traits and interfaces. Removed FUNCTION and CLASS modes until they are found to be needed and to provide some of the fixes.
- - Support external language files in minified version of highlight.js (#1888)
- ## Version 9.15
- New languages:
- none.
- New styles:
- none.
- Improvements:
- - new cli tool `hljs` - allows easier [building from command line](docs/building-testing.rst#building-a-bundle-from-the-command-line).
- - cpp: Fully support C++11 raw strings. (#1897)
- - Python: Treat False None and True as literals (#1920)
- ## Version 9.14.2
- New languages:
- none.
- New styles:
- none.
- Improvements:
- - *Gauss* fixed to stop global namespace pollution [Scott Hyndman][].
- - fix(Tcl): removed apostrophe string delimiters (don't exist)
- [Scott Hyndman]: https://github.com/shyndman
- ## Version 9.14.1
- New languages:
- none.
- New styles:
- none.
- Improvements:
- - Pony: language improvements (#1958)
- ## Version 9.14.0
- New languages:
- none.
- New styles:
- none.
- Improvements:
- - Pony: add missing "object" highlighting (#1932)
- - Added *XQuery* built-in functions, prolog declarations, as well as parsing of function bodies, computed and direct constructors, by [Duncan Paterson][]
- - fix(dart): Corrects highlighting with string interpolation. (#1946)
- - fix(swift): be eager on optional-using types (!/?) (#1919)
- - fix(tex): Changed cyrillic to unicode (IE11 throw SCRIPT5021) (#1601)
- - fix(JavaScript): Recognize get/set accessor keywords (#1940)
- - Fixed Dockerfile definition when using highlight continuation parameter, by [Laurent Voullemier][]
- - Added tests & new `annotation` and `verbatim` keywords to *Crystal*, by [Benoit de Chezelles][]
- - Added missing dockerfile markup tests, by [Laurent Voullemier][]
- Allow empty prompt text in clojure-repl, by [Egor Rogov][]
- - Fixed several issues with *Crystal* language definition, by [Johannes Müller][]
- - Added `C#` as an alias for *CSharp* language, by [Ahmed Atito][]
- - Added generic user-defined proc support, new compiler define, refactor to re-use rules, and add tests to *GAUSS*, by [Matthew Evans][]
- - Improve *Crystal* language to highlight regexes after some keywords, by [Tsuyusato Kitsune][]
- - Fix filterByQualifiers: fileInfo can be null
- - Fixed String interpolation in Dart, by [Scott Hyndman][].
- [Laurent Voullemier]: https://github.com/l-vo
- [Benoit de Chezelles]: https://github.com/bew
- [Johannes Müller]: https://github.com/straight-shoota
- [Ahmed Atito]: https://github.com/atitoa93
- [Matthew Evans]: https://github.com/matthewevans
- [Tsuyusato Kitsune]: https://github.com/MakeNowJust
- [Scott Hyndman]: https://github.com/shyndman
- [Duncan Paterson]: https://github.com/duncdrum
- ## Version 9.13.1
- Improvements:
- - *C#* function declarations no longer include trailing whitespace, by [JeremyTCD][]
- - Added new and missing keywords to *AngelScript*, by [Melissa Geels][]
- - *TypeScript* decorator factories highlighting fix, by [Antoine Boisier-Michaud][]
- - Added support for multiline strings to *Swift*, by [Alejandro Isaza][]
- - Fixed issue that was causing some minifiers to fail.
- - Fixed `autoDetection` to accept language aliases.
- [JeremyTCD]: https://github.com/JeremyTCD
- [Melissa Geels]: https://github.com/codecat
- [Antoine Boisier-Michaud]: https://github.com/Aboisier
- [Alejandro Isaza]: https://github.com/alejandro-isaza
- ## Version 9.13.0
- New languages:
- - *ArcGIS Arcade* by [John Foster][]
- - *AngelScript* by [Melissa Geels][]
- - *GML* by [meseta][]
- - *isbl* built-in language DIRECTUM and Conterra by [Dmitriy Tarasov][].
- - *PostgreSQL* SQL dialect and PL/pgSQL language by [Egor Rogov][].
- - *ReasonML* by [Gidi Meir Morris][]
- - *SAS* by [Mauricio Caceres Bravo][]
- - *Plaintext* by [Egor Rogov][]
- - *.properties* by [bostko][] and [Egor Rogov][]
- New styles:
- - *a11y-dark theme* by [Eric Bailey][]
- - *a11y-light theme* by [Eric Bailey][]
- - *An Old Hope* by [Gustavo Costa][]
- - *Atom One Dark Reasonable* by [Gidi Meir Morris][]
- - *isbl editor dark* by [Dmitriy Tarasov][]
- - *isbl editor light* by [Dmitriy Tarasov][]
- - *Lightfair* by [Tristian Kelly][]
- - [*Nord*][nord-highlightjs] by [Arctic Ice Studio][]
- - *[🦄 Shades of Purple](https://github.com/ahmadawais/Shades-of-Purple-HighlightJS)* by [Ahmad Awais][]
- Improvements:
- - New attribute `endSameAsBegin` for nested constructs with variable names
- by [Egor Rogov][].
- - *Python* highlighting of escaped quotes fixed by [Harmon][]
- - *PHP*: Added alias for php7, by [Vijaya Chandran Mani][]
- - *C++* string handling, by [David Benjamin][]
- - *Swift* Add `@objcMembers` to `@attributes`, by [Berk Çebi][]
- - Infrastructural changes by [Marcos Cáceres][]
- - Fixed metachars highighting for *NSIS* by [Jan T. Sott][]
- - *Yaml* highlight local tags as types by [Léo Lam][]
- - Improved highlighting for *Elixir* by [Piotr Kaminski][]
- - New attribute `disableAutodetect` for preventing autodetection by [Egor Rogov][]
- - *Matlab*: transpose operators and double quote strings, by [JohnC32][] and [Egor Rogov][]
- - Various documentation typos and improvemets by [Jimmy Wärting][], [Lutz Büch][], [bcleland][]
- - *Cmake* updated with new keywords and commands by [Deniz Bahadir][]
- [Ahmad Awais]: https://github.com/ahmadawais
- [Arctic Ice Studio]: https://github.com/arcticicestudio
- [Dmitriy Tarasov]: https://github.com/MedvedTMN
- [Egor Rogov]: https://github.com/egor-rogov
- [Eric Bailey]: https://github.com/ericwbailey
- [Gidi Meir Morris]: https://github.com/gmmorris
- [Gustavo Costa]: https://github.com/gusbemacbe
- [Harmon]: https://github.com/Harmon758
- [Melissa Geels]: https://github.com/codecat
- [meseta]: https://github.com/meseta
- [nord-highlightjs]: https://github.com/arcticicestudio/nord-highlightjs
- [Tristian Kelly]: https://github.com/TristianK3604
- [Vijaya Chandran Mani]: https://github.com/vijaycs85
- [John Foster]: https://github.com/jf990
- [David Benjamin]: https://github.com/davidben
- [Berk Çebi]: https://github.com/berkcebi
- [Mauricio Caceres Bravo]: https://github.com/mcaceresb
- [bostko]: https://github.com/bostko
- [Deniz Bahadir]: https://github.com/Bagira80
- [bcleland]: https://github.com/bcleland
- [JohnC32]: https://github.com/JohnC32
- [Lutz Büch]: https://github.com/lutz-100worte
- [Piotr Kaminski]: https://github.com/pkaminski
- [Léo Lam]: https://github.com/leoetlino
- [Jan T. Sott]: https://github.com/idleberg
- [Jimmy Wärting]: https://github.com/jimmywarting
- [Marcos Cáceres]: https://github.com/marcoscaceres
- ## Version 9.12.0
- New language:
- - *MikroTik* RouterOS Scripting language by [Ivan Dementev][].
- New style:
- - *VisualStudio 2015 Dark* by [Nicolas LLOBERA][]
- Improvements:
- - *Crystal* updated with new keywords and syntaxes by [Tsuyusato Kitsune][].
- - *Julia* updated to the modern definitions by [Alex Arslan][].
- - *julia-repl* added by [Morten Piibeleht][].
- - [Stanislav Belov][] wrote a new definition for *1C*, replacing the one that
- has not been updated for more than 8 years. The new version supports syntax
- for versions 7.7 and 8.
- - [Nicolas LLOBERA][] improved C# definition fixing edge cases with function
- titles detection and added highlighting of `[Attributes]`.
- - [nnnik][] provided a few correctness fixes for *Autohotkey*.
- - [Martin Clausen][] made annotation collections in *Clojure* to look
- consistently with other kinds.
- - [Alejandro Alonso][] updated *Swift* keywords.
- [Tsuyusato Kitsune]: https://github.com/MakeNowJust
- [Alex Arslan]: https://github.com/ararslan
- [Morten Piibeleht]: https://github.com/mortenpi
- [Stanislav Belov]: https://github.com/4ppl
- [Ivan Dementev]: https://github.com/DiVAN1x
- [Nicolas LLOBERA]: https://github.com/Nicolas01
- [nnnik]: https://github.com/nnnik
- [Martin Clausen]: https://github.com/maacl
- [Alejandro Alonso]: https://github.com/Azoy
- ## Version 9.11.0
- New languages:
- - *Shell* by [Tsuyusato Kitsune][]
- - *jboss-cli* by [Raphaël Parrëe][]
- Improvements:
- - [Joël Porquet] has [greatly improved the definition of *makefile*][5b3e0e6].
- - *C++* class titles are now highlighted as in other languages with classes.
- - [Jordi Petit][] added rarely used `or`, `and` and `not` keywords to *C++*.
- - [Pieter Vantorre][] fixed highlighting of negative floating point values.
- [Tsuyusato Kitsune]: https://github.com/MakeNowJust
- [Jordi Petit]: https://github.com/jordi-petit
- [Raphaël Parrëe]: https://github.com/rparree
- [Pieter Vantorre]: https://github.com/NuclearCookie
- [5b3e0e6]: https://github.com/isagalaev/highlight.js/commit/5b3e0e68bfaae282faff6697d6a490567fa9d44b
- ## Version 9.10.0
- Apologies for missing the previous release cycle. Some thing just can't be
- automated… Anyway, we're back!
- New languages:
- - *Hy* by [Sergey Sobko][]
- - *Leaf* by [Hale Chan][]
- - *N1QL* by [Andres Täht][] and [Rene Saarsoo][]
- Improvements:
- - *Rust* got updated with new keywords by [Kasper Andersen][] and then
- significantly modernized even more by [Eduard-Mihai Burtescu][] (yes, @eddyb,
- Rust core team member!)
- - *Python* updated with f-literals by [Philipp A][].
- - *YAML* updated with unquoted strings support.
- - *Gauss* updated with new keywords by [Matt Evans][].
- - *Lua* updated with new keywords by [Joe Blow][].
- - *Kotlin* updated with new keywords by [Philipp Hauer][].
- - *TypeScript* got highlighting of function params and updated keywords by
- [Ike Ku][].
- - *Scheme* now correctly handles \`-quoted lists thanks to [Guannan Wei].
- - [Sam Wu][] fixed handling of `<<` in *C++* defines.
- [Philipp A]: https://github.com/flying-sheep
- [Philipp Hauer]: https://github.com/phauer
- [Sergey Sobko]: https://github.com/profitware
- [Hale Chan]: https://github.com/halechan
- [Matt Evans]: https://github.com/matthewevans
- [Joe Blow]: https://github.com/mossarelli
- [Kasper Andersen]: https://github.com/kasma1990
- [Eduard-Mihai Burtescu]: https://github.com/eddyb
- [Andres Täht]: https://github.com/andrestaht
- [Rene Saarsoo]: https://github.com/nene
- [Philipp Hauer]: https://github.com/phauer
- [Ike Ku]: https://github.com/dempfi
- [Guannan Wei]: https://github.com/Kraks
- [Sam Wu]: https://github.com/samsam2310
- ## Version 9.9.0
- New languages
- - *LLVM* by [Michael Rodler][]
- Improvements:
- - *TypeScript* updated with annotations and param lists inside constructors, by
- [Raphael Parree][].
- - *CoffeeScript* updated with new keywords and fixed to recognize JavaScript
- in \`\`\`, thanks to thanks to [Geoffrey Booth][].
- - Compiler directives in *Delphi* are now correctly highlighted as "meta".
- [Raphael Parree]: https://github.com/rparree
- [Michael Rodler]: https://github.com/f0rki
- [Geoffrey Booth]: https://github.com/GeoffreyBooth
- ## Version 9.8.0 "New York"
- This version is the second one that deserved a name. Because I'm in New York,
- and the release isn't missing the deadline only because it's still Tuesday on
- West Coast.
- New languages:
- - *Clean* by [Camil Staps][]
- - *Flix* by [Magnus Madsen][]
- Improvements:
- - [Kenton Hamaluik][] did a comprehensive update for *Haxe*.
- - New commands for *PowerShell* from [Nicolas Le Gall][].
- - [Jan T. Sott][] updated *NSIS*.
- - *Java* and *Swift* support unicode characters in identifiers thanks to
- [Alexander Lichter][].
- [Camil Staps]: https://github.com/camilstaps
- [Magnus Madsen]: https://github.com/magnus-madsen
- [Kenton Hamaluik]: https://github.com/FuzzyWuzzie
- [Nicolas Le Gall]: https://github.com/darkitty
- [Jan T. Sott]: https://github.com/idleberg
- [Alexander Lichter]: https://github.com/manniL
- ## Version 9.7.0
- A comprehensive bugfix release. This is one of the best things about
- highlight.js: even boring things keep getting better (even if slow).
- - VHDL updated with PSL keywords and uses more consistent styling.
- - Nested C-style comments no longer break highlighting in many languages.
- - JavaScript updated with `=>` functions, highlighted object attributes and
- parsing within template string substitution blocks (`${...}`).
- - Fixed another corner case with self-closing `<tag/>` in JSX.
- - Added `HEALTHCHECK` directive in Docker.
- - Delphi updated with new Free Pascal keywords.
- - Fixed digit separator parsing in C++.
- - C# updated with new keywords and fixed to allow multiple identifiers within
- generics `<...>`.
- - Fixed another slow regex in Less.
- ## Version 9.6.0
- New languages:
- - *ABNF* and *EBNF* by [Alex McKibben][]
- - *Awk* by [Matthew Daly][]
- - *SubUnit* by [Sergey Bronnikov][]
- New styles:
- - *Atom One* in both Dark and Light variants by [Daniel Gamage][]
- Plus, a few smaller updates for *Lasso*, *Elixir*, *C++* and *SQL*.
- [Alex McKibben]: https://github.com/mckibbenta
- [Daniel Gamage]: https://github.com/danielgamage
- [Matthew Daly]: https://github.com/matthewbdaly
- [Sergey Bronnikov]: https://github.com/ligurio
- ## Version 9.5.0
- New languages:
- - *Excel* by [Victor Zhou][]
- - *Linden Scripting Language* by [Builder's Brewery][]
- - *TAP* (Test Anything Protocol) by [Sergey Bronnikov][]
- - *Pony* by [Joe Eli McIlvain][]
- - *Coq* by [Stephan Boyer][]
- - *dsconfig* and *LDIF* by [Jacob Childress][]
- New styles:
- - *Ocean Dark* by [Gavin Siu][]
- Notable changes:
- - [Minh Nguyễn][] added more built-ins to Objective C.
- - [Jeremy Hull][] fixed corner cases in C++ preprocessor directives and Diff
- comments.
- - [Victor Zhou][] added support for digit separators in C++ numbers.
- [Gavin Siu]: https://github.com/gavsiu
- [Builder's Brewery]: https://github.com/buildersbrewery
- [Victor Zhou]: https://github.com/OiCMudkips
- [Sergey Bronnikov]: https://github.com/ligurio
- [Joe Eli McIlvain]: https://github.com/jemc
- [Stephan Boyer]: https://github.com/boyers
- [Jacob Childress]: https://github.com/braveulysses
- [Minh Nguyễn]: https://github.com/1ec5
- [Jeremy Hull]: https://github.com/sourrust
- ## Version 9.4.0
- New languages:
- - *PureBASIC* by [Tristano Ajmone][]
- - *BNF* by [Oleg Efimov][]
- - *Ada* by [Lars Schulna][]
- New styles:
- - *PureBASIC* by [Tristano Ajmone][]
- Improvements to existing languages and styles:
- - We now highlight function declarations in Go.
- - [Taisuke Fujimoto][] contributed very convoluted rules for raw and
- interpolated strings in C#.
- - [Boone Severson][] updated Verilog to comply with IEEE 1800-2012
- SystemVerilog.
- - [Victor Zhou][] improved rules for comments and strings in PowerShell files.
- - [Janis Voigtländer][] updated the definition of Elm to version 0.17 of the
- languages. Elm is now featured on the front page of <https://highlightjs.org>.
- - Special variable `$this` is highlighted as a keyword in PHP.
- - `usize` and `isize` are now highlighted in Rust.
- - Fixed labels and directives in x86 assembler.
- [Tristano Ajmone]: https://github.com/tajmone
- [Taisuke Fujimoto]: https://github.com/temp-impl
- [Oleg Efimov]: https://github.com/Sannis
- [Boone Severson]: https://github.com/BooneJS
- [Victor Zhou]: https://github.com/OiCMudkips
- [Lars Schulna]: https://github.com/captain-hanuta
- [Janis Voigtländer]: https://github.com/jvoigtlaender
- ## Version 9.3.0
- New languages:
- - *Tagger Script* by [Philipp Wolfer][]
- - *MoonScript* by [Billy Quith][]
- New styles:
- - *xt256* by [Herbert Shin][]
- Improvements to existing languages and styles:
- - More robust handling of unquoted HTML tag attributes
- - Relevance tuning for QML which was unnecessary eager at seizing other
- languages' code
- - Improve GAMS language parsing
- - Fixed a bunch of bugs around selectors in Less
- - Kotlin's got a new definition for annotations, updated keywords and other
- minor improvements
- - Added `move` to Rust keywords
- - Markdown now recognizes \`\`\`-fenced code blocks
- - Improved detection of function declarations in C++ and C#
- [Philipp Wolfer]: https://github.com/phw
- [Billy Quith]: https://github.com/billyquith
- [Herbert Shin]: https://github.com/initbar
- ## Version 9.2.0
- New languages:
- - *QML* by [John Foster][]
- - *HTMLBars* by [Michael Johnston][]
- - *CSP* by [Taras][]
- - *Maxima* by [Robert Dodier][]
- New styles:
- - *Gruvbox* by [Qeole][]
- - *Dracula* by [Denis Ciccale][]
- Improvements to existing languages and styles:
- - We now correctly handle JSX with arbitrary node tree depth.
- - Argument list for `(lambda)` in Scheme is no longer highlighted as a function
- call.
- - Stylus syntax doesn't break on valid CSS.
- - More correct handling of comments and strings and other improvements for
- VimScript.
- - More subtle work on the default style.
- - We now use anonymous modules for AMD.
- - `macro_rules!` is now recognized as a built-in in Rust.
- [John Foster]: https://github.com/jf990
- [Qeole]: https://github.com/Qeole
- [Denis Ciccale]: https://github.com/dciccale
- [Michael Johnston]: https://github.com/lastobelus
- [Taras]: https://github.com/oxdef
- [Robert Dodier]: https://github.com/robert-dodier
- ## Version 9.1.0
- New languages:
- - *Stan* by [Brendan Rocks][]
- - *BASIC* by [Raphaël Assénat][]
- - *GAUSS* by [Matt Evans][]
- - *DTS* by [Martin Braun][]
- - *Arduino* by [Stefania Mellai][]
- New Styles:
- - *Arduino Light* by [Stefania Mellai][]
- Improvements to existing languages and styles:
- - Handle return type annotations in Python
- - Allow shebang headers in Javascript
- - Support strings in Rust meta
- - Recognize `struct` as a class-level definition in Rust
- - Recognize b-prefixed chars and strings in Rust
- - Better numbers handling in Verilog
- [Brendan Rocks]: http://brendanrocks.com
- [Raphaël Assénat]: https://github.com/raphnet
- [Matt Evans]: https://github.com/matthewevans
- [Martin Braun]: https://github.com/mbr0wn
- [Stefania Mellai]: https://github.com/smellai
- ## Version 9.0.0
- The new major version brings a reworked styling system. Highlight.js now defines
- a limited set of highlightable classes giving a consistent result across all the
- styles and languages. You can read a more detailed explanation and background in
- the [tracking issue][#348] that started this long process back in May.
- This change is backwards incompatible for those who uses highlight.js with a
- custom stylesheet. The [new style guide][sg] explains how to write styles
- in this new world.
- Bundled themes have also suffered a significant amount of improvements and may
- look different in places, but all the things now consistent and make more sense.
- Among others, the Default style has got a refresh and will probably be tweaked
- some more in next releases. Please do give your feedback in our
- [issue tracker][issues].
- New languages in this release:
- - *Caché Object Script* by [Nikita Savchenko][]
- - *YAML* by [Stefan Wienert][]
- - *MIPS Assembler* by [Nebuleon Fumika][]
- - *HSP* by [prince][]
- Improvements to existing languages and styles:
- - ECMAScript 6 modules import now do not require closing semicolon.
- - ECMAScript 6 classes constructors now highlighted.
- - Template string support for Typescript, as for ECMAScript 6.
- - Scala case classes params highlight fixed.
- - Built-in names introduced in Julia v0.4 added by [Kenta Sato][].
- - Refreshed Default style.
- Other notable changes:
- - [Web workers support][webworkers] added bu [Jan Kühle][].
- - We now have tests for compressed browser builds as well.
- - The building tool chain has been switched to node.js 4.x. and is now
- shamelessly uses ES6 features all over the place, courtesy of [Jeremy Hull][].
- - License added to non-compressed browser build.
- [Jan Kühle]: https://github.com/frigus02
- [Stefan Wienert]: https://github.com/zealot128
- [Kenta Sato]: https://github.com/bicycle1885
- [Nikita Savchenko]: https://github.com/ZitRos
- [webworkers]: https://github.com/isagalaev/highlight.js#web-workers
- [Jeremy Hull]: https://github.com/sourrust
- [#348]: https://github.com/isagalaev/highlight.js/issues/348
- [sg]: http://highlightjs.readthedocs.org/en/latest/style-guide.html
- [issues]: https://github.com/isagalaev/highlight.js/issues
- [Nebuleon Fumika]: https://github.com/Nebuleon
- [prince]: https://github.com/prince-0203
- ## Version 8.9.1
- Some last-minute changes reverted due to strange bug with minified browser build:
- - Scala case classes params highlight fixed
- - ECMAScript 6 modules import now do not require closing semicolon
- - ECMAScript 6 classes constructors now highlighted
- - Template string support for Typescript, as for ECMAScript 6
- - License added to not minified browser build
- ## Version 8.9.0
- New languages:
- - *crmsh* by [Kristoffer Gronlund][]
- - *SQF* by [Soren Enevoldsen][]
- [Kristoffer Gronlund]: https://github.com/krig
- [Soren Enevoldsen]: https://github.com/senevoldsen90
- Notable fixes and improvements to existing languages:
- - Added `abstract` and `namespace` keywords to TypeScript by [Daniel Rosenwasser][]
- - Added `label` support to Dockerfile by [Ladislav Prskavec][]
- - Crystal highlighting improved by [Tsuyusato Kitsune][]
- - Missing Swift keywords added by [Nate Cook][]
- - Improve detection of C block comments
- - ~~Scala case classes params highlight fixed~~
- - ~~ECMAScript 6 modules import now do not require closing semicolon~~
- - ~~ECMAScript 6 classes constructors now highlighted~~
- - ~~Template string support for Typescript, as for ECMAScript 6~~
- Other notable changes:
- - ~~License added to not minified browser build~~
- [Kristoffer Gronlund]: https://github.com/krig
- [Søren Enevoldsen]: https://github.com/senevoldsen90
- [Daniel Rosenwasser]: https://github.com/DanielRosenwasser
- [Ladislav Prskavec]: https://github.com/abtris
- [Tsuyusato Kitsune]: https://github.com/MakeNowJust
- [Nate Cook]: https://github.com/natecook1000
- ## Version 8.8.0
- New languages:
- - *Golo* by [Philippe Charrière][]
- - *GAMS* by [Stefan Bechert][]
- - *IRPF90* by [Anthony Scemama][]
- - *Access logs* by [Oleg Efimov][]
- - *Crystal* by [Tsuyusato Kitsune][]
- Notable fixes and improvements to existing languages:
- - JavaScript highlighting no longer fails with ES6 default parameters
- - Added keywords `async` and `await` to Python
- - PHP heredoc support improved
- - Allow preprocessor directives within C++ functions
- Other notable changes:
- - Change versions to X.Y.Z SemVer-compatible format
- - Added ability to build all targets at once
- [Philippe Charrière]: https://github.com/k33g
- [Stefan Bechert]: https://github.com/b-pos465
- [Anthony Scemama]: https://github.com/scemama
- [Oleg Efimov]: https://github.com/Sannis
- [Tsuyusato Kitsune]: https://github.com/MakeNowJust
- ## Version 8.7
- New languages:
- - *Zephir* by [Oleg Efimov][]
- - *Elm* by [Janis Voigtländer][]
- - *XQuery* by [Dirk Kirsten][]
- - *Mojolicious* by [Dotan Dimet][]
- - *AutoIt* by Manh Tuan from [J2TeaM][]
- - *Toml* (ini extension) by [Guillaume Gomez][]
- New styles:
- - *Hopscotch* by [Jan T. Sott][]
- - *Grayscale* by [MY Sun][]
- Notable fixes and improvements to existing languages:
- - Fix encoding of images when copied over in certain builds
- - Fix incorrect highlighting of the word "bug" in comments
- - Treat decorators different from matrix multiplication in Python
- - Fix traits inheritance highlighting in Rust
- - Fix incorrect document
- - Oracle keywords added to SQL language definition by [Vadimtro][]
- - Postgres keywords added to SQL language definition by [Benjamin Auder][]
- - Fix registers in x86asm being highlighted as a hex number
- - Fix highlighting for numbers with a leading decimal point
- - Correctly highlight numbers and strings inside of C/C++ macros
- - C/C++ functions now support pointer, reference, and move returns
- [Oleg Efimov]: https://github.com/Sannis
- [Guillaume Gomez]: https://github.com/GuillaumeGomez
- [Janis Voigtländer]: https://github.com/jvoigtlaender
- [Jan T. Sott]: https://github.com/idleberg
- [Dirk Kirsten]: https://github.com/dirkk
- [MY Sun]: https://github.com/simonmysun
- [Vadimtro]: https://github.com/Vadimtro
- [Benjamin Auder]: https://github.com/ghost
- [Dotan Dimet]: https://github.com/dotandimet
- [J2TeaM]: https://github.com/J2TeaM
- ## Version 8.6
- New languages:
- - *C/AL* by [Kenneth Fuglsang][]
- - *DNS zone file* by [Tim Schumacher][]
- - *Ceylon* by [Lucas Werkmeister][]
- - *OpenSCAD* by [Dan Panzarella][]
- - *Inform7* by [Bruno Dias][]
- - *armasm* by [Dan Panzarella][]
- - *TP* by [Jay Strybis][]
- New styles:
- - *Atelier Cave*, *Atelier Estuary*,
- *Atelier Plateau* and *Atelier Savanna* by [Bram de Haan][]
- - *Github Gist* by [Louis Barranqueiro][]
- Notable fixes and improvements to existing languages:
- - Multi-line raw strings from C++11 are now supported
- - Fix class names with dashes in HAML
- - The `async` keyword from ES6/7 is now supported
- - TypeScript functions handle type and parameter complexity better
- - We unified phpdoc/javadoc/yardoc etc modes across all languages
- - CSS .class selectors relevance was dropped to prevent wrong language detection
- - Images is now included to CDN build
- - Release process is now automated
- [Bram de Haan]: https://github.com/atelierbram
- [Kenneth Fuglsang]: https://github.com/kfuglsang
- [Louis Barranqueiro]: https://github.com/LouisBarranqueiro
- [Tim Schumacher]: https://github.com/enko
- [Lucas Werkmeister]: https://github.com/lucaswerkmeister
- [Dan Panzarella]: https://github.com/pzl
- [Bruno Dias]: https://github.com/sequitur
- [Jay Strybis]: https://github.com/unreal
- ## Version 8.5
- New languages:
- - *pf.conf* by [Peter Piwowarski][]
- - *Julia* by [Kenta Sato][]
- - *Prolog* by [Raivo Laanemets][]
- - *Docker* by [Alexis Hénaut][]
- - *Fortran* by [Anthony Scemama][] and [Thomas Applencourt][]
- - *Kotlin* by [Sergey Mashkov][]
- New styles:
- - *Agate* by [Taufik Nurrohman][]
- - *Darcula* by [JetBrains][]
- - *Atelier Sulphurpool* by [Bram de Haan][]
- - *Android Studio* by [Pedro Oliveira][]
- Notable fixes and improvements to existing languages:
- - ES6 features in JavaScript are better supported now by [Gu Yiling][].
- - Swift now recognizes body-less method definitions.
- - Single expression functions `def foo, do: ... ` now work in Elixir.
- - More uniform detection of built-in classes in Objective C.
- - Fixes for number literals and processor directives in Rust.
- - HTML `<script>` tag now allows any language, not just JavaScript.
- - Multi-line comments are supported now in MatLab.
- [Taufik Nurrohman]: https://github.com/tovic
- [Jet Brains]: https://www.jetbrains.com/
- [Peter Piwowarski]: https://github.com/oldlaptop
- [Kenta Sato]: https://github.com/bicycle1885
- [Bram de Haan]: https://github.com/atelierbram
- [Raivo Laanemets]: https://github.com/rla
- [Alexis Hénaut]: https://github.com/AlexisNo
- [Anthony Scemama]: https://github.com/scemama
- [Pedro Oliveira]: https://github.com/kanytu
- [Gu Yiling]: https://github.com/Justineo
- [Sergey Mashkov]: https://github.com/cy6erGn0m
- [Thomas Applencourt]: https://github.com/TApplencourt
- ## Version 8.4
- We've got the new [demo page][]! The obvious new feature is the new look, but
- apart from that it's got smarter: by presenting languages in groups it avoids
- running 10000 highlighting attempts after first load which was slowing it down
- and giving bad overall impression. It is now also being generated from test
- code snippets so the authors of new languages don't have to update both tests
- and the demo page with the same thing.
- Other notable changes:
- - The `template_comment` class is gone in favor of the more general `comment`.
- - Number parsing unified and improved across languages.
- - C++, Java and C# now use unified grammar to highlight titles in
- function/method definitions.
- - The browser build is now usable as an AMD module, there's no separate build
- target for that anymore.
- - OCaml has got a [comprehensive overhaul][ocaml] by [Mickaël Delahaye][].
- - Clojure's data structures and literals are now highlighted outside of lists
- and we can now highlight Clojure's REPL sessions.
- New languages:
- - *AspectJ* by [Hakan Özler][]
- - *STEP Part 21* by [Adam Joseph Cook][]
- - *SML* derived by [Edwin Dalorzo][] from OCaml definition
- - *Mercury* by [mucaho][]
- - *Smali* by [Dennis Titze][]
- - *Verilog* by [Jon Evans][]
- - *Stata* by [Brian Quistorff][]
- [Hakan Özler]: https://github.com/ozlerhakan
- [Adam Joseph Cook]: https://github.com/adamjcook
- [demo page]: https://highlightjs.org/static/demo/
- [Ivan Sagalaev]: https://github.com/isagalaev
- [Edwin Dalorzo]: https://github.com/edalorzo
- [mucaho]: https://github.com/mucaho
- [Dennis Titze]: https://github.com/titze
- [Jon Evans]: https://github.com/craftyjon
- [Brian Quistorff]: https://github.com/bquistorff
- [ocaml]: https://github.com/isagalaev/highlight.js/pull/608#issue-46190207
- [Mickaël Delahaye]: https://github.com/polazarus
- ## Version 8.3
- We streamlined our tool chain, it is now based entirely on node.js instead of
- being a mix of node.js, Python and Java. The build script options and arguments
- remained the same, and we've noted all the changes in the [documentation][b].
- Apart from reducing complexity, the new build script is also faster from not
- having to start Java machine repeatedly. The credits for the work go to [Jeremy
- Hull][].
- Some notable fixes:
- - PHP and JavaScript mixed in HTML now live happily with each other.
- - JavaScript regexes now understand ES6 flags "u" and "y".
- - `throw` keyword is no longer detected as a method name in Java.
- - Fixed parsing of numbers and symbols in Clojure thanks to [input from Ivan
- Kleshnin][ik].
- New languages in this release:
- - *Less* by [Max Mikhailov][]
- - *Stylus* by [Bryant Williams][]
- - *Tcl* by [Radek Liska][]
- - *Puppet* by [Jose Molina Colmenero][]
- - *Processing* by [Erik Paluka][]
- - *Twig* templates by [Luke Holder][]
- - *PowerShell* by [David Mohundro][], based on [the work of Nicholas Blumhardt][ps]
- - *XL* by [Christophe de Dinechin][]
- - *LiveScript* by [Taneli Vatanen][] and [Jen Evers-Corvina][]
- - *ERB* (Ruby in HTML) by [Lucas Mazza][]
- - *Roboconf* by [Vincent Zurczak][]
- [b]: http://highlightjs.readthedocs.org/en/latest/building-testing.html
- [Jeremy Hull]: https://github.com/sourrust
- [ik]: https://twitter.com/IvanKleshnin/status/514041599484231680
- [Max Mikhailov]: https://github.com/seven-phases-max
- [Bryant Williams]: https://github.com/scien
- [Radek Liska]: https://github.com/Nindaleth
- [Jose Molina Colmenero]: https://github.com/Moliholy
- [Erik Paluka]: https://github.com/paluka
- [Luke Holder]: https://github.com/lukeholder
- [David Mohundro]: https://github.com/drmohundro
- [ps]: https://github.com/OctopusDeploy/Library/blob/master/app/shared/presentation/highlighting/powershell.js
- [Christophe de Dinechin]: https://github.com/c3d
- [Taneli Vatanen]: https://github.com/Daiz-
- [Jen Evers-Corvina]: https://github.com/sevvie
- [Lucas Mazza]: https://github.com/lucasmazza
- [Vincent Zurczak]: https://github.com/vincent-zurczak
- ## Version 8.2
- We've finally got [real tests][test] and [continuous testing on Travis][ci]
- thanks to [Jeremy Hull][] and [Chris Eidhof][]. The tests designed to cover
- everything: language detection, correct parsing of individual language features
- and various special cases. This is a very important change that gives us
- confidence in extending language definitions and refactoring library core.
- We're going to redesign the old [demo/test suite][demo] into an interactive
- demo web app. If you're confident front-end developer or designer and want to
- help us with it, drop a comment into [the issue][#542] on GitHub.
- [test]: https://github.com/isagalaev/highlight.js/tree/master/test
- [demo]: https://highlightjs.org/static/test.html
- [#542]: https://github.com/isagalaev/highlight.js/issues/542
- [ci]: https://travis-ci.org/isagalaev/highlight.js
- [Jeremy Hull]: https://github.com/sourrust
- [Chris Eidhof]: https://github.com/chriseidhof
- As usually there's a handful of new languages in this release:
- - *Groovy* by [Guillaume Laforge][]
- - *Dart* by [Maxim Dikun][]
- - *Dust* by [Michael Allen][]
- - *Scheme* by [JP Verkamp][]
- - *G-Code* by [Adam Joseph Cook][]
- - *Q* from Kx Systems by [Sergey Vidyuk][]
- [Guillaume Laforge]: https://github.com/glaforge
- [Maxim Dikun]: https://github.com/dikmax
- [Michael Allen]: https://github.com/bfui
- [JP Verkamp]: https://github.com/jpverkamp
- [Adam Joseph Cook]: https://github.com/adamjcook
- [Sergey Vidyuk]: https://github.com/sv
- Other improvements:
- - [Erik Osheim][] heavily reworked Scala definitions making it richer.
- - [Lucas Mazza][] fixed Ruby hashes highlighting
- - Lisp variants (Lisp, Clojure and Scheme) are unified in regard to naming
- the first symbol in parentheses: it's "keyword" in general case and also
- "built_in" for built-in functions in Clojure and Scheme.
- [Erik Osheim]: https://github.com/non
- [Lucas Mazza]: https://github.com/lucasmazza
- ## Version 8.1
- New languages:
- - *Gherkin* by [Sam Pikesley][]
- - *Elixir* by [Josh Adams][]
- - *NSIS* by [Jan T. Sott][]
- - *VIM script* by [Jun Yang][]
- - *Protocol Buffers* by [Dan Tao][]
- - *Nix* by [Domen Kožar][]
- - *x86asm* by [innocenat][]
- - *Cap’n Proto* and *Thrift* by [Oleg Efimov][]
- - *Monkey* by [Arthur Bikmullin][]
- - *TypeScript* by [Panu Horsmalahti][]
- - *Nimrod* by [Flaviu Tamas][]
- - *Gradle* by [Damian Mee][]
- - *Haxe* by [Christopher Kaster][]
- - *Swift* by [Chris Eidhof][] and [Nate Cook][]
- New styles:
- - *Kimbie*, light and dark variants by [Jan T. Sott][]
- - *Color brewer* by [Fabrício Tavares de Oliveira][]
- - *Codepen.io embed* by [Justin Perry][]
- - *Hybrid* by [Nic West][]
- [Sam Pikesley]: https://github.com/pikesley
- [Sindre Sorhus]: https://github.com/sindresorhus
- [Josh Adams]: https://github.com/knewter
- [Jan T. Sott]: https://github.com/idleberg
- [Jun Yang]: https://github.com/harttle
- [Dan Tao]: https://github.com/dtao
- [Domen Kožar]: https://github.com/iElectric
- [innocenat]: https://github.com/innocenat
- [Oleg Efimov]: https://github.com/Sannis
- [Arthur Bikmullin]: https://github.com/devolonter
- [Panu Horsmalahti]: https://github.com/panuhorsmalahti
- [Flaviu Tamas]: https://github.com/flaviut
- [Damian Mee]: https://github.com/chester1000
- [Christopher Kaster]: http://christopher.kaster.ws
- [Fabrício Tavares de Oliveira]: https://github.com/fabriciotav
- [Justin Perry]: https://github.com/ourmaninamsterdam
- [Nic West]: https://github.com/nicwest
- [Chris Eidhof]: https://github.com/chriseidhof
- [Nate Cook]: https://github.com/natecook1000
- Other improvements:
- - The README is heavily reworked and brought up to date by [Jeremy Hull][].
- - Added [`listLanguages()`][ll] method in the API.
- - Improved C/C++/C# detection.
- - Added a bunch of new language aliases, documented the existing ones. Thanks to
- [Sindre Sorhus][] for background research.
- - Added phrasal English words to boost relevance in comments.
- - Many improvements to SQL definition made by [Heiko August][],
- [Nikolay Lisienko][] and [Travis Odom][].
- - The shorter `lang-` prefix for language names in HTML classes supported
- alongside `language-`. Thanks to [Jeff Escalante][].
- - Ruby's got support for interactive console sessions. Thanks to
- [Pascal Hurni][].
- - Added built-in functions for R language. Thanks to [Artem A. Klevtsov][].
- - Rust's got definition for lifetime parameters and improved string syntax.
- Thanks to [Roman Shmatov][].
- - Various improvements to Objective-C definition by [Matt Diephouse][].
- - Fixed highlighting of generics in Java.
- [ll]: http://highlightjs.readthedocs.org/en/latest/api.html#listlanguages
- [Sindre Sorhus]: https://github.com/sindresorhus
- [Heiko August]: https://github.com/auge8472
- [Nikolay Lisienko]: https://github.com/neor-ru
- [Travis Odom]: https://github.com/Burstaholic
- [Jeff Escalante]: https://github.com/jenius
- [Pascal Hurni]: https://github.com/phurni
- [Jiyin Yiyong]: https://github.com/jiyinyiyong
- [Artem A. Klevtsov]: https://github.com/unikum
- [Roman Shmatov]: https://github.com/shmatov
- [Jeremy Hull]: https://github.com/sourrust
- [Matt Diephouse]: https://github.com/mdiep
- ## Version 8.0
- This new major release is quite a big overhaul bringing both new features and
- some backwards incompatible changes. However, chances are that the majority of
- users won't be affected by the latter: the basic scenario described in the
- README is left intact.
- Here's what did change in an incompatible way:
- - We're now prefixing all classes located in [CSS classes reference][cr] with
- `hljs-`, by default, because some class names would collide with other
- people's stylesheets. If you were using an older version, you might still want
- the previous behavior, but still want to upgrade. To suppress this new
- behavior, you would initialize like so:
- ```html
- <script type="text/javascript">
- hljs.configure({classPrefix: ''});
- hljs.initHighlightingOnLoad();
- </script>
- ```
- - `tabReplace` and `useBR` that were used in different places are also unified
- into the global options object and are to be set using `configure(options)`.
- This function is documented in our [API docs][]. Also note that these
- parameters are gone from `highlightBlock` and `fixMarkup` which are now also
- rely on `configure`.
- - We removed public-facing (though undocumented) object `hljs.LANGUAGES` which
- was used to register languages with the library in favor of two new methods:
- `registerLanguage` and `getLanguage`. Both are documented in our [API docs][].
- - Result returned from `highlight` and `highlightAuto` no longer contains two
- separate attributes contributing to relevance score, `relevance` and
- `keyword_count`. They are now unified in `relevance`.
- Another technically compatible change that nonetheless might need attention:
- - The structure of the NPM package was refactored, so if you had installed it
- locally, you'll have to update your paths. The usual `require('highlight.js')`
- works as before. This is contributed by [Dmitry Smolin][].
- New features:
- - Languages now can be recognized by multiple names like "js" for JavaScript or
- "html" for, well, HTML (which earlier insisted on calling it "xml"). These
- aliases can be specified in the class attribute of the code container in your
- HTML as well as in various API calls. For now there are only a few very common
- aliases but we'll expand it in the future. All of them are listed in the
- [class reference][cr].
- - Language detection can now be restricted to a subset of languages relevant in
- a given context — a web page or even a single highlighting call. This is
- especially useful for node.js build that includes all the known languages.
- Another example is a StackOverflow-style site where users specify languages
- as tags rather than in the markdown-formatted code snippets. This is
- documented in the [API reference][] (see methods `highlightAuto` and
- `configure`).
- - Language definition syntax streamlined with [variants][] and
- [beginKeywords][].
- New languages and styles:
- - *Oxygene* by [Carlo Kok][]
- - *Mathematica* by [Daniel Kvasnička][]
- - *Autohotkey* by [Seongwon Lee][]
- - *Atelier* family of styles in 10 variants by [Bram de Haan][]
- - *Paraíso* styles by [Jan T. Sott][]
- Miscellaneous improvements:
- - Highlighting `=>` prompts in Clojure.
- - [Jeremy Hull][] fixed a lot of styles for consistency.
- - Finally, highlighting PHP and HTML [mixed in peculiar ways][php-html].
- - Objective C and C# now properly highlight titles in method definition.
- - Big overhaul of relevance counting for a number of languages. Please do report
- bugs about mis-detection of non-trivial code snippets!
- [API reference]: http://highlightjs.readthedocs.org/en/latest/api.html
- [cr]: http://highlightjs.readthedocs.org/en/latest/css-classes-reference.html
- [api docs]: http://highlightjs.readthedocs.org/en/latest/api.html
- [variants]: https://groups.google.com/d/topic/highlightjs/VoGC9-1p5vk/discussion
- [beginKeywords]: https://github.com/isagalaev/highlight.js/commit/6c7fdea002eb3949577a85b3f7930137c7c3038d
- [php-html]: https://twitter.com/highlightjs/status/408890903017689088
- [Carlo Kok]: https://github.com/carlokok
- [Bram de Haan]: https://github.com/atelierbram
- [Daniel Kvasnička]: https://github.com/dkvasnicka
- [Dmitry Smolin]: https://github.com/dimsmol
- [Jeremy Hull]: https://github.com/sourrust
- [Seongwon Lee]: https://github.com/dlimpid
- [Jan T. Sott]: https://github.com/idleberg
- ## Version 7.5
- A catch-up release dealing with some of the accumulated contributions. This one
- is probably will be the last before the 8.0 which will be slightly backwards
- incompatible regarding some advanced use-cases.
- One outstanding change in this version is the addition of 6 languages to the
- [hosted script][d]: Markdown, ObjectiveC, CoffeeScript, Apache, Nginx and
- Makefile. It now weighs about 6K more but we're going to keep it under 30K.
- New languages:
- - OCaml by [Mehdi Dogguy][mehdid] and [Nicolas Braud-Santoni][nbraud]
- - [LiveCode Server][lcs] by [Ralf Bitter][revig]
- - Scilab by [Sylvestre Ledru][sylvestre]
- - basic support for Makefile by [Ivan Sagalaev][isagalaev]
- Improvements:
- - Ruby's got support for characters like `?A`, `?1`, `?\012` etc. and `%r{..}`
- regexps.
- - Clojure now allows a function call in the beginning of s-expressions
- `(($filter "myCount") (arr 1 2 3 4 5))`.
- - Haskell's got new keywords and now recognizes more things like pragmas,
- preprocessors, modules, containers, FFIs etc. Thanks to [Zena Treep][treep]
- for the implementation and to [Jeremy Hull][sourrust] for guiding it.
- - Miscellaneous fixes in PHP, Brainfuck, SCSS, Asciidoc, CMake, Python and F#.
- [mehdid]: https://github.com/mehdid
- [nbraud]: https://github.com/nbraud
- [revig]: https://github.com/revig
- [lcs]: http://livecode.com/developers/guides/server/
- [sylvestre]: https://github.com/sylvestre
- [isagalaev]: https://github.com/isagalaev
- [treep]: https://github.com/treep
- [sourrust]: https://github.com/sourrust
- [d]: http://highlightjs.org/download/
- ## New core developers
- The latest long period of almost complete inactivity in the project coincided
- with growing interest to it led to a decision that now seems completely obvious:
- we need more core developers.
- So without further ado let me welcome to the core team two long-time
- contributors: [Jeremy Hull][] and [Oleg
- Efimov][].
- Hope now we'll be able to work through stuff faster!
- P.S. The historical commit is [here][1] for the record.
- [Jeremy Hull]: https://github.com/sourrust
- [Oleg Efimov]: https://github.com/sannis
- [1]: https://github.com/isagalaev/highlight.js/commit/f3056941bda56d2b72276b97bc0dd5f230f2473f
- ## Version 7.4
- This long overdue version is a snapshot of the current source tree with all the
- changes that happened during the past year. Sorry for taking so long!
- Along with the changes in code highlight.js has finally got its new home at
- <http://highlightjs.org/>, moving from its cradle on Software Maniacs which it
- outgrew a long time ago. Be sure to report any bugs about the site to
- <mailto:info@highlightjs.org>.
- On to what's new…
- New languages:
- - Handlebars templates by [Robin Ward][]
- - Oracle Rules Language by [Jason Jacobson][]
- - F# by [Joans Follesø][]
- - AsciiDoc and Haml by [Dan Allen][]
- - Lasso by [Eric Knibbe][]
- - SCSS by [Kurt Emch][]
- - VB.NET by [Poren Chiang][]
- - Mizar by [Kelley van Evert][]
- [Robin Ward]: https://github.com/eviltrout
- [Jason Jacobson]: https://github.com/jayce7
- [Joans Follesø]: https://github.com/follesoe
- [Dan Allen]: https://github.com/mojavelinux
- [Eric Knibbe]: https://github.com/EricFromCanada
- [Kurt Emch]: https://github.com/kemch
- [Poren Chiang]: https://github.com/rschiang
- [Kelley van Evert]: https://github.com/kelleyvanevert
- New style themes:
- - Monokai Sublime by [noformnocontent][]
- - Railscasts by [Damien White][]
- - Obsidian by [Alexander Marenin][]
- - Docco by [Simon Madine][]
- - Mono Blue by [Ivan Sagalaev][] (uses a single color hue for everything)
- - Foundation by [Dan Allen][]
- [noformnocontent]: http://nn.mit-license.org/
- [Damien White]: https://github.com/visoft
- [Alexander Marenin]: https://github.com/ioncreature
- [Simon Madine]: https://github.com/thingsinjars
- [Ivan Sagalaev]: https://github.com/isagalaev
- Other notable changes:
- - Corrected many corner cases in CSS.
- - Dropped Python 2 version of the build tool.
- - Implemented building for the AMD format.
- - Updated Rust keywords (thanks to [Dmitry Medvinsky][]).
- - Literal regexes can now be used in language definitions.
- - CoffeeScript highlighting is now significantly more robust and rich due to
- input from [Cédric Néhémie][].
- [Dmitry Medvinsky]: https://github.com/dmedvinsky
- [Cédric Néhémie]: https://github.com/abe33
- ## Version 7.3
- - Since this version highlight.js no longer works in IE version 8 and older.
- It's made it possible to reduce the library size and dramatically improve code
- readability and made it easier to maintain. Time to go forward!
- - New languages: AppleScript (by [Nathan Grigg][ng] and [Dr. Drang][dd]) and
- Brainfuck (by [Evgeny Stepanischev][bolk]).
- - Improvements to existing languages:
- - interpreter prompt in Python (`>>>` and `...`)
- - @-properties and classes in CoffeeScript
- - E4X in JavaScript (by [Oleg Efimov][oe])
- - new keywords in Perl (by [Kirk Kimmel][kk])
- - big Ruby syntax update (by [Vasily Polovnyov][vast])
- - small fixes in Bash
- - Also Oleg Efimov did a great job of moving all the docs for language and style
- developers and contributors from the old wiki under the source code in the
- "docs" directory. Now these docs are nicely presented at
- <http://highlightjs.readthedocs.org/>.
- [ng]: https://github.com/nathan11g
- [dd]: https://github.com/drdrang
- [bolk]: https://github.com/bolknote
- [oe]: https://github.com/Sannis
- [kk]: https://github.com/kimmel
- [vast]: https://github.com/vast
- ## Version 7.2
- A regular bug-fix release without any significant new features. Enjoy!
- ## Version 7.1
- A Summer crop:
- - [Marc Fornos][mf] made the definition for Clojure along with the matching
- style Rainbow (which, of course, works for other languages too).
- - CoffeeScript support continues to improve getting support for regular
- expressions.
- - Yoshihide Jimbo ported to highlight.js [five Tomorrow styles][tm] from the
- [project by Chris Kempson][tm0].
- - Thanks to [Casey Duncun][cd] the library can now be built in the popular
- [AMD format][amd].
- - And last but not least, we've got a fair number of correctness and consistency
- fixes, including a pretty significant refactoring of Ruby.
- [mf]: https://github.com/mfornos
- [tm]: http://jmblog.github.com/color-themes-for-highlightjs/
- [tm0]: https://github.com/ChrisKempson/Tomorrow-Theme
- [cd]: https://github.com/caseman
- [amd]: http://requirejs.org/docs/whyamd.html
- ## Version 7.0
- The reason for the new major version update is a global change of keyword syntax
- which resulted in the library getting smaller once again. For example, the
- hosted build is 2K less than at the previous version while supporting two new
- languages.
- Notable changes:
- - The library now works not only in a browser but also with [node.js][]. It is
- installable with `npm install highlight.js`. [API][] docs are available on our
- wiki.
- - The new unique feature (apparently) among syntax highlighters is highlighting
- *HTTP* headers and an arbitrary language in the request body. The most useful
- languages here are *XML* and *JSON* both of which highlight.js does support.
- Here's [the detailed post][p] about the feature.
- - Two new style themes: a dark "south" *[Pojoaque][]* by Jason Tate and an
- emulation of*XCode* IDE by [Angel Olloqui][ao].
- - Three new languages: *D* by [Aleksandar Ružičić][ar], *R* by [Joe Cheng][jc]
- and *GLSL* by [Sergey Tikhomirov][st].
- - *Nginx* syntax has become a million times smaller and more universal thanks to
- remaking it in a more generic manner that doesn't require listing all the
- directives in the known universe.
- - Function titles are now highlighted in *PHP*.
- - *Haskell* and *VHDL* were significantly reworked to be more rich and correct
- by their respective maintainers [Jeremy Hull][sr] and [Igor Kalnitsky][ik].
- And last but not least, many bugs have been fixed around correctness and
- language detection.
- Overall highlight.js currently supports 51 languages and 20 style themes.
- [node.js]: http://nodejs.org/
- [api]: http://softwaremaniacs.org/wiki/doku.php/highlight.js:api
- [p]: http://softwaremaniacs.org/blog/2012/05/10/http-and-json-in-highlight-js/en/
- [pojoaque]: http://web-cms-designs.com/ftopict-10-pojoaque-style-for-highlight-js-code-highlighter.html
- [ao]: https://github.com/angelolloqui
- [ar]: https://github.com/raleksandar
- [jc]: https://github.com/jcheng5
- [st]: https://github.com/tikhomirov
- [sr]: https://github.com/sourrust
- [ik]: https://github.com/ikalnitsky
- ## Version 6.2
- A lot of things happened in highlight.js since the last version! We've got nine
- new contributors, the discussion group came alive, and the main branch on GitHub
- now counts more than 350 followers. Here are most significant results coming
- from all this activity:
- - 5 (five!) new languages: Rust, ActionScript, CoffeeScript, MatLab and
- experimental support for markdown. Thanks go to [Andrey Vlasovskikh][av],
- [Alexander Myadzel][am], [Dmytrii Nagirniak][dn], [Oleg Efimov][oe], [Denis
- Bardadym][db] and [John Crepezzi][jc].
- - 2 new style themes: Monokai by [Luigi Maselli][lm] and stylistic imitation of
- another well-known highlighter Google Code Prettify by [Aahan Krish][ak].
- - A vast number of [correctness fixes and code refactorings][log], mostly made
- by [Oleg Efimov][oe] and [Evgeny Stepanischev][es].
- [av]: https://github.com/vlasovskikh
- [am]: https://github.com/myadzel
- [dn]: https://github.com/dnagir
- [oe]: https://github.com/Sannis
- [db]: https://github.com/btd
- [jc]: https://github.com/seejohnrun
- [lm]: http://grigio.org/
- [ak]: https://github.com/geekpanth3r
- [es]: https://github.com/bolknote
- [log]: https://github.com/isagalaev/highlight.js/commits/
- ## Version 6.1 — Solarized
- [Jeremy Hull][jh] has implemented my dream feature — a port of [Solarized][]
- style theme famous for being based on the intricate color theory to achieve
- correct contrast and color perception. It is now available for highlight.js in
- both variants — light and dark.
- This version also adds a new original style Arta. Its author pumbur maintains a
- [heavily modified fork of highlight.js][pb] on GitHub.
- [jh]: https://github.com/sourrust
- [solarized]: http://ethanschoonover.com/solarized
- [pb]: https://github.com/pumbur/highlight.js
- ## Version 6.0
- New major version of the highlighter has been built on a significantly
- refactored syntax. Due to this it's even smaller than the previous one while
- supporting more languages!
- New languages are:
- - Haskell by [Jeremy Hull][sourrust]
- - Erlang in two varieties — module and REPL — made collectively by [Nikolay
- Zakharov][desh], [Dmitry Kovega][arhibot] and [Sergey Ignatov][ignatov]
- - Objective C by [Valerii Hiora][vhbit]
- - Vala by [Antono Vasiljev][antono]
- - Go by [Stephan Kountso][steplg]
- [sourrust]: https://github.com/sourrust
- [desh]: http://desh.su/
- [arhibot]: https://github.com/arhibot
- [ignatov]: https://github.com/ignatov
- [vhbit]: https://github.com/vhbit
- [antono]: https://github.com/antono
- [steplg]: https://github.com/steplg
- Also this version is marginally faster and fixes a number of small long-standing
- bugs.
- Developer overview of the new language syntax is available in a [blog post about
- recent beta release][beta].
- [beta]: http://softwaremaniacs.org/blog/2011/04/25/highlight-js-60-beta/en/
- P.S. New version is not yet available on a Yandex CDN, so for now you have to
- download [your own copy][d].
- [d]: /soft/highlight/en/download/
- ## Version 5.14
- Fixed bugs in HTML/XML detection and relevance introduced in previous
- refactoring.
- Also test.html now shows the second best result of language detection by
- relevance.
- ## Version 5.13
- Past weekend began with a couple of simple additions for existing languages but
- ended up in a big code refactoring bringing along nice improvements for language
- developers.
- ### For users
- - Description of C++ has got new keywords from the upcoming [C++ 0x][] standard.
- - Description of HTML has got new tags from [HTML 5][].
- - CSS-styles have been unified to use consistent padding and also have lost
- pop-outs with names of detected languages.
- - [Igor Kalnitsky][ik] has sent two new language descriptions: CMake & VHDL.
- This makes total number of languages supported by highlight.js to reach 35.
- Bug fixes:
- - Custom classes on `<pre>` tags are not being overridden anymore
- - More correct highlighting of code blocks inside non-`<pre>` containers:
- highlighter now doesn't insist on replacing them with its own container and
- just replaces the contents.
- - Small fixes in browser compatibility and heuristics.
- [c++ 0x]: http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/C%2B%2B0x
- [html 5]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML5
- [ik]: http://kalnitsky.org.ua/
- ### For developers
- The most significant change is the ability to include language submodes right
- under `contains` instead of defining explicit named submodes in the main array:
- contains: [
- 'string',
- 'number',
- {begin: '\\n', end: hljs.IMMEDIATE_RE}
- ]
- This is useful for auxiliary modes needed only in one place to define parsing.
- Note that such modes often don't have `className` and hence won't generate a
- separate `<span>` in the resulting markup. This is similar in effect to
- `noMarkup: true`. All existing languages have been refactored accordingly.
- Test file test.html has at last become a real test. Now it not only puts the
- detected language name under the code snippet but also tests if it matches the
- expected one. Test summary is displayed right above all language snippets.
- ## CDN
- Fine people at [Yandex][] agreed to host highlight.js on their big fast servers.
- [Link up][l]!
- [yandex]: http://yandex.com/
- [l]: http://softwaremaniacs.org/soft/highlight/en/download/
- ## Version 5.10 — "Paris".
- Though I'm on a vacation in Paris, I decided to release a new version with a
- couple of small fixes:
- - Tomas Vitvar discovered that TAB replacement doesn't always work when used
- with custom markup in code
- - SQL parsing is even more rigid now and doesn't step over SmallTalk in tests
- ## Version 5.9
- A long-awaited version is finally released.
- New languages:
- - Andrew Fedorov made a definition for Lua
- - a long-time highlight.js contributor [Peter Leonov][pl] made a definition for
- Nginx config
- - [Vladimir Moskva][vm] made a definition for TeX
- [pl]: http://kung-fu-tzu.ru/
- [vm]: http://fulc.ru/
- Fixes for existing languages:
- - [Loren Segal][ls] reworked the Ruby definition and added highlighting for
- [YARD][] inline documentation
- - the definition of SQL has become more solid and now it shouldn't be overly
- greedy when it comes to language detection
- [ls]: http://gnuu.org/
- [yard]: http://yardoc.org/
- The highlighter has become more usable as a library allowing to do highlighting
- from initialization code of JS frameworks and in ajax methods (see.
- readme.eng.txt).
- Also this version drops support for the [WordPress][wp] plugin. Everyone is
- welcome to [pick up its maintenance][p] if needed.
- [wp]: http://wordpress.org/
- [p]: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~isagalaev/+junk/highlight/annotate/342/src/wp_highlight.js.php
- ## Version 5.8
- - Jan Berkel has contributed a definition for Scala. +1 to hotness!
- - All CSS-styles are rewritten to work only inside `<pre>` tags to avoid
- conflicts with host site styles.
- ## Version 5.7.
- Fixed escaping of quotes in VBScript strings.
- ## Version 5.5
- This version brings a small change: now .ini-files allow digits, underscores and
- square brackets in key names.
- ## Version 5.4
- Fixed small but upsetting bug in the packer which caused incorrect highlighting
- of explicitly specified languages. Thanks to Andrew Fedorov for precise
- diagnostics!
- ## Version 5.3
- The version to fulfil old promises.
- The most significant change is that highlight.js now preserves custom user
- markup in code along with its own highlighting markup. This means that now it's
- possible to use, say, links in code. Thanks to [Vladimir Dolzhenko][vd] for the
- [initial proposal][1] and for making a proof-of-concept patch.
- Also in this version:
- - [Vasily Polovnyov][vp] has sent a GitHub-like style and has implemented
- support for CSS @-rules and Ruby symbols.
- - Yura Zaripov has sent two styles: Brown Paper and School Book.
- - Oleg Volchkov has sent a definition for [Parser 3][p3].
- [1]: http://softwaremaniacs.org/forum/highlightjs/6612/
- [p3]: http://www.parser.ru/
- [vp]: http://vasily.polovnyov.ru/
- [vd]: http://dolzhenko.blogspot.com/
- ## Version 5.2
- - at last it's possible to replace indentation TABs with something sensible
- (e.g. 2 or 4 spaces)
- - new keywords and built-ins for 1C by Sergey Baranov
- - a couple of small fixes to Apache highlighting
- ## Version 5.1
- This is one of those nice version consisting entirely of new and shiny
- contributions!
- - [Vladimir Ermakov][vooon] created highlighting for AVR Assembler
- - [Ruslan Keba][rukeba] created highlighting for Apache config file. Also his
- original visual style for it is now available for all highlight.js languages
- under the name "Magula".
- - [Shuen-Huei Guan][drake] (aka Drake) sent new keywords for RenderMan
- languages. Also thanks go to [Konstantin Evdokimenko][ke] for his advice on
- the matter.
- [vooon]: http://vehq.ru/about/
- [rukeba]: http://rukeba.com/
- [drake]: http://drakeguan.org/
- [ke]: http://k-evdokimenko.moikrug.ru/
- ## Version 5.0
- The main change in the new major version of highlight.js is a mechanism for
- packing several languages along with the library itself into a single compressed
- file. Now sites using several languages will load considerably faster because
- the library won't dynamically include additional files while loading.
- Also this version fixes a long-standing bug with Javascript highlighting that
- couldn't distinguish between regular expressions and division operations.
- And as usually there were a couple of minor correctness fixes.
- Great thanks to all contributors! Keep using highlight.js.
- ## Version 4.3
- This version comes with two contributions from [Jason Diamond][jd]:
- - language definition for C# (yes! it was a long-missed thing!)
- - Visual Studio-like highlighting style
- Plus there are a couple of minor bug fixes for parsing HTML and XML attributes.
- [jd]: http://jason.diamond.name/weblog/
- ## Version 4.2
- The biggest news is highlighting for Lisp, courtesy of Vasily Polovnyov. It's
- somewhat experimental meaning that for highlighting "keywords" it doesn't use
- any pre-defined set of a Lisp dialect. Instead it tries to highlight first word
- in parentheses wherever it makes sense. I'd like to ask people programming in
- Lisp to confirm if it's a good idea and send feedback to [the forum][f].
- Other changes:
- - Smalltalk was excluded from DEFAULT_LANGUAGES to save traffic
- - [Vladimir Epifanov][voldmar] has implemented javascript style switcher for
- test.html
- - comments now allowed inside Ruby function definition
- - [MEL][] language from [Shuen-Huei Guan][drake]
- - whitespace now allowed between `<pre>` and `<code>`
- - better auto-detection of C++ and PHP
- - HTML allows embedded VBScript (`<% .. %>`)
- [f]: http://softwaremaniacs.org/forum/highlightjs/
- [voldmar]: http://voldmar.ya.ru/
- [mel]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maya_Embedded_Language
- [drake]: http://drakeguan.org/
- ## Version 4.1
- Languages:
- - Bash from Vah
- - DOS bat-files from Alexander Makarov (Sam)
- - Diff files from Vasily Polovnyov
- - Ini files from myself though initial idea was from Sam
- Styles:
- - Zenburn from Vladimir Epifanov, this is an imitation of a
- [well-known theme for Vim][zenburn].
- - Ascetic from myself, as a realization of ideals of non-flashy highlighting:
- just one color in only three gradations :-)
- In other news. [One small bug][bug] was fixed, built-in keywords were added for
- Python and C++ which improved auto-detection for the latter (it was shame that
- [my wife's blog][alenacpp] had issues with it from time to time). And lastly
- thanks go to Sam for getting rid of my stylistic comments in code that were
- getting in the way of [JSMin][].
- [zenburn]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zenburn
- [alenacpp]: http://alenacpp.blogspot.com/
- [bug]: http://softwaremaniacs.org/forum/viewtopic.php?id=1823
- [jsmin]: http://code.google.com/p/jsmin-php/
- ## Version 4.0
- New major version is a result of vast refactoring and of many contributions.
- Visible new features:
- - Highlighting of embedded languages. Currently is implemented highlighting of
- Javascript and CSS inside HTML.
- - Bundled 5 ready-made style themes!
- Invisible new features:
- - Highlight.js no longer pollutes global namespace. Only one object and one
- function for backward compatibility.
- - Performance is further increased by about 15%.
- Changing of a major version number caused by a new format of language definition
- files. If you use some third-party language files they should be updated.
- ## Version 3.5
- A very nice version in my opinion fixing a number of small bugs and slightly
- increased speed in a couple of corner cases. Thanks to everybody who reports
- bugs in he [forum][f] and by email!
- There is also a new language — XML. A custom XML formerly was detected as HTML
- and didn't highlight custom tags. In this version I tried to make custom XML to
- be detected and highlighted by its own rules. Which by the way include such
- things as CDATA sections and processing instructions (`<? ... ?>`).
- [f]: http://softwaremaniacs.org/forum/viewforum.php?id=6
- ## Version 3.3
- [Vladimir Gubarkov][xonix] has provided an interesting and useful addition.
- File export.html contains a little program that shows and allows to copy and
- paste an HTML code generated by the highlighter for any code snippet. This can
- be useful in situations when one can't use the script itself on a site.
- [xonix]: http://xonixx.blogspot.com/
- ## Version 3.2 consists completely of contributions:
- - Vladimir Gubarkov has described SmallTalk
- - Yuri Ivanov has described 1C
- - Peter Leonov has packaged the highlighter as a Firefox extension
- - Vladimir Ermakov has compiled a mod for phpBB
- Many thanks to you all!
- ## Version 3.1
- Three new languages are available: Django templates, SQL and Axapta. The latter
- two are sent by [Dmitri Roudakov][1]. However I've almost entirely rewrote an
- SQL definition but I'd never started it be it from the ground up :-)
- The engine itself has got a long awaited feature of grouping keywords
- ("keyword", "built-in function", "literal"). No more hacks!
- [1]: http://roudakov.ru/
- ## Version 3.0
- It is major mainly because now highlight.js has grown large and has become
- modular. Now when you pass it a list of languages to highlight it will
- dynamically load into a browser only those languages.
- Also:
- - Konstantin Evdokimenko of [RibKit][] project has created a highlighting for
- RenderMan Shading Language and RenderMan Interface Bytestream. Yay for more
- languages!
- - Heuristics for C++ and HTML got better.
- - I've implemented (at last) a correct handling of backslash escapes in C-like
- languages.
- There is also a small backwards incompatible change in the new version. The
- function initHighlighting that was used to initialize highlighting instead of
- initHighlightingOnLoad a long time ago no longer works. If you by chance still
- use it — replace it with the new one.
- [RibKit]: http://ribkit.sourceforge.net/
- ## Version 2.9
- Highlight.js is a parser, not just a couple of regular expressions. That said
- I'm glad to announce that in the new version 2.9 has support for:
- - in-string substitutions for Ruby -- `#{...}`
- - strings from from numeric symbol codes (like #XX) for Delphi
- ## Version 2.8
- A maintenance release with more tuned heuristics. Fully backwards compatible.
- ## Version 2.7
- - Nikita Ledyaev presents highlighting for VBScript, yay!
- - A couple of bugs with escaping in strings were fixed thanks to Mickle
- - Ongoing tuning of heuristics
- Fixed bugs were rather unpleasant so I encourage everyone to upgrade!
- ## Version 2.4
- - Peter Leonov provides another improved highlighting for Perl
- - Javascript gets a new kind of keywords — "literals". These are the words
- "true", "false" and "null"
- Also highlight.js homepage now lists sites that use the library. Feel free to
- add your site by [dropping me a message][mail] until I find the time to build a
- submit form.
- [mail]: mailto:Maniac@SoftwareManiacs.Org
- ## Version 2.3
- This version fixes IE breakage in previous version. My apologies to all who have
- already downloaded that one!
- ## Version 2.2
- - added highlighting for Javascript
- - at last fixed parsing of Delphi's escaped apostrophes in strings
- - in Ruby fixed highlighting of keywords 'def' and 'class', same for 'sub' in
- Perl
- ## Version 2.0
- - Ruby support by [Anton Kovalyov][ak]
- - speed increased by orders of magnitude due to new way of parsing
- - this same way allows now correct highlighting of keywords in some tricky
- places (like keyword "End" at the end of Delphi classes)
- [ak]: http://anton.kovalyov.net/
- ## Version 1.0
- Version 1.0 of javascript syntax highlighter is released!
- It's the first version available with English description. Feel free to post
- your comments and question to [highlight.js forum][forum]. And don't be afraid
- if you find there some fancy Cyrillic letters -- it's for Russian users too :-)
- [forum]: http://softwaremaniacs.org/forum/viewforum.php?id=6