- <!doctype html>
- <?php
- require_once "pdo.php";
- session_start();
- if ( isset($_SESSION['error']) ) {
- echo '<p style="color:red">'.$_SESSION['error']."</p>\n";
- unset($_SESSION['error']);
- }
- if (isset($_GET['article_id']) )
- {
- $stmt = $pdo->prepare('SELECT content, headline,user_id,public,category FROM article WHERE article_id = :article_id');
- $stmt->execute(array( ':article_id' => $_GET["article_id"]));
- $row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
- if ( $row == false ) {
- header('Location: index.php');
- }
- }
- ?>
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- function load()
- {
- $('#article_id').val(<?php if(isset($_GET['article_id'])){echo($_GET['article_id']);} ?>);
- var str=<?=json_encode($row['content'])?>;
- $('#article').val(str);
- var str2=<?=json_encode($row['headline'])?>;
- $('#title').val(str2);
- $('#article_type').val(`<?php if(isset($_GET['article_id'])){echo($row['public']);} ?>`);
- $('#category').val(`<?php if(isset($_GET['article_id'])){echo(htmlentities($row['category']));} ?>`);
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- <select name="article_type" style="font-size: 16px; box-sizing:border-box;" id="article_type">
- <option value="public">公开</option>
- <option value="private">私密</option>
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- </textarea></form>
- <?php
- if (isset($_GET['article_id']) )
- {
- echo("
- <script>
- load();
- </script>"
- );
- }
- ?>
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- type = document.getElementById('article_type').value;
- category=document.getElementById('category').value;
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- $("#edit_finish").submit();
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- $("#article"). iAddFieldboth("**");
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- $.post( 'edit_article.php', { 'val': article },
- function( data ) {
- window.console && console.log(data);
- }
- ).error( function() {
- alert("Dang!");
- });
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- {
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- console.log(response);
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