云计算期末大作业 论文图像复用的机器自动检查 魏如蓝 10172100262
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import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# 正则化图像
def regularizeImage(img, size = (256, 256)):
return img.resize(size).convert('RGB')
# 画出直方图图像
def drawHistogram(hg1, hg2):
plt.plot(range(len(hg1)), hg1, color='blue', linewidth=1.5, label='img1')
plt.plot(range(len(hg2)), hg2, color='red', linewidth=1.5, label='img2')
plt.legend(loc='upper left')
plt.title('Histogram Similarity')
# 分块图像4x4
def splitImage(img, part_size = (64, 64)):
w, h = img.size
pw, ph = part_size
data = []
for i in range(0, w, pw):
for j in range(0, h, ph):
data.append(img.crop((i, j, i + pw, j + ph)).copy())
return data
# 利用单块图片的直方图距离计算相似度
def calSingleHistogramSimilarity(hg1, hg2):
if len(hg1) != len(hg2):
raise Exception('样本点个数不一样')
sum = 0
for x1, x2 in zip(hg1, hg2):
if x1 != x2:
sum += 1 - float(abs(x1 - x2) / max(x1, x2))
sum += 1
return sum / len(hg1)
# 利用分块图片的直方图距离计算相似度
def calMultipleHistogramSimilarity(img1, img2):
answer = 0
for sub_img1, sub_img2 in zip(splitImage(img1), splitImage(img2)):
answer += calSingleHistogramSimilarity(sub_img1.histogram(), sub_img2.histogram())
return float(answer / 16.0)
__all__ = ['regularizeImage', 'drawHistogram', 'calMultipleHistogramSimilarity']