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Package Version

asn1crypto 0.24.0

Babel 2.5.1

cffi 1.11.5

chardet 3.0.4

ci-info 0.2.0

click 7.1.2

cloud-init 19.4

cmake 3.18.4.post1

configobj 5.0.6

configparser 5.0.1

cryptography 2.3

cycler 0.10.0

dbus-python 1.2.4

decorator 4.4.2

distro 1.5.0

etelemetry 0.2.2

ethtool 0.14

filelock 3.0.12

fitz 0.0.1.dev2

Flask 1.1.2

future 0.18.2

gevent 20.12.1

gpg 1.10.0

greenlet 0.4.17

gunicorn 20.0.4

httplib2 0.18.1

idna 2.5

iniparse 0.4

isc 2.0

isodate 0.6.0

itsdangerous 1.1.0

Jinja2 2.10.1

jsonpatch 1.21

jsonpointer 1.10

jsonschema 2.6.0

kiwisolver 1.3.1

lxml 4.6.2

MarkupSafe 0.23

matplotlib 3.3.3

netifaces 0.10.6

networkx 2.5

nftables 0.1

nibabel 3.2.1

nipype 1.6.0

numpy 1.19.5

oauthlib 2.1.0

ofed-le-utils 1.0.3


packaging 20.8

pandas 1.1.5

pathlib 1.0.1

pciutils 2.3.6

perf 0.1

Pillow 8.1.0

pip 20.3.3

ply 3.9

prov 2.0.0

pycairo 1.16.3

pycparser 2.14

pydot 1.4.1

pygobject 3.28.3

pyinotify 0.9.6

PyJWT 1.6.1

PyMuPDF 1.16.18

pyOpenSSL 18.0.0

pyparsing 2.4.7

PySocks 1.6.8

python-dateutil 2.8.1

python-dmidecode 3.12.2

python-linux-procfs 0.6

pytz 2017.2

pyudev 0.21.0

pyxnat 1.4

PyYAML 3.12

rdflib 5.0.0

requests 2.20.0

rhnlib 2.8.6

rpm 4.14.3

schedutils 0.6

scikit-build 0.11.1

scipy 1.5.4

selinux 2.9

sepolicy 1.1

setools 4.2.2

setroubleshoot 1.1

setuptools 39.2.0

simplejson 3.17.2

six 1.15.0

slip 0.6.4

slip.dbus 0.6.4

sos 3.8

SSSDConfig 2.2.3

subscription-manager 1.26.16

syspurpose 1.26.16

systemd-python 234

traits 6.1.1

urllib3 1.24.2

Werkzeug 1.0.1

wheel 0.36.2

zope.event 4.5.0

zope.interface 5.2.0