* Worker thread to minify JS & CSS files out of the main NodeJS thread
const CleanCSS = require('clean-css');
const Terser = require('terser');
const path = require('path');
const Threads = require('threads');
function compressJS(content) {
return Terser.minify(content);
function compressCSS(filename, ROOT_DIR) {
return new Promise((res, rej) => {
try {
const absPath = path.join(ROOT_DIR, filename);
* Changes done to migrate CleanCSS 3.x -> 4.x:
* 1. Rework the rebase logic, because the API was simplified (but we have
* less control now). See:
* https://github.com/jakubpawlowicz/clean-css/blob/08f3a74925524d30bbe7ac450979de0a8a9e54b2/README.md#important-40-breaking-changes
* The URLs contained in a CSS file (including all the stylesheets
* imported by it) residing on disk at:
* /home/muxator/etherpad/src/static/css/pad.css
* Will be rewritten rebasing them to:
* /home/muxator/etherpad/src/static/css
* 2. CleanCSS.minify() can either receive a string containing the CSS, or
* an array of strings. In that case each array element is interpreted as
* an absolute local path from which the CSS file is read.
* In version 4.x, CleanCSS API was simplified, eliminating the
* relativeTo parameter, and thus we cannot use our already loaded
* "content" argument, but we have to wrap the absolute path to the CSS
* in an array and ask the library to read it by itself.
const basePath = path.dirname(absPath);
new CleanCSS({
rebase: true,
rebaseTo: basePath,
}).minify([absPath], (errors, minified) => {
if (errors) return rej(errors);
return res(minified.styles);
} catch (error) {
// on error, just yield the un-minified original, but write a log message
console.error(`Unexpected error minifying ${filename} (${absPath}): ${error}`);
callback(null, content);