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Dailin 415ba84223 pre0115 4 роки тому
lib pre0115 删除 4 роки тому
README.md pre0115 4 роки тому
checkPlugin.js pre0115 4 роки тому
getCorePlugins.sh pre0115 4 роки тому
reTestAllPlugins.sh pre0115 4 роки тому
updateAllPluginsScript.sh pre0115 4 роки тому
updateCorePlugins.sh pre0115 4 роки тому


The files in this folder are for Plugin developers.

Get suggestions to improve your Plugin

This code will check your plugin for known usual issues and some suggestions for improvements. No changes will be made to your project.

node bin/plugins/checkPlugin.js $PLUGIN_NAME$

Basic Example:

node bin/plugins/checkPlugin.js ep_webrtc

Autofixing - will autofix any issues it can

node bin/plugins/checkPlugins.js ep_whatever autofix

Autocommitting, push, npm minor patch and npm publish (highly dangerous)

node bin/plugins/checkPlugins.js ep_whatever autofix autocommit

All the plugins

Replace johnmclear with your github username

# Clones
cd node_modules
GHUSER=johnmclear; curl "https://api.github.com/users/$GHUSER/repos?per_page=1000" | grep -o 'git@[^"]*' | grep /ep_ | xargs -L1 git clone
cd ..

# autofixes and autocommits /pushes & npm publishes
for dir in `ls node_modules`;
# echo $0
if [[ $dir == *"ep_"* ]]; then
if [[ $dir != "ep_etherpad-lite" ]]; then
node bin/plugins/checkPlugin.js $dir autofix autocommit
# echo $dir

Automating update of ether organization plugins
