- # eslint-plugin-prefer-arrow
- ESLint plugin to prefer arrow functions. By default, the plugin allows usage of `function` as a member of an Object's prototype, but this can be changed with the property `disallowPrototype`. Functions referencing `this` will also be allowed. Alternatively, with the `singleReturnOnly` option, this plugin only reports functions where converting to an arrow function would dramatically simplify the code.
- Class methods will not produce errors unless the `classPropertiesAllowed` flag is set.
- This plugin will automatically fix your code using ESLint's `--fix` option, as long as you use the `singleReturnOnly` option.
- # Installation
- Install the npm package
- ```bash
- # If eslint is installed globally
- npm install -g eslint-plugin-prefer-arrow
- # If eslint is installed locally
- npm install -D eslint-plugin-prefer-arrow
- ```
- Add the plugin to the `plugins` section and the rule to the `rules` section in your .eslintrc
- ```js
- "plugins": [
- "prefer-arrow"
- ],
- "rules": [
- "prefer-arrow/prefer-arrow-functions": [
- "warn",
- {
- "disallowPrototype": true,
- "singleReturnOnly": false,
- "classPropertiesAllowed": false
- }
- ]
- ]
- ```
- # Configuration
- * `disallowPrototype`: If set to true, the plugin will warn if `function` is used anytime. Otherwise, the plugin allows usage of `function` if it is a member of an Object's prototype.
- * `singleReturnOnly`: If set to true, the plugin will only warn for `function` declarations which *only* contain a return statement. These often look much better when declared as arrow functions without braces. Works well in conjunction with ESLint's built-in [arrow-body-style](http://eslint.org/docs/rules/arrow-body-style) set to `as-needed`.
- * `classPropertiesAllowed`: If set to true, the plugin will warn about functions which could be replaced with arrow functions defined as [class instance fields](https://github.com/jeffmo/es-class-static-properties-and-fields). Enable if you're using Babel's [transform-class-properties](https://babeljs.io/docs/plugins/transform-class-properties/) plugin.
- * `allowStandaloneDeclarations`: If set to true, the plugin will ignore top-level function declarations (the plugin will still warn about "inner" functions, for example, function declarations inside other functions).
- # Autofixing
- To autofix your code, simply run ESLint with the `--fix` option. Note that this only works when the `singleReturnOnly` option is set to true.
- ```bash
- eslint --fix src
- ```