- import filter from "./filter.js";
- import juxt from "./juxt.js";
- import reject from "./reject.js";
- /**
- * Takes a predicate and a list or other `Filterable` object and returns the
- * pair of filterable objects of the same type of elements which do and do not
- * satisfy, the predicate, respectively. Filterable objects include plain objects or any object
- * that has a filter method such as `Array`.
- *
- * @func
- * @memberOf R
- * @since v0.1.4
- * @category List
- * @sig Filterable f => (a -> Boolean) -> f a -> [f a, f a]
- * @param {Function} pred A predicate to determine which side the element belongs to.
- * @param {Array} filterable the list (or other filterable) to partition.
- * @return {Array} An array, containing first the subset of elements that satisfy the
- * predicate, and second the subset of elements that do not satisfy.
- * @see R.filter, R.reject
- * @example
- *
- * R.partition(R.includes('s'), ['sss', 'ttt', 'foo', 'bars']);
- * // => [ [ 'sss', 'bars' ], [ 'ttt', 'foo' ] ]
- *
- * R.partition(R.includes('s'), { a: 'sss', b: 'ttt', foo: 'bars' });
- * // => [ { a: 'sss', foo: 'bars' }, { b: 'ttt' } ]
- */
- var partition =
- /*#__PURE__*/
- juxt([filter, reject]);
- export default partition;