- /**
- * @author Toru Nagashima
- * See LICENSE file in root directory for full license.
- */
- "use strict"
- const fs = require("fs")
- const path = require("path")
- const Cache = require("./cache")
- const cache = new Cache()
- /**
- * Reads the `package.json` data in a given path.
- *
- * Don't cache the data.
- *
- * @param {string} dir - The path to a directory to read.
- * @returns {object|null} The read `package.json` data, or null.
- */
- function readPackageJson(dir) {
- const filePath = path.join(dir, "package.json")
- try {
- const text = fs.readFileSync(filePath, "utf8")
- const data = JSON.parse(text)
- if (typeof data === "object" && data !== null) {
- data.filePath = filePath
- return data
- }
- } catch (_err) {
- // do nothing.
- }
- return null
- }
- /**
- * Gets a `package.json` data.
- * The data is cached if found, then it's used after.
- *
- * @param {string} [startPath] - A file path to lookup.
- * @returns {object|null} A found `package.json` data or `null`.
- * This object have additional property `filePath`.
- */
- module.exports = function getPackageJson(startPath = "a.js") {
- const startDir = path.dirname(path.resolve(startPath))
- let dir = startDir
- let prevDir = ""
- let data = null
- do {
- data = cache.get(dir)
- if (data) {
- if (dir !== startDir) {
- cache.set(startDir, data)
- }
- return data
- }
- data = readPackageJson(dir)
- if (data) {
- cache.set(dir, data)
- cache.set(startDir, data)
- return data
- }
- // Go to next.
- prevDir = dir
- dir = path.resolve(dir, "..")
- } while (dir !== prevDir)
- cache.set(startDir, null)
- return null
- }