- /**
- * @author Toru Nagashima
- * See LICENSE file in root directory for full license.
- */
- "use strict"
- const fs = require("fs")
- const path = require("path")
- const Cache = require("./cache")
- const ROOT = /^(?:[/.]|\.\.|[A-Z]:\\|\\\\)(?:[/\\]\.\.)*$/u
- const cache = new Cache()
- /**
- * Check whether the file exists or not.
- * @param {string} filePath The file path to check.
- * @returns {boolean} `true` if the file exists.
- */
- function existsCaseSensitive(filePath) {
- let dirPath = filePath
- while (dirPath !== "" && !ROOT.test(dirPath)) {
- const fileName = path.basename(dirPath)
- dirPath = path.dirname(dirPath)
- if (fs.readdirSync(dirPath).indexOf(fileName) === -1) {
- return false
- }
- }
- return true
- }
- /**
- * Checks whether or not the file of a given path exists.
- *
- * @param {string} filePath - A file path to check.
- * @returns {boolean} `true` if the file of a given path exists.
- */
- module.exports = function exists(filePath) {
- let result = cache.get(filePath)
- if (result == null) {
- try {
- const relativePath = path.relative(process.cwd(), filePath)
- result =
- fs.statSync(relativePath).isFile() &&
- existsCaseSensitive(relativePath)
- } catch (error) {
- if (error.code !== "ENOENT") {
- throw error
- }
- result = false
- }
- cache.set(filePath, result)
- }
- return result
- }