- /**
- * @author Toru Nagashima
- * See LICENSE file in root directory for full license.
- */
- "use strict"
- const path = require("path")
- const { Minimatch } = require("minimatch")
- /** @typedef {import("../util/import-target")} ImportTarget */
- /**
- * @typedef {Object} DefinitionData
- * @property {string | string[]} name The name to disallow.
- * @property {string} [message] The custom message to show.
- */
- /**
- * Check if matched or not.
- * @param {InstanceType<Minimatch>} matcher The matcher.
- * @param {boolean} absolute The flag that the matcher is for absolute paths.
- * @param {ImportTarget} importee The importee information.
- */
- function match(matcher, absolute, { filePath, name }) {
- if (absolute) {
- return filePath != null && matcher.match(filePath)
- }
- return matcher.match(name)
- }
- /** Restriction. */
- class Restriction {
- /**
- * Initialize this restriction.
- * @param {DefinitionData} def The definition of a restriction.
- */
- constructor({ name, message }) {
- const names = Array.isArray(name) ? name : [name]
- const matchers = names.map(raw => {
- const negate = raw[0] === "!" && raw[1] !== "("
- const pattern = negate ? raw.slice(1) : raw
- const absolute = path.isAbsolute(pattern)
- const matcher = new Minimatch(pattern, { dot: true })
- return { absolute, matcher, negate }
- })
- this.matchers = matchers
- this.message = message ? ` ${message}` : ""
- }
- /**
- * Check if a given importee is disallowed.
- * @param {ImportTarget} importee The importee to check.
- * @returns {boolean} `true` if the importee is disallowed.
- */
- match(importee) {
- return this.matchers.reduce(
- (ret, { absolute, matcher, negate }) =>
- negate
- ? ret && !match(matcher, absolute, importee)
- : ret || match(matcher, absolute, importee),
- false
- )
- }
- }
- /**
- * Create a restriction.
- * @param {string | DefinitionData} def A definition.
- * @returns {Restriction} Created restriction.
- */
- function createRestriction(def) {
- if (typeof def === "string") {
- return new Restriction({ name: def })
- }
- return new Restriction(def)
- }
- /**
- * Create restrictions.
- * @param {(string | DefinitionData | GlobDefinition)[]} defs Definitions.
- * @returns {(Restriction | GlobRestriction)[]} Created restrictions.
- */
- function createRestrictions(defs) {
- return (defs || []).map(createRestriction)
- }
- /**
- * Checks if given importees are disallowed or not.
- * @param {RuleContext} context - A context to report.
- * @param {ImportTarget[]} targets - A list of target information to check.
- * @returns {void}
- */
- module.exports = function checkForRestriction(context, targets) {
- const restrictions = createRestrictions(context.options[0])
- for (const target of targets) {
- const restriction = restrictions.find(r => r.match(target))
- if (restriction) {
- context.report({
- node: target.node,
- messageId: "restricted",
- data: {
- name: target.name,
- customMessage: restriction.message,
- },
- })
- }
- }
- }