- language: node_js
- node_js:
- - "lts/*"
- cache: false
- services:
- - docker
- install:
- - "export GIT_HASH=$(git rev-parse --verify --short HEAD)"
- #script:
- # - "tests/frontend/travis/runner.sh"
- env:
- global:
- - secure: "WMGxFkOeTTlhWB+ChMucRtIqVmMbwzYdNHuHQjKCcj8HBEPdZLfCuK/kf4rG\nVLcLQiIsyllqzNhBGVHG1nyqWr0/LTm8JRqSCDDVIhpyzp9KpCJQQJG2Uwjk\n6/HIJJh/wbxsEdLNV2crYU/EiVO3A4Bq0YTHUlbhUqG3mSCr5Ec="
- - secure: "gejXUAHYscbR6Bodw35XexpToqWkv2ifeECsbeEmjaLkYzXmUUNWJGknKSu7\nEUsSfQV8w+hxApr1Z+jNqk9aX3K1I4btL3cwk2trnNI8XRAvu1c1Iv60eerI\nkE82Rsd5lwUaMEh+/HoL8ztFCZamVndoNgX7HWp5J/NRZZMmh4g="
- jobs:
- include:
- - name: "Lint test package-lock"
- install:
- - "npm install lockfile-lint"
- script:
- - npx lockfile-lint --path package-lock.json --validate-https --allowed-hosts npm
- - name: "Run the Backend tests"
- before_install:
- - sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:libreoffice/ppa
- - sudo apt-get update
- - sudo apt-get -y install libreoffice
- - sudo apt-get -y install libreoffice-pdfimport
- install:
- - "npm install"
- - "mkdir [plugin_name]"
- - "mv !([plugin_name]) [plugin_name]"
- - "git clone https://github.com/ether/etherpad-lite.git etherpad"
- - "cd etherpad"
- - "mkdir -p node_modules"
- - "mv ../[plugin_name] node_modules"
- - "bin/installDeps.sh"
- - "export GIT_HASH=$(git rev-parse --verify --short HEAD)"
- - "cd src && npm install && cd -"
- script:
- - "tests/frontend/travis/runnerBackend.sh"
- - name: "Test the Frontend"
- before_script:
- - "tests/frontend/travis/sauce_tunnel.sh"
- install:
- - "npm install"
- - "mkdir [plugin_name]"
- - "mv !([plugin_name]) [plugin_name]"
- - "git clone https://github.com/ether/etherpad-lite.git etherpad"
- - "cd etherpad"
- - "mkdir -p node_modules"
- - "mv ../[plugin_name] node_modules"
- - "bin/installDeps.sh"
- - "export GIT_HASH=$(git rev-parse --verify --short HEAD)"
- script:
- - "tests/frontend/travis/runner.sh"
- notifications:
- irc:
- channels:
- - "irc.freenode.org#etherpad-lite-dev"
- ## Travis configuration automatically created using bin/plugins/updateAllPluginsScript.sh